Invasion Games

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Herts Sports Partnership: Invasion Games

Ball Skills: Hands
Combine pushing and rolling

Foundation Stage Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
The focus of the learning is to continue to explore How many different ways can we roll the ball? Show What You Know Can pupils push a ball with increasing control?
different ways of using our hands to move with a Re-visit a rolling or pushing game from suggested
ball. How many different ways can we push the ball? sequence of learning part 1 or 2, in the form of a Can pupils push with their dominant hand?
'show what you know' assessment (opportunity
Pupils will contiune to explore different ways of What happens if we roll the ball quickly or hard? when pupils warm up). Can pupils show you how Can pupils roll a ball with increasing control?
rolling and pushing a ball. to push or roll the ball with control?
What happens if we roll the ball slow or softly? Can pupils roll with their dominant hand?
Pupils will work with a partner and begin to Follow the Leader: Finding Space
understand why it is important tobe part of a team. What happens if we push the ball quickly or hard? In pairs, partner 1 follows partner 2. Can pupils
move around the space following each other? On
What happens if we push the ball slow or softly? your command, 'freeze,' each pair must stop and
stand still. Do pupils keep close to each other
How can we keep the ball close to us? when moving around the space? Swap over roles.
Ask pupils, 'why do we need to follow our partner?'
Suggested Sequence of Why do we need to keep the ball close to us? and 'which sports require us to work in a team?'
Learning Part 5 Explain to pupils why we need to collaborate.
What does the word, 'control,' mean? Can pupils push the ball with control?
Trucks and Trailer: Pushing and Rolling
Why do we need to follow our partner? In pairs, each pair has a ball. Allow each pair the Can pupils roll the ball with control?
opportunity to explore a variety of balls that are
What does the word, 'space,' mean? different sizes and textures. Partner 2 starts with Do pupills understand the meaning of, 'control?'
the ball and follows partner 1 without the ball. Can
Why do we need to look at our partner when we partner 1 move into spaces? Can partner 2 roll or Do pupils understand the meaning of, 'aiming?'
are rolling the ball? push the ball whilst following partner 1. Encourage
pupils to try and keep the ball close to them, under Can pupils pass a ball towards a target using their
Why do we need to follow our partner? control. hands?

Which sports require us to work in a team? Trucks and Trailer Gateway Do pupils look at their partner when passing?
Progress 'trucks and trailers' by placing gates
(cones) around the space. Partner 2 follows
partner 1 rolling or pushing the ball under control.
Each time they go through a gate they swap roles.
HA can push or roll their ball to their partner when
they go through a gate?

Pupil Observations and


Targets EYFS KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2

[email protected]
Ball Skills: Hands
Develop bouncing: Introduce sending with control

Year 1 Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
Recap prior learning from EYFS, what do pupils What does the word, 'dribbling,' mean? Show What You Know Can pupils throw (pass) a ball with increasing
remember? Re-visit minefield in the form of a 'show what you control?
Why do we need to control the ball? know' assessment (opportunity when pupils warm
The focus of the learning is to develop bouncing up). Can pupils bounce the ball with control Can pupils move into spaces avoiding the
(dribbling). Pupils will understand why we need to Why do we need to move into space? avoiding the defenders (cones)? Ensure that we defenders?
keep the ball away from the defender. refer to the cones as defenders. Ask pupils, 'what
What does the word, 'space,' mean? is the consequence if our ball hits a cone?' Make Can pupils adjust their speed and change direction
Pupils will explore different ways of sending reference this to the concept of invasion games. to avoiding the defenders?
(passing) the ball to their partner. Why do we need to look for space when we are
moving? Space Invaders: Space Heroes
Structure the game as in suggested sequence of
Why do we need to keep the ball close to us? learning part 6, Ball Skills: Hands: EYFS. Explain
to pupils that bouncing (dribbling) is a method we
Why do we want to keep the ball away from the use to keep the ball away from a defender and the
Suggested Sequence of defenders? other team. Can pupils dribble avoiding the marked
out areas? Ask pupils what the consequences of
Learning Part 1 What is the consequence if the defender gains the game are if they enter the marked out areas. Can pupils dribble (bounce) the ball with control?
possession of the ball? Explain to pupils that there is an invisible defender
in the area who is trying to take our ball. Explain to Can pupils dribble (bounce) the ball with one hand
How many different ways can we send a ball? pupils why we need to keep the ball away from the with control?
Where do we need to look when sending the ball? Can pupils dribble (bounce) the ball with two hands
with control?
What does the word, 'accuracy,' mean?
Can pupils move the ball around the space
Why do we need to be accurate when sending the keeping away from the defenders?
Do pupils look at their partner when passing?
Space Invaders: Alien Attack
Ask pupils, 'what other ways can we keep Can pupils pass a ball towards a target using their
possession?' (Answer passing). Structure the hands?
game as above. In pairs, each pair has one ball.
Partner 1 starts with the ball and dribbles Can pupils use their bodies to aim (fingers, arms,
(bounces) the ball with partner 2 following. feet etc)?
Selected 2/3 pairs to be defenders (aliens), whose
aim is to catch a pupil with the ball. If a pupil with Can pupils pass the ball with control?
Pupil Observations and the ball is caught they must stop and send (pass)
Assessment their ball to their partner, swapping roles and then
continuing. Ask pupils why we need to pass with
accuracy and control. Observe how pupils are
sending the ball. When pupils pass their ball do
they look at their partner? Ask pupils why we need
to look at our partner when passing.

Targets EYFS KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2

[email protected]
Games: Invasion: Netball
Introduce passing and receiving

KS2 Year 3 Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
The focus of the learning is to introduce passing How can we win a game of netball? Passing Gates Can pupils pass to their partner’s target?
and receiving in order to keep possession of the How many accurate chest passes can you make
ball. How do we pass in netball? with your partner? Pass and move through the Do pupils adopt the correct chest pass technique,
gates across the court using basic footwork to stepping forwards into the pass?
Concentrate on the attacking players, keeping Where can we pass? create space. How many gates can they pass
possession. through? In terms of the footwork rule, keep it Are pupils hands ready creating a target?
Why should we pass there? simple, player with the ball can only turn on the
Pupils will develop an understanding of how to win spot (introduction to pivoting). Can attackers without the ball move into a space to
the ball back (defending), at a later stage, but What is the consequence in a game of an receive it?
questions to provoke thinking are appropriate. inaccurate pass?
In teams are pupils able to pass around the
Why don't we stand behind the defender when defender using just the chest pass?
finding a position to receive the ball?
Can pupils outwit their opponents and keep
Suggested Sequence of Where should we stand when we are attacking? possession of the ball?
Learning Part 1 Why do we need to pass and move? 6v0 (Invisible team) Are pupils succeeding and enjoying keeping
Invisible team score 1 point it the ball is dropped or possession?
Why don't we just stand in the same place and passed overhead. The aim is to keep the invisible
pass? team's score as low as possible. Do pupils demonstrate physically and cognitively
that they understand where they pass a ball and

5v1 (1 defender)
Develop chest pass creating space around the
defender, attackers score points if they make 5
passes. The defender scores a point if the ball is
dropped, passed over head height or intercepted.

Pupil Observations and


Targets KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 Beyond KS2

[email protected]
Games: Invasion: Tag Rugby
Develop passing, moving and creating space

KS2 Year 4 Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
Recap prior learning from year 3, what do pupils How can we win a game of tag rugby? Re-visit 3v1 in the form of 'show what you know'. Can pupils be tagged to gain a free pass as
remember? Can pupils remember how to pass and move to opposed to losing possession of the ball?
Can we run forwards and keep two hands on the create attacking opportunities? Can the attackers
The focus of learning is to develop passing and ball even when someone is trying to tag us? support the ball carrier? When a tag occurs do the Do pupils show physically and cognitively that they
moving to create space to beat an opponent and two supporting players know where to stand to understand that if they are tagged they are able to
score a try. Why do we need to run forwards with the ball? receive the pass? Can HA pupils offload the ball execute a free pass backwards?
just before they are tagged?
Who do we tag? Are pupils able to pass the ball (backwards only)
Run the Gauntlet 3v2 whilst moving forwards to score a try?
What are the consequences of running off the Re visit 3v2 as structured in suggested sequence
pitch, or dropping the ball to avoid being tagged? of learning part 5 year 3, Pupils need to think about Can the attackers without the ball keep behind the
where they run, why and what happens when there attacker with the ball?
Where should the support players run and where is a tag. The game should be progressed by
should they stand if there is a tag? removing the zones that defenders are restricted Can the attacker with the ball keep in front of their
Suggested Sequence of to, this will encourge pupils to learn more about the team mates when running with the ball?
Can we use passing and moving skills to create an offside rule.
Learning Part 1 attack and score a try? Do pupils understand when, where and why they
Do pupils understand what the offside rule means need to tag?
What is offside in rugby? and when this is applied during the game? Include
a referee who can apply the offside rule in the Can pupils collaborate in their teams?
Where do the attackers stand after the ball carrier game. Ask the defenders where they need to
has been tagged? position themselves once a tag has been made.

Where do the defenders stand after the ball carrier

has been tagged?

Run the Gauntlet 3v3

Are pupils able to pass and move accurately and
Structure the game as above but with a third zone.
Split the class into teams of 3 with a defender
restricted to each zone. If the attacking team score
Are pupils able to pass and move to create a
or the defending team force an error then both
successful attack?
teams swap roles. 5 points are awarded for a try.
Pupil Observations and
Can pupils follow more complex rules? (i.e. offside)

Targets KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 Beyond KS2

[email protected]
Games: Invasion: Hockey
Refine attacking skills passing, dribbling and shooting, introduce officiating

KS2 Year 5 Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
The focus of the learning is to refine attacking skills How do we win a game of hockey? Based on suggested sequence of learning part 1, Can pupils apply a refined understanding of
from suggested sequence of learning part 1 and pupils warm up with a possession based game passing, dribbling and moving to score points
part 3. Pupils should have a clear understanding of When, where and why should we pass? appropriate to their learning. against another team using real goals to shoot
when, where and why they apply these skills into?
during a game. When, where and why should we dribble? Channel Hockey (4v4)
Pupils apply their refined knowledge and Do pupils consistently select an appropriate place
Pupils should be able to apply their prior learning Why do we need to create space when we are understanding of attacking skills, passing, dribbling to shoot?
of passing and dribbling to create an attack that attacking? and moving with the objective of creating a
results in a successful shooting opportunity. shooting opportunity. Set out a pitch with a goal at Are pupils able to pass, dribble, move and shoot
When we gain possession of the ball what is our either end. Mark out two channels on either side of accurately and consistently?
Pupils will begin to develop an understanding of role? the pitch. When your team are in possession of the
the rules of hockey and will start to take ball, a member of your team is allowed to move Do pupils switch fluidly between attacking and
responsibility for officiating their own games. How can we regain possession once we have had into the channel to receive the ball, creating space. defending as possession changes?
a shot? Defenders are not allowed in the channel. HA allow
Suggested Sequence of a defender to enter the channel. Can pupils produce an attack and create a
Learning Part 4 Where is a good place to shoot from? Why do we shooting opportunity?
shoot from there? Ask pupils, "why do we want to pass the ball out
wide?" Encourage the attacking team to get the Can pupils collaborate and apply the rules and
How are we going to get the ball into a suitable ball out wide and forward, as soon as they gain positions within the game?
place to shoot? possession.
Can pupils officiate the games?
What are the rules governing hockey?

What happens if the ball hits a player’s foot? What

decision should the referee make and how is the
game restarted?

Why do we need to officiate the games fairly? 4v4 Hockey introduce officiating
Structure the game as above but without the
zones. The attacking team can only score when
they are in the opposition's half. Can the referee
apply the rules of hockey? The role of the referee
can be used to show which pupils demonstrate an
understanding of the rules.

Pupil Observations and


Targets KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 Beyond KS2

[email protected]
Games: Invasion: Basketball
Create, understand and apply defending tactics in game situations

KS2 Year 6 Learning Objectives & Intentions Key Questions Context & Structure Success Criteria
The focus of the learning is to consolidate the Can you create defending tactics? Differentiate each team according to ability; this will Do pupils understand the term, "man-to-man
pupils understanding of defending tactics, applying give your class the appropriate level of challenge. marking," and when this is applied?
them to game situations. What is our role when defending?
Each team should be allowed time to create their Can pupils apply a refined understanding of
Pupils should be able to apply their prior learning When will we apply our defending tactics during defending tactics before applying them to the marking, preventing attackers from shooting?
of defending to create effective tactics that will the game? games. Ask pupils what tactics their team are
prevent attacking opportunities. applying and do they understand what their role is Do pupils switch fluidly between attacking and
Do our tactics change depending on our within their team. defending as possession changes?
opponent’s tactics?
After each game pupils should be given time to Do pupils understand their role and apply this role
Describe different tactics, which can be applied evaluate and make suggestions as to how they can effectively within the game?
when defending. improve their defending tactics.
Do pupils demonstrate effective defending skills
Do we understand the roles of the other members Basketball Games (5v5) focus on defending i.e. marking and reducing space?
Suggested Sequence of of our team? In teams of 5, set up 2 courts with 3 teams per
Learning Part 5 court. Teams rotate on and off, the team off can Can pupils apply pressure to the attacker by
How can we regain possession if we lose the ball? officiate and coach. marking the player with the ball?

Do pupils change their tactics depending on the Award teams extra points for application of Can pupils effectively mark players without the
situation of the game? successful prior learning, e.g. effective marking. ball?

Do pupils understand when, where and why

different defensive tactics can be applied?

When creating their defensive tactics pupils should Can pupils create a range of defending tactics,
consider their prior learning. Do the defending applying these to their games?
team drop back and defend their half of the court?
OR can they press high up the court to apply more Can pupils explain the tactics they have created
pressure on the attackers? demonstrating a clear understanding of the role
Pupil Observations and each member of the team will perform?
Pupils should use man-to-man marking in their
Assessment chosen tactic. Question pupils on who they are Can pupils evaluate and improve their tactics?
marking and why.

Targets KS1 Lower KS2 Upper KS2 Beyond KS2

[email protected]
Invasion:! Handball Invasion:! Handball
3v3 with a target
! player !
3v3 with target player

Key Questions Lower KS2 Success Criteria

•  In teams of 4. 3 outfield players What technique do we use for Do pupils apply an understanding
and 1 receiver in the endzone. shooting? of passing and moving to score
•  Defenders are not allowed in the points against another team using a
endzone. Is there a consequence to a target player?
•  The outfield players need to pass missed shot?
to their team member inside the Do pupils understand and select an
endzone to score a point. What could our team be doing appropriate place to shoot?
whilst we are shooting?
•  Rotate the player in the endzone. Can you see pupils applying the
How are we going to pass and correct stance when shooting?
move creating suitable shooting
opportunities? Are pupils shots successful?

When we have possession of the Can pupils collaborate successfully?

Learning Outcomes Differentiation
ball what is our role?  
•  Can pupils pass and move to Easier:
create a shooting opportunity? •  Award 1 point if the hits the How can we win the ball back if
players hands in the endzone we lose possession? Upper KS2 Success Criteria
•  Can pupils successfully pass the and 2 points if they successfully
catch the ball. When we miss a shot we could Are pupils able to pass, move and
ball to the receiver in the
endzone? •  Increase the number of pupils lose possession. What can we do shoot accurately and consistently?
in the endzone. to prevent this?
•  Can pupils collaborate as a Harder: Do pupils switch fluidly between
team? •  Pupils can only hold onto the What do we need to do to regain attacking and defending as
ball for a limited amount of possession? possession changes?
•  Do pupils understand why do time.
we need to work as team?! Can pupils produce an attack and
! create a successful shooting

The Interactive Primary

! Physical Education Resource

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