FINALAPJHRArticle 20 May 2019
FINALAPJHRArticle 20 May 2019
FINALAPJHRArticle 20 May 2019
This paper reports on a study of the perspectives of Australian human resource professionals of
the likely impact of Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) technologies on workplaces, employees
and their jobs, as well as on their professional roles and competencies. The findings show that
while most believe that such technologies might be useful for their organisations and assist with
improving job performance, increasing productivity and making jobs easier for employees,
contrarily, many did not intend to use them in the foreseeable future. Marginal support was also
evident about the potential contributions of FIR technologies to HR process enhancement and
overall HR effectiveness. A large majority of respondents were also not impressed with current
Australian government FIR strategies and policies. In general, the findings indicate that many
HR professionals are not well-equipped, in terms of their attitudes, capabilities and
competencies, to address the challenges posed by the impacts of the FIR on their workplaces,
future HR roles, systems and processes. There is a need for new HRM theories and models,
more innovative systems and processes, and increased support from governments, senior
managers and professional associations in order to bridge this significant deficit.
Key Words: artificial intelligence, fourth industrial revolution, HRM theory and practice,
machine learning, robotics
The impending Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR), encompassing artificial intelligence (AI),
robotics and machine learning, is predicted to have both positive and negative effects on
society as a whole, and many workplaces, jobs, employee skills and competencies.
Accordingly, it threatens to significantly transform contemporary human resource management
(HRM) theories, models, roles and functions (Human Resources Professional Association
2017; Kavanagh, Thite and Johnson 2015; Parry and Tyson 2011; Strohmeier 2007; Willis,
Towers and Watson 2018). For example, AI and machine learning technologies are likely to
have significant impacts on human resource planning; employee attraction, selection and
retention; learning and development; remuneration and benefits systems and career planning
functions, amongst others (Deloitte Access Economics – DAE, 2018; Strohmeier and Piazza
2015; Taylor et al 2019; World Economic Forum - WEF 2018). Although few organisations
have yet developed a complete AI-HR system, elements such as machine learning algorithms
are already being applied to HRM (Brynjolfsson and McAfee 2014; World Economic Forum
2018). Although the key functions of HR professionals might not be replaced by automation,
various individual tasks could be susceptible to digitisation (Arntz, Gregory and Zierahn 2016;
Illanes et al 2018).
As the fourth industrial revolution (4IR) takes shape, the traditional approach to HRM is also
expected to change significantly over the next decade due to technological advancements and
the ever-changing nature of the workforce. Machine learning will be able to adapt to new
circumstances and detect patterns in HR (Russell and Norvig 2014; Storhmeier and Piazza
2015), thus providing management with real-time HR advice without the need of a physical
HR professional. As future workforces become more reliant on algorithms, the roles and
responsibilities performed by HR professionals will need to alter in order to create value
moving forward.
While AI and related technologies are still relatively new to the working world, the potential
they present to HR can be immense, influencing turnover predictions, candidate searching,
staff rostering, HR sentiment analysis, data extraction from potential employees’ resumes, and
employee self-service (Stohmeier and Piazza 2015). Parasuraman, Sheridan and Wickens
(2000) suggest that human-automation interaction will vary depending on the function
performed through automation, such as information or data analysis. However, humans are
unlikely to be entirely removed from the task even when the task becomes automated (Save
and Feuerberg 2012), so while some occupations might become completely automated, the
human element might not disappear entirely.
However, the way we work in the future is almost guaranteed to alter due to the growing use of
AI in workforces. This may, contrarily, lead to greater complexity of tasks that will require
considerable employee training and preparation; or current jobs will become more simplified
as elements of the job become automated (Van den Berge and Ter Weel 2015; Went and
Kremer 2015). As such, further research is needed to better understand AI technologies and the
effect such technological advancements will have on future workforces and in particular, their
HR professionals.
It is clear that employees’ future jobs will change, in some form, as a result of AI, and by
extension so will the roles and responsibilities of the HR professional. However, the
application of machine learning in HR is made more difficult when compared to other fields,
such as marketing, because of the nature in which HR acquires data. For example, when
evaluating employee satisfaction HR will usually implement a survey once or twice a year to
gauge how employees feel about their place of work. However, algorithms need considerably
more examples to accurately make analyses and future predictions (Lake, Salakhutdinov and
Tenenbaum 2015: Moeller et al 2018). AI technology continually needs new data to make
decisions, predictions and offer advice. Therefore, it is imperative that machine learning in HR
offers alternative forms of measurements that can substitute these traditional approaches to
understanding employee satisfaction (Fuller 2014).
It is in this context that the findings of our recent research project are presented. The key
research question wwas: How prepared are Australian HR professionals for the impacts of the
FIR on their organisations in general, and their professional roles, skills and functions in
particular? The study was conducted during 2018 in partnership with the Australian Human
Resources Institute (AHRI). The project was led by RMIT, which provided funding and ethics
approval, together with collaborators from the University of Newcastle, Curtin University and
the Australian Institute of Business. The study was undertaken using a series of focus groups,
followed by a national survey of AHRI members.
The project adopted a sequential mixed methods research design and utilised two phases.
Phase I involved qualitative data collection through a series of focus groups conducted in
Sydney, Melbourne, Newcastle, Perth and Adelaide, to elicit relevant themes, and the second
quantitative phase involved a survey administered via the AHRI membership database. The
underpinning theoretical model (see figure 1) was derived from the strategic HRM and human
capital management literature, and linked AI/Robotics adoption and HR effectiveness.
Place Figure 1 about here
A total of nineteen AHRI members participated in the focus groups in phase I. The data from
the focus groups were analysed using thematic analysis and NVivo10 software. The survey in
phase II was distributed by AHRI to AHRI members with responses submitted to an
anonymous website that could be accessed only by the research team. Overall, 150 completed
valid responses were received. The survey was analysed using SPSS and ANOVA software
and included regression analysis. In the next section, the phase II survey findings are presented
first, together with a thematic ‘snapshot’ of the phase I focus group responses.
The limitations of the study include the modest sample size and the lack of focus group
participants from Tasmania, Northern Territory and Queensland.
Sample Demographics
The final sample size for the survey (n = 250) comprised nearly 70% females and 30% males
with most respondents (88%) aged between 36 and 65 years. A majority had postgraduate
HRM qualifications (68%) with a further 23% holding bachelor’s degrees. Less than 10% had
VET qualifications. Most respondents reported their positions as HR manager (43%) or HR
directors (21%), with smaller numbers self-reporting as HR consultants/advisers or HR
All Australian states were represented in the survey, with the highest proportions from Victoria
and New South Wales (26 percent), with a relatively high percentage from Queensland
(13.6%) and Western Australia (13.2%). The majority of organisations represented were
private companies (49.2%) or from the public sector (29.6%), while government-owned
enterprises represented only 4.8 per cent of the sample. The key industry sectors represented
included professional, scientific and technical (17.2%), public administration and safety
(11.6%) and education and training (9.6%), with smaller proportions evident across all ABS
categories. In terms of organisation size, 40.8 per cent of respondents were working in large
organisations (1,000 and over employees), small organisations (100-499 employees) comprised
27 per cent of the sample, while only 8 per cent of participants worked in medium size
organisations (500- 999 employees).
Significantly for this study, a large majority of the respondents’ organisations were described
as being in the Third Industrial Revolution (using Computers and Automation – 65%) stage,
with 13% in the Second (using Mass Production) Stage, and only 12% in the FIR stage (using
Cyber-Physical systems).
Table 1 shows the most common FIR software/applications used in HR departments. Some
widely-used applications such as Kronos and BambooHR were not well represented (3% and
1% respectively). The most popular software in this sample was SAP SuccessFactors, used by
18.81 per cent of total respondents. The most unanticipated findings here were the high levels
of ‘other’, ‘none’ and unsure’ responses.
The three most common HRM uses for these software applications, in order of perceived
importance, were training and development (2.66), performance management (2.65) and
compensation and reward systems (2.60). However, the overall mean was only 2.5046, that is
less than ‘moderate’ on the scale, with all HRM functions rated between ‘low’ and ‘moderate’
in their usage. Functions comprised: HR audits and surveys (2.39), employee benefits (2.49),
health and safety (2.52), HR planning and career development (2.31), staffing (2.55) and
employee/industrial relations (2.28).
Current HRM FIR software usage, supervisory, training and technical support
The current adoption of FIR technologies in HRM functions appears limited amongst our
sample group with a mean score of only 2.8485 (low-medium), which supports the above
findings concerning specific applications. Supervisory and technical support for such
developments was also rated relatively low (means were 2.7682 and 2.8945 respectively), but
training support received a higher mean rating at (3.4061 – moderate-high). This inconsistency
might be explained by confusion about the levels of broader training support in respondents’
organisations (i.e. general versus more specific training assistance).
The strategic intent to employ FIR technologies in the organisations represented by the survey
respondents received only low-moderate support (mean – 2.7500). Specific technologies
currently (or most likely) to be used in future showed considerable divergence amongst the
techniques in both stages. The most commonly-reported current technologies were embedded
IT systems (79.3%), real-time location systems (60.2%), machine-to-machine communications
(50.6%), mobile technology real-time location systems (49.6%) and radio frequency
identification - RFID (45.5%). The least employed were artificial intelligence (39.5%),
machine learning (28.8%), big data (22%), 3D printing (20.6%) cloud (10.8%) and sensor
technologies (9.6%).
Although a glossary of technical terms was provided to the survey participants, it appears that
either they did not understand the terminology, or they did not feel comfortable in their
applications in relation to HRM functions. In either case, this may be a significant finding from
the survey and was also evident about ‘probable future use’ responses. Specifically, the key
future technologies cited included 3D printing (79.4%), machine learning (69.9%), artificial
intelligence (59.3%), RFID (51.5%) and machine-to-machine communication (45.7%). Less
popular technologies included real-time location systems (36.6%), embedded IT systems
(16.2%), sensor technology (15.6%), big data (15.2%), cloud technology (10.8%), and mobile
technology real-time location systems (4.8%). While some of these latter responses may be
attributed to the fact that they are already employed, there were also some surprising
discrepancies – notably with respect to big data, cloud and sensor technologies which may be
considered crucial to HRM strategies, systems and functions.
The following focus group responses reflect the views of some HR professionals about the
associations between FIR technologies and strategic HRM theory and practice. In
particular, focus group members indicated the need for HR professionals to leverage
technology to enhance their effectiveness and ‘free them up’ to enable them to focus on
other things:
“I think the main theme that consistently appears would be on value creation and I think
the Fourth Industrial Revolution can mean many things to different people, but I think
at the end of the day what different organisations look at is how you want to take pieces
of technology that work for you and how you align in with your business strategy and
how you create value for your customers” [Melbourne focus group member].
Survey respondents’ perceptions of top management support for the implementation of AI
applications in HRM departments and functions indicated only low to moderate support
overall. However, there was a relatively high proportion of non-responses to this question,
which may reflect uncertainty about the potential level of top management support.
Our survey reflected findings in other research. Only 55 per cent of HR professionals
surveyed1 by Harvey Nash HR visualised AI as having an impact in the next five years (15 per
cent saw it happening at the time of the survey) with a mere 10 per cent not expecting any
impact in an 11-plus year time frame (Harvey Nash 2017). It takes time to prepare and adjust
to change, the changes may well occur more quickly than expected - the scale of change is
already very large - and each change improves the likelihood of additional change (Agrawal,
Gans, & Goldfarb, 2018; Moeller, Hodson, & Sangin, 2018). A lack of consideration
concerning the implications of these changes for the HR profession is fraught with possible
complexities as the future unfolds.
Most survey respondents agreed (but not ‘strongly agreed’) that AI and robotics technologies
will be useful for their organisations in accomplishing tasks more quickly, improving job
performance, increasing productivity and making jobs easier for employees. In addition, most
respondents were supportive of the notion that new technologies would be easy to use for
With respect to the contributions of FIR technologies to HR process enhancement and overall
HR effectiveness, there was only marginal agreement to both aspects. Overall, there was less
support for the enhancement of HR processes, especially employee acceptance of such
processes and the contribution to HR process consistency across organisations. Table 3 shows
the limited support from FIR technologies for the associated dimensions of HR effectiveness.
The following focus group comments reflect both the positive and negative impacts of the FIR
on HRM systems according to some participants:
More than a thousand HR professionals completed the survey with 17 per cent of respondents C-level and
above. Covers APAC, Nordics, Europe and UK.
“I think all HR practices will be affected as we are talking about databases which are
more efficient, more effective and more connected than they were before so it's a
different way of thinking, it's a different approach and it's definitely a different pace
which will probably wipe out many other parts of existing organisations as well and
people – HR people are scared about it because they love it how it is at the moment,
they love the template and the work and they start at 8 and finish at 5 and every little
change is scary and involves risk. [Perth focus group member].
“The major implications are a lot of the work that HR performs now won’t exist in the
future and that’ll mean the profession will really need to redefine the value that it adds
to organisations so, which I don't think’s a bad thing. I definitely agree many people are
very comfortable with that and they don't want it to change because, you know, their
career rests on that kind of thing but I think eventually, you know, it’ll change to being,
you know, HR will be a much more strategic role in an organisation because it won’t
need to worry too much about transactional kind of work. [Melbourne focus group
The following focus group comments reflect the challenges and opportunities offered by
the FIR for HR professionals:
“I feel from a HR perspective, though, my role is to get the workforce ready and to be part
of that change, what it means for them in terms of their mindset but also how their job’s
going to change, so it’s almost like I feel like I can’t see it yet but I know it’s just there.
In my role now for four years, so being part of that journey and one of our values,
actually, is about innovation and creativity. We’ve really made it a part of everybody’s
role. [Sydney focus group member].
“I think for a lot of industries, people are probably going to be quite fearful of this and
wary of it and I guess it’s about getting them on board, getting the buy-in and getting
the mindset that this brings opportunity and positivity and to think about, you know,
what suitable training and development these employees might need to get up to speed.
And just, I guess, supporting them to not feel like they’re being left behind and not able
to keep up with the technological revolution” [Sydney focus group member].
The following table (Table 5) shows respondents’ views about the likely effects of the
implementation of AI technologies on employee attitudes to their work, job satisfaction and
feelings of job insecurity. As might be expected, there was a broader range of negative views in
their responses to these potentially sensitive organisational issues.
The question related to whether or not to use AI elicited the greatest divergence between
respondents, as might be expected. The overall mean was cautiously positive (2.4988), but
there was considerable variation between the three options – ‘intend to use’ (1.92), ‘do not
intend to use’ (3.63) and ‘expect to use frequently’ (1.93), which was also reflected in some of
the focus group responses, as outlined below;
“So…… for us to date artificial intelligence has had zero impact and for the foreseeable
future it won’t have any practical impact” [Newcastle focus group member] .
“I think a lot of organisations aren’t even in this space at the moment, you know, the vast
majority of them; so, they understand it's coming but they don't realise it's here, just not
in these organisations. It's a big step from technology to artificial intelligence and
machine learning and Internet of Things and there is not really an appetite at the
moment” [Perth focus group member].
The final survey question asked respondents to rate federal and state governments on their FIR
strategies and policies. As the table shows, a large majority were either ‘not impressed’ (36%)
or ‘not impressed at all’ (15.8%), or ‘undecided’ (42.4%). Only 4.3% were ‘impressed’ and
1.4% ‘very impressed’. In the absence of a dedicated strategy at any level of government, this
finding may not be surprising and was also evident in the following focus group participants’
comments on the roles of governments and AHRI in facilitating FIR implementation:
“Government’s role is to stimulate groups of people coming together to share and cross-
pollinate ideas and lead them into the future, I think that’s what it does for innovation
but it also has on the other side of it some agenda, is how does it regulate so that it's not
a race to the bottom, that externalities are being factored into this, if you cut jobs you –
maybe you should pay a levy to, you know, some research or even some welfare so that
these people can still be valid members – valued members of society et cetera and
things like that and that it's very difficult for government to balance those two, kind of,
things without constricting innovation and things like that. [Perth focus group member].
“Well, I think AHRI should or could be more progressive when it comes to innovation and
information, I mean, I’m AHRI member and on the council and I love AHRI, but they
are playing the ball very safe, very low. But to see what’s on the screen, what’s
possible and maybe there are some benefits and maybe there are things which we can
learn from mistakes ours did in the past. So before reinventing the wheel have a look
how others do it or did it and what they learnt” [Perth focus group member].
These findings indicate that the current adoption of FIR technologies in HRM functions is
limited, as is the intention to employ them in the future. Supervisory and technical support for
such developments was also rated at relatively low levels. The most commonly-used current
technologies were embedded IT systems (79.3%) and the least employed, artificial intelligence
(39.5%). Most respondents agreed, however, that AI would be useful for their organisations
and would assist with accomplishing tasks more quickly, improving job performance,
increasing productivity and making jobs easier for employees. This is interesting given the
responses to a later survey question which asked about the intention to use AI where responses
indicated that the majority of respondents did not intend to use it. Marginal support was also
evident about the potential contributions of FIR technologies to HR process enhancement and
overall HR effectiveness. A lack of support was indicated in terms of employee acceptance of
such processes, indicating some resistance to change in AI adoption – a factor referred to by
several focus group members in relation to both HR professionals and employees in general.
The focus group findings supported the survey results, which indicated that the majority of
respondents were not impressed with the lack of government FIR strategies and policies. In
general, the findings indicate a current lack of AI adoption both in terms of general usage and
usage about HR roles and processes. Consequently, in relation to the title of this paper Are We
There Yet? Australian HR Professionals and the Fourth Industrial Revolution – the conclusion
seems to be not yet!
The need for HR to develop new capabilities, such as the ability to deconstruct roles into tasks
and develop systems that manage deconstructed sets of tasks is evident from these findings
(Willis Towers Watson 2018). Many of these new capabilities are not within the current skill
sets of many HR professionals; indeed many of the processes required are not well
documented or clear ( Denny 2019; Willis Towers Watson 2018; World Economic Forum
2018). In addition, many HR professionals do not appear to be fully aware of the potential of
AI, nor of the speed with which it is likely to impact organisations (Harvey Nash 2017). The
HR profession needs to work with professional bodies, consulting organisations and
universities to develop greater awareness and ensure that HR practitioners can develop the
skills needed to participate effectively in organisational changes based on AI.
In particular, there is a need to focus on the introduction of analytics and AI capability amongst
HR professionals, managers and employers (Harvard Business Review Analytic Services 2017;
PwC & Business Higher Education Forum 2017) and the development of HR systems that
support knowledge intensive teamwork, including systems that develop competencies in,
motivate, encourage and reward, teamwork and knowledge sharing and provide opportunities
to do so (Chuang, Jackson and Jiang 2016).
There will always be ‘leaders and laggers’ in relation to new technologies and AI adoption, as
indicated by some of the key themes arising from the surveys and focus groups. Findings
clearly indicate the need for organisational leaders to take an active role in AI adoption. This is
imperative given that Australian workplaces appear to be lagging when it comes to AI
adoption when compared to other developed countries. A recent report on the Automation
Readiness Index showed that Australia ranked at number 10 behind South Korea, Germany,
Singapore, Japan, Canada, Estonia, France, the UK and the US (Economist Intelligence Unit
2018: 10). Broadly, the Index measured the innovation environment (comprising research and
innovation; infrastructure, ethics and safety), education and labour market policies. That said
overall focus group members were positive about the future indicating that, while there were
some great opportunities and potential in relation to AI adoption in their workplaces, they were
unsure how to tap into them. Again, the need for leadership was evident – in their
organisations in relation to AHRI and the Australian government. Suggestions to support
future AI adoption concerned assistance with the provision of resources, case studies and
awareness raising in terms of how AI could be supported more widely about preparedness for
the future of work in Australia.
While this paper was written by the research team members who belong to AHRI, we would like to
acknowledge our research partners; Professors Pauline Stanton & John Burgess, and Dr. Nuttawuth
Muenjohn (RMIT); Dr. Subas Dhakal & Dr. Mirsad Bhatic (Curtin University); together with Lyn
Goodear, Dana Grgas & Liz Dunne (AHRI) for their support for the project.
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Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation
HR Effectiveness 160 2.0641 .82818
agree (1) (3) disagree (5)