MGT Theories and Practice Description

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(2 Credit Hours)
Course Description:

This course examines basic concepts in management theory and practices. It focuses on current
management theory and practice, managerial roles and responsibilities, investigation and review
of historical foundations and approaches, managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling. Individual and group motivation, communication models,
organizational influence and leadership, group behavior, design of organizations, formal and
informal power systems are some of the other topics are to be covered. The course also includes
topics such as human behavior and the impact of demographic diversity on organizations, defines
the basic tasks of the manager in establishing the work environment, making decisions, setting
strategy, allocating resources and executing programs. Drawing on a wide variety of readings
and cases, the course is designed to provide behavioral, as well as intellectual learning.
Course Objectives:
 To provide a broad understanding of the general concepts and principles of management
including the basic roles, skills and functions.
 To increase students’ awareness, knowledge and application of managerial processes.
 To develop critical ways of thinking (analysis and synthesis) for evaluating applying a
variety of concepts and techniques in managerial decision making situations through case
discussions and other experiential assignments.
 To familiar with interactions between the environment, technology, human resources, and
organizations in order to achieve high performance.
1. Chapter One: Introduction
1.1. Meaning and definition of management
1.2. Functions of management
1.3. Roles of management
1.4. Levels of management and types of managers
1.5. Managerial skills.
1.6. Management and art or a science.
2. Chapter Two: Development of management thought
2.1. The early management pioneers
2.2. Classical theory of management
2.3. Neo-Classical Theories
2.4. Modern Management Theories
3. Chapter Three: Planning and decision making
3.1. The Concept of Planning
3.2. The Nature/ Characteristics and limitations of Planning
3.3. Types, scope, flexibility and dimension of Plans
3.4. Organizational Objectives
3.4.1. The Nature/Characteristics of Objectives
3.4.2. Importance of Objectives
3.4.3. The Planning Process
3.4.4. Decision-Making and Types of Decisions
3.5. . The Decision-Making Process
3.5.1. The Decision-Making Environment (condition)
3.5.2. The Decision-Making Styles
3.5.3. Decision-Making Bias and Errors
3.5.4. Guidelines for Effective Decision-Making
3.6. Management by Objectives
4. Chapter Four: Organization
4.1. An over view of organizing
4.2. principles of organization
4.3. Formal and Informal Organizations
4.4. Organization process .
4.5. Types Organizational Structure
4.6. Centralization and decentralization
4.7. Major Organizational Concepts
4.8. Division of Labor and Specialization
4.9. Departmentazation
4.9.1. Accountability, responsibility and autonomy
4.9.2. Delegation of Authority
4.9.3. Span of Management
5. Chapter Five: Staffing
5.1. Definition of staffing
5.2. The legal environments of staffing
5.3. The staffing process
6. Chapter Six: Leading
6.1. The meaning of leadership
6.2. Leadership theories
6.3. Leadership styles
6.4. Motivation
6.5. Theories of motivation
6.6. Communication in organization
7. Chapter Seven: Controlling
7.1. The meaning of controlling
7.1.1. Controlling process
7.1.2. types of controls
7.2. Making Controls Effective
7.3. Relationship between Planning and Controlling
8.1. Globalization and Management
8.2. Social Responsibility of Business
8.3. Business Process Reengineering
8.4. Management of Change
8.5. Business Ethics and Management
8.6. Benchmarking
Delivery Method
 Lecture
 Case studies
Assessment Method
Assessment item1: Term paper (Individual): (The instr. provides list of topics) ............ 30%

Assessment Item 2: Presentation (Individual)…………………………………………..10%

Group works: ………………………………………………………….. 10%

Final exam covering all the topics …………………………………………………. 50%

 Stoner, Freeman and Gilbert, Jr. Management, 6/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2006.
 Koontz. Weihrich&Aryasri. Principles of Management, TMH, New Delhi, 2007.
 HeinzWeihrich. Harold Koontz. Management A Global Perspective, 10/e, Tata McGraw
Hill,       2007.
 Daft. The New Era of Management. Thompson, 7/e New Delhi, 2007.
 Schermerhorn. Management, 8ed, Wiley India, 2006.
 Robbins. Management 7/e Pearson Education, 2006.
 Griffin. Management. 8ed, Biztantra, 2005
 Mullins. Management and Organizational Behavior. Pearson, 2007.\
 George, J.M., & Jones, G.R. Contemporary Management: Creating Value in
 Organizations, 4/e, McGraw-Hill. 2006.
 Daft R. L, Kendrick M. and Vershinina N. Management. South- Western Cengage
Learning.      2010.
 Jones G. R. and George J. M. Contemporary management. 5 th ed. Tata McGraw-Hill.

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