Yanuar 2012
Yanuar 2012
Yanuar 2012
Abstract: Ship hull form of the underwater area strongly influences the resistance of the ship. The major factor
in ship resistance is skin friction resistance. Bulbous bows, polymer paint, water repellent paint (highly
water-repellent wall), air injection, and specific roughness have been used by researchers as an attempt to
obtain the resistance reduction and operation efficiency of ships. Micro-bubble injection is a promising
technique for lowering frictional resistance. The injected air bubbles are supposed to somehow modify the
energy inside the turbulent boundary layer and thereby lower the skin friction. The purpose of this study was to
identify the effect of injected micro bubbles on a navy fast patrol boat (FPB) 57 m type model with the
following main dimensions: L=2 450 mm, B=400 mm, and T=190 mm. The influence of the location of micro
bubble injection and bubble velocity was also investigated. The ship model was pulled by an electric motor
whose speed could be varied and adjusted. The ship model resistance was precisely measured by a load cell
transducer. Comparison of ship resistance with and without micro-bubble injection was shown on a graph as a
function of the drag coefficient and Froude number. It was shown that micro bubble injection behind the
mid-ship is the best location to achieve the most effective drag reduction, and the drag reduction caused by the
micro-bubbles can reach 6%–9%.
Keywords: ship model test; micro-bubble injection; drag reduction; high speed vessel model
Article ID: 1671-9433(2012)03-0301-04
2 Experimental set-ups allowing the model to move freely in the vertical plane.
Total resistance was measured for each run over the test
A series of model tests were conducted in a basin. The basin range of Froude numbers. In the resistance tests, the ship
had a length of 50 m and width of 40 m, and the water depth model was pulled by a wire rope and the total longitudinal
was maintained at a constant depth of 2 m. The experiments force acting on the model was measured for various speeds.
were conducted for a Froude number of up to 0.65. The During the measuring run the ship model was free to heave
model was connected to the load cell transducer at a point and pitch. Fig. 1 shows the experimental setup in the basin.
located amidships and vertically above the base line,
CT Cr (1 k )C f (1)
Journal of Marine Science and Application (2012) 11: 301-304 303
where CT is the coefficient of total resistance, Cr the micro-bubble, injection has a value of CT, which is relatively
coefficient of residual resistance, Cf the coefficient of higher at low speeds. When the Froude number increases
friction resistance, and (1+k) the form factor. further, Fr>0.46, in a certain range of values of CT smaller
than the ship model without micro bubbles. The effects can
The form factor “1+k” is determined experimentally at very be seen in the micro-bubble injection at high Froude
low speed or low Froude numbers (Fr<0.2), where Cr must numbers where the turbulent flow drag coefficient of
become negligible. The ITTC (2002) and Bertram (2000) resistance is smaller. On the other hand, it was found that the
recommended applying Prohaska's method, described as: value of CT depends on the position of the bubble injector. It
CT 1 k CF a Fr n (2) appears that the ship model with bubble injection at position
3, has a smallest value of CT. This result agrees well with the
At low speed, Fr<0.2, is assumed to be a function of Fr4, the
experimental work of Kodama et al. (2000) at a circulating
straight line plot of CT/CF versus Fr4/CF will intersect the
water tunnel. In that study it was found that the skin friction
ordinate (Fr=0) at (1+k), enabling the form factor to be
reduction was much greater when the position of bubbles
determined. Flat plate friction resistance (CF) is estimated
was located at the rear. It can be concluded that the injector
with a reasonable precision using ITTC-57.
position has an effect on the value of the resistance
coefficient. The dashed line indicates the resistance
From the experimental towing test results, for the models,
coefficient of a flat plate.
the total resistance coefficient CT has been calculated as:
CT (3) Fig. 4 shows the total resistance coefficient ratio as a
0.5 SV 2 function of air thickness. The horizontal axis is the rate of
where ρ is water density and S the wetted area of the ship air ejection in terms of the air layer thickness. As the flux of
hull. injected air increases, the total resistance coefficient
decreases. The effective air layer thickness is 4 mm because
The Froudes number and Reynolds number are defined as in this area the ship model speed is 4 m/s and has the best
V performance. The resistance coefficient ratio for position 3
Fr (4)
gL is slightly higher than for position 2 and position 1. This
VL indicates that position 3 is the best position to reduce the
Re (5) total resistance that occurred.
where V is the speed of the ship, L the length of the ship, g
acceleration of gravity, and ν the kinematic viscosity of