Direct Instruction in Mathematics
Direct Instruction in Mathematics
Direct Instruction in Mathematics
Recommended Citation
Ewing, B. (2011). Direct Instruction In Mathematics: Issues For Schools With High Indigenous Enrolments:
A Literature Review. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 36(5).
Bronwyn Ewing
Queensland University of Technology
[email protected]
disabilities. Further, states are to expand and improve their data collection procedures about
student, school and district academic achievement so that it is available to parents and
community members through education sites such as My School (Australian Curriculum
Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2010; Hanewald, 2011). The intended consequences of
this policy is that instructional approaches are now being trialled and advocated to improve
the education performance of Indigenous and non-Indigenous students. One such approach
currently being trialled in schools in Queensland with high Indigenous populations is Direct
Instruction (cf. Flemming, 2009). In order to understand this approach the paper reviews the
claims advanced by proponents of direct instruction and the practices devised for this
approach to mathematics learning without substantial comment. It will then critique the
practices and provide evidence in support of this approach.
There has been strong debate amongst the polity and populace for schools with high
Indigenous populations to adopt a Direct Instruction [DI] approach to teaching reading and
mathematics to address this gap (cf. Abbott, 2009; Chilcott, 2010; Devine, 2010; Flemming,
2009; Leigh, 2009; Pearson, 2009). Variously described as “a radical learning program”, “an
education revolution”, “a root-and-branch reformation of indigenous schooling” and “explicit
instruction”, the trialling and adoption of DI in Indigenous schools is intended to improve
instruction which, in turn, improves the educational outcomes of their students (Flemming,
2009; Pearson, 2009).
Pearson (2009, p. 52) makes a distinction between explicit and implicit learning and
between students who grow up in “Western educated classes” and Indigenous students who
have not grown up in the same environments. He argues that Indigenous students have not
“had the same opportunity to implicitly learn the “hidden structure” (my words) of learning in
this tradition”. Further, Indigenous students “by virtue of their backgrounds, [are] over-
represented in the bottom quartile” (p. 53) compared to their mainstream counterparts. It is
this over-representation that Pearson aims to turn around, that is, Indigenous disadvantage in
employment, housing, and life expectancy will improve because of the “high-quality
education” that DI proponents are aiming for (Pearson, 2009, p. 60-61). Recognising this aim,
DI has emerged as an approach to: enhance the learning of Indigenous students who are
experiencing failure, and; close the educational gaps faced by these students. Closing this gap
is what is strongly advocated by DI proponents (cf. Becker & Engelmann, 1973; Mong &
Mong, 2010; Rowe & Stephanou, 2007a).
Direct Instruction emerged from one of the most comprehensive large scale,
longitudinal educational investigations in the USA of direct instructional approaches, Project
Follow Through (Becker & Engelmann, 1973). This study was conducted from 1967 to 1976,
with follow-up work continuing to 1995 (cf. Becker et al., 1973; Engelmann, 1970, 1991;
Watkins & Slocum, 2004). It reviewed twenty different approaches to educating
disadvantaged students from Kindergarten to Year 3 and incorporated seventy thousand
school children and one hundred and eighty schools (Adams & Engelmann, 1996). Of all the
approaches, direct instruction was found to contribute most significantly to closing the gaps
faced by students identified as at-risk of school failure (Adam et al., 1996; Ellis, 2005;
Engelmann, 1970; Engelmann & Carnine, 1991).
With DI, the focus is on academic objectives and is premised on the belief that every
student can achieve academically if they receive adequate instruction (Becker et al., 1973). It
contends that well designed instruction, informed by the Direct Instructional Systems in
Arithmetic and Reading [DISTAR] begins with the “skills the children bring to school and to
build on them at a faster rate than would occur in a more traditional setting” (p. 1). A student
taught at the “normal” rate would remain behind “his” peers, thus, faster-than-normal rate
procedures must be applied. Such procedures
1. require a far greater number of responses from the child,
2. are adjustable to individual rates of progress,
3. use programmed materials which teach essential concepts and
operations required for future tasks,
4. systematically use reinforcement principles to insure success for
each child,
5. utilize novel programming strategies to teach the general case
(usually called intelligent behaviour) rather than focusing on specifics
(usually called rote behaviour, or rote memory). (Becker et al., 1973,
p. 1)
The DISTAR program for arithmetic is designed to teach the problem solving operations to
ensure that students know how an operation works and why they are using it (p. 10).
Arithmetic facts are then taught after they can use the operations. Finally, they learn “several
fundamental laws or rule of mathematics” (p. 3). The curriculum then is highly structured and
engineered for success and efficient learning (Grossen, 2004). It provides “behaviourally
based instructional activities that are directly related to increasing achievement in basic
academic skills” (Jones & Southern 2003, p. 4). More simply, it has been described as the
teacher helping students to become aware of what they need and are to learn, and how they
are to use this new knowledge (Stotsky, 2006, p. 6). For its proponents, it is a prime and
proved example of an “effective teaching methodology” (Stone, 2002, p. 45).
Learning is said to be accelerated through the provision adequate staffing (Becker, et
al., 1973). For example, one teacher and two teacher aides are required for Levels 1 and 2
classrooms of 25 students and one teacher and one teacher aide for Levels 3 and 4 classrooms
of 25 students. A progress tester is assigned for each 150-200 students who tests the students
on a 6 week teaching cycle. A local teacher supervisor is assigned for every 200 students to
supervise the implementation and progress of the program. Parents are expected to be
involved in the program with training in the Levels so that they can then become teacher
aides or assistants. “Parents can be taught testing for the continuous evaluation of the
progress of the children (p. 4).
Classrooms are set up so that the teachers and teacher aides work “in booths (for sound
control with groups of 4 to 7 children” (p. 3). Students are rotated through such groups and
activities where they are required to work on their own, or as a total group. Students in Levels
1 and 2 spend 30 minutes for small group instruction in mathematics. Students in Levels 3
and 4 are provided with fifteen minutes of instruction followed by thirty minutes of self-
directed practice in workbooks that are later checked by the teacher.
However, the analysis of the implementation of the DISTAR program in 1973 showed
that the program had mixed results (Becker et al., 1973). For example, Kindergarten starting
“poor children” who were near or above grade level, lost ground. Grade 1 starting children
were “a little below the grade level”. These results were attributed to arithmetic not being
taught much and when it was it was taught by teacher aides and, the focus was more on
reading rather than arithmetic. The results indicated that by Grade 3 Kindergarten starting
children made gains whilst Grade 1 starting children fell short. Modifications were to be
implemented with the expectations that results would improve. Other factors that influenced
the results in the program included the role of training and supervision was not focused on for
a variety of reasons, for example, sites not liking research which “might” withhold services
from their children. Attempts at correlating teacher performance and child outcomes were
unsuccessful because of difficulties with establishing controls by having teachers taped in
middle and low groups and teaching a common task.
Despite the mixed results of the program in 1973, it is now in its fourth decade of
influencing curriculum, instruction and research, direct instruction is also into its fourth
decade of controversy because of its focus on explicit and highly directed instruction for
learning (Hirsch, 2002; Magliaro, Lockee & Burton, 2005). To understand the positions of
proponents and opponents of DI the next section responds to some of the practices identified
in DI, including: instructional style, communication and interaction, textbooks, pace of
instruction, grouping of students and assessment. These will then be followed by a full
methods such as rehearsal and rote learning is claimed to boost student self-esteem through
success in learning (Stone, 2002).
It should be noted, however, that direct instruction has different characteristics
depending on the grade level to be taught (Stein, Silbert & Carnine, 1997). Direct instruction
in the primary grades or for students who experience difficulties in the middle year grades, is
characterised as more structured and teacher-directed. The teacher asks more questions,
provides immediate feedback and corrections and praises the students (Stein, et al., 1997). In
the upper grades of primary, group work is decreased and independent work increases (Stein,
et al., 1997). Similarly, if instruction is intended for students who are “average or above
average” (p. 3) and in the middle years of schooling, there is a strong emphasis on student-
directed independent work (Stein, et al., 1997) integrated with didactic instruction (Jones &
Southern, 2003, p. 1).
9). Unison responding increases student attention. When used correctly, it is considered an
“effective tool for engaging students in learning, as well as for monitoring students’ progress”
(p. 9). However, for teachers who include unison responding in their classrooms, this requires
specific presentation skills, including the use of “signals” (p. 9).
Signals are cues given by the teacher that indicate to students when to make a unison
response (Stein et al., 1997). The effective use of signals is claimed to enhance the
participation of all students, “not just the high performers who, if allowed, tend to dominate
the lower-performing students” (p. 9). Their use apparently avoids the problem of reducing
the amount of practice that low performing students receive.
To signal a unison response, the teacher is required to give directions, provide a
thinking pause, and cue the response (Stein, et al., 1997, p. 9). When using directions, the
teacher “tells the students the type of response they are to make and asks the question” (p. 9).
The duration of the thinking pause is determined by the length of time that the lowest-
performing student takes to find the answer. “If one student is unable to answer or takes
longer to answer, the student is either provided with more individual practice, or placed in a
lower-performing group” (p. 9). Carefully controlling the thinking pause is crucial for
maintaining student attention and successful learning experiences. It is generally signalled by
the teacher who says, “Get ready!” just before the thinking pause (p. 9). The get ready prompt
is to indicate to students when to expect the signal to respond. The cue to respond may
include a click of the fingers, clapping the hands, touching the board or any action that
indicates a cue.
Proponents of direct instruction propose that effective teaching is didactic,
communication is directed from the teacher, and its success is contingent on their ability to
communicate with clarity. Advocates of faultless communication, unison response and
signals argue that this type of instruction supports student learning of mathematics. They
claim that it provides adequate learning and practice opportunities for all students. Within this
teaching model, the source of activities and tasks are drawn heavily from textbooks because
of their tendency to provide scripts on how to instruct.
Pace of Instruction
In a review of the literature on time management (Kelly, et al., 1999), pace has been
described in two related dimensions. The first refers to curriculum pacing. It is concerned
with the rate of progression through the curriculum. The second dimension is lesson pacing.
This refers to the pace at which the teacher conducts lessons (Kelly, et al., 1999).
In this framework, the key to a sound mathematics learning program that uses
textbooks and or worksheets is to maintain student focus throughout the learning process.
However, this focus has been shown to be dependent on how the teacher introduces the
concepts orally and questions the students (Farkota, 2003). The pace at which this is done
should be easy enough to accommodate all the students but also brisk enough to ensure that
they have no time to be bored (Farkota, 2003; Kinder & Carnine, 1991; Sangster, 2006).
The National Numeracy Strategy in British schools (Kyriacou, 2005a) has also advocated a
brisk pace for mathematics lessons. Teachers were expected to commence lessons in a quick
and lively way with a mental/oral whole class activity, and students were expected to respond
quickly. The intention of this part of the lesson was to arouse the students’ interests, making
this part of the lesson enjoyable and motivating (Kyriacou, 2005a).
Brisk lesson pacing has been shown to be important for student achievement. In studies
of classroom teacher performance (Heward, 2003; Kelly, et al., 1999; Wyne, Stuck, White &
Coop, 1986), it was found that a brisk pace in lessons improved the learning of most students,
including those considered low-achievers. Student attentiveness and participation was
stimulated and more content was covered (Wyne, et al., 1986). Content coverage, however,
was found to be dependent on the level of difficulty of the lesson. Here, an effective lesson
was one that permitted a high rate of student involvement and success. Difficult and poorly
presented lessons could not be learned at any pace (Kelly, et al., 1999; Wyne, et al., 1986).
Significantly, fast-paced instruction was seen as necessary for the progress of students with
learning difficulties (Heward, 2003; Kame'enui & Simmons, 1990).
In short, fast-paced lessons and instruction were claimed to provide more learning
opportunities by the teacher, more student responses and accuracy per lesson and improved
on-task behaviour. The students’ learning was said to be accelerated because of the effect of a
brisk pace on student achievement (Berliner, 1984; Heward, 2003). Indeed, it is claimed that
when a brisk pace is done effectively, teachers cover more content on a daily rate. In
consequence, they do have time over a year to consolidate and review the content covered.
Grouping of Students
instruction is too easy for the student and requires them to review what they have already
mastered and the likely result is boredom and inattention.
In short, homogeneous student grouping is claimed to benefit all students in their
learning. Providing the instruction is effective, the needs of students will be appropriately
addressed. However, if they have not been appropriately matched and or grouped to their
level of performance, effective learning is less likely. This is because they are trying to learn
at a level that is well beyond their current knowledge and skills. Testing students to allocate
them to the appropriate group apparently works to alleviate these consequences.
The proponents of the direction approach draw on research conducted over the last forty
years provides strong support for the effectiveness of a direct instruction approach in schools.
The evidence, largely quantitative and statistical, has been used to justify its practices for
improving mathematics achievement for students, including those with learning difficulties.
Support for direct instruction was also provided in an early review of research
conducted in Australia (Lockery & Maggs, 1982). This review argued that, when used
appropriately, direct instruction was effective in supporting both mainstream students and
those with learning difficulties. Further Australian studies of effective intervention strategies
for students with learning disabilities in mainstream primary school have recently concluded
that the findings
are entirely consistent with those from a large body of evidence-based
research that indicates superior effects of initial direct instruction and
strategy instruction approaches on student learning.” So what made
the difference to students’ learning and achievement progress for
those in the intervention schools? Simply, teachers in the intervention
schools were taught how to teach via direct/explicit instruction
teaching methods – informed by findings from local and international
evidence-based research. (Rowe, 2006, p. 13).
The Third Wave project and the Intervention Project Working Out What Works have shown
that much of what is currently implemented in schools for mainstream children and children
with learning difficulties is grounded in findings from evidence-based research (Rowe, 2006;
Rowe & Stephanou, 2007a). In particular, the most effective instructional strategies for
students with learning difficulties were found to be a combination of aspects of direct
instruction and strategy instruction.
Other studies have addressed the effect of instruction-based approaches on student
performance in mathematics. For example, in a study of the application of fractions, decimals
and percentages, fifty-eight students from Years 5 and 6 were randomly assigned to either a
direct instruction group or a constructivist group (Grossen & Ewing, 1994). The results
demonstrated that students in the direct instruction group performed significantly higher than
those students assigned to the constructivist group. Another study addressed the effects of
direct instruction on the performance in fractions of thirty middle years school students from
twelve to fourteen years of age, who had learning difficulties in mathematics (Flores &
Kayler, 2007). The results demonstrated the statistical and educational significance of the
In a comparative study of teacher-student interactions in mathematics conducted in
Russia and England, different patterns of interactions were noted (Wilson, Andrew & Below,
2006). These findings seem to justify a more traditional approach over a more reform-based
one. The Russian lessons focused on mastery of factual and procedural knowledge of
mathematics content through repetition of previously taught procedures that reinforced
algorithmic approaches, whereas the English lessons emphasised individual ideas and
justifications of responses to a task. That is, the Russian context prioritised performance
using prescribed approaches, whereas the English context placed importance on students
applying reasoning to new mathematical situations and ideas. The study highlighted the
difference between the English approach that asked students to think for themselves about
mathematics which they might not have grasped, and the Russian approach that motivated the
students as it built their capability, confidence and enjoyment of mastery of mathematics. The
Russian approach supported the students’ interest and performance in mathematics (Mullis,
Martin & Foy, 2005).
Other recent studies have shown the benefits of direct instruction for student progress in
mathematics. One Australian study examined Year 7 students’ self-efficacy in mathematics
using a direct instruction model (Farkota, 2003). This study of nine hundred and sixty-seven
school students across fifty-four different classrooms from 2001-2003 found that direct
instruction was significant for improving students’ self-efficacy, and in consequence for
improving their performance on mathematics tasks. In short, proponents of direct instruction
claim they have a solid base from which to argue because of the theory and consistent
evidence-based statistical research that informs and drives it (Farkota, 2003; Hempenstall,
2004; Rowe, 2006). Despite the considerable research support for the direct instruction-based
approach, there is also a body of literature that provides a substantial critique.
A substantial critique, typically informed by a reform perspective, has been levelled at the
traditional and behaviourist approaches to mathematics teaching and learning. There are two
dimensions to this critique. At the level of theory, it is largely driven by liberal-progressive
and cultural studies assumptions about human nature and society (Beane & Apple, 1999;
Dewey, 1916). At the corresponding level of practice, the argument is typically based on
ethnographic accounts, interviews and case studies of teachers and students, schools and
classrooms. It is in this second level, the level of practice that much of what follows is set. It
is important to note that this critique is often directed more at what was observed in
classrooms than the ideal formulations of, for example, direct instruction. Here, too,
Bernstein’s (1990) insight into the ways in which practices at the workface differ from their
initial formulation is pertinent. That is, what is observed and called into question in classroom
practice may be somewhat removed from an ideal situation.
Certain practices central to direct instruction approaches to mathematics education have
been identified in a number of reform-based studies of mathematics classrooms (cf. Boaler,
2002; Schoenfeld, 2006; Wood, Shin & Doan, 2006). These practices were found to inhibit
student engagement in learning mathematics. They had a substantial influence on how the
students identified themselves as mathematics learners, to the extent that some students
reported that they could not do mathematics. The practices specifically critiqued include, a
didactic teaching style, memorisation and rote learning; emphasis on teacher to student
communication and interaction; emphasis on learning mathematics from a textbook; a
common fast pace of work in mathematics classrooms; streaming students by ability; and
pen-and-paper assessment. This selection is now critically examined from a reform
perspective, that does not support this approach.
Instructional Style
Instruction textbooks
In her portrayal of traditional education, Kalantzis (2006) noted the subordination of the
teacher to the textbook as the legitimate authority of subject knowledge: “syllabi, textbooks
and disciplines command, and the teacher is the mouthpiece. . . . Teacher as medium for the
syllabus, textbooks speaking singularly for the discipline” (p. 170). In what follows, drawing
on the relevant research and literature critiquing this practice, the dominance of the textbook
in instruction-based mathematics classrooms is investigated and its consequences for
mathematics learning addressed.
Textbook usage features significantly in many primary and secondary mathematics
classrooms. Typically, learning mathematics involves doing mathematics from a textbook
(Shield, 2000). For example, according to The TIMMS 1999 International Mathematics
Report (Mullis, et al., 2000), textbooks and or worksheets of some kind were found to be
used in ninety percent of lessons. More than fifty percent of the students who participated in
the TIMSS study reported working on worksheets or textbooks in class and that the use of the
board to present mathematics was “extremely common” (p. 20).
In secondary mathematics classrooms, work from a textbook is an individual process
and is separated from other curriculum areas (Askew, 2001; Nickson, 2002). In consequence,
students learn that mathematics is about solving routine exercises that are broken into discrete
steps and isolated from their daily experiences. Furthermore, and as noted previously, they
learn that they cannot communicate mathematically because of the narrowly defined path
they are guided down with its limited vocabulary often only possessed by the teacher
(Nickson, 2002).
Confirming Kalantzis’s (2006) observation above, a research study of textbook use in
classrooms found that authority is invested in the textbook authors and not classroom
teachers (Romberg & Kaput, 1997). That is, the expert knowledge of the teacher was
deliberately subjugated to that of the textbook. Because of that process, the teacher was able
to camouflage his [sic] role as authoritarian, thus eliminating student challenges of authority.
(Weller, n.d., cited in Romberg & Kaput, 1997, p. 358). For example, when textbooks were
used in classrooms, teachers used the term, they—as in ‘Do it as they show you in the
book’—to imply that the authors of the textbook knew what students needed to know
(Romberg & Kaput, 1997). In this way, teachers reduced any likely challenges to their
authority from students, potentially shifting responsibilities for teaching and learning to the
authors. Consequently, the textbook and authors were used as a substitute for the teaching
and learning process.
This substitution was found to be more likely in classrooms where there was heavy
reliance on textbooks to demonstrate how something was done, and where learners were
expected to work separately though on the same exercises to reproduce what the textbook had
shown them (Romberg, et al., 1997). Thus teachers were released from the responsibilities of
planning work and considerations of student differences in learning (cf. Kalantzis, 2006).
An international comparative study of textbook use indicated a similar dependency on
their use in primary school classrooms (Harries & Sutherland, 1999). This dependency was
associated with teachers relinquishing responsibility for lesson planning to the textbooks.
That is, the textbooks provided a routine and time-saving approach for teaching mathematics,
and so they also informed what happened in mathematics lessons from one day to the next
(Harries, et al., 1999). Consequently, mathematics was discussed in relation to exercises or
chapters in textbooks rather than focusing on the teaching and learning of the concepts of
mathematics (Harries, et al., 1999). Meaningful conceptual interaction and inquiry into
mathematical concepts were less likely because getting through the content of the textbook
became the driving factor. In consequence, how learning shaped students’ developing
knowledge and understanding was discounted.
The use of textbooks raises further concerns about the audience for which they are
intended. A study of three high school and college textbooks indicated that the same text was
provided to students of varying mathematical knowledge and understanding (Raman, 2004).
This one-size-fits-all approach negated meeting the requirements of students at different
levels of learning. For students who experienced difficulties with reading and mathematics,
learning was inhibited because of the amount of reading required to solve the problems
(Gagnon & Bottge, 2006). Consequently, such students are excluded from learning about
mathematics, thus reinforcing what they may already know about themselves—that they
cannot do mathematics and do not belong in the mathematics classroom.
While textbooks intended for students of ‘low ability’ offer an alternative to this one-
size-fits-all approach, they bring fresh problems in that they work to construct their users as
lower in ability (Dowling, 1998). In this case, the teacher draws on the textbook to use with
particular students, but in so doing, has assessed them as being low ability. This assessment is
also associated with other labels for these students, for example, they are students who have
short attention spans, and are unable to follow and cope with complex instructions and tasks
(Dowling, 1998).
Further investigations of textbooks and the way they are used in classrooms indicates
that the activities in the texts were often poorly thought out and written, focusing more on
repetition and review, with concepts covered superficially rather than for conceptual
understanding (Lithner, 2004; Remillard, 2000; Shield, 2000).Ewing For example, in a study
of mathematical reasoning in calculus exercises in textbooks, the exercises focused mainly on
the surface properties of questions (Lithner, 2004). That is, the rules and definitions were
described in the texts at the expense of the mathematical properties involved in reasoning.
Similarly, while superficial tasks may have their place in textbooks, textbook authors need to
provide a balance between these exercises and more complex ones where students were
required to consider the mathematical properties of the exercises. If not, the risk is that
students might develop weak conceptual understandings and superficial and ineffective
strategies for solving tasks. A further recommendation is that while textbook authors do not
have complete authority over how textbooks were used in classrooms, writers of textbooks
need to talk to teachers about the mathematics and pedagogical ideas underpinning the texts
(Remillard, 2000, Shield, 2000).
Yet what reasonable alternatives to a substantial reliance on textbook use are there
when, as Kalantzis (2006, p. 17) observes, the traditional classroom formulation involves
“thirty or so students facing one teacher”, with “all thirty such learners regarded for practical
purposes as the same [and with] one-size-fits-all curriculum and pedagogy”. Any resolution
involves changing or rejecting some element or the other in this formulation.
In summary, the authority of the textbook in traditional mathematics has been
addressed and its implications have been explored. When the textbook serves as the teacher
surrogate, it has the potential to exclude students from effective mathematics learning and
gaining mastery of mathematical concepts they need to support them in their future
schooling. When the textbook is used in a one-size-fits-all approach, the consequence for
many students who, for whatever reason, cannot do the work, is failure. However, when low
achieving students are provided with textbooks suited to their level, their status as ‘low
ability’ or failures is further confirmed. In this ‘catch 22’ situation, how textbooks are used
has the potential to increase the gap between those who can do mathematics and those who
cannot or who cannot muster interest in what passes for mathematics in these books. When
considered together with the common pace at which all students are expected to work through
the textbook, and the prescriptive nature of communication in the traditional classroom, the
mathematics textbook is a powerful tool that contributes to sorting students along the lines of
success and failure in mathematics.
Pace of Instruction
because they could not keep pace (Kyriacou, 2005a; Myhill, 2002). However, the risk of
slowing the pace too much has been found to fall short of the need to cover the year’s
curriculum content that is assumed by the next year’s curriculum (Balfanz, MacIver &
Byrnes, 2006). Consequently, in a ‘catch 22’ situation, in fact, less curriculum was found to
be covered.
In findings from studies of British and Australian secondary students’ experience of
learning mathematics, differences in pacing were found between upper and lower-streamed
classes (Boaler, 2002; Ireson, Hallam & Hurley, 2005; Zevenbergen, 2001). For example,
British students in the upper-streamed classes experienced the mathematics curriculum
delivered at a rapid pace (Boaler, 2002). Opportunities to explore, analyse and investigate
mathematical concepts were limited because of the need to get through the content. However,
for students in lower-streamed classes, the pace was slowed, with less curriculum content
covered, more repetitive work, less discussion and analysis (Ireson, et al., 2005) together with
prescribed work that was considered easy (Boaler, 2002). Much like their British
counterparts, lower-streamed Australian students were found to be taught a restricted
curriculum at a slower pace (Zevenbergen, 2001).
In summary, issues relating to pace in mathematics classrooms and in curriculum
coverage create tensions for teaching and learning mathematics, which, in turn have
implications for what students come to know as mathematics and the extent of their
participation. When the focus in the classroom is on getting through the curriculum content
whilst at the same time maintaining student interest and engagement, less time is spent on
inquiring into mathematics. Thus, the mathematics taught and learned is more inclined to be
fast paced at a superficial level that emphasises accuracy rather than a deeper level of
understanding. Consequently, what some students come to know and learn about
mathematics is that it is about success and or failure, a view that has been shown to contribute
to learned helplessness and or anxiety. The pace of mathematics classrooms and the extent to
which mathematics concepts are addressed have the potential to contribute to sorting students
along the lines of those who can keep pace and those who cannot. In consequence, students
are more likely to be grouped according to their ability to keep pace and other measures such
as pen-and-paper testing.
Grouping of Students
Streaming has been described in various ways. For example, in the USA it is described as
tracking and differentiation (Linchevski & Kutscher, 1998), while the UK uses the terms set
and ability grouping (Boaler, Wiliam & Brown, 2001; Hallam & Ireson, 2006; Ireson, et al.,
2005). In Australia the most frequently used terms are streaming and ability grouping (see for
example, Zevenbergen, 2001). Whatever the terminology, streaming influences and shapes
how students identify themselves as participatory mathematics learners and their social roles
within secondary mathematics classrooms, their interactions with teachers, and their attitudes
towards school and schoolwork (MacIntyre & Ireson, 2002).
The streaming of students by ability has been shown to be influential on student success
and achievement in secondary mathematics (Ireson, et al., 2005; Wiliam & Bartholomew,
2004). In studies of streaming in secondary schools, the class that students are allocated to
has been shown to have a significant influence on how well they will do in mathematics
(Wiliam & Bartholomew, 2004). Thus, ability grouping has a small positive effect on high
attaining students (Ireson, Clark & Hallam, 2002), while the opposite applies to students in
the low sets (Wiliam, et al., 2004). There was a range of differences between these two
groupings, including the type of work covered, the teaching they were given, and what was
expected of them. Further it was better to be streamed into higher classes than lower classes
because their differences contributed to widening the achievement gap across an age cohort
(Wiliam, et al., 2004).
As with pace, success in mathematics has been at the expense of students finding out
about what they should know and how they should learn it (Hallam & Ireson, 2005; Wiliam,
et al., 2004). What has been shown to be significant is that this practice was adjusted
according to the groupings of students. For example, in the higher streamed groups, the
curriculum content was covered at a fast pace, whereas in the lower streamed groups, the
opposite was the case. In the lower groups, student work was undemanding and copied from
the chalkboard (Wiliam, et al., 2004). Students were provided with more structured work that
covered less of the curriculum topics (Ireson, et al., 2005). These kinds of experiences were
found to negatively influence the students in the high and low streamed classes
(Zevenbergen, 2001).
The pressure to compete and perform and to keep pace with content delivery during
lessons has been identified as causing stress among students in the higher streamed classes
(Boaler & Wiliam, 2001). In these classes, the students were unable to learn the meaning of
the mathematics because there was minimal time to inquire, question and explore
mathematical topics (Boaler, 2002; Boaler et al., 2001). Less time was spent on responding to
individual students’ needs (Boaler, Wiliam & Brown, 2001).
In mathematics more than any other subject, more rigid views are held that the subject
must be taught sequentially and certain concepts and skills mastered before others are
introduced (Gamoran & Weinstein, 1998). Mathematics teachers have been similarly
reluctant to move away from streaming students because of their rigid conceptions of the
subject and their belief that students could be taught more effectively when they were divided
into groups of similar ability.
In summary, ability grouping has been found to be detrimental to student progress in
mathematics. It has substantial implications for students’ future opportunities. That is,
students in the lower ability classes are less likely to be exposed to the mathematical content
of the high ability classes, thus limiting their opportunities. Students in the higher ability
classes, on the other hand, experience stress because of the need to perform and keep pace
with the content delivery. The practice of ability grouping has significant implications for
what students come to know as mathematics. This knowledge is further reinforced through
pen-and-paper testing.
accountability, those who are politically “weak and vulnerable” can be found. Further, he
argues that such measures have been implemented to “embarrass education and discredit
public education” (p. 203).
The incentives to perform well on tests are high for teachers, students and school
administrators (Glass, 2008). For students, pass or failure is about promotion to the next
grade level. For teachers it is about bonus incentives or mandatory retraining or the fear of
losing one’s job. Negative sanctions are more prevalent than rewards. For inexperienced
educators high stakes testing has many benefits including: a narrow curriculum that is
focused more on the basic skills needed for success; the curriculum is aligned; teachers and
students are viewed as complacent and lazy with incentives to produce or suffer punishment
and shame. High stakes testing for non-educators Glass argues, provides opportunities for
hostilities towards institutions that strike them as wasteful and inefficient. To researchers and
educators, high stakes testing is viewed differently.
For example, pen-and-paper testing captures little of the complexities associated with
school learning (Glass, 2008). Benefits resulting from the pressure of high stakes testing on
teachers, students and parents are few according to Glass (2008). Any gains, though small,
are produced from drill and practice exercises used by teachers to prepare their students for
tests. In this framework, teachers provide little or no feedback to students about their learning
(Black & Wiliam, 1998). This sort of testing has been shown not to be very purposeful for
day-to-day learning because feedback was by way of right or wrong answers rather than on
developing understandings of mathematical ideas that require a lengthy iterative process. It
has been found to have a negative effect on students because of the dominance of frequent
low-level skill testing rather than high-level conceptual development and feedback on their
learning (Black, et al., 1998).
The unintended consequences of such testing are negative and serious. Other
curriculum areas such as science, social studies, art, music and physical education are
sacrificed so that more time is spent on test preparation activities. Under pressure, teachers
and administrators are “tempted to bend the rules to avoid public shaming resulting from
release of test scores to media” (p. 190). Glass cites the work of Nichols and Berliner (2007)
to highlight the chaos when testing is raised too high—cheating was found to be a “standard
operating procedure” (p. 191). Students who were likely to score poorly on tests were
encouraged to leave school with others “held back from grades in which the testing took
place and then advanced two grades to skip over the testing” (p. 191). This chaos is not
isolated to the US with media reports in Australia highlighting the cheating that is occurring
as a consequence of the NAPLAN testing. This prompted an inquiry into National Reporting
in Australia (Senate References Committee on Education, 2010) with a number of
submissions to the inquiry reporting “that increased accountability pressure may
unintentionally increase the likelihood of cheating” (p. 23). The consequences of high stakes
testing are disproportionate, that is, Indigenous students and those from disadvantaged
backgrounds in public education are more likely to be affected and assigned to various social
and academic groupings.
Student performance on traditional assessment tasks, such as pen-and-paper tests, has
been shown to be used to define the students’ ability in the subject (Marshall, Wiliam,
Harrison, Lee & Black, 2007; Ruthven, 2002; Watson, 2001, 2002). As a consequence,
student treatment is differentiated according to their performance in the tests, with ability
perceived as relatively fixed and able to be measured on the basis of test scores (Gillborn &
Youdell, 2001, p. 77). Thus, ability is seen as a measurable and permanent trait, a perception
that restricts the capacity for learning of many students (Ruthven, 2002; Gillborn & Youdell,
2001). Increasing the predictability of test tasks and limiting them to repetitious questions and
practice items imposes further restrictions on student capacity for learning (Watson, 2001).
Hence items that have been identified as encouraging rote and superficial learning, with the
giving of marks overemphasised (Marshall, et al., 2007), should not be considered reasonable
grounds for determining students’ knowledge and understanding of mathematics (Watson,
2001). Finally, when interpretations of formal assessment are made, ability has been found to
be shaped by comparisons between and within groups of students (Ruthven, 2002).
These comparisons, focused on recognisable understanding in relation to peers, have
tended to undermine many students’ interest in learning, particularly those students
considered less successful in mathematics (Marshall, et al., 2007). Students who perceived
themselves as unable to do mathematics have been shown to give up in advance because they
have learned that the only measure of success in mathematics is on a test and only a few
people will get it (Ulep, 2006). Once more, what students such as these learn is that they
cannot do mathematics.
Poor achievement in mathematics assessment has been found to occur in the same
social groups of students, reinforcing the idea that mathematics assessment is a tool for
sorting different groups of students (Berry, 2005; Bol & Berry, 2005; Walkerdine, 1998).
Unfortunately, when students have been viewed as possessing the problem, they have been
precluded from the very things they needed for their success in mathematics, that is, “an
interest in, and curiosity about their surroundings, perseverance, and enthusiasm”
(Walkerdine, 1998, p. 140). How students were perceived as a result of assessment has
influenced how they identified themselves as mathematics learners, thus “forcing them into
an unbreakable circle of performance” (Walkerdine, 1998, p. 146). That is, if students saw
themselves as unsuccessful in mathematics they were not likely to have a strong sense of
themselves as mathematics learners nor were they likely to participate in the mathematics
learning of that classroom.
Achievement on tests has also been shown to be closely associated with teacher
expectations of groups of students (Bol & Berry, 2005; Thompson, 2004). Differences in
teachers’ expectations of particular groups of students work to widen the gap between those
students who can perform well on tests and those who cannot (Bol & Berry, 2005). The
consequence for low achieving students is that the emphasis is placed on teaching and testing
basic, low-level skills (Lubienski, 2002). Consequently, when particular groups of students
do demonstrate that they are capable of achieving, they are confronted with the low
expectations of the teacher, thus constraining their educational opportunities in the subject.
In summary, pen-and-paper testing has been shown to influence students’ learning of
mathematics significantly in the short and long term. Students do not receive purposeful
feedback on their day-to-day learning nor do they find out and know where to go in terms of
their mathematics learning for the future. What they do learn is that they can succeed or fail
on a test. Their performance on such tests contributes to how they are treated, with ability
seen as a permanent trait that is relatively fixed.
Six practices identified from a substantial body of research critiquing direct instruction-based
mathematics have been reviewed in sequence. This review has noted the consequences of
each practice for student learning in mathematics. What was also noted was that these
practices do not operate in isolation. Indeed, they also need to be considered alongside other
practices and agendas which have emanated from the economic and demographic
circumstances that Australia is moving towards. This section draws on that evidence to
evaluate the combined effect of these practices on student learning in mathematics
In a didactic style of teaching, mathematical knowledge is transmitted to the class with
minimal or no discussion. The teacher is the authoritative possessor of knowledge, and
students are passive recipients of selected aspects of that knowledge. This knowledge is
inculcated by drill for memorisation and the working through of graded exercises in
textbooks and worksheets or board work. This use of textbooks constitutes a further
authoritative source of knowledge and further inhibits active student involvement in
understanding mathematics. Knowledge acquisition is thought to be ensured by pen-and-
paper testing.
Testing enables students to be graded according to ability, where ability refers to their
actual performance in these tests. This process of classification into degrees of success or
failure supports the establishment of homogeneous ability groups, that is to say, groups of
students whose tested performance is relatively comparable. This differential grouping
justifies teaching mathematical knowledge ‘appropriate’ for each group and forms of
teaching deemed appropriate for the capacity of each group. In this situation, while less
successful students can readily fall to a lower ability group, the possibility for students to
move to a higher group is limited, because they lack access to the skills and knowledge
possessed by that group.
In this didactic framework, however, while teaching is pitched to the group and a
common test is given to all, students work and are tested as individuals. Group interaction or
student-teacher interaction is limited or non-existent. Through this ongoing individualised
competitive process, winners and losers are defined and labelled. Again, since work is
pitched at the level of the group, and since prescribed sets of knowledge are expected to be
acquired within given periods of time, the treatment of content is likely to be superficial as
the pace of teaching to a program or textbooks takes precedence over the time needed by
individual students to master information.
It follows, then, that a direct instruction approach to the teaching and learning of
mathematics is strongly associated with student non-participation and disengagement in
mathematics. Whilst some students may learn this way, others such as Indigenous will not.
Consequently, they are highly likely to disengage from the subject because the combined
effects of its practices work to exclude them.
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