Effect of Sodium Carbonate On Foaming Capacity of A Soap
Effect of Sodium Carbonate On Foaming Capacity of A Soap
Effect of Sodium Carbonate On Foaming Capacity of A Soap
To find and calculate the percentage of fatty material in different soap
5. Now collect the fatty material from each solution by filtrate ion and
again weigh the filter including filtrate (fatty material) are dissolved in
the filtrate (fatty material) in ether for calculating oil materials.
6.Now take the solution in separating flask on the surface of solution
and remove the solution except oily material.
Soap are also made from animal fats and vegetable oil. Fats and oils are
ester of higher fatty acids are called Glycerides. When oils and fats are
heated with a solution of NaOH, they break down to sodium salt of
respective fatty acid soap and glycerol. This process of making soap by
hydrolysis of fats and oil with alkalis is called saponification. The soap is
separated from the solution by a addition of common salt NaCl. Salts is
added in the soap solution to decrease the solubility of soap due to
which soap separates out from the solution in the form of solid and
starts floating on the Surface. The crust of soap thus formed is removed
and put it in moulds to get soap cakes. The solution left behind contains
glycerol and NaCl.
Limitation Of Soap-
Soap is not suitable for washing clothes with hard water because of the
following reasons:
1. Hard water contains salt of Ca and Mg, when soap is added to hard
water, Ca and Mg ions of hard water react with soap forming insoluble
Ca and Mg salt of fatty acids.
The dirt in the cloth is due to presence of dust particle in fat or grease,
which sticks to the cloth. When the dirty cloth is dipped in soap or
detergent solution the Soap and dust particle come in contact with
each other the non polar tails of the soap begin to dissolve in non-
polar oil or grease while the polar head part remains directed in water.
As more particle enter the grease each fat or oil surrounded by a
number of negatively charge polar head and the similar charge repel
each other. The oil or grease droplets break off and are still Surrounded
by negatively charged polar head of the soap molecule. As a result the
cloth get free from the dirt and the droplets are washed away with
1)Soap are sodium salt of long chain carboxylic acids.
2) Soap are not suitable for washing purpose when water is hard
3) Soap have relatively weak cleansing action
1) Synthetic detergents are sodium salts of long chain benzene
sulphonic acid
2) Synthetic detergent can be used for washing even when water is
3) Synthetic detergent have strong cleansing
Soap contain alkali matter, which affects our skin and even skin may
crack. To maintain the oily and moisture balance on our skin, fatty
material required in soap. In general the fatty matter in soap is
approximately 70% to 80% fatty matter below 70% made our skin dry,
rough and skin may crack where as highest percentage [%] of fatty
matter above 80% made the soap sticky and oily and washing become
very difficult. From the table it is clear that the Lux international is the
best soap for bathing purpose because it contain large amount of TFM
or maximum percentage[%] of TFM.