Group Assignment M. Fadhil Hidayat, M. Ibnu Mustofa, Siti Nurhasanah
Group Assignment M. Fadhil Hidayat, M. Ibnu Mustofa, Siti Nurhasanah
Group Assignment M. Fadhil Hidayat, M. Ibnu Mustofa, Siti Nurhasanah
Name of students:
1. M. Fadhil Hidayat (2208804)
2. M. Ibnu Mustofa (2210096)
3. Siti Nurhasanah (2208301)
1. The relation of program study vision and mission towards faculty and university
vision and mission.
To assess the relation, there the following point of vision and mission;
Vision of university:
Being truth digger who is excellent and humanist for creating more
dignified society.
Mission of university:
o Developing a holistic education system that is combination of excellence
academic and humanity value through an approach which is characterized
as personalist, dialogist, pluralistic, and transformative.
o Creating university academic society who is capable to respect freedom of
academic and scientific autonomy, capable to work cross science, and
capable to prioritize the mastery of breadth of scientific insight in
searching the truth through teaching activity, research, and devotion.
o Presenting enlightenment which educates society through publication of
teaching activity outcome, research, and devotion toward society,
developing cooperation with many partners which have same vision and
concern, and empowerment alumni in developing real involvement in
Vision of faculty:
Being LPTK which is excellent and humanist in producing educator that
integrate Tridharma of college based on Ignatian spirituality.
Mission of faculty:
o Developing and applying a holistic education system which is excellent
and humanist by implementing Ignatian pedagogy paradigm for producing
professional educator, loving the learner, and generous.
o Conducting research and devotion to society in education area which
contributes toward upgrading education quality in an attempt to search the
o Educating society through publishing teaching activity outcome, research,
and devotion to society.
o Expanding cooperation with any partnership and empower alumni.
Vision of English education study program:
Being an English education study program which is excellent and
humanist by integrating Tridharma of college based on Ignatian spiritual in
producing educator.
Mission of English education study program:
o Developing and implementing English education system which is excellent
and humanist by implementing Ignatian pedagogy paradigm for producing
professional educator, loving the learner, generous person.
o Conducting research and devotion to society in education area and English
which contribute toward upgrading education quality in an attempt to
search the truth.
o Educating society through publishing teaching activity outcome, research,
and devotion to society.
o Expanding cooperation with any partnership and empower alumni.
The following document is an overview of the PBI USD Curriculum in 2021. This
curriculum refers to outcomes-based education and accommodates the idea of the
Independent Campus Learning Campus (MBKM).
PBI USD has three (3) Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) achieved with the
curriculum in the PBI core curriculum and the university curriculum. The following are
the Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) of PBI CPL:
Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) Description
PLO 1 Graduates have scientific, critical and reflective
knowledge in linguistics, English literature, and
pedagogy based on the ideals of the Ignatian
Pedagogy paradigm.
PLO 2 Graduates demonstrate communication skills in
English and manage Technological, Pedagogical
Content Knowledge (TPACK) based English
learning in the context of learning that is
scientific, professional, love of students,
generous, and appreciates the diversity of
PLO 3 Graduates demonstrate knowledge, skills and
entrepreneurial attitudes in the creative industry
of collaborative, reflective, critical, and
innovative English language learning by paying
attention to religious, view, social and cultural
Based on these learning outcomes, the study program determines study materials
sourced from the scientific building of English education by paying attention to the
vision, mission, and goals that have been set. The study materials are linguistic elements,
language skills, literature in English education and teaching, pedagogical science, and
research in the world of education.
These courses are part of the achievement of competencies related to English
language science and skills and the management of English language learning, then they
include Program Learning Outcomes (CPL), namely CPL 2, and CPL 3. CPL (Program
Learning Outcome) achievement criteria are:
No Courses PLO 1 PLO PLO 3
1 Pendidikan Agama E
2 Pendidikan Pancasila E
3 Bahasa Indonesia E
4 Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan E
5 Teologi/Filsafat Moral E
7 Pengantar Pendidikan I
8 Manajemen Sekolah E
9 PLP-LS (1) E
10 Psikologi Belajar dan Pembelajaran I
11 Pengantar Bimbingan dan Konseling I
12 Microteaching (rubric) - semi capstone M*
14 Pronunciation Practice E
15 Vocabulary E E
16 Grammar Points and Sentence Patterns (Basic M M
17 Basic Listening and Speaking M
18 Basic Reading and Writing M
19 Book Report E
20 Intermediate Grammar in Use M ,M
21 Intermediate Listening and Speaking M
22 Intermediate Reading and Writing M
23 Introduction to Educational English Literature I I
24 Prose in ELT E
25 Advanced Grammar in Use M* M
26 Introduction to Linguistics I
27 Advanced Reading and Writing E
28 Advanced Listening and Speaking M
29 English for Young Learners E E
30 Teaching Methods & Conventional Media E E
31 Grammar in English Language Teaching I E
32 Learning Program Design & Assessment E E
33 Introduction to English Phonetics and E E
34 Drama in ELT E
35 Creative Writing E
36 Standardized Test M*
37 Digital Learning Media Development E E I
38 English Play Performance M* I
39 Service Program Design E E M*
40 CCU E E
41 Research Methods E E
42 Theories and Practice of Translation E E
The Information:
1. Introduction (I)
2. Emphasis (E)
3. Mastery (M)
4. Opportunity for assessing outcomes*
To complete the education level in the USD English Language Education Study
Program, students are required to take 144 credits consisting of 14 credits of courses at
the university level, 14 credits at the faculty level, 96 credits in the study program and 20
credits in enrichment courses. The CPL supporting courses that must be taken in the
English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University are 66 credits,
namely 62 credits in semesters 1-4 and 4 credits (thesis) in semester 8. So there are 30
credits that can be taken in other study programs and / or at other universities, even in the
business and industrial world.
No Category Credits Percentage
1. University 14 9.7
2. Faculty 14 9.7
3. Study Program 96 66.7
4. Enrichment courses 20 13.9
Total 144 100
The PBI Study Program curriculum is carried out by referring to the continuous quality
improvement cycle, with four main steps which include:
(a) Planning
Rps in each course offered in the PBI Study Program is prepared with the aim
of achieving Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs). The accumulation of CLOs
achieved by each course will be accumulated in the achievement of the Learning
Outcomes Program (PLOs).
(b) implementation
Rps preparation mechanism are:
● Backward Design
Rps is prepared by referring to three strategic steps in Backward Design,
namely: (a) determination of learning goals, (b) development of learning
assessments, and (c) determination of material/strategies. The use of Backward
Design will facilitate clarity (flow) of thinking, avoid tendencies to formalism (i.e.
just fill in a template or format), and be oriented towards measurable results.
● Collaborative
Rps is prepared within the scope of cooperation in the family of sciences,
namely: (a) the field of language skills, (b) the field of English learning, (c) the field
of linguistics, (d) the field of special skills (research), and (e) the field of literature.
Cooperation in small groups guarantees a joint learning process that supports and
corrects each other, so that efforts to build the relationship between each CLO and
PLO and the target profile of graduates can be controlled from an early age.
(c) monitoring and evaluation
Rps documents that have been successfully developed by each lecturer will be
reviewed in the RPS Quality Audit process using the RPS Quality Audit feature in
SIA Lecturers ( The mechanism for assigning, implementing,
and recording the results of the RPS Quality Audit follows the flow in accordance
with standard operating procedures that have been set by the Internal Quality
Assurance Agency (LPMAI).
"The RPS document includes learning outcome targets, study materials,
learning methods, time and stages, assessment of learning outcomes. Rps is
reviewed and adjusted regularly and can be accessed by students, implemented
consistently" (No. 40, Accreditation Assessment Matrix 9 Criteria).
4. The congruence between learning outcomes and the topic or material of each course.
Learning Outcomes PBI USD has three (3) Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL),
which are achieved through the core and the university curriculum. The following are
Graduate Learning Outcomes (CPL) of English Department:
Description of CPL: Graduates possess scientific, critical and reflective knowledge in
linguistics, English literature, and pedagogy based on the ideals of the Ignatian Pedagogy
The courses to achieve CPL 1 include: Vocabulary, Basic Grammar, Intermediate
Grammar in Use, Introduction to Educational English Literature, Advanced Grammar in
Use, Introduction to Linguistics, English for Young Learners, Teaching, Teaching
Methods & Conventional Media, Grammar in English, Language Teaching, Learning
Program Design & Assessment, and Introduction to English Phonetics and Phonology,
Standardized Test, Digital Learning Media Development, Service Design Program, CCU,
Research Methods, Theories and Practice of Translation,
Description of CPL: Graduates demonstrate skills in communicating in English and
managing English learning based on Technological, Pedagogical Content Knowledge
(TPACK) in the context of learning that is scientific, professional, student-friendly,
generous, and inclusive to the diversity of students.
The courses to achieve PLO (Program Learning Outcomes) 2 are among other things
as followings: Pronunciation Practice, Vocabulary, Grammar Points and Sentence
Patterns (Basic Grammar), Basic Listening and Speaking, Basic Reading and Writing,
Intermediate Grammar in Use, Intermediate Listening and Speaking, Intermediate
Reading and Writing, Introduction to Educational English Literature, Prose in ELT, and
Advanced Grammar in Use.
Description of CPL: Graduates demonstrate knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial
attitudes in collaborative, reflective, critical, and innovative English learning creative
industries by taking into account the diversity of religions, others’ opinions, social, and
The courses to achieve PLO (Program Learning Outcomes) 3 are among other things
as followings: Civic Education, Theology, Community Service, Digital Learning Media
Development, English Play Performance, ESP, and Mass Media Communication.
5. The congruence of learning outcomes to learning methods and assessment of
student learning outcomes.
In term of Learning Methods, PBI Study Program refers to Permendikbud No.
3 of 2020 (Article 11), and Ignatian Pedagogy. The methods used in the classroom are
based on the following principles:
a. Interactive: Graduate learning outcomes are achieved by prioritizing a two-way
interaction process between students and lecturers.
b. Holistic: Learning process that encourages the formation of a comprehensive and
broad mindset by internalizing local and national excellence and wisdom.
c. Integrative: graduate learning outcomes are achieved through an integrated
learning process to meet the overall graduate learning outcomes in a single
program through an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach.
d. Scientific: Graduate learning outcomes are achieved through a learning process
that prioritizes a scientific approach so as to create an academic environment that is
based on a system of values, norms, and scientific principles and upholds religious
and national values.
e. Contextual: the learning outcomes of graduates are achieved through a learning
process that is adapted to the demands of the ability to solve problems in the realm
of their expertise.
f. Thematic: Graduate learning outcomes are achieved through a learning process that
is adapted to the scientific characteristics of the Study Program and is linked to real
problems through a transdisciplinary approach.
g. Effective: Graduate learning outcomes are achieved effectively by prioritizing the
internalization of the material properly and correctly in an optimum period of time.
h. Collaborative: Graduate learning outcomes are achieved through a shared learning
process that involves interaction between individual learners to produce the
capitalization of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
i. Student-centered: learning outcomes for graduates are achieved through a learning
process that prioritizes the development of creativity, capacity, personality, and
student needs, as well as developing independence in seeking and finding
j. Based on Ignatian Pedagogy: learning activities are placed in Context, Experience,
Reflection, Action, and Evaluation (CERAE) as a paradigm (not a learning
procedure) to develop Competence, Conscience, Compassion, and Commitment
Regarding Learning Assessment System, PBI Study Program refers to the 4 Cs
(competence, conscience, compassion, and commitment). In developing a curriculum
based on Backward Design, it is very important to anticipate the characteristics of the
learning evaluation that will be used.
a. educative principle
Assessment that motivates students to be able to improve planning and
learning methods; and achieve graduate learning outcomes.
b. Authentic principle
Assessment oriented to the continuous learning process and learning outcomes
that reflect student abilities during the learning process.
c. Objective principle
Assessments are based on standards agreed between lecturers and students and
are free from the influence of the subjectivity of the assessor and the assessed.
d. accountable principle
The assessment is carried out according to clear procedures and criteria,
agreed at the beginning of the lecture, and understood by students.
e. Transparent principle
An assessment whose procedures and results are accessible to all stakeholders.