Chap08 Internal Forced Convection
Chap08 Internal Forced Convection
Chap08 Internal Forced Convection
Yunus A. Cengel
McGraw-Hill, New York, 2007
Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
• Obtain average velocity from a knowledge of velocity profile, and average
temperature from a knowledge of temperature profile in internal flow,
• Obtain analytic relations for the velocity profile, pressure drop, friction
factor, and Nusselt number in fully developed laminar flow, and
• Liquid or gas flow through pipes or ducts is commonly used in heating and
cooling applications and fluid distribution networks.
• The fluid in such applications is usually forced to flow by a fan or pump
through a flow section.
• We pay particular attention to friction, which is directly related to the pressure
drop and head loss during flow through pipes and ducts.
• The pressure drop is then used to determine the pumping power requirement.
Transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the Reynolds number as well
as the degree of disturbance of the flow by surface roughness, pipe vibrations, and
the fluctuations in the flow.
The flow in a pipe is laminar for Re < 2300, fully turbulent for Re > 10,000, and
transitional in between.
the mean temperature of a fluid with constant density and specific heat
flowing in a circular pipe of radius R
The fluid properties in internal flow are usually evaluated at the bulk mean fluid
temperature, which is the arithmetic average of the mean temperatures at the inlet
and the exit: Tb = (Tm, i + Tm, e)/2
Boundary layer region: The viscous effects and the velocity changes are significant.
Irrotational (core) flow region: The frictional effects are negligible and the velocity
remains essentially constant in the radial direction.
Thermally developing flow: Flow in the thermal entrance region. This is the region
where the temperature profile develops.
Thermally fully developed region: The region beyond the thermal entrance region
in which the dimensionless temperature profile remains unchanged.
Fully developed flow: The flow is both hydrodynamically and thermally developed.
• The Nusselt numbers and thus h values are much higher in the entrance
• The Nusselt number reaches a constant value at a distance of less than
10 diameters, and thus the flow can be assumed to be fully developed
for x > 10D.
• The Nusselt numbers for the uniform surface temperature and uniform
surface heat flux conditions are identical in the fully developed regions,
12 and nearly identical in the entrance regions.
Rate of heat transfer
The thermal conditions at the surface can
be approximated to be
Surface heat flux (Ts= const) (qs = const)
The constant surface temperature
condition is realized when a phase
hx the local heat transfer coefficient change process such as boiling or
condensation occurs at the outer surface
of a tube.
Surface temperature:
logarithmic mean temperature difference
Pressure Drop
Laminar flow:
Pressure loss:
head loss
Horizontal tube:
Temperature Profile and the Nusselt Number
The thermal conductivity k for use in the Nu relations should be evaluated at the
bulk mean fluid temperature.
For laminar flow, the effect of surface roughness on the friction factor and the
heat transfer coefficient is negligible.
When the difference between the surface and the fluid temperatures is large,
it may be necessary to account for the variation of viscosity with temperature:
All properties are evaluated at the bulk
mean fluid temperature, except for µs, which
is evaluated at the surface temperature.
First Petukhov equation
Chilton–Colburn analogy
Colburn equation
Dittus–Boelter equation
Gnielinski relation
For liquid metals (0.004< Pr < 0.01), the following relations are recommended by
Sleicher and Rouse for 104< Re <106:
The relations above are not very sensitive to the thermal conditions at the tube
surfaces and can be used for both Ts = constant and qs = constant.
The Moody Chart
Colebrook equation (for
The friction factor in fully developed turbulent smooth and rough pipes)
pipe flow depends on the Reynolds number
and the relative roughness e /D.
Explicit Haaland equation
For laminar flow, the convection coefficients for the inner and the outer surfaces
are determined from
The Nusselt number can be determined from a suitable turbulent flow relation
such as the Gnielinski equation. To improve the accuracy, Nusselt number can
be multiplied by the following correction factors when one of the tube walls is
adiabatic and heat transfer is through the other wall:
Hot air at atmospheric pressure and 85°C enters a 10-m-long uninsulated square
duct of cross section 0.15 m x 0.15 m that passes through the attic of a house at
a rate of 0.10 m3/s. The duct is observed to be nearly isothermal at 70°C.
Determine the exit temperature of the air and the rate of heat loss from the
duct to the air space in the attic.
Characteristic lenght of the channel (hydraulic diameter-Dh)
Fully developed
Heat Transfer Enhancement
Tubes with rough surfaces have much
higher heat transfer coefficients than tubes
with smooth surfaces.