Bhumi Panchamrut - Soil Rejuvenator

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Rhizosphere Triangle

Organic Carbon Microbes

Soil Health

Total 16 Plant Nutrients
Photo Synthesis Food Prepration Digestion 95%

Branch Devlopments Root Devlopments Quality Products

Zn Fe Mg
Living Motivator Sucking of Nutrient Living Motivator 1%

Mn Cu S
For Green Cell Devp. Transporting of Nutrient Immunity Development

B Cl Ca
Flower & Fruit Devp. Nutrient Sucking Ph Control

Mo Co Si
Rhizobiun Nod Devp. Protein Devp. Tress Manage
Level I Passive immunity
Reaction Complete photosynthesis

Nutrient require N,P,Mg,Fe,Mn

Control Resistance to soil born

Mode of action Carbohydrate, Low level of
Product non reducing sugar
Level II Passive immunity

Reaction Complete protein synthesis

Nutrient require Mo,B,Mg,S

Control Resistance to digestive Trips

End product All Nitrogen compound

converted to amino acids &
proteins in 24 hr photo period
Level III Active immunity
Reaction Lipid Synthesis
Nutrient require Nutrient in the form of
microbial metabolite.
Control Increase disease & pest
End product Surplus energy stored
in the form of lipids
Level IV Active immunity
Reaction Plant immune pathway
Nutrient require Correct microbes
Control Total immunity , Stress
Mode of action Increased plant
secondary metabolite
5 Drums for Soil
5 Drums for Leaves
Ingredients :
Crush following Plant Parts in a 200 litre Water,
+ Drum Neem leaves– 2 kg,
+ Jatropa leaves 2kg,
+ Papaya 2 kg,
+ Heart-leaved Moonseed (Guduchi) leaves
+ 2kg Custard Apple leaves,
+ 2 kg Karanja (Millettia pinnata),
+ 2 kg Castor leaves Nerium leaves(क हे र),
+ 2 kg Aak leaves ( ई), 2 kg Green chili paste
+ 2 kg Garlic paste-250 g Cow dung
+ 3 kg Cow urine-5 litre
+ 200 Lit. Water
+ 10 kg Humic Acid
+ Fulvic Acid Solution
+ 3 Kg Fulvic Acid
Increase availability of nutrients.
Increase photosynthesis.
Digital Farming is the “Consistent application of the
methods of precision farming and smart farming, internal
use of web-based data platforms together with
Big Data analyses 180 liter water + Magnesium sulphet +
4 Urea + 3 ferrous sulphet + 3 kg Zink sulphet +
Manganese sulphet + 250 gm Copper sulphet + 500 gm
Fulvic acid.
Chiletting Solution180 liter Water,
+ Azetobactor+ Azospirillum+ PSB+ KMB
+ bacteria helping for availability of Nutriens
+ 250 gm Fulvic acid
+ 2 liter Gaumutra
+ 2 liter Butter milk
+ 4 kg jaggary
+ 4 kg aloe vera pulp.
500 ml Trycoderma
+ 5 liter EM 2
+ Mycorrhiza culture
+ 500 ml Azitobactor
+ 500 ml PSB
+ 500 ml KMB
+ 2 kg Jaggary
+ 5 liter Butter Milk.
EM 2 Solution 1 liter EM 2 Culture+ 4 kg Jaggary
+ 200 liter Water 5 day sweet essence & pH 4.

Poltry waste organic liquide

Poltry waste organic liquide 40 liter EM2+ Poultry Waste
+ 200 liter Water Use Single Air Volve Keep for 8 days For
sprey 10 ml/liter For drip 10 liter/ acre Fruit Fermented
juice40 liter EM 2+ 50 kg various fruits+ 5 kg Navhate +
200 liter water. Use signal air volve Keep for 8 Days Use
for Sprey 10 ml/litre For drip 10 liter/acre.
Material Require :

Soil Analyzer IARI PUSA Plastic Barrel 50 lit. Turbine

blower with air filter Culture Water pH balancer Media Air
tight material or packing.

Material Sterilizing Chemicals : Hydrogen Paraoxade or

Sign of Brewing Completion
Fungal brewing –Fibers Whitish growth on surface
of solution ,Increase weight of solution Low foam on
solution at the time of brewing .
Bacterial Brewing
Yellowish or Whitish growth on surface on solution
Increase weight of solution More foam on solution at
the time of brewing.
One Stop Solution
for insect control Parthenium Hysterophorus
( Congress weed extract) 1 kg. congress weed
20 liter water.

Presented By :

P. T. Patil

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