Questions On Triumph of The Nerds & Pirates of Silicon Valley

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Questions on Triumph of the Nerds & Pirates of Silicon Valley

1- After Bill and Paul had spent time in New Mexico with the Altair Computer (whose
company MITS went out of business) they moved their business to Seattle, and were
joined by their old college buddy, the unforgettable Steve Ballmer.

Also a narrator, Steve Ballmer comments "It was a 2-bit little company called
"Microsoft"." ("Bit" pun intended?) But according to the movie, how did they come up
with the name "Microsoft" in the first place?
• Bill was randomly stringing computers words together
• We are not told in the film
• Ballmer was randomly stringing computers words together
• Paul was randomly stringing computers words together

2. Which college did the founders of Apple attend?

• Austin – Texas
• Harvard – Boston
• Ramapo - New Jersey
• Berkeley - California

3. What college did those founders-to-be of Microsoft, Bill and Steve, attend?

• Berkeley, in California
• Harvard, in Boston
• Columbia, in New York
• Austin, in Texas

4. What did the two Steves of Apple build in college before computers?

• Go-carts
• Blue boxes
• Car engines
• Model airplanes

5. How did the two Steves of Apple actually come up with the name "Apple"?

• Mike Markkula (a business investor) suggested it

• We are not told
• Steve Jobs had one in his hand when they were thinking about a name
• Steve Wozniak went fruit-picking during his summer break

6.. What was the name of the programming language Bill and Paul first used on the
Altair computer, in Albuquerque, New Mexico?


7. What was the name of the computer that Apple developed after the Apple IIE

• Apple IIIE
• 186
• Macintosh
• Lisa

8. What was so special about the computer made after the Apple IIE?
• It had a keyboard
• It had a printer
• It had a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI)
• It had no numbers in the name

9. Another company actually developed the innovative feature of the Apple IIE's
successor. One which its Board of Directors decided not to produce, but to turn over
to Apple instead (for free). What company?

• Xerox

• Hewlett Packard
• Dell Computers

10.. At the important meeting, Gates and co tell some well-dressed executives that
Microsoft has what they need. What Microsoft product are they referring to?

• Windows
• Internet Explorer
• MS Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc)
11. Steve Jobs recruited John Sculley to be Apple's new CEO. Where did John work prior
to Apple?

• Xerox
• Microsoft
• Pepsi-Cola
12. According to Steve Jobs, what famous artist said "Good artists copy, great artists
• Van Gogh
• Picasso
• Monet
• Rembrandt

13. Why is Steve Jobs so angry with Bill Gates towards the end of the film?
• Gates is still working with IBM
• Gates refuses to toast Jobs at his birthday dinner
• Gates has used Apple's software to invent Microsoft Windows
• Gates is dating Jobs' former girlfriend

14. Which character became the richest man in the world as a result of the events of this
• Steve Jobs

• Bill Gates
• Steve Wozniak
• Steve Ballmer

15. Who founded Apple Computer? Two names.

16. Who Founded Microsoft? Two names. Who is Steve Ballmer?

17. Who founded Intel? One name. What is the law named after him?

18. What was the name of the first PC, built from a kit? The company was MITS.

19. What was the homebrew computer club? Why was it important?

20. What was Xerox PARC? Four things on the Alto were critically important for the
PC industry. What did they invent? What did Steve Jobs “steal” from Xerox PARC?
What two ideas did he miss?

21. Why was the IBM PC so important? “Nobody was ever fired for buying IBM.”

22. What is reverse engineering?

23. Who reverse engineered the IBM PC? Company name.

24. What was CPM? What was DOS?

25. Why is Gary Kildall not the richest man on the planet?

26. What was the deal of a lifetime? Microsoft buying ________ from ____________
“for whatever usage we wanted for $_______”

27. Why did Bill Gates license the operating system to IBM instead of selling it?

28. What was OS/2? Why was it important?

29. Who is Larry Ellison? What does he think was the biggest blunder in the history of
business? “________ gave away _____ _______ of their ___________, by accident.

30. What was the killer app that caused the demand for Personal Computers to explode?
It is the ancestor of Excel. Why isn’t Dan Bricklin rich?

31. Why was Adobe systems important? What did they invent?

32. What was the “look and feel” case? Why was it important?

33. A guy on a yacht brags that he invented Ethernet. Who was he?

34. “The industry was measured by who had the most open system that was adopted by
the most other companies”. Which company does this refer to?

35- . Why are the CP/M operating system and Gary Kildall, its creator, referred to as
simply footnotes in the history of personal computing?

36. What is reverse-engineering?

37. Who is Ed Roberts and what does he currently do for a living?

28. Why is Part II of Triumph of the Nerds called Riding the Bear? Who was the bear?


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