Clinical Review 2012
Clinical Review 2012
Clinical Review 2012
Rapid Maxillary
Expansion QUAD HELIX
with Skeletal Anchorage
Corrections Using
Sectional Mechanics
Controlling the
Vertical Dimension
Dr. Ricketts
The last time I saw Dr. Ricketts was
in Maui, Hawaii 2003 during the F.O.R.
(Foundation for Orthodontic Research) annual
meeting following the AAO in Waikiki. The last
time I spoke with him was while he was on the
massage table getting ready to have dinner with
his family – later that night he had complications
and passed away the next morning. 2 Remembering
Dr. Ricketts
Dr. Ricketts dedicated his life to the Tony Zakhem, CEO 5 Contributors
Doctor Profiles
advancement of orthodontics and it was a
topic that he was always eager to discuss.
Since the very beginning, Dr. Ricketts
realized that it would be a long, tough battle
to bring about change to long held beliefs
concerning orthodontics. In 1973 he wrote
the “Doctrine of Limitations.” To this day,
6 Perspective in
the fundamental concepts of this article Therapy
hold true.
Ruel W. Bench, DDS
to never stop learning “keep your mind Appliance differentiation based on facial
Dr. Ricketts was an innovator whose stimulated…” Ricketts also taught us that type – built into brackets and tubes
8 Contemporary 18
thinking was often generations ahead of there is one certainty in life other than Mesofacial
the profession. RMO’s founder Dr. Archie death; it is that change is inevitable, and we Brachyfacial Rapid Maxillary Expansion
Brusse realized this back in 1955. must adapt to the change. Bioprogressive
Therapy with Skeletal Anchorage Vs. Bonded
In 1959 Archie instructed his son, Martin Dr. Ricketts collaborated with Dr. Ruel Tooth/ Tissue Born Expanders:
Brusse, to stay close to Dr. Ricketts. Archie Bench and Dr. Carl Gugino, to develop the He also published books and articles to Nelson Oppermann, DDS, MS
A case report comparison utilizing CBCT
said “I don’t understand Dr. Ricketts, but Bioprogressive philosophy. This philosophy support the evolution and improvement of
I know that he has a vision to be realized.” incorporated a biological approach to the Bioprogressive philosophy. Robert L. Vanarsdall, Jr. DDS
Archie also emphasized that Dr. Ricketts diagnosis and treatment options, and
was an inspired and strong person and RMO Dr. Ricketts also had other product related
always looked at the patient as a whole –
should work with him to help make his vision ideas such as:
not just straightening the teeth. In 1981 Dr.
a reality. Rick Jacobson joined Dr. Rickett's practice Self Ligating brackets (from the 1970s)
and even now continues to incorporate the The Snap Channel concept
Now, as we fast forward to 2012, RMO and
the entire orthodontic community continues
to benefit from the original partnership that
basic Bioprogressive principles that Dr.
Ricketts developed.
Ribbon type arch wires
Tooth colored bicuspid bands for lingual 24
Control of Vertical
was established with Dr. Ricketts. Over the years, I spent a lot of time with Dimension During Sagittal
Dr. Ricketts, including many long flights. Orthopedic Correction:
RMO is very proud to have worked with
I came to know Dr. Ricketts in the early Dr. Ricketts seemed like he never rested, The Death of the Wedge
Dr. Ricketts and to have helped assure
90’s when Martin Brusse decided to send not even on these flights. He was always Effect Theory and the Birth of
that his vision became a reality. RMO will
me to attend a lecture at the Bioprogressive thinking, writing, and considering new the Decompression Theory
continue to work with the co-founders of
Institute in Scottsdale, Arizona entitled concepts. Some of the ideas that he came
the Bioprogressive philosophy and the many
“The Bioprogressive Philosophy Series of up with that RMO incorporated include: Sergio Sambataro, DDS, MS, PhD
clinicians around the world who are dedicated
Courses (6).”
to the same teachings and philosophy.
44 Quad
Computer Aided Orthodontic Diagnosis Helix Innovations:
The journey was an unforgettable learning • Lateral and Frontal Analysis
“On behalf of all the RMO® people Pocket Aces
experience and started a long friendship • Long Term Visual Treatment Objective worldwide, we will never forget you;
with Dr. Ricketts. He was a great teacher, (VTO) you will always be in our hearts and Duane Grummons, DDS, MSD
innovator, father, friend, and thinker. He • Growth prediction to maturity on our minds. This Clinical Review is
always had the benefits of others in mind dedicated to you.” Class II Correction with Sectional
especially the patients.
Ruel W. Bench, DDS Current Principles and Techniques, 3rd 4th a researcher, Dr. Sambataro trained under Dr.
Become our
Dr. Bench was associated with Dr. Robert and 5th editions as well as Applications of Ricketts and received extensive experience in
M. Ricketts in the practice and teaching Orthodontic Mini Implants, with JS Lee, JK orthodontics and gnatology. Dr. Sambataro
of orthodontics. They developed and Kim, Y-C Park, Quintessence Publishing, 2007. actively collaborated with Professor Robert
Clinical Review 5
650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
P 303.592.8200 F 303.592.8209 E [email protected] 800.525.6375 |
Perspective in Principles of Bioprogressive Therapy
Bioprogressive Therapy 1. The use of systems approach in diagnosis and treatment by
the application of the visual treatment objective in planning
Ruel W. Bench, DDS treatment, evaluating anchorage, and monitoring results.
In 1950, Dr. Robert Murray Ricketts 1.) Using a systems approach to diagnosis respecting and comprehending the in a physiological growth pattern or 8.) Overtreat. Overtreatment of the
published “Variations of the and treatment, by applying the visual intrinsic limits of each individual’s biology not. When abnormal growth exists, the case insures long-term stability. Always
Temporomandibular Joint as Revealed treatment objective (VTO), evaluating and orthopedic function. Mesofacial, mandible always reacts poorly and suffers keep in mind that we are working with The reach of
by Cephalometric Laminagraphy”, anchorage and monitoring results. The Brachyfacial and Dolichofacial patients the most. periodontal ligaments, periosteum, Bioprogressive never
commencing the birth of the Bioprogressive Therapy advocates that it is require distinct anchorage needs. sutures, and muscles. These structures
Bioprogressive Therapy. The orthodontic imperative to implement a comprehensive 6.) Treat the overbite before the tend to return to their original condition ended; in fact it has grown,
community in 19501 was introduced to an diagnostic analysis of the malocclusion to 4.) Movement of all teeth in any direction overjet. The mandible reacts positively and it’s important to note the possibility and currently there are
alternative perspective from the young be treated, taking into account the face with the proper application of pressure. (movement in a counterclockwise of rebound in the case. many orthodontists around
and active mind of a postgraduate student and skull. It is imperative to utilize both Observe the root surface proportions of direction) when it does not encounter
at the University of Illinois, Dr. Robert lateral and posterio-anterior radiographs. every tooth to be moved. anterior / incisor interference. Using bite 9.) Unlock the malocclusion in a the world practicing
Murray Ricketts.
completed more than 300 complementary Anterior Cranial Base, b) Posterior Cranial understanding of the mandible and its clinical mistakes in orthodontics. Using dimension before the vertical dimension,
articles and books that made their way Base, c) Mandible, d) Maxilla, e) Upper adverse reaction to abnormal function, these appliances before opening the bite and the vertical dimension before the
into the orthodontic community. He Teeth, f ) Lower Teeth, g) Soft Tissue. such as cross-bites and deep overbites. can cause interference and premature horizontal dimension, naturally and
only stopped publishing when he passed Always keep in mind adaptation of the Correcting these problems is fundamental contacts between the incisors. biologically unlocks the malocclusion in
away on June 17th, 2003. During his outcome for each patient individually in order to have a positive reaction on a progressive manner. This provides the
journey he built a worldwide network of with attention to: genetics, environment, the mandible and a normal direction 7.) Sectional arch approach. It is logical opportunity for the bony structures and
relationships and colleagues including and individual factors. of growth, leading to a pleasant profile. to design treatment mechanics using the dentition to adapt to a more natural
Dr. Ruel Bench and Dr. Carl Gugino, Bioprogressive Therapy emphasizes a sectional arch approach. Dividing the condition and preserve healthy TMJs.
both influential Bioprogressive maestros. 2.) Maintain torque control throughout careful observation of the functional upper and lower arches in sections, separating
The reach of Bioprogressive never ended, treatment. This is of great value during occlusal plane. The occlusal plane is a the molars, bicuspids, canines and incisors 10.) Utilize quality-fabricated appliances
in fact it has grown, and currently there the mechanics phase of treatment, great indicator that orthopedic problems simplifies the mechanics. Working with the for efficiency and quality results.
are many orthodontists around the world especially in the vertical dimension. may occur, leading to clockwise (poor) sections of the upper arch and lower arch Bioprogressive Therapy continues to
practicing Bioprogressive principles. growth of the mandible. Mandibular in the transverse, then vertical, and finally adapt modern technology and materials,
These principles were generated and 3.) Understand muscular and cortical ramus height, the direction of the growth horizontal dimension; sets up the case for always respecting the fundamental
developed by Bioprogressive Therapy bone anchorage. Understand the limits in the condyle, and the amount of growth using Straight Wire mechanics to create an principles indicated in this article.
practitioners since the 1950s, but in 1979 of orthodontic mechanics and apply this of the coronoid process, are all strong ideal finish for the case.
Ricketts et al 2 stated some of them: concept to control the case orthopedically, indicators if the patient’s face is growing
A summary of the records presents a After careful study of all the records, Option #3) Upper first bicuspid
brachyfacial growing patient with skeletal there are several options of how to treat extractions. This approach would fix
and dental deep overbite. The mandible this case. Possible options include: the overjet issue, but it would not resolve
is well positioned but the maxilla the convex profile. Finishing the case
is positioned forward to Frankfort, Option #1) Distalize upper molars. with a Class II molar relationship would
indicating a mild Class II skeletal This approach would treat the dentition make it harder to have a well balanced
Lower Utility Arch was used to control the lower incisors. Synergy brackets Ricketts prescription (.0185 x .030) were used. Sectional
arches on the upper arch and Class II 3/16” elastics were placed from upper first bicuspids to the lower first molars.
After achieving Class I molar relationship, retraction arches were placed on the canines. An upper Utility Arch was placed to
reinforce the anchorage. Lower Utility Arch was removed and only four brackets and two bands were used to treat the lower arch.
Energy Chain
Clinical Review 13
650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
P 303.592.8200 F 303.592.8209 E [email protected] 800.525.6375 |
Upper incisor retraction starts after achieving Class I canine and molar relationships. Because the case required careful attention to
control torque and intrusion for the upper incisors, it was decided to retract with a contraction Utility Arch.
Pictures showing the finishing and detailing stage. “L” sectional spring was placed to improve the position the lower left canine.
It’s recommended to finish Class II div. 1 growing Meso to Bracyfacial typology patients with a mild overjet of 2mm – 3mm in order
to leave room for the mandible to keep growing in the proper direction. This helps avoid Class II relapse or future crowding in the Pictures showing the face at debond. Note the profile improvement.
lower anterior region. The patient will reach adulthood with a healthy oral environment.
16 Clinical Review
650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
P 303.592.8200 F 303.592.8209 E [email protected] 800.525.6375 |
Rapid Maxillary Expansion with
Unfortunately, RPE has been used When it may be critical to saving the Figure 1
primarily to treat dental crossbites or for natural dentition, we do not want Bone screw
gaining space to prevent extraction with to introduce adverse dental/skeletal anchored
little or no attempt made to coordinate changes, in adolescents and/or patients RPE- Electric
the transverse skeletal patterns1. with advanced periodontal disease. Torque Driver
Traditional maxillary orthopedics has In theory, skeletal anchorage should (Orthonia),
been done using the dental units as permit orthopedic change without battery
anchorage, for example, Haas and Hyrax 2 . adverse dental changes by applying powered
Dental movement has not only limited force directly to the maxillary bone 6 . handpiece
skeletal orthopedic change, but has
caused significant adverse periodontal With all the emphasis on evidenced
and instability side effects3. There is a based orthodontics a most recent CBCT
clear correlation between buccal tooth randomized clinical trial (14 years old)
movement and gingival recession and has reported that bone- anchored
bone dehiscences. These adverse maxillary expanders and traditional
periodontal responses with RPE highlight (Hyrax) rapid maxillary expanders
the importance of early treatment. showed similar results. The tooth born
The beneficial periodontal effects of group exhibited more first premolar
transverse skeletal correction have been a expansion than the bone anchored
main focus of our research for the past 35- appliance and both exhibited significant
40 years4. Krebs used implants to evaluate increase in crown inclinations7.
orthopedic expansion and confirmed
50% dental movement and 50% skeletal The purpose of this report is to compare
movement in children. In adolescence, the treatment response of patients with
however, only 35% of movement was equivalent skeletal severity, sex and
skeletal and 65% was dental5. In addition, similar age from our most effective Figure 2
it is well known that as the patient grows orthopedic tooth/tissue born expander Tooth tissue
older, dental tipping with RPE becomes and the bone anchored maxillary born
greater, which puts teeth at higher risk for expander on the basal bone and the
gingival recession. We have emphasized molar teeth.
the importance of correcting transverse
skeletal discrepancy 4: Materials and Methods
3D Skull Measurements
Discussion The CBCT technology allowed for clear guarded or anticipated but the patient
visualization and quantification of the or clinician does not want to commit.
The literature and our initial findings changes in basal bone associated with It may provide an alternative to surgery. New York University Langone
have suggested that a greater magnitude palatal expansion11. In fact, the high
Medical Center, Institute
of orthopedic change and minimal dental precision of the quantitative analysis on We are presently conducting clinical of Reconstructive Plastic
movement are possible. Both twins CT images contributes to the reliability trials to determine the limit of skeletal
exhibited significant expansion at the of this outcome and makes this case anchorage and palatal expansion. Surgery, Partners with RMO®
level of the maxillary first molar crown report more acceptable. for fellowship program
and root apex. Axial slices indicate the Conclusions
bonded tooth/tissue patient as well as the “These results indicate that
bone anchored patient exhibited midline clinicians can predictably Based upon our present studies and
suture opening in a parallel fashion. This achieve at least 3 mm or more treatment to normalize transverse skeletal
was different from earlier expanders of pure skeletal change using discrepancy a clinician could anticipate at
which have been reported to cause skeletal anchorage expanders least 2-3 mm greater basal expansion with
openings of the midpalatal suture in the in older more mature patients.” the skeletal anchored RPE than with the
area of PNS occurring at a lesser extent tooth tissue born RPE.
then at ANS. In practice the skeletal anchorage may
not be necessary in mild transverse The skeletal anchored RPE produced
Oliveira et. al examined the different discrepancy due to the more invasive less molar tipping than the tooth tissue
effects of a tooth tissue born appliance nature of placing the bone pins, born RPE.
(subjects with a mean age of 11.9 years) potential failure and financial cost. In
with a tooth born only appliance milder discrepancy cases, the dental/ The palatal skeletal change that is
(subjects with a mean age of 11.1 palatal anchorage still remains the best predictably possible remains unknown
years). They reported that the tooth choice. The skeletal anchorage could be and future research is needed. But it is
tissue born expander demonstrated reserved for moderate to severe cases, clear that the envelope of discrepancy has
more orthopedic movement and less periodontally involved, missing teeth been changed for older patients (Fig 9).
dentoalveolar tipping12 . or where the dental/palatal expander is
Figure 9
Treatment Options
Treatment: RPE TAD SARPE
Age: 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 0
2. George C. Chung C and Vanarsdall R.: Dentoalveolar inclinations 8. Christie, K.: Effect of bonded ( tooth-tissue) RPE on the
with Hyrax and Haas palatal expander: evaluation using computer transverse dimension of the maxilla- A CBCT Study, Thesis, First ADA Accredited Craniofacial and
assisted tomography. Thesis, Department of Orthodontia, University University of Pennsylvania, May, 2008.
of Pennsylvania, 2000.
Special Needs Orthodontics Fellowship
9. Podesser B, Williams S, Grismani A, and Bantleon H-P:
3.Garib DG, Henriques JFC, Janson G, et. al.: Periodontal effects of Evaluation of the effects of rapid maxillary expansion in growing NYU and RMO® collaborating to show how
rapid maxillary expansion with tooth-tissue borne and tooth borne children using computer tomography scanning: a pilot study, Europ J
expanders: A computed tomography evaluation. AJO-DO: 129: 749- of Orthodontics 29: 37-44, 2007. partnerships can shape lives
758, 2006.
10. Kilic N, Oktay H. A comparison of dentoalveolar inclination
4. Vanarsdall, R and Secci, A: Chapter 23 Periodontal-Orthodontic treated by two palatal expanders. Eur J Orthod 30: 67-72, 2008.
Interrelationships, In Orthodontics- Current Principles and
Techniques, Fifth Ed., Elsevier Inc, p. 807-841, 2011. 11. Garrett, BJ, Caruso JM, Rungcharassaeng K, Farrage JR, Kim JS,
and Taylor GD: Skeletal Effects to the maxilla after rapid maxillary
5. Krebs A.: Midpalatal suture expansion studied by the implant expansion assessed with cone-beam computed tomography, AJODO:
method over 7- year period. Trans Eur Orthod Soc, 40: 131, 1964. 134:8, 2008.
6. Garcia J, Secci A, Vanarsdall R. “ Anclaje esqueletico Y Anclaje 12. Oliveira NL, Da Silveira AC, Kusnoto B, Viana G,: Three
dentario,” Revista Socied Ad Espanola Orthodoncia, 51. No.1 50-58, dimensional assessment of morphologic changes of the maxilla;
2011. a comparison of 2 kinds of palatal expanders. Am J. Orthod
Dentofacial Orthod. 126; 354-362, 2004.
22 Clinical Review
650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
P 303.592.8200 F 303.592.8209 E [email protected] 800.525.6375 |
Ricketts22,23,46-48 asserts that cervical headgear to control the vertical vertebral maturation (CVM) method. 51
traction promotes a downward and dimension during Class II correction Orthopedic and orthodontic effects were
backward displacement of the maxillary in the growing patient; and 2) to estimated using lateral cephalometric
Control of Vertical Dimension during complex and through a modest extrusion
of the upper molar, an increase of the
determine the dentoskeletal response in
a) open bite patients when lower incisor
head film.
Sagittal Orthopedic Correction: vertical growth of the mandibular intrusion is treated by cervical headgear Patients and Methods: Cephalometric analysis
ramus with a consequent bite closure and b) deep bite patients when treated
The Death of the Wedge Effect Theory and the and without unfavorable mandibular with a combination of cervical headgear 41 measurements, 25 linear and 16
Birth of the Decompression Theory postero-rotation. and a lower utility arch to open the angular, were taken on the lateral
bite by lower incisor intrusion. This headflim; 37 were selected from the
Sergio Sambataro, DDS, MS, PhD Furthermore, Ricketts22,23,46-48 advocates is performed according to orthopedic Ricketts Analysis52-58 and 4 were
the use of a lower utility arch to open the Class II therapy as suggested by suggested by Baccetti et al. 59
bite in deep bite patients to prevent anterior Ricketts.46-48
interference, which is in part responsible for T he l i ne a r a n d t he a n g u l a r
the mandibular postero-rotation. Strengths of this study include: 1) measurements are reported in Table I.
using untreated Class II patients and
The goals of this research Table
are: 1) to Cephalometric
I. Lateral 2) appraisal Analysis
of stages in individual
This was the birth of the determine the correct use of cervical skeletal maturity by the cervical
“wedge effect theory”
based on anecdotal cases
1 Total Facial Height (TFH) Corpus Axis ^ Basion Nasion Lateral
without scientific data. 2 Lower Facial Height (LFH) Corpus Axis ^ Org Line Cephalometric
3 Central Facial Direction (FAX) Facial Axis ^ Basion Nasion Analysis
Extra oral forces have been used for 4 Facial Depth (FD) Facial Plane ^ Frankfort
several clinical applications during 5 Ramus Height (MP) Mandibular Plane ^ Frankfort
the last century.1-3 In 1947, Kloehn4 6 Convexity (C) Point A - Facial Plane
used cervical headgear to treat class 7 Palatal Plane Position (PPP) Palatal Plane - Frankfort
II malocclusions. The main effect of 8 Posterior Cranial Length (PCB) Condylion Posterior - PTV
this appliance was evident when it was 9 Anterior Cranial Length (ACB) Cranial Center - Nasion
used to produce skeletal alteration in 10 Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH) Ba-N ^ Frankfort
the growing patient. During the last 50 11 Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A) Basion -Nasion ^ Nasion – Point A
years, several authors reached opposite 12 Nasal Plane Length (N-A) Nasion - Point A
conclusions about the effects of this 13 Divine Facial Height (A-Pm) Point A - Protuberance Menti
appliance on the vertical dimension. 5-50 14 Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH) Xi ^ Frankfort
15 Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH) Xi - Frankfort
16 Ramus Height (Xi-R3) Xi - R3
Schudy,7 and Creekmore11 considered
17 Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co) Xi - Condylion
the responsible factor of the mandibular
18 Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm) Corpus Axis
postero-rotation, especially in dolicho-
19 Mandibular Arch (MA) Corpus Axis ^ Condyle Axis
facial patients, to be the extrusive Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP) Xi – Occlusal Plane
component. To prevent this effect, 21 Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm) Occlusal Plane ^ Corpus Axis
many clinicians started to use “high 22 Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo) Incisor Tip – Dental Plane
pull” traction to intrude the upper 23 Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP) Incisor Tip - Occlusal Plane
molar during Class II correction in 24 Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po) B1 ^ Dental Plane
hyper divergent patients, and relegated 25 Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6) Mesial of the molar B6 - Incisor Tip B1
cervical traction to brachyfacial 26 Molar Relation (B6-A6) Distal of the molar B6 - Distal of the molar A6
patients. Both, the “high pull” and 27 Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV) Distal of the molar A6 - PTV
the “low pull”, were used in meso- 28 Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm) B6 ^ Corpus Axis
facial patients. This was the birth of 29 Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS) A6 ^ Palatal Plane
the “wedge effect theory”11,12 based 30 Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1) Interincisal Angle
on anecdotal cases without scientific 31 Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ) Overjet
data. Consequently, in our opinion, the 32 Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB) Overbite
incorrect use of cervical traction drives 33 Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El) Lower Lip - Esthetic Line
the orthodontic profession to believe 34 Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El) Upper Lip - Esthetic Line
that facial height increase is a side effect 35 Nose Length (ANS-prn) Anterior Nasal Spine - Tip of Nose
36 Chin Thickness (Po-ppo) Pogonion - propogonion
of cervical traction. 5,6,8-10,12-21,27-29,32,33,37,40
37 Hyoid Position (H-PTV) Body of the Hyoid - PTV
38 Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me) N-ANS/ANS-Me
R i c k e t t s 22,23,46-48 others and
39 Maxillary Length (Co-A) Condylion - Point A
fol lowed
2 4 -2 6 , 3 0 , 31, 3 4 -3 6 , 3 8 , 39,41- 45 ,49, 5 0
40 Mandibular Length (Co-Gn) Condylion - Gnathion
Kloehn’s indications and noticed good Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me) Condylion - Gonion ^ Gonion - Menton
vertical control without mandibular
Patients n= 37 18 m 19 f Table II
VARIABLE Mean St.Dev. Min. Max
Total Control
This study included a total of 77 Total Facial Height (TFH)° 62,41 5,10 48,00 74,00 Group (TCG) at T1
patients. The total control group Lower Facial Height (LFH)°
Central Facial Direction (FAX)°
(TCG), 37 patients, did not receive Facial Depth (FD)° 86,73 3,92 80,00 99,00
any appliance; they were followed for Ramus Height (MP)°
Convexity (C)mm
1.62 years (Table II); the remaining Palatal Plane Position (PPP)° -1,92 3,16 -8,00 5,00
40 patients (Table III) were treated by Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm 28,54 2,57 23,50 33,50
Inaugural Symposium Ricketts orthopedic Class II therapy46-48
Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm
Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)°
September 14 -15, 2012 | Chicago, Illinois (TTG). The total control group (TCG) Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A)° 64,08 2,79 59,00 71,00
Nasal Plane Length (N-A)mm 51,03 4,22 45,00 66,00
patients were selected from the files Divine Facial Height (A-Pm)mm 43,66 4,32 35,00 55,00
of the Department of Orthodontics, Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH)°
Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH)mm
University of Florence, and consisted Ramus Height (Xi-R3)mm 19,97 1,85 17,00 26,00
of 18 males and 19 females with a mean Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm
Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm
age of 8.55 years (range 7.58-10.83), in Mandibular Arch (MA)° 25,27 4,81 17,00 36,00
mixed dentition at T1. The other 40 Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm
Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)°
(TTG), 19 males and 21 females, with Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm 0,62 2,57 -4,00 8,00
a mean age of 8.86 years (range 7.43- Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm 2,01 1,47 0,00 6,00
Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)° 21,54 7,15 3,00 35,00
10.25), in mixed dentition, were treated Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm 24,78 2,12 20,00 29,00
for 1.55 years, followed for 1.98 years Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm 0,92 1,61 -3,00 3,00
Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm 12,41 3,44 0,00 20,00
and collected from a single orthodontic Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 104,78 17,94 6,00 118,00
practice where the Bioprogressive Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)° 105,73 5,54 90,00 115,00
Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)° 125,24 12,63 104,00 158,00
therapy is used. The skeletal age of both Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ)mm 5,88 2,41 2,00 12,00
groups corresponding to a pre-puberty Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB)mm 1,50 2,45 -4,00 6,00
Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm 1,39 3,09 -4,00 8,00
stage (CVMSI) was assessed on lateral Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm 0,43 1,95 -4,00 3,00
cephalograms of the examined subjects Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm 20,57 2,17 15,00 25,00
Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm 9,76 2,30 6,00 20,00
according to the cervical vertebral Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm 0,53 6,69 -13,00 17,00
maturation method.49 In order to evaluate Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)% 0,92 0,08 0,80 1,11
Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm 81,23 4,55 72,00 93,00
the effects of treatment, differences Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm 97,88 6,22 89,00 115,00
between the total treated group (TTG) Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me)° 130,32 4,94 118,00 138,00
Clinical Review 27
Table IV. Open Group (OG) at T1.
Table IV n= 20 10 m 10 f cervical traction alone for 1.30 years, In the Deep Group (DG) a lower The starting forms of TCG with Results: Comparison of the Starting Forms
Open Group VARIABLE Mean St.Dev. Min. Max
then followed for 1.80 years. The deep utility arch was combined with the TTG, and the OG with the DG were
(OG) at T1 Total Facial Height (TFH)° 61,70 4,92 52,00 69,00 group (DG) consisting of 20 subjects, cervical traction. It was applied on the compared. Craniofacial modifications in In order to assess significant differences
Lower Facial Height (LFH)°
Central Facial Direction (FAX)°
9 males and 11 females (Table V), was first molar with the bands placed at the treated groups were compared with between craniofacial starting forms
Facial Depth (FD)° 85,55 2,53 80,00 90,00 treated by cervical traction associated the marginal ridge. Bands used were the growth modifications occurring in at the time of the first observation,
Ramus Height (MP)°
Convexity (C)mm
with a lower utility arch for 1.75 Ricketts 4D with -24° of torque, -5° the control group. In particular T1 to T2 comparisons between the groups at
Palatal Plane Position (PPP)° -3,45 2,48 -9,00 0,00 years, then followed for 2.13 years. of tip and -12° of disto-rotation. The changes were analyzed to describe the T1 were performed. No statistically
Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm
Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm
Cephalograms for each patient in all lower utility arch was placed with -10° effects of the active therapy. Composites significant differences were found in
Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)° 29,15 2,16 25,00 34,00 treatment and control groups at T1 and of torque, -5° of toe-in, 10° of tip-back, were manually drawn to visualize the the craniofacial configurations at T1
Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A)°
Nasal Plane Length (N-A)mm
T2 were taken using a standardized 5 mm of expansion each side and in the starting forms (T1 TCG, TTG, OG in the total control group (TCG) when
Divine Facial Height (A-Pm)mm 44,58 3,93 36,60 53,20 protocol. The enlargement factors were molar section. The tip back produced and DG), the growth modifications (T2 compared with the total treated group
Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH)°
Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH)mm
similar among radiographic units (about a force of 60 grams in the anterior TCG) and the modifications obtained (TTG). Whereas, significant differences
Ramus Height (Xi-R3)mm 20,82 1,73 17,28 24,48 8%); thus, no correction was made for section, enabling intrusion of the lower by treatment (T2 TTG, OG and DG), were found in the 2 subgroups of the
Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm
Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm
enlargement in the analysis of the films. incisors. and the Rickett’s superimposition total treated group (OG at T1 vs.
Mandibular Arch (MA)° 27,55 4,19 23,00 40,00 analysis 61 of the composites were DG at T1) for vertical dimension,
Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm
Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)°
Treatment Protocol Data Analysis performed showing T2 on T1. Mean, skeletal maxillary protrusion, modest
Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm 0,75 1,80 -2,85 3,80 standard deviation, and range were mandibular postero-rotation, open bite
Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm
Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)°
Each treated patient wore a large Assessment of the error in method calculated for all the groups; in order to and lower dental protrusion; all factors
Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm 26,11 1,73 23,00 29,00 Rickett’s face bow, with loops in the using cephalometric measurements show differences between samples, the displayed much more in the OG as
Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm
Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm
outer arch and an elastic neck strap, was performed using the Dahlberg 60 Student’s t-test was performed by using showed in Table VI.
Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 110,00 4,92 9,00 116,00 which delivered a force of 500 grams formula on 50 patients (25 CTG and a commercial statistical package (SPSS
Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)°
Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)°
for no more than 12 hours per day 25 TTG) selected randomly from the for Windows, release 10.0.0, SPSS Inc).
Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ)mm 6,53 2,36 2,00 12,35 (night time plus some evening hours). 2 groups. The measurement error for Table VI. Open Group (OG) versus Deep Group (DG) at T1.
Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB)mm
Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm
The length of the face bow was the linear measurements was an average
Deep Group Open Group
Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm 0,28 2,01 -3,80 3,30 extended distally to a point just anterior value of 0.47 mm (range 0.3 and 0.67), n=20 n=20 t-test
Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm
Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm
to the tragus before the neck strap was and 1.5° for the angular measurements. VARIABLE Mean St.Dev. Mean St.Dev. p
Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm 2,06 5,42 -12,00 13,30 engaged. Bands were positioned on the Total Facial Height (TFH)° 60,09 6,49 61,70 4,92 0,3747
Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)%
Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm
upper first molar at the marginal ridge; Lower Facial Height (LFH)° 46,32 3,84 45,95 4,66 0,7807
Central Facial Direction (FAX)° 88,66 2,97 87,40 4,57 0,2920
Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm 100,23 4,66 94,08 115,20 the gingival tube used for the arch bar Facial Depth (FD)° 87,59 2,30 85,55 2,53 0,0092
Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me)° 128,15 4,22 118,00 133,00
had 15° of disto-rotation. The arch Ramus Height (MP)° 26,75 4,04 26,45 4,54 0,8218
Table V. Deep Group at T1. bar was bent outward at the molar in Convexity (C)mm 6,45 1,70 5,96 1,24 0,2908
Palatal Plane Position (PPP)° -3,25 2,25 -3,45 2,48 0,7853
Table V n= 20 9m 11 f order to serve as a buccal shield and to Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm 30,18 2,63 30,63 2,73 0,5913
Deep Group at T1 allow for lateral expansion. The anterior Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm 56,39 2,72 56,78 2,75 0,6465
VARIABLE Mean St.Dev. Min. Max
Total Facial Height (TFH)° 60,09 6,49 37,00 67,00 portion, when placed, lay anterior to the Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)° 29,07 1,74 29,15 2,16 0,8927
Lower Facial Height (LFH)° 46,32 3,84 39,00 52,00 incisors by 1.0 to 1.5 mm; it was placed Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A)° 65,27 2,89 63,15 3,22 0,0299
Central Facial Direction (FAX)° 88,66 2,97 84,00 94,00 Nasal Plane Length (N-A)mm 53,93 3,78 52,65 2,98 0,2326
Facial Depth (FD)° 87,59 2,30 84,00 92,50 near the central third of the incisors at Divine Facial Height (A-Pm)mm 44,98 3,57 44,58 3,93 0,7331
Ramus Height (MP)° 26,75 4,04 19,50 31,00 the lip embrasure (Stomion). At the first Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH)° 49,39 9,06 45,03 4,23 0,0564
Convexity (C)mm 6,45 1,70 4,00 10,00
Palatal Plane Position (PPP)° -3,25 2,25 -7,00 0,00 appointment, the arch bar was formed Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH)mm 35,00 2,45 33,02 2,45 0,0575
Ramus Height (Xi-R3)mm 21,75 1,47 20,82 1,73 0,0673
Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm 30,18 2,63 24,00 36,00 to make it essentially passive on each Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm 36,73 5,71 36,74 3,10 0,9927
Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm 56,39 2,72 49,00 60,50
side, and a 150 gram force was applied. Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm 63,52 4,79 62,21 3,16 0,3047
Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)° 29,07 1,74 26,00 32,50
Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A)° 65,27 2,89 59,50 70,00 Mandibular Arch (MA)° 27,48 3,61 27,55 4,19 0,9521
Nasal Plane Length (N-A)mm
Divine Facial Height (A-Pm)mm
In this way a child Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm 1,66 2,46 0,94 2,03 0,3116
Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH)°
Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH)mm
is able to place it { Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)°
Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm
Ramus Height (Xi-R3)mm
Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm
easily, without pain. Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm
Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)°
Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm 63,52 4,79 55,00 72,50 Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm 25,09 3,65 26,11 1,73 0,2609
Mandibular Arch (MA)° 27,48 3,61 21,50 36,00 After four weeks, then monthly for the Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm 0,09 1,29 2,02 1,75 0,0002
Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm 1,66 2,46 -3,00 7,00 wearing period, four adjustment were Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm 14,80 2,86 13,03 2,30 0,0344
Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)° 21,36 3,85 12,00 29,50
Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm 2,59 2,27 -2,50 7,00 made: the arch bar was bent for the Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 111,73 4,44 110,00 4,92 0,2388
Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)° 105,36 5,21 106,40 3,52 0,4587
Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm 2,66 1,64 0,00 6,00 molar disto-rotation about 2°-3° until the Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)° 120,73 8,56 119,65 6,54 0,6517
Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)° 24,50 6,95 10,00 36,00
Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm 25,09 3,65 18,00 38,00 bayonets were parallel to each other, and Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ)mm 4,55 2,52 6,53 2,36 0,0120
Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm 0,09 1,29 -3,00 2,50 widened about 3 mm until a first molar Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB)mm 2,84 1,75 0,97 2,39 0,0057
Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm 14,80 2,86 10,00 21,00
Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 111,73 4,44 100,00 119,00 expansion was achieved. The arch form Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm 2,89 2,55 1,12 2,89 0,0388
Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm 0,98 2,57 0,28 2,01 0,3331
Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)° 105,36 5,21 97,00 116,00 was changed from a tapered shape to a Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm 20,64 1,87 20,21 1,80 0,4511
Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)° 120,73 8,56 107,00 142,00
Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ)mm 4,55 2,52 1,00 12,50 more standard or even ovoid shape; the Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm 9,84 1,78 10,54 1,65 0,1942
Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB)mm 2,84 1,75 -1,00 5,50 applied force was 500 grams at the point Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm -1,13 5,74 2,06 5,42 0,0828
Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm 2,89 2,55 -2,00 7,00 Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)% 0,76 0,06 0,92 0,06 3,79-11
Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm 0,98 2,57 -4,00 5,00 of attachment of the neck strap to the face Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm 84,98 5,17 82,55 4,05 0,1004
Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm 20,64 1,87 17,50 24,50 bow. After a couple of months, the disto- Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm 103,57 6,35 100,23 4,66 0,0614
Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm 9,84 1,78 5,00 13,00
Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm -1,13 5,74 -10,50 8,00 rotation of the molar and the change of Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me)° 125,95 4,44 128,15 4,22 0,1091
Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)% 0,76 0,06 0,66 0,85 the arch form indicated that the arch bar
Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm 84,98 5,17 77,00 97,00
Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm 103,57 6,35 91,00 113,00 was in contact with the upper incisors, Table VI
Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me)° 125,95 4,44 117,00 135,00 reducing the overjet (OVJ). Open Group (OG) versus Deep Group (DG) at Ti
the reduction of the angle Ba-N, Table VII n= 37 18 m 19 f Therefore, the effect of a lower
N-A was statistically significant Treatment
utility arch is not just intrusion of
(p=4-11): 2.74° in the treated group, Changes T2-T1 in VARIABLE T2-T1 t-test: p Variation the lower incisors. Results show all
and 0.62° in the control group. the Total Control per year
lower dentitions move backward and
Group (TCG) Total Facial Height (TFH)° -0.27 0.811 -
Lower Facial Height (LFH)° -0.43 0.630 - downward. What occurred in patients
3. The upper molar was distalized 1.8 Central Facial Direction (FAX)° -0.47 0.519 - with a deep bite and double protrusion
Facial Depth (FD)° -0.16 0.840 -
mm and extruded 2 mm: the distance Ramus Height (MP)° -0.45 0.688 - was a downward and backward rotation
A6-PTV was reduced; statistically Convexity (C)mm -0.21 0.331 - of the maxilla and an improvement of
Palatal Plane Position (PPP)° -0.08 0.919 -
significant (p=0.0249). The upper Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm 0.89 0.144 0.6 the profile. Note the superb control of
incisor moved distally 1mm. Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm 1.13 0.110 0.8 the vertical dimension in both groups.
Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)° 0.49 0.323 -
Position of the Maxilla (Ba-N^N-A)° -0.62 0.342 0.4
4. The lower molar was distalized 1 Nasal Plane Length (N-A)mm 2.11 0.044 1.5 Discussion
mm and intruded 2 mm, in fact the Divine Facial Height (A-Pm)mm
Mandibular Ramus Horizontal Position (Xi^FH)°
occlusal plane moved downward; Mandibular Ramus Vertical Position (Xi-FH)mm 1.39 0.027 1 To understand the effects that these
statistically significant (p=0.0004). Ramus Height (Xi-R3)mm 0.88 0.44 0.6
types of appliances have in the growing
Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm 1.45 0.066 1
Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm 2.18 0.025 1.5 patient, it is useful to describe the
Furthermore the length of the mandible Mandibular Arch (MA)° 0.57 0.416 0.4 modifications obtained in different
Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm 0.07 0.931 -
was increased 2.39 mm more than Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)° -0.16 0.859 - parts of the cranium.
the control; statistically significant Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm 0.34 0.560 -
(p=0.00077). The treatment was Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm
Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)°
- Cranial Base
Figure 1 as effective in the maxilla as in the Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm 0.1 0.863 -
mandible that grew downward and Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm
Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm
0.7 Control data revealed the glenoid
forward, without any postero-rotation Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 4.68 0.132 3.3 fossa (Cp) moved posteriorly 0.88 mm
of the mandible. The orthopedic therapy Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)° 0.40 0.776 -
per year. The treated cases show an
The Total Control Group (TCG) The behavior of the maxilla and the Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)° -5.48 0.52 3.9
influenced both the teeth and the inhibition of this growth, displaying
mandible as analyzed by McNamara, Horizontal Incisor Relation (OVJ)mm -0.03 0.958 -
The applicability of the Rickett’s profile; in several cases class correction Vertical Incisor Relation (OVB)mm 0.59 0.325 0.4
just 0.65 mm of movement. This result
Baccetti, Franchi is as follows: Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm -0.02 0.984 -
superimposition analysis was confirmed was obtained. The inclination of the Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm -0.21 0.627 - was previously described by Ricketts46 ,
by studying the changes that occurred occlusal plane downward and backward Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm 1.05 0.051 0.7 who suggested an effect of the cervical
The distance Co-A increases at 1.5 mm
in the total control group (TCG): was also responsible for reduction of Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm 0.13 0.759 -
strap in the temporal bone.
per year; t-test: p=0.045. Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm -1.43 0.111 1
protrusion of the lower incisors. Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)% 0.02 0.240 -
Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm 2.08 0.052 1.5
Basion-Nasion at Cc. T1= 87.68°; The distance Co-Gn increases at 2.4 Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm 3.44 0.025 2.4 Maxilla
The Difference in Treatment (OG versus DG)
T2=87.20°; t-test: p=0.519. The facial mm per year; t-test: p=0.025. Gonial Angle (Co-Go^Go-Me)° -1.02 0.361 0.7
change. The point A moves downward at at T1) of the total treated group (TTG) Posterior Cranial Length (PCB)mm 0,23 1,44 1,02 1,62 0,095 0,79 the DG and the OG (p=0.0299); this
suggests that at T1, the DG presented
Anterior Cranial Length (ACB)mm 0,50 1,16 1,64 2,30 0,048 1,14
visualizes the effects of treatment. The 1. The anterior cranial base grew more
1.48 mm per year (t-test: p=0.044). Cranial Deflection (Ba-N^FH)° 0,60 1,47 0,41 1,36 0,658 -0,19
Palatal plane (ANS-PNS) registered at ANS. T2), the comparison of the differences Condyle Axis Length (Xi-Co)mm 2,08 2,25 2,34 4,32 0,818 0,26 (p=4-11), while no statistically significant
Corpus Axis Length (Xi-Pm)mm 2,81 2,47 4,25 2,99 0,094 1,44
The upper denture moves forward 0.3 mm of the means (T2-T1), and the t-test of 3. Arch length was increased Mandibular Arch (MA)° 0,38 3,26 0,84 2,71 0,627 0,46 difference was revealed between DG and
per year. The molar erupts 0.7 mm per year. the samples (Table VII). (p=0.0117).
Posterior Position of Occlusal Plane (Xi-OP)mm
Occlusal Plane Inclination (OP ^ Xi-Pm)°
-0,11 OG. A statistically significant increase of
The incisor erupts 0.4 mm per year.
Lower Incisor Position (horizontally) (B1-APo)mm
Lower Incisor Position (vertically) (B1-OP)mm
the length of the nasal plane (p=6.9-5)
1. In the total treated group (TTG), 4. Class II correction did not occur Lower Incisor Inclination (B1^A-Po)°
Depth of Lower Arch (B1-B6)mm
shows tipping of the palatal plane during
(p=2.31-07). distalization of the maxilla. This is one of
Superimposition 4 the mandible grew downward and Molar Relation (B6-A6)mm
Upper Molar Position (A6-PTV)mm
forward as happened in the control Lower Molar Inclination (B6^Xi-Pm)° 2,25 5,45 16,57 9,60 1,72-06 14,32 the factors responsible for bite closure,
5. The lower molar inclined more
group (TCG) and the facial axis closed
Upper Molar Inclination (A6^ANS-PNS)° -4,85 6,98 -7,93 10,92 0,313 -3,08
emphasizing the role of a utility arch in
Mandibular corpus axis (Xi-Pm) registered distally (p=1.72-06). Upper to Lower Incisor (A1^B1)° -2,50 9,60 -3,23 9,10 0,801 -0,73
statistically significant (p=0.041). 6. The OVJ was not reduced as in the Lower Lip Protrusion (li-El)mm -0,68 3,41 -1,84 1,64 0,160 -1,16
is one of the causes of the mandibular
for the long the axis along the mesial cusp. Upper Lip Protrusion (ls-El)mm -1,46 3,73 -2,70 1,45 0,151 -1,24
OG (p=0.002). Nose Length (ANS-prn)mm 1,85 2,06 3,11 1,73 0,042 1,26 postero-rotation during the overjet (OVJ)
The incisor erupts 0.3 mm per year and Chin Thickness (Po-ppo)mm 0,44 0,90 1,00 1,81 0,228 0,56
2. The correction of the convexity correction by any type of mechanics.
goes backward 0.2 mm per year.
Hyoid Position (H-PTV)mm -1,04 6,03 -0,51 5,85 0,707 0,53
7. The overbite (OVB) was corrected Anterior Facial Ratio (N-ANS/ANS-Me)% 0,03 0,05 0,01 0,16 0,657 -0,02
was obtained by a backward and (p=0.002).
Maxillary Length (Co-A)mm
Mandibular Length (Co-Gn)mm
downward movement of the maxilla; Angolo Goniaco (Co-Go^Go-Me)° 0,13 2,76 -0,66 2,24 0,307 -0,79
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Clinical Review 37
Sometimes patient cooperation with
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its use. In these cases, you can take
The Freedom of
sequence with
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The following sequence shows how
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42 Clinical Review 650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
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Quad Helix Innovations:
Duane Grummons, DDS, MSD
functional cusps of lower primary or
permanent molars assist by unlocking
the malocclusion and clearing deflective
cuspal inclines. This facilitates a
neutral mandible posture as the upper Quad-Helix and Variations
arch Quad-Helix changes occur.
8. 9. 10.
Quad Activations: Arch development during the early or late mixed dentition
phase, or in the permanent dentition are the preferred
1. Distal-lateral molar derotation timings for Quad-Helix therapy. Figs 8, 9, 10: The Quad arms can be shortened during treatment.
5. 6.
Fig 7: Occlusal
composite turbo to
unlock bite.
7. A
46 Clinical Review Clinical Review 47
Steps for “on the spot” one appointment Quad-Helix
1 7
Helix accomplished arch
development and optimal
molar placement within 8
months. As teeth erupted,
brackets were added and
a stunning nonextraction
result was achieved.
Rocky Mountain Orthodontics
Pre-formed Quad-Helix
Case Example 2:
Removable (Ricketts)
Asymmetric Quad with
2 8
Tru-Chrome ® SS .036 .914 mm one arm which influences
Catalog # A01230 (size 1) contralateral arch
Catalog # A01231 (size 2) reshaping and widening
Catalog # A01232 (size 3) within 16 months resulting
in a symmetric arch
perimeter at the finish of
Case Example 3:
3 9
Typical narrow arch form
was expanded within 4
months pre-Invisalign,
and made optimal during
Invisalign treatment.
Case Example 4:
Quad without arms
4 10
created ideal arch form
and a balanced esthetic
perimeter, with ideal molars
3-D placement. Final smile
is stunningly beautiful with
great facial harmonies.
1 Rocky Mountain Orthodontics Quad-Helix
6 Q
Grummons Signature Smiles SM
J 3-prong can expand or upright
molars more
The Lingualjet Appliance A TRIBUTE TO A The rest is history and the greatest
adventure of my life.
Today we have also build this. His dream
became my dream and now a reality
LOVED DOCTOR Dr Ricketts taught me about orthodontics in Pacific Palisades (see FaceCenterLa.
A straight-wire lingual system and about life. com) with AAAHC accredited OR on site
with recovery, full service laboratory, 3-D
In many ways he was a visionary. imaging and ongoing onsite CE courses for
I have to thank RMO for introducing me to One example of this was his ability to orthodontists and MD’s monthly. He even
Dr. Ricketts. It was a pivotal introduction, understand the importance of airway, talked about Stem cell and we just received
one that shaped my professional career early interception, and 3D imaging long an IRB from Stanford allowing us to perform
and life forward. before current accurate technology was autologous stromal vascular stem cells
available. Today, 30 years later, we were therapy on patients in need of regenerative
As a senior resident at UCLA, I was on my able, this month, to publish what we hope medicine in our facility.
way to take the Tweed course in Tucson, will be a landmark study....normative data
AZ. Overhearing this, Lindy, from RMO for airway for children through old age. I wish RMR could see it all. He was quite a
pulled me aside quite deliberately, insisting (JOMS June 2012.) Rick gets credit. It was man.
that I would be far better off taking the two his idea. Similarly with laminography and
week advanced Ricketts course in Pacific now we have our 3-D analysis. Later this Richard L Jacobson DMD MS
Palisades first. year we will publish our 3-D simulation VTO FaceCenterLA | Pacific Palisades
with accuracy statistics. I wish Rick was
Obstacles included getting the UCLA alive to see it all. ‘The dream of a lifetime.’
chairman to agree and for RMR to grant
me $3K scholarship award since I was living Rick always talked about a collaborative
off student loans. practice, a multi-disciplinary approach.
“Ricketts was love, wisdom, strength, art To me, Dr Ricketts was also a great teacher “Becoming an active member of the
and always a big smile. Unforgettable of life and a model to be inspired to. Dr Italian Bioprogressive Society changed my
and unique human being ...” Ricketts thanks for all you’ve done for the professional life. But the most memorable
Dr. Enrique García Romero profession and for making it so exciting. moment was the karaoke with Bob after
Dr. Sergio Sambataro the ceremony.“
Dr. Franco Bruno
Clinical Review 51
650 West Colfax Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 Synergistic Solutions for Progressive OrthodonticsTM
P 303.592.8200 F 303.592.8209 E [email protected] 800.525.6375 |
650 West Colfax Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80204
FLI Tubes FLI MINI 2nd MOLAR Tubes FLI WIRE FLI Ceramic adhesive