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Project Cedar Phase One Report

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New York Innovation Center

FALL 2022

Project Cedar is the inaugural project of the New York

Innovation Center (NYIC). The NYIC, a
part of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (New York Fed), bridges the
worlds of finance, technology, and innovation. Established in partnership
with the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Hub (BISIH), the NYIC
generates insights into high-value central bank-related opportunities through
technical research, experimentation, and prototyping, to drive
advancements in central banking and enhance the functioning of the global
financial system. In support of these objectives, the NYIC aims to advance
research regarding wholesale central bank digital currency (wCBDC) within
the U.S. context.

Project Cedar is a multiphase research effort to develop a technical

framework for a theoretical wCBDC, conducted by the NYIC in conjunction
with subject matter experts throughout the New York Fed. This research will
explore fundamental design choices and modular technical features.

A wCBDC is a specific type of digital bank reserve held at the central bank
that could be used by financial institutions to effect wholesale transactions,
such as interbank payment clearing and settlement. Wholesale CBDCs have
the potential to drive improvement in the larger wholesale market by
facilitating the safe, rapid, and efficient transfer of central bank liabilities.
Enabling technology, such as distributed ledgers, could provide benefits

such as transparency, resiliency, and programmability. Central bank liabilities
that can be transferred through these systems in the form of wCBDC have the
potential to drive enhancements to existing payments infrastructure and spur
future payments innovation. Phase I of the Project Cedar experiment examined
the potential application of distributed ledger technology (DLT), specifically
blockchain, to enhance the functioning of wholesale cross-border payments.

Phase I was a successful twelve-week undertaking demonstrating the viability

of this technology to enable instant and atomic settlement in a simulated foreign
exchange (FX) spot transaction between the New York Fed and counterparties
across separate, homogeneous ledgers. These objectives were selected both
because they address known issues of speed and access mechanisms in
wholesale cross-border transactions and because they represent core value
propositions of DLT in a wCBDC use case. 1

Under simulated test scenarios based on market throughput estimates, FX spot

trades were atomically settled in under ten seconds, validating the project
objectives of enabling instant and atomic settlement using DLT while also
revealing promising applications for blockchain in wholesale payments and
presenting questions for future research.

This Phase I report aims to contribute to a broad and transparent public

dialogue about CBDC from a technical perspective. The report is not intended
to advance any specific policy outcome, nor to signal that the Federal Reserve
will make any imminent decisions about the appropriateness of issuing a retail

1 See: “Enhancing Cross-Border Payments: Building Blocks of a Global Roadmap”, Bank

for International Settlements, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures, July

or wholesale CBDC, nor to offer an indication of how one would necessarily be

Problem Space

Cross-border payments are financial transactions conducted between central

banks, private sector banks, corporations, and others. In these transactions, the
payer and recipient are based in separate jurisdictions. The payment can be
categorized as wholesale (e.g., payments between financial institutions,
governments, official institutions, and large nonfinancial companies) or retail
(e.g., payments between individuals and businesses). The NYIC’s CBDC
research focuses exclusively on the wholesale market.

Foreign exchange spot trades are among the most common wholesale
cross-border transactions. These transactions can be conducted bilaterally or
multilaterally between counterparties such as central banks and private sector
financial institutions. The FX market is the largest wholesale market in the world,
with daily turnover of over $7 trillion. Given the size and breadth of this global
market, the potential impacts of technological innovation on its operations and
processes are substantial.

Currently, cross-border transactions function well, but there are opportunities for
improvement. In general, it takes around two days for an FX spot transaction to
settle. During these two days, payment senders and recipients are exposed to
settlement, counterparty, and credit risk which, among other things, can hinder

2 See “Triennial Central Bank Survey: Global Foreign Exchange Market Turnover in 2022”,
Bank for International Settlements, Monetary and Economic Department, October 2022

an institution’s ability to readily convert its assets into cash. Additionally, the
proportion of transactions settled on a payment-versus-payment (PvP) basis
has fallen below 40 percent in recent years, increasing settlement risk exposure
across the FX market. 3

Cross-border settlement of FX spot trades is a common starting point for

wCBDC research, as central bank liabilities are the core settlement asset in
these types of transactions. Furthermore, FX spot transactions underpin a large
portion of the wholesale payments market and represent a known problem
space for issues of access and speed of settlement. Enabling safe, fast,
low-cost, transparent, and accessible wholesale cross-border transactions is
critical to the functioning of the global economy.

Use Case

An FX spot transaction was selected as the use case for the Phase I experiment
for several reasons:

• Asset type: Central bank liabilities (e.g., USD and other foreign
currencies) are the only asset types involved in this type of transaction,
allowing for the simulation of exchange of a hypothetical USD wCBDC
against a hypothetical foreign wCBDC.

• Market structure: The spot exchange of one currency for another is the
foundation of the FX market. This type of trade is often one segment of a

3 See “Consultative Report: Facilitating Increased Adoption of Payment Versus Payment

(PvP)”, Bank for International Settlements, Committee on Payments and Market
Infrastructures, July 2022

broader international financial transaction that may involve other asset
types as well. Demonstrating the viability of this type of transaction
therefore has implications for a significant portion of the wholesale
cross-border market.

• Complexity: A spot transaction is a relatively simple transaction, as FX

rates are agreed upon at the start of the transaction. This allows for a
narrow scope demonstrating the value of the technology without requiring
development of some advanced features.

The New York Fed is an active participant in the FX market, executing

transactions on behalf of the U.S. Treasury Department and Foreign and
International Monetary Authorities that maintain accounts with the Federal

To further understand the context for FX spot transactions at the New York Fed
and to validate the working hypothesis and potential solution concept, the NYIC
team conducted interviews with a range of market participants. Ultimately, these
interviews validated the hypothesis that settlement speed and access to PvP
mechanisms are key issues in wholesale cross-border payments. Based on this
research, a future state solution should enable atomic settlement, access to a
wider range of counterparties, and settlement taking place faster than T+2.

Experiment Design

Based on findings regarding the current state process, a problem statement,

hypothesis, and associated assumptions were developed for Phase I of Project

PROBLEM Wholesale cross-border

STATEMENT payments can be slow and
limited in access.

HYPOTHESIS There is a distributed ledger

technology solution for
wholesale FX settlement
that results in instant and
atomic settlement in which
a wCBDC is the settlement

1 Issues of speed are
rooted in the settlement
2 Current delays in
settlement times are
3 Current limitations in
access are driven in part
stage of a current state driven in part by by counterparty risk.
FX spot transaction. manual validation of
the transaction.

4 Barriers to instant and

atomic settlement in the
5 A low-fidelity wCBDC
prototype can be developed
current state can be to demonstrate a signifi-
removed through a cant reduction in settle-
technology solution. ment time.

Phase I of Project Cedar was designed to test the hypothesis and critical
assumptions above and to reveal insights related to the wCBDC research
interests of the NYIC. The following objectives were set to meet these goals:

SIMULATE Simulate an FX spot transaction using a wCBDC prototype demonstrating:

1 Instantaneous settlement

Defined as fewer than

Atomic settlement

Defined as

Defined as interaction
30 seconds. payment-versus-payment across separate,
settlement in which both homogeneous ledgers to
legs of the transaction are settle the transaction.
settled simultaneously or
not at all.

CAPTURE Capture performance data

to determine success and
establish a benchmark for
future research.

IDENTIFY Identify additional

questions and
considerations for future
wCBDC design work.

The scope of Phase I was tailored to demonstrate the key objectives of instant
and atomic settlement in a viable prototype. Phase I also laid the foundation for
future research into interoperability by simulating a multi-ledger ecosystem
across homogeneous ledger technology. To focus on these foundational
objectives, several important research topics were designated as out of scope
for Phase I, including scalability, privacy, and programmability. Additionally,
non-settlement processes, such as market making and AML/OFAC, were
assumed to take place off-ledger and were abstracted for the purposes of the

Solution Concept

Core to Project Cedar’s solution is the ledger infrastructure of the experiment—a

bespoke system leveraging ideas from existing digital currency technologies to
provide functionality relevant for a wCBDC. Phase I of Project Cedar was
designed around a multi-ledger construct in which each currency was
maintained on a separate ledger, operated by its respective simulated central
bank. Phase I used this design to enable instant and atomic settlement of an FX
spot transaction.

The solution design in Project Cedar Phase I represents a starting point for
future wCBDC research. The Phase I prototype included design choices such
as a permissioned blockchain network, an Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)
data model, and Rust as the primary programming language. Design choices
made for Phase I will be tested against alternatives in future phases and do not
represent conclusive design choices of the NYIC or of any future U.S. CBDC.

The table below outlines key components of the Phase I prototype design:


LEDGER DATA Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)

STRUCTURE Permissioned

MULTI-LEDGER Multi-ledger

PROTOCOL Proof-of-Authority

MECHANISM Hash Time Lock Contracts (HTLCs)


Test results from the experiment revealed that the blockchain-enabled

payments system settles transactions in fewer than ten seconds on average
and that throughput across the system increases as additional currencies are
included. This indicates that a modular ecosystem of ledgers has the potential
for continued scalability, and that DLT could enable atomic settlement faster
than the current industry standard of two days, should processes that were
abstracted in the Phase I prototype, such as compliance checks and market
making, be similarly streamlined.

The table below highlights key results across three test scenarios. The
scenarios were designed to assess the system’s performance as it scaled to
include a broader number of simulated actors in the ecosystem. Each test
scenario comprised a specific number of Currencies (C), Observers (O), and
Participants (P), as detailed below.

Key Results for Phase I

TEST SCENARIO (in seconds) (per second)

C O P Mean 99th percentile Mean Peak

2 2 4 9.05 14.54 10.91 33.27

4 4 8 8.52 12.84 18.78 47.20
8 8 16 8.96 15.86 37.53 98.93

In addition to meeting the goals of instant and atomic settlement, Phase I

successfully established a basis for future NYIC research into potential
advancements of the systems that move money and other financial assets
between banks and financial institutions. The data produced in this phase
represent a benchmark for future testing. Importantly, the Phase I prototype also
demonstrated a successful guide for how wCBDC may be exchanged in a
multi-ledger ecosystem. Future research focused on interoperability across a
heterogeneous mix of DLT stacks will evolve these findings.

4 Cross-Chain Swap Latency is defined as the time between transaction broadcast and finalization.

Looking Ahead

Phase I of Project Cedar provided crucial input toward the NYIC’s central aim of
technical research on wholesale CBDC in the U.S. context. The work also
highlighted several opportunities for future research by the NYIC, including
ledger design, interoperability, security, and more. Research across these areas
will help inform potential technical design choices and considerations.

As part of its continued wCBDC research, the NYIC will next explore questions
related to interoperability and ledger design, including how to achieve
concurrence and certainty in settlement across different blockchain based
payments systems.


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