Professor in neurology at
the University of Jordan
1. Introduction
2.Classification:focal seizures, generalized seizures
3. Epidemiology and etiologies
4. Clinical manifestations
5. Diagnostic evaluation
6. Treatment
7. Status epilepticus
8. Special topics
1. Introduction
Seizures are among the most common problems in neurology
Seizures can arise from one specific focus within the brain( focal) or
involve both cerebral hemispheres at the onset ( generalized)
Those that arise from one portion of the brain can evolve and spread to
involve the whole brain( secondarily generalized)
Among focal seizures, those in which awareness is impaired are
previously complex partial
seizures) , whereas those in which awareness is preserved are termed
previously simple partial seizures) ( table)
By definition, focal seizures
focal area of the brain and do not impair awareness, at least at the
onset( figure)
Focal seizures
Focal motor seizures, in which one part of the body may stiffen or jerk
- -
The classic Jacksonian march occurs when the electrical activity spread
along the motor strip, leading to rhythmic jerking that spreads along
body parts following the organization of the motor homunculus
Focal nonmotor seizures from other regions of the brain can cause
sensory phenomena( sometimes parietal), visual phenomena( usually
occipital), or gustatory, olfactory, and psychic phenomena( frequently
The latter may include déjà vu, jamais vu, or sensations of
depersonalization derealization
Focal seizures with impaired awareness 3
Focal seizures with impaired awareness( previously termed complex
partial seizures) have a focal onset and involve impairment of
Many arise in the temporal lobe, but a frontal lobe focus is also
Focal seizures with impaired awareness may include automatisms
( stereotyped motor actions without clear purpose) such as lip-
smacking, chewing movements, or picking at clothing
The patient may have speech arrest or may speak in a nonsensical
By definition, the patient does not respond normally to the
environment or to questions or commands
behavior such as running in circles
Toward the end of the clonic phase, the frequency of the jerking may
decrease and stop as the body becomes flaccid
The patient may bite the tongue and become incontinent of urine
during a generalized motor seizure
degenerative disease of the brain( progressive myoclonic epilepsies)
The risk of subsequent epilepsy is relatively small unless the seizures
are prolonged or focal in onset or if other neurologic abnormalities or a
family history of epilepsy is present %
Older children may also develop seizures related to head injury,
meningitis,encephalitis, or vascular diseases, and genetic syndromes
continue to be a significant etiology at this age group
Among young adults, head injury, substance use, and excessive alcohol
use are common causes of new-onset seizures, but brain tumors and
strokes become more common etiologies by middle age
In the elderly, strokes become the most common etiology, but
substance abuse and alcohol are not uncommon causes
Metabolic disturbances from systemic problems such as severe hypo-or
hyperglycemia, hepatic failure, or renal failure are also frequent causes
Frequently , seizures occur in children( and sometimes adults) as part
of a syndrome that may include specific seizure types, EEG patterns,
and associated neurologic abnormalities
Teens ≥
A) History
The diagnosis of seizures is a clinical one
Most commonly the patient is seen after an event has occurred, and
the diagnosis must be made on the history alone
In these cases, the patient ( and more importantly, witnesses, if the
seizure was generalized in onset) must be questioned for an exact
description of the event itself( and especially the onset), any
premonitory symptoms, and the character of the recovery period in
order for the clinician to decide whether the event was a seizure
and, if so, what type of seizure it was
The clinical details should allow differentiation of seizures from other
paroxysmal neurologic events ( table)
Onset →
B) Physical examination
Of course, the general physical exam may yield findings suggestive of
infection or other systemic disease that might explain a new-onset
- and it may establish whether a patient who has had a seizure and is
% not regaining alertness promptly is postictal or is having ongoing
continuous nonconvulsive seizures
The diagnosis of whether a particular paroxysmal event was a seizure
or not, however, rests primarily on clinical grounds
on everything
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An ASD is typically not started after a single seizure unless there is a
reason to believe that a 2nd seizure is likely
Most neurologists would not start an ASD after a single seizure for
which no underlying cause is found
ASD treatment is usually begun after 2 seizures that are not provoked
The primary goals of ASD treatment are to eliminate seizures and avoid
side effects, ideally with monotherapy- i.e., using a single drug
Most neurologists increase the dose of a single drug until either seizure
control is achieved or adverse effects become intolerable
If the latter occurs, the dose is lowered and a 2nd drug may be added
It produces urine and plasma ketones, which are used for monitoring
It can be difficult for patients to tolerate and is not known to be safe for
other medical comorbidities, including lipid disorders
C) Vagus nerve stimulation
The vagus nerve stimulator is a device shown to be effective in the
treatment of partial and generalized seizures
For seizures of medial temporal lobe origin( the most common target of
epilepsy surgery), the rate of complete seizure freedom following
respective surgery can be over 60%
It is defined as