Executive Committee
HENRIK B. STAFSETH, Executive Director, American Assn. of State Highway and Transportation Officials (ex officio)
NORBERT T. TIEMANN, Federal Highway Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
FRANK C. HERRINGER, Urban Mass Transportation Administrator, U.S. Department of Transportation (ex officio)
ERNST WEBER, Chairman, Division of Engineering, National Research Council (ex officio)
ALAN M. VOORHEES, President, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates (ex officio, Past Chairman 1972)
WILLIAM L. GARRISON, Director, Inst. of Transp. and Traffic Eng., University of California (ex officio, Past Chairman 1973)
JAY W. BROWN, Director of Road Operations, Florida Department of Transportation
DOUGLAS B. FUGATE, Commissioner, Virginia Department of Highways
ROGER H. GILMAN, Director of Planning and Development, The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
NEIL V. HAKALA, President, Exxon Research and Engineering Company
ALFRED HEDEFINE, Senior Vice President, Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas
ROBERT N. HUNTER, Chief Engineer, Missouri State Highway Commission
GEORGE KRAMBLES, General Operations Manager, Chicago Transit Authority
SCHEFFER LANG, Assistant to the President, Association of American Railroads
BENJAMIN LAX, Director, Francis Bitter National Magnet Laboratory, Massachusetts institute of Technology
HAROLD L. MICHAEL, School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University
D. GRANT MICKLE, President, Highway Users Federation for Safety and Mobility
JAMES A. MOE, Executive Engineer, Hydro and Community Facilities Division; Bechtel, inc.
ELLIOTT W. MONTROLL, Professor of Physics, University of Rochester
MILTON PIKARSKY, Chairman, Chicago Transit Authority
J. PHILLIP RICHLEY, Director of Transportation, Ohio Department of Transportation
RAYMOND T. SCHULER, Commissioner, New York State Department of Transportation
R. STOKES, Executive Director, American Public Transit Association
ROBERT N. YOUNG, Executive Director, Regional Planning Council, Baltimore, Maryland
Advisory Committee
JAY W. BROWN, Florida Department of Transportation (Chairman)
MILTON PIKARSKY, Chicago Transit Authority
HENRIK E. STAFSETH, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
NORBERT T. TIEMANN, U.S. Department of Transportation
ERNST WEBER, National Research Council
ALAN M. VOORHEES, Alan M. Voorhees and Associates
WILLIAM L. GARRISON, University of California
W. N. CAREY, JR., Transportation Research Board
Program Staff
K. W. HENDERSON, JR., Program Director
LOUIS M. MACGREGOR, Administrative Engineer HARRY A. SMITH, Projects Engineer
JOHN E. BURKE, Projects Engineer DAVID K. WITHEFORD, Projects Engineer
R. IAN KINGHAM, Projects Engineer HERBERT P. ORLAND, Editor
ROBERT J. REILLY, Projects Engineer PATRICIA A. PETERS, Associate Editor
Systematic, well-designed research provides the most ef- Project 12-8, FY '66
fective approach to the solution of many problems facing ISBN 0-309-02209-6
highway administrators and engineers. Often, highway L. C. Catalog Card No. 74-6937
problems are of local interest and can best be studied by
highway departments individually or in cooperation with Price $4.00
their state universities and others. However, the accelerat-
ing growth of highway transportation develops increasingly
complex problems of wide interest to highway authorities.
These problems are best studied through a coordinated
program of cooperative research.
In recognition of these needs, the highway administrators Notice
of the American Association of State Highway and Trans- The project that is the subject of this report was a part of the
portation Officials initiated in 1962 an objective national National Cooperative Highway Research Program conducted by the
highway research program employing modern scientific Transportation Research Board with the approval of the Governing
Board of the National Research Council, acting in behalf of the
techniques. This program is supported on a continuing National Academy of Sciences. Such approval reflects the Governing
basis by funds from participating member states of the Board's judgment that the program concerned is of national impor-
Association and it receives the full cooperation and support tance and appropriate with respect to both the purposes and re-
sources of the National Research Council.
of the Federal Highway Administration, United States The members of the advisory committee selected to monitor this
Department of Transportation. project and to review this report were chosen for recognized
scholarly competence and with due consideration for the balance
The Transportation Research Board of the National Re- of disciplines appropriate to the project. The opinions and con-
search Council was requested by the Association to admin- clusions expressed or implied are those of the research agency that
performed the research, and, while they have been accepted as
ister the research program because of the Board's recog- appropriate by the advisory committee, they are not necessarily those
nized objectivity and understanding of modern research of the Transportation Research Board, the National Research Coun-
practices. The Board is uniquely suited for this purpose cil, the National Academy of Sciences, or the program sponsors.
Each report is reviewed and processed according to procedures
as: it maintains an extensive committee structure from established and monitored by the Report Review Committee of the
which authorities on any highway transportation subject National Academy of Sciences. Distribution of the report is ap-
may be drawn; it possesses avenues of communications and proved by the President of the Academy upon satisfactory comple-
tion of the review process.
cooperation with federal, state, and local governmental The National Research Council is the principal operating agency of
agencies, universities, and industry; its relationship to its the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of
Engineering, serving government and other organizations. The
parent organization, the National Academy of Sciences, a Transportation Research Board evolved from the 54-year-old High-
private, nonprofit institution, is an insurance of objectivity; way Research Board. The TRE incorporates all former HRB
it maintains a full-time research correlation staff of special- activities but also performs additional functions under a broader
scope involving all modes of transportation and the interactions of
ists in highway transportation matters to bring the findings transportation with society.
of research directly to those who are in a position to use
The program is developed on the basis of research needs
identified by chief administrators of the highway and trans-
portation departments and by committees of AASHTO.
Each year, specific areas of research needs to be included
in the program are proposed to the Academy and the Board
by the American Association of State Highway and Trans-
portation Officials. Research projects to fulfill these needs
are defined by the Board, and qualified research agencies Published reports of the
are selected from those that have submitted proposals. Ad- NATIONAL COOPERATIVE HIGHWAY RESEARCH PROGRAM
ministration and surveillance of research contracts are
responsibilities of the Academy and its Transportation Re- are available from:
search Board.
Transportation Research Board
The needs for highway research are many, and the National Academy of Sciences
National Cooperative Highway Research Program can 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.
make significant contributions to the solution of highway Washington, D.C. 20418
transportation problems of mutual concern to many re-
sponsible groups. The program, however, is intended to (See last pages for list of published titles and prices)
complement rather than to substitute for or duplicate other
highway research programs. Printed in the United States of America.
This report is recommended to bridge engineers, safety engineers, and others con-
FOREWORD cerned with effective traffic barriers for use on and near bridges. It contains a
By Stafi discussion of current bridge rail design procedures and nomographs that will aid
Transportation designers. In addition, information presented on vehicle characteristics and human
Research Board tolerance in coffisions should be of interest to researchers.
Highway bridge railing system designs have evolved through need and experi-
ence, but often have been based on questionable design information. In recent
years, additional information has been provided by the many full-scale crash tests
on bridge railings. Consequently, there has existed a need for assembly and cor-
relation of the information generally accepted as valid for the purpose of outlining
bridge railing service requirements. It is of prime importance to delineate the
functions that railings are expected to satisfy for various site conditions, with due
consideration being given to safety, economy, and appearance. Following the
ahievement of a valid definition of service requirements, existing and new research
data can be used to formulate comprehensive design criteria that will include
various configurations and materials.
This report presents the results of the second phase of NCHRP Project 12-8,
conducted at the Texas Transportation Institute. Phase I was a 12-month pilot
study intended to ascertain the state of the art and to identify gaps in the knowledge
concerning bridge rails. NCHRP Report 86 presented the results of Phase I, which
included: a definition of service requirements for bridge rail systems; the develop-
ment of a simple mathematical model to predict the behavior of a vehicle-guardrail
collision; a relationship between vehicle deceleration rate and occupant safety; the
formulation of structural design criteria; and a technique for determining design
loadings for bridge rails.
Phase II, which lasted 18 months, was intended to build on the findings of the
pilot study by seeking quantitative values for the bridge rail service requirements
presented in NCHRP Report 86.
The researchers collected and analyzed information concerning accidents,
vehicle characteristics, barrier configurations and heights, and the effects of curbs
and Sidewalks in an attempt to develop design criteria. However, owing to the
many varied bridge rail system geometries and the many possible vehicle configura-
tions, they were unable to generalize design conditiOns. The report presents the
information collected as a basis for others to use in future development of design
criteria. A discussion of the tolerable rates of deceleration is also included. The
investigators make recommendations for modifications in the test conditions used
for evaluating the safety performance characteristics of bridge rails. They also pre-
sent a technique for interpreting deceleration levels to arrive at an estimate of the
adequacy of barriers from the safety standpoint.
The report outlines, the current barrier design process and examines strength
and height requirements. It also updates two of the bridge rail service requirements
presented in NCHRP Report 86. The investigators found that the relevant pro-
visions of the AASHO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges are generally
adequate with respect to retaining a vehicle and preventing vaulting, but the speci-
fications offer the designer no guidance concerning the deceleration or redirection
suffered by an errant vehicle. At present, neither analytical methods nor laboratory
tests can adequately predict bridge rail performance under selected impact condi-
tions. Therefore, full-scale crash tests and accident statistics are needed to assess
the safety performance of a bridge rail design.
SUMMARY Reports of accidents in which vehicles collided with barriers on and near bridges
were examined, and factors causing the accidents were studied. From 1967 to 1969,
California and Texas experienced a notable decrease—from 52 to 13 percent and
57 to 25 percent, respectively—in the proportion of single-vehicle accidents occur-
ring at the ends of bridge rails or parapets. This probably reflects the emphasis
placed on smooth transitions and safer rail terminations. The typical bridge rail
accident involved an intermediate or standard sedan (84.3 percent of fatal acci-
dents involve passenger vehicles) traveling 63 mph on a tangent section after dark.
Of the fatal accidents with bridge rails, 4.3 percent involved truck-trailer combina-
tion vehicles. In Texas, 22 percent occurred when some form of water was on the
pavement. This percentage is rather high considering that pavements are in a wet
condition only approximately 6 percent of the time.
Automobile and truck weight and dimension records were gathered and trends
were noted concerning the current vehicle population. The median weight of a
loaded automobile has increased from 3,450 lb in the late 1930's to 3,950 lb in the
late 1960's; the range of weight for the middle 95 percent of the population has
expanded from 1,100 lb (from 3,200 to 4,300 lb) to 3,000 lb (from 2,000 to
5,000 lb). This poses a severe problem to the designer in that he must design a
barrier strong enough to withstand impacts by heavier vehicles and, at the same
time, not too formidable for impacts by smaller vehicles. Relationships between
vehicle length, width, center of gravity position, and weight are given for use by the
Contemporary practice and recent revisions in barrier height requirements are
discussed, as is the use of curbs and sidewalks on bridges. Barrier heights have
gradually increased, and the current trend is toward a height in excess of 27 in. In
general, curbs are not considered to be of value in redirecting vehicles and may
aggravate the severity of a collision by having disabled the steering mechanism or
produced a ramping condition on impact.
Probability of injury and tolerability to decelerative forces are examined in
light of current technology. A basis for comparing. the safety aspects of barriers,
which includes the effect of both longitudinal and transverse vehicle accelerations,
is developed. Current bridge rail designs are compared on this basis. Studies indi-
cate that the commonly used crash test parameters-25°, 60 mph, and 4,000 lb—
may be too severe for an appropriate safety evaluation. Test conditions of 15°,
70 mph, and 4,000 lb are recommended.
Current requirements for conducting full-scale crash tests and methods for
acquiring, analyzing, and evaluating data were studied. Recommendations for.
revising these procedures are contained in this report.
Full-scale crash testing of barriers designed in accordance with methods sug-
gested in this report is a necessary requirement for evaluating the safety aspects of
barriers proposed in the future. Such testing will be required until comprehensive
criteria have been formulated.
The study reported herein is a continuation of the research mation concerning collisions with bridge barrier systems;
project reported in NCHRP Report 86, "Tentative Service (2) examining the vehicle population (automobiles, trucks,
Requirements for Bridge Rail Systems" (1). The objectives and buses); (3) reviewing current technology concerning
of this continuation study were (1) to extend, and if pos- barrier design and human tolerance in collisions; and (4)
sible to quantify, the tentative requirements in order to attempting to coalesce these elements into meaningful cri-
produce design criteria; (2) to seek estimates of human teria that couldproduce safer traffic barriers.
tolerance to forces induced in collisions with barrier sys- The chapters that follow contain findings of the study,
tems on and abutting bridges; and (3) to re-examine the a discussion of probability of injury in collisions, and an
validity of the impact forces predicted by the mathemati-
interpretation and appraisal of the work. In addition to
cal model presented in NCHRP Report 86 in light of data
obtained from full-scale crash tests conducted after 1970. cited references, Appendix A lists a chronological bibli-
Information concerning development of barrier systems ography of literature pertaining to the subject of this re-
was obtained from technical publications, reports of full- port. Appendices B, C, and D, respectively, further discuss
scale crash tests, and highway departments. This informa- design nomographs; the method for reducing, analyzing,
tion was examined and appraised from the viewpoints of and evaluating data from high-speed film; and the com-
the project objectives. parison of predicted and observed average unit decelera-
The research approach consisted of (1) obtaining infor- tive forces perpendicular to barriers.
YEARS OF RECORD: 1966, 1967 1967, 1968, 1967 1968, 1969 1967, 1968' 1968, 1969
COLLISIONS REPORTED: 77 184 63 73 165 146
BARRIER STRUCK NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. %
Guardrail adjoining -.
bridge rail 13b 17 44 24 13 21 25' 19 25 15 7 5
Parapet or end of
bridge rail 40 52 24 13 37 59 94 63 94 57 37 25
Bridge rail 24 31 99 54 13 20 25 18 35 21 22 15
Bridge curb NR - 17 9 NR - NR - NR - 80 55
Unknown - - - - - - - - 11 7 - -
Total 77 100 184 100 63 100 144 100 165 100 146 100
NR: No records available.
'January 1, 1967, through September 30, 1968.
Includes five collisions in which vehicle struck guardrail then later struck bridge rail.
Includes seven collisions in which vehicle struck guardrail then later struck bridge rail.
75+ 17 - - -
71-80 - - 12 14 Z
-3 -4 17 6
5 5
Texas occurred on level stretches of roadway. Approxi- programs on barriers, the researchers addressed them-
mately 20 percent of the fatal accidents in each of these selves to the task of examining automobile characteristics
states occurred on grades; the percent of grade is not and their effects on factors, trends, and guidelines con-
indicated in these data. cerning bridge rail design. Because an additional concern
exists about truck and bus collisions with barriers, the study
VEHICLE CHARACTERISTICS was extended to include these types of vehicles as well.
Because automobiles were involved in four-fifths of the Although the information presented herein is limited in
fatal accidents listed in Table 4, and because they have many respects, it provides the reader with information on
been used as the crash vehicles in most full-scale testing a cross-section of vehicles and indicates trends in vehicle
0 10 20 30 40 50 6fl 70 80+ Unknown
Speed, mph
Figure 2. Distribution of speed in fatal accidents. (Adapted from Table 3 data.)
100 100
a. V
V 6.3
0 1.7
Compacts Intermediate Station
And And Standard Wagons Semi's Single Panels Passenger Motor-
Foreign Sedans (Truck and Unit And Vehicles cycles
a. Trailer) Trucks Pickups And
Figure 3. Distribution of types of passenger vehicles for Misc.
California (1965-67) and Illinois (1968). Figure 4. Distribution of types of motor vehicles.
dimensions and weights as well as parameters that have not Rasmussen, et al., provide some rather informative data
appeared in other studies. concerning "conventional domestic passenger cars." The
following excerpts give the data that are of most interest
Automobiles to the designer of bridge rails. The values presented are for
vehicles in curb condition with full gas tank and no pas-
A great deal of information is available on automobile
sengers, which are the conditions found in most crash tests
dimensions and weights—items that are easily measured. In
on barriers.
contrast, there seems to be a dearth of information on auto-
mobile dynamic properties. A gentle remonstration is given The vehicles measured were domestic production ve-
to the would-be dynamicist by Rasmussen, et al. (6) hicles. The vehicle sample was bracketed by the fol-
lowing general characteristics:
Modern research directed at obtaining a quantitative Style Curb Weight Wheelbase
technical understanding of the dynamic motions of road 2-Door hardtop 2,600 lb 108 in.
vehicles dates from the early 1950's. At first, only a few to to to
rather separated groups were working actively in this Station wagon 4,800 lb 129 in.
field, but more recently, a number of industry, univer-
sity, government, and independent research organiza- The drive train in these vehicles varied from "front
tions have become involved with vehicle dynamics work. engine-front drive (1 vehicle) to front engine-rear drive to
There is a rather consistent pattern to the activities of rear engine-rear drive (1 vehicle)," according to Rasmus-
any organization starting to work in the field of vehicle sen, et al., who described the location of the center of
dynamics. gravity as follows: -
Large and complex mathematical models are
derived. Vehicle curb center of gravity location is a parameter
that is intrinsic to a given vehicle and can not be esti-
Extensive computer programs are written.
mated without a complete set of pertinent data on that
In some cases, sophisticated driving simulation vehicle. The fore-aft weight distribution of the front
devices are designed. engine-rear drive vehicles measured -varied from 44 to
A search for vehicle and tire parameters to in- 56% front. If front engine-front drive and rear engine-
sert in the equations begins. rear drive cars are included, the range was extended
The dynamicist is usually surprised to find that the last from 61% front to 3 7 % front.
step is the most expensive and time consuming task of The center of gravity height is again a property of a
the four. given car and cannot be readily estimated. The total
Weather: Level: 78 51
Clear (including cloudy)
- -
Snowing 3 1 3
Grade: 19 21 -
Wind, blowing dust -1 2
0 Straight 14 -
- -
Smoke - 0 0 Curved 5
Not stated 8 0 0 Hillcrest:
- -
Daylight 35 32 45 Curved 0 - -
Dusk or dawn
Unknown - 24 -
Not stated I - - 'Includes accident data from rural areas and for cities having
Pavement: populations of, or fewer than, 5,000 citizens.
b California has no data.
Dry 70 84 80
Wet 18 15 14
Snow 6' 1 1
Frost or ice
Not stated
-6 -0
Road: matical equations and that do not require computer solu-
No defects 87 84 tions are later presented. In short, estimates are provided
Holes, ruts, etc.
Defective shoulders
-1 -
- -
- of average impact forces on barriers from the instant of
Foreign material
Flooded pavement
- -1 impact of a vehicle until the time the vehicle becomes par-
allel to the barrier. These estimates are based on the theo-
Slick surface
Loose gravel
- -7 retical considerations presented in NCHRP Report 86 and
are extended to include several automobiles, trucks, and
Narrow bridge
Road under construction
- -8
school buses. During the course of the current study, the
reports of many earlier engineers concerned with highway
Includes icy condition. design and highway safety were examined. A report by
"California has no data Barnett, who sought a method to describe design loads for
guardrails, was informative.
In 1939, Joseph Barnett (7) reported the results of a
study of the weight distribution of new automobiles regis-
tered during 1936, 1937, and 1938. Figure 5 shows the
vehicle center of gravity height at curb trim for the
above mentioned range of vehicles can vary from ap- resulting distribution of weights as a solid line, any point
proximately 19 to 24 inches above ground. Center of of which gives the percentage of all automobiles weighing
gravity height varies directly with the vehicle trim less than the loaded weight shown. Allowances of 150 lb
height. for water, gas, and oil and 400 lb for passengers and
The lateral center of gravity location can be considered baggage were made.
to be on the vehicle longitudinal center-line for most The dashed line of Figure 5 represents the distribution
ride or handling analyses.
of weights of automobiles taken from a 1937 report of the
Thus, ranges of properties are presented in the report, State-Wide Planning Survey of Iowa. All automobiles (re-
and the summary emphasizes: gardless of age, condition, or load) were weighed at three
A given vehicle might have parameters that fall at one pit-scale stations; 1920 to 1937 models were included in the
end of the range for one parameter and at the opposite survey.
end for another. The particular values of each parameter A review of information published in Automotive Indus-
will depend on the compromises and constraints under tries (8) for the years 1965 through 1968 is plotted as a
which that vehicle was designed.
broken line in Figure 5. The 550-lb allowance for gaso-
The report contains other vehicle parameter ranges for line and passengers assumed by Barnett was added to the
mass moments of inertia and ride characteristics, but no- shipping weight reported in the magazine.
where in the report are the various parameters determined It is interesting to note that the automobile weight dis-
referred to any specific vehicle. Thus it becomes necessary, tribution between 1920 and 1937 remained fairly con-
when trying to use the information in specific vehicle dy- sistent; however, the weight distribution of automobiles for
namics problems, to construct hypothetical vehicles rather the years 1965 through 1968 shows a marked variation
than real ones. This is a serious limitation of usefulness. from the earlier models. The later curve reveals that ap-
Some relationships that are not based on complex mathe- proximately 15 percent of the newer cars weigh less than
z 80
cr -
- I
2200 2600 3000 3400 3800 4200 4600 5000 5400
Figure 5. Distribution of weights of automobiles.
3,000 lb and that the majority of the newer automobiles parameter were not available, the values for height of cen-
are heavier than those of the 1920's and 30's. ter of gravity (19 to 24 in.) and lateral location at mid-
Barnett also made estimates of the location of the center width of an automobile are those of Rasmussen, et al. (6).
of gravity of automobiles and discussed other parameters, Their values for weight distribution for front engine-rear
such as kinetic energy of an automobile in a collision with drive cars were employed in Table 7. (Being aware of their
a guardrail. Taking a case from his study, additional in- caveat that location of center of gravity ". . . is intrinsic
formation on the dimensions of contemporary automobiles to a given vehicle . . ." the researchers, who were seeking
was sought. trends, did not use this value in complex mathematical
Observation of automobiles in operation on highways models.) The location of the center of gravity was com-
leads one to conclude, in general, that as weight increases puted for the automobiles shown, and the arithmetic mean,
length increases. This observation was tested by tabulating or average values, is tabulated. Overhang values were not
the over-all lengths and shipping weights of new automo- published for later model cars, so the study was limited to
biles registered in the United States during the years 1965 1965 models. The distribution of the weight of the ve-
through 1969. These data were plotted on semilog paper, hicle (50 percent front, 50 percent rear) is mathematically
as shown in Figure 6. The plotted points represent a sam- equivalent to using the upper and lower values established
ple of 212 automobiles (54 models) produced by 6 manu- by Rasmussen, et al.
facturers (American, Chrysler, Ford, General Motors,
Volkswagen, and Simca) (8). The solid straight line was
visually fitted to show the trend of the data and to aid in The information presented on weights and dimensions of
making the nomographs presented in Appendix B. automobiles indicates a wide, but reasonable, range of
A semilog plot of automobile weights as a function of values. Determination of similar information on trucks was
over-all width is shown in Figure 7. The two solid lines attempted; however, the range of dimensions and parame-
have no statistical significance, but indicate the trend of the ters was too broad. For example, the initial effort to ex-
data. The data points were obtained from the same source amine the available data for both single-unit (SU) trucks
referenced above. It is interesting to note that more than and truck combinations (tractor with semi-trailer, either
50 automobiles have a width of approximately 80 in. and with or without a full trailer) was finally narrowed to
range in weight from 3,800 to 5,500 lb and that none of the single-unit trucks excluding pickup trucks. Because their
cars exceeded 80 in. in width (9, 10). population is significant, pickup trucks should be consid-
Next was an attempt to locate the center of gravity of ered as a separate class.
contemporary automobiles. Because tabulated data on this Sales brochures for 1970-model International, Ford,
60 70 180 190 200 210 220 230 Z40
Chevrolet, Mack, White, and GMC trucks gave their di- 6000
TABLE 7 482 (11) as given in Table 9. For the same speed and
POSITION OF CENTER OF GRAVITY angle of impact, the 18,000-lb truck has an average im-
OF AUTOMOBILES pact load on a rigid barrier of 97 kips while the 60,000-lb
truck has an average impact force on a rigid barrier of
From Statics: 226 kips. The values given are for a rigid barrier and
AL assume that the truck does not climb up and over the
i- (c+bl) barrier and that adequate height of barrier is available to
redirect the truck. The latter requirement led the research-
ers to consider barrier height.
X I 2B
GROSS MANUFACTURER _______________________________
GVW R. Rn Oil WB L 2B X AL
(LB) (LB) (LB) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) (IN.) A
20,000 5,000 15,000 24.9 127 183.7 90.0 - 95.3 120.1 0.655
24,000 7,000 17,000 27.6 127 186.5 90.0 90.0 117.6 0.633
32,000 9,000 23,000 25.2 132 191.5 94.0 94.9 120.1 0.628
41,000 12,000 29,000 45.2 137 258.5 92.0 111.0 156.4 0.605
22,000 7,000 15,000 53.0 89 174.0 95.3 60.7 113.7 0.653
24,000 7,000 17,000 53.0 89 174.0 95.3 63.0 116.0 0.667 u
30,500 7,500 23,000 54.5 99 187.5 89.1 74.7 129.2 0.689
35,000 12,000 23,000 28.5 106 166.0 95.0 69.7 98.2 0.592
39,000 9,000 30,000 28.5 136 216.0 95.5 104.6 133.1 0.617
46,000 12,000 34,000 28.5 140 217.5 95.5 103.5 132.0 0.607
Z t H
50,000 12,000 38,000 45.4 157 268.2 92.0 119.3 164.7 0.613
- Z
66,000 16,000 50,000 56.1 157 279.0 92.0 118.91 174.0 0.624 8
39,000 9,000 30,000 54.5 129 261.5 89.1 99.2 153.7 0.588 g o
43,000 9,000 34,000 54.5 147 279.5 89.1 116.2 170.7 - 0.611 0
46,000 12,000 34,000 28.5 142 219.0 95.0 105.0 133.5 0.609
55,000 16,000 39,000 40.6 187 306.6 96.0 132.6 173.2 0.564
58,000 16,000 42,000 40.6 187 306.6 96.0 135.4 176.0 0.574 8
car showed the performance to be practically identical to This progress report was concerned with guiderails and
similar tests at 30, 27, and 24-inch heights. These data median barriers; however, as bridge rails abut such bar-
satisfied us that the ability of this barrier to properly
redirect vehicles under normal test conditions is rela- riers, the findings may be generally applicable to barriers.
tively insensitive to rail height between 24 and 33 inches. Nordlin, et al., reported the results of dynamic full-scale
Consequently, we have raised all our systems. The new impact tests of bridge barriers and found that an over-all
heights of our various guiderail and median barrier de-
signs are shown . . . [see Table 10].
COLLISION Guiderail:
W-beam 27 33
6x6 Box beam 27
(0) (laPs)
TYPE (LB) (MPH) Median barrier:
W-beam 29 33
Automobile 4,000 60 25 28 6x8 Box beam 27 30
Truck 18,000 60 25 97
0To center of top cable.
Truck 60,000 60 25 226 b Box guiderail at 33 in. outside superelevated curves
Source: After Ref. 13, p. 6.
barrier height of 36 to 43 in. is adequate (/4, p. 140). The CURBS AND SIDEWALKS
determination of minimum effective height was not made,
NCHRP Report 86 (1, p. 3 1 ) gives recommendations con-
thus there is no conflict between this finding and the find-
ings of Graham. cerning construction of curbs. The recommendations are
based on crash test information. A closer examination of
Lundstrom, et al., described the development at the
current specifications, policies, and published reports is
General Motors Proving Ground of a sloped-face parapet,
warranted in a study aimed at establishing design criteria.
shown in Figure 9.
It was fully realized that the 32-in, height of the con-
crete wall was not sufficient to guarantee that larger Article 1.1.8 of AASHO Standard Specifications for High-
trucks would be safe. Accordingly, a pipe rail was in- way Bridges (12) states:
stalled on top to provide a higher barrier. . . . (15,
p. 179) The face of the curb is defined as the vertical or sloping
surface on the roadway side of the curb. Horizontal
The resulting height of the "GM barrier" is approxi- measurements of roadway and curb width are given
mately4½ ft. from the bottom [sic] of the face, or, in the case of
stepped back curbs, from the bottom of the lower face
Another example of a sloped-face concrete parapet, for roadway width. Maximum width of brush curbs, if
which has been subjected to full-scale dynamic tests, is the used, shall be 9 inches.
California Type 20 bridge barrier railing also shown in
Where curb and gutter sections are used on the roadway
Figure 9. It has an over-all height of 39 in. Nordlin, et al., approach, at either or both ends of the bridge, the curb
stated: height on the bridge may match the curb height on the
roadway approach, or if preferred, it may be made
The Type 20 design provides better "see-through" char- higher than the approach curb. Where no curbs are used
acteristics than the General Motors design because the on the roadway approaches, the height of the bridge
over-all height is about 16 in. less, the concrete parapet curb above the roadway shall be not less than 8 inches,
is about 5 in. lower, and the steel rail is narrower. (16, and preferably not more than 10 inches.
p. 58)
Where sidewalks are warranted for pedestrian traffic on
Examination of standard drawings of barriers being in- urban expressways, they shall be separated from the
bridge roadway by the use of a traffic or combination
stalled by state highway departments reveals that heights railing as shown in Figure 1.19.'
vary from a minimum of 27 in. to those in excess of 40 in.
A recent FHWA notice (EN-20) concerning concrete Policies
median barriers and bridge parapets suggests that total Designers of traffic barriers for use on and near bridges
bridge parapet height (for sloped-face concrete barriers) must meet the provisions of the Specifications and follow
should be 32 in. minimum. The notice contains a summary the requirements of the AASHO Policy on Geometric
of current designs from several states that indicates that Design of Rural Highways (Blue Book), which states:
several highway departments construct a metal railing on Where full shoulders are provided safety curbs may or
top of sloped-faced parapet on bridges. * Figure 1.1.9 of the Specifications is reproduced here as Figure 10.
-60 -
50 -
8t...j 11.5 6'x 2'x 1/4 61. x 2"x I/4',,_..._l
EEP BE '. :.
...O .p.•4.'4•
1967) (1965)
* * P
/ - ' F'12
• I2 CI 0
(t LL Optional
Rail heights shown shall be measured from top of curb if the curb width exceeds
sin inches, but from the lop of roadway if the curb width is six inches or less.
i- !4 . 1W w
- -
ci J Tfl
w w wI
I w
r—i I 1w
j O
P • 10,000 lbs. Note: The shapes of roil members
L • Post spacing for Traffic B Combination Roiling, are illustrative only. Any material
* 50 lbs. per un. ft. or combination of materials
Post spacing for Pedestrian Railing, listed in Article 1.1.9 may be
Rail load shown on left, used in any configuration.
Post load shown on right.
may not be used as shown in alternate I and alternate This represents a movement away from the use of safety
II of Figure IX-7A. [See Fig. 11.] curbs on the part of bridge engineers. Therefore, an obvi-
Figure LX-7A shows the case where the shoulder on the ous inconsistency exists between the Blue Book and the
approach highway is flush with the traveled way, which Bridge Specifications, an inconsistency that should be
is the usual case. If curbs are used on the approaches rectified.
to a short overpass they preferably should be carried
across the structure without lateral deviation. Such Crash Tests
curbs should be mountable, and the clearance from the
through pavement to the face of parapet or rail, or face For more than 15 years, full-scale crash tests of bridge
of safety walk if one is used, should be the same as for traffic barriers having curbs or curbs and sidewalks have
the case with no curbs on the approaches. (17, p. 515)
been conducted, and some observations by the researchers
The term "safety curb" was defined in the ninth edition deserve consideration.
of the AASHO Bridge Specifications, as follows: Beaton and Peterson (19) reported on dynamic testing
of various curbing designs in 1953. These studies led
Curbs widened to provide for occasional pedestrian traf- Beaton (20) to conduct further full-scale dynamic tests of
fic shall be designated "safety curbs." Safety curbs shall
be not less than 1'6" wide. (18) bridge curbs and rails and concrete bridge rails having a
variety of curbing configurations. Later tests on barriers
It is significant to note that the term safety curb does not having a rubbing curb (see Fig. 12) led Nordlin, et al., to
appear in the tenth edition of the Bridge Specifications. conclude:
Figure 11. Permissible configurations. Source: Ref. 17, p. 516.
_ H1
0 to
T 1j
OD *4(6Req.)
*4(6Req.) atI8'
*4 at 18"-44
I". -i
IH' *4at
i "I[
6—*6 at 12"
F 1" 4at 18' 144 at I ---I
Based on the results of this test series on the Type 1 and Impacts against a 6-in, curb without any railing were per-
Modified 1 bridge barrier rails, the rubbing curb is con- formed in a car controlled by a driver. These tests
sidered an unnecessary feature that complicates the showed that a 6-in, high curb had almost no effect on
forming for construction and adds to the cost. This rub- the steering system. The 6-in, curb also had very little
bing curb does not function as a wheel deflector as origi- effect on the vehicle motion during several shallow-angle
nally intended. In all but the most narrow-angle, low- low-speed impacts. It was concluded that a 6-in, curb
speed contacts, the front and side overhang on the mod- should not affect the motion of a car striking a box beam
em domestic passenger vehicle prevents the tire from bridge rail if the rails were mounted close enough to the
contacting this curb before the body scrapes the parapet. face of the curb to prevent car "jump" due to recovery
Should the face be extended to more than the present of the suspension system. To verify this the bridge rail
4 in., in an attempt to redirect the vehicle wheel in cas- used in Tests 31 and 32 was erected on a curb 6 in. high
ual impacts, there is a strong possibility that a vehicle for full-scale tests. (21, p. 133)
contacting the Type 1 at a narrow angle would mount
the curb, climb the 21-in, high parapet, and vault the Four tests were performed on the 6-in, high curb, and it
barrier. Therefore, if a wider rubbing curb is desired, was noted that:
the parapet wall should be 28 in. high as provided in the
Type 2 design. (14, p. 140) As predicted, the 6-in, curb had no noticeable effect on
vehicle reactions. (21, p. 138)
SUMMARY STATEMENT: Rubbing curbs are unneces-
sary features and may contribute to ramping at low impact Tests 44 and 45 demonstrated that the box beam bridge
angles. rail can redirect a car as well as can a 10-in. high curb
during mild impacts. Test 47 and several low-speed,
Graham, et al., reported the results of tests on barriers low-angle tests showed that a car is not adversely af-
having curbs; these tests are summarized in Table 11. They fected by a curb 6 in. high. (21, p. 138-139)
SUMMARY STATEMENT: A 10-in, curb causes con-
The 10-in, high curb caused considerable steering damage siderable steering damage and contributes to car "jump"
and it was problematical where the car would stop after when the curb is offset from the face of the bridge rail. A
a severe collision with this height of curb. It was ob-
6-in, curb has no noticeable effect on vehicle reactions, pro-
served that car "jump" only occurred where the curb is
offset from face of rail enough to allow the suspension viding the curb is close enough to the rail to prevent car
system to recover before the car strikes the rail. "jump."
1.0 In effect, the severity index is the ratio of the vector sum
of the critical accelerations encountered during a collision
to the vector sum of the "tolerable" accelerations in the
lateral and longitudinal directions. It it is less than 1, the
collision is considered tolerable for unrestrained passengers.
The rationale and assumptions behind this severity index,
based on vector summation of multiaxial accelerations, are
treated in detail by Hyde (36).
It was considered essential to compare the various ac-
., 0.6k— celeration limits that have been specified by means of a
o I
resultant probability of injury, P,. The equations shown in
Figure 13 are linear relationships between P15. and G151
and between loflg. and G iong. It is certainly acceptable to
0.4 take a vector sum of the acceleration levels along two axes
in order to determine resultant acceleration. Relating this
resulting acceleration to a limiting ellipsoidal envelope is
subject to a number of rationalizations as discussed by
Hyde; but, if this relationship is accepted, it is possible to
use the relationships between G and P to determine the
resultant probability of injury. This concept is illustrated
' by relating the SI value using Weaver's values for "toler-
able" accelerations with probability of injury. Consider
0C Eq. 5 and substitute Olsen's values, as shown in Figure 14,
0 4 8 12 16
= 10 P10. and Glong. = 14 Plong.. Substitution yields:
Accelerations (g's)
Figure 13. Suggested relationship between probability of in- si = Vbo22b0t+
s 142 2iong. (6)
jury and acceleration Source: After Olsen -(1).
- G 2 long. TABLE 13
- 72 + 52 (5)
0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .11 12 13 14
Longitudinal Acceleration, (g's)
Figure 14. Comparison of Graham's and Weaver's allowable limits.
Further, it is of interest that the severity index based on of 1.0 at all points. This curve is labeled "Weaver's Allow-
Weaver's values of tolerable acceleration corresponds to a able Limit."
probability of injury of 0.5. In other words, in one-half of The relationship between the probability of injury and
the automobiles involved in collisions where the severity Graham's allowable acceleration levels can also be deter-
index was equal to unity, injuries to passengers would be mined from Figure 14. Graham's values of G1,. = 3 and
expected. This boundary of injury probability (50 percent) Giông = 5 are used as one-half the length of the principal
may roughly approximate a division between minor and axes in the equation of an ellipse to plot the curve labeled
severe injuries, although there would always be exceptions "Graham's Allowable Limit." This shows that Grahams'
as previously discussed. Therefore, the acceleration levels allowable acceleration levels correspond to probabilities of
chosen by Weaver, though rationalized in a somewhat arbi- injury varying from 0.3 to 0.36 as the resultant acceleration
trary manner, relate rather appropriately to the probability changes from the lateral to the longitudinal direction. Thus
of injury. It seems a rather remote coincidence that the they are relatively consistent and are considerably more
acceleration levels chosen by Weaver should correspond to conservative than Weaver's values.
the probability of injury 0.5. However, Weaver has con- Michie and Bronstad (34) have repeated Graham's al-
firmed that his acceleration levels were set independently as lowable accelerations with the endorsement of an advisory
described in his paper (35). group of national experts and NCHRP Advisory Panel
The curves shown in Figure 14 were drawn using the C22-1. These acceleration limits are given for the lap-belt-
principal of vector addition: restrained and the lap-belt, shoulder-harness-restrained con-
ditions as well as the unrestrained condition that has been
P = '/P218. + loI1g. (10) previously discussed. Inasmuch as Michaiski's data were
based on a population of vehicles in which lap and shoulder
Each elliptical curve corresponds to a specific probability belts were used by a minority of the occupants, he provides
of injury. Values range from P = 0.1 to P = 1.0. Note no means of evaluating any of the acceleration levels except
that the curve of P = 0.5 corresponds to a severity index those corresponding to the unrestrained condition. In the
unrestrained condition, as previously demonstrated, the on the basis of biaxial acceleration levels unless these levels
allowable accelerations correspond to a probability of in- are combined in some way to bring about a resultant ac-
jury varying from 0.3 (lateral) to 0.36 (longitudinal). This celeration. Even if this is done, one is confronted with the
can be justified to some extent when one considers the im- question of significant differences. Consider hypothetically,
provements in design that automobile manufacturers are for example, that Barrier A imposed a resultant accelera-
making to protect passengers subjected to longitudinal ac- tion of 10 g and Barrier B imposed 8 g. It would appear
celerations (crushable steering columns, padded dashes, re- that Barrier A is less desirable than Barrier B. But, is the
cessed knobs, and whiplash guards) compared with the difference really significant? A possible answer to this ques-
minor improvements available to protect passengers sub- tion is discussed on the basis of probability of injury. By
jected to lateral accelerations. Perhaps a more important plotting the average longitudinal and lateral accelerations
question is whether these low levels are practically achiev- that occur in a specific test on a probability of injury chart
able. The following section treats this question in some as shown in Figure 16, the probability of injury can be
detail. readily determined. Figure 16 is a plot of the adjusted data
from the 10 tests described in Table 14. As shown, all
APPROPRIATE TEST CONDITIONS tests of bridge rail and median barrier systems give prob-
ability of injury levels above 0.5. The flexible cable guard-
During the past 10 years, a variety of bridge rail and guard-
rail system is the only one that falls within the tolerable
rail crash tests have been conducted under the sponsorship
levels presented by Graham (13) and Weaver (35). How-
of state and federal agencies. This text compares and dis-
ever, two of the tests-the New York strong beam, weak
cusses 10 tests that correspond roughly to the upper-limit
post (NY-A) and the Texas double flexbeam median bar-
test condition requirements of HRB Circular 482 (11)
rier (T4-1)-come close to the Weaver criterion of a SI
(i.e., 60-mph speed, 25° impact angle, and 4,000-lb ve-
of 1 (a probability of injury of 0.5).
hicle). The rail systems vary from rigid, sloped-face con-
crete median barriers through contemporary and experi- It may be concluded that the criterion of Graham (13)
mental barriers of considerable flexibility to flexible cable is not achievable with the contemporary bridge rail systems
guardrails. Some of these barriers are included in NCHRP included in this discussion when the systems are subjected
Report 118 (34); others are reported in ITI publications to the upper-limit test conditions of 60 mph, 25°, and
41000 lb. The next question then is whether HRB Circular
(37, 38, 47, 48). Figure 15 illustrates the barriers, and
482 upper-limit conditions are reasonable for passenger
Table 14 outlines details of the tests. As shown in this
table, the test data have been adjusted to the 60-25-4,000 injury considerations. It is the opinion of the authors that
test conditions by means of the procedure given in Ap- these upper-limit conditions (60-25-4,000) may be satis-
pendix C. factory for a structural evaluation of a rail system but are
It is difficult to compare the seventies of different tests not appropriate for the evaluation of performance with
ITEM T4-1 T-E3 CMB-1 NY-A TI-B Tl-D 595-C 595-D FT-A FT-B
Year 1963 1963 1963 1964 1961 1964 1963 1961 1963 1959
Make Ply. Ply. Ply. Dodge Ford Dodge Chev. Ply. Ply. Olds.
Weight (lb) 3,640 3,610 4,000 3,800 3,920 3,620 3,430 3,000 3,200 4,720
Impact angle (deg) 25 25 .25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Initial speed (mph) 57.3 59.3 62.3 55.4 56.2 61.6 54.3 56.3 58.3 54.8
Dynamic deflection of barrier (ft) 1.3 0.5 0 1.5 0.4 0.3 5.0 6.0 0.5 1.2
Average longitudinal deceleration
to parallelism (g) 3.1 33 2.1 1.3 4.5 0.5 1.3 0.6 2.2 3.0
Average lateral deceleration to
parallelism (g) 4.4 6.2 8.0 4.8 5.4 6.9 2.3 2.3 6.5 4.6
Vehicle weight (lb) 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000
Impact angle (deg) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25. 25 25 25
Initial speed (mph) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Dynamic deflection of barrier (ft) 1.6 0.6 0 1.9 0.5 0.3 7.2 9.1 0.7 1.2
Average longitudinal deceleration
to parallelism (g) 3.2 2.8 2.0 1.3 5.0 0.5 1.3 0.5 2.2 3.7
Average lateral deceleration to
parallelism (g) 4.6 6.1 7.4 5.1 6.0 6.5 2.2 1.9 6.5 5.5
respect to occupant injury. Justification for this opinion nedy (38). In their study of median encroaéhments, they
is developed in the following paragraphs. accumulated data that result in the curve shown in Fig-
A much quoted source of data on the subject of en- ure 17. This curve shows that 8 percent of the angles
croachnient aiigles is the work of 1-lutchinson and Ken- observed were greater than 25°, which would seem to
Texas Highway Dept. bridge rail Texas Highway Dept. bridge rail with
lower W—section added by Texas
Transportation Inst.
Fragmenting tube bridge rail New York strong beam, weak post
median barrier
T—E3 () -1 (47)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Longitudinal Acceleration, (g's)
Figure 16. Suggested chart to determine probability of injury.
indicate that the 25° angle is not extremely high with re- inhibited) from driver performance on a bridge or elevated
spect to collision safety. However, it is possible that this section. On an elevated roadway, the close proximity of
curve is conservative (i.e., the curve may give angles larger bridge rails is probably a constant warning against radical
than might be expected in collisions with bridge rails) steering maneuvers (i.e., performance should be more
because: inhibited).
I. Exit speeds cannot be determined from the data in the These two factors suggest that the impact angle of 25° is
Hutchinson and Kennedy study (38). Therefore, it can be probably too high for use in evaluating the potential of a
assumed that speeds varied over a wide range. It has been given barrier for producing injuries.
argued that as speed increases the angle of impact with a To continue this argument, consider Figure .18, which
barrier decreases (e.g., Ref. 1, p. 7 et seq.) It is suggested includes plots of the cumulative distribution of fatal acci-
that this argument may be extended to include encroach- dent speeds and median encroachment angles. The abscissa
ment angles. It is further suggested that if speed had been scale of encroachment angle was matched to the scale of
determined and if only those encroachments at exit speeds accident speed in the following way:
over a certain value were considered, the curve shown in
Figure 17 would have dropped considerably, as indicated I. Encroachment angle was assumed to be inversely re-
by the shaded zone. lated to speed. This has been demonstrated for the maxi-
2. Since the Hutchinson and Kennedy data were taken mum turning maneuver but has not been demonstrated for
in a wide, unobstructed median zone, it is probable that the general case of roadside encroachments.
driver performance was significantly different (i.e., less 2. Boundary conditions were assumed for the end points
I 1 H I.
After Hutchinson and Kennedy (38)
/ (266 Encroachments)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Encroachment Angle, Degrees
Figure 17. Distribution of encroachment angles.
of the Hutchinson and Kennedy encroachment angle data The median (50 percentile) speed is 63 mph and the
and the fatal accident speed data (i.e., 45°—the maximum median encroachment angle is 80°.
from Hutchinson and Kennedy—corresponds to 10 mph, 90 percent of the speeds are less than 80 mph. This
the minimum significant speed from Fig. 2; and 2*—the speed corresponds to an encroachment angle of 11.5°.
98 percentile angle from Hutchinson and Kennedy—cor- 90 percent of the angles are less than 22.5°. This
responds to 100 mph, the approximate 98 percentile speed angle corresponds to a speed of 57 mph.
from Fig. 2).
3. Based on these assumed end conditions, arithmetic Probability of injury, as a first approximation, is as-
angle and speed scales were constructed. This construc- sumed to be directly related to acceleration and thus to the
tion resulted in the following relationship between speed impact force on the vehicle. The average lateral force,
and angle: Fiat., is used to compare Conditions 1, 2, and 3 with the
0=-0.48V+49.78 (11) HRB Circular 482 upper-limit conditions (60-25-4,000),
in which
W V1' sin2 (0)
o = impact angle (deg); and Fiat' (12)
2g{AL sin(0) - B[1 - cos(0)] + D}
V = impact speed (mph).
From the figure so constructed, the following informa- in which W = 4,000 Ib, A = 0.454, L = 17.5 ft, 2B =
tion may be obtained: 6.5 ft, and D = 0.
20 40 60 80 100
Fatal Accident Speed,. (mph)
I I I I 1
.45 40 30 20 10 2
achieve this value. For example, if test speeds of 50, 60, TABLE 15
and 70 mph were selected, impact angles of 29.3°, 20.7°, DETAILS OF TESTS
and 15.2°, respectively, would result in an average lateral
force of 23 kips. Because the median fatal accident speed ITEM CMB-3 CMB-4
was 63 mph, the lower speeds (50 and 60 mph) may be
considered somewhat low for comparing the safety aspects Year 1963 1963
of barriers. Therefore, the 70-mph test speed is selected. Make Chev. Chev.
Weight (lb) 4,210 4,210
COMMENT: On the basis of the foregoing discussion, the Impact angle (deg) 7 15
combined test conditions of 70 mph and 15° are more
appropriate for comparing barrier systems from the vie w-
Initial speed (mph) 60.9 60.7
point of passenger injury. Dynamic deflection of barrier (ft) 0 0
Several other observations of a general nature can be Average longitudinal deceleration
to parallelism (g) 0.4 1.3
derived from the comparison of the tests of ten different Average lateral deceleration to
rail systems in the 25° impact condition. All systems con- parallelism (g) 2.2 4.7
tained the impacting vehicle and thus were shown to be
Probability of injury 0.22 0.48
structurally adequate. Figure 19 is a bar graph showing the
ten tests arranged in order of increasing probability of in- Severity index 0.44 0.96
jury. The order corresponds almost directly to the degree
of lateral flexibility, varying from the flexible cable guard-
rail with a lateral deflection under impact of 6 ft to the ceptable from the viewpoint of safety when the more realis-
concrete median barrier that had a negligible lateral deflec- tic test conditions advocated in this chapter are used.
tion. This effect is shown in Figure 20. Two other tests Further, the CMB system's only drawback—extreme ri-
were run on the concrete median barrier at reduced angles gidity—is not as critical as has been previously contended.
of impact. Details of these two tests are presented in Skeels (39) offered the following comment:
Table 15. It is seen that the probability of injury decreases
My experience with the General Motors parapet indi-
as the angle decreases. For the impact angles of 25°, 15°, cates that the impacting angle is much more important
and 7°, the probability of injury was 0.75, 0.48, and 0.22, than the speed. At an angle of 7°, there was really not
respectively. Taken to the extreme as the angle approaches much difference in apparent severity to the driver or
zero, all systems, or at least those with a smooth contact passenger between speeds of 45 and 60 mph, but a very
surface, become equal in their potential to cause injury. noticeable increase between angles of 7° and 11° at the
same speed. In Table 15, I believe that the Probability
That is, all rail systems approach a zero probability of of Injury Index number [0.22] is high as I have made at
injury. Going to the other extreme where the impact angle least 50 runs against the GM parapet at a 7° angle at
is 90°, the difference in the various systems would be 5-60 mph, with and without passengers, and no one has
maximized, with the rigid concrete median barrier having been close to being injured. I would not quibble about
the 0.48 figure for a 15° hit, though, as I think this is
the highest potential to cause injury. It is therefore con- realistic. I would not volunteer to drive that test—the
cluded that the concrete median barrier may be quite ac- point being that for the GM parapet the severity is quite
H Li7
o 0.4
a. a's
°' 0.2
low for low angles but increases rapidly at the 120 to 150 1.0
One other point that might be brought out is that the
so-called sloped-face rigid barriers are not really rigid so
far as the car and its occupants are concerned. When the 0.8
wheel climbs the slope, the flexibility of the tires, sus
pension, car frame, wheels, and even the interior pad-
ding are brought into play to modify the rigidity of the
barrier. It also allows the lateral forces to be applied
directly to the strongest part of the car; namely, the
wheels and suspension, instead of trying to push on the
weakest part—the sheet metal. This action also explains
the improved performance of the barriers with a longer
and higher sloped face as the car is banked higher and
the above-named flexible elements are brought into play
more effectively. An ideal barrier might have a concave
face 10' high and 15' deep but this would not be practi-
cal, so some compromise has to be reached. This report
could bring out these points as there really is no mys-
tery about the reason for the good performance of sloped
barriers, but many do not understand it.
The purpose of this chapter has been to consider the
different values of the tolerable acceleration limits that have
Dynamic Deflection of Barrier, (ft.)
been proposed and to suggest the most realistic way of
determining compliance with these limits. Figure 20. Relationship between deflection and probability of injury.
The conclusions are:
cases they may not be achievable when the test conditions
The test condition of a 25° impact angle is extreme are 70-15-4,000.
with respect to passenger injury criteria. A more realistic The Weaver limits, at the 50 percent probability of
condition of 70-15-4,000 is suggested. injury level, may indicate the approximate boundary be-
The toleranee limits suggested by Graham are not tween - minor and severe passenger injuries and should be
achievable by the best contemporary bridge rail systems carefully considered in determining the suitability of a
when tested under the conditions of 60-25-4,000. In many particular bridge rail system.
BRIDGE RAIL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS estimate of the average lateral unit impact force that might
be anticipated when a selected vehicle strikes a barrier de-
NCHRP Report 86 (1) presents 10 bridge rail service re-
signed for the strength requirement. These curves have
quirements. Of these, two requirements are considered with
been prepared using (1, Eq. 5):
a view to updating the information contained in the report.
The first requirement is: V12 sin2 (0)
Giat (13)
1. A bridge rail system must laterally restrain a se- 2g{AL sin(0) - B[1 - cos (0)] + D)
lected vehicle. in which
Although spectacular truck collisions have occurred in Sloped-face concrete median barriers are being con-
which trucks have broken through bridge barriers, the oc- structed across bridges in urban areas; and, in some in-
currence of such accidents fortunately is infrequent at the stallations on elevated expressways or in cut sections,
present time. As the population of trucks increases, how- sloped-face barriers are being installed on outer edges of
ever, it may become necessary to increase design loadings the traveled way. Photographs of some of these types of
for barriers or to employ sloped-face configurations of ade- installations appear in an article in the October 1971 issue
quate strength to redirect colliding trucks as well as pas- of Civil Engineering (40, p. 80). Also, sloped-face me-
senger vehicles. dian barriers have been constructed of steel for installation
on certain bridges where the weight of the barrier must be
Height of Barriers
Another factor entering into the strength design of a bridge The second service requirement for bridge barriers is:
barrier is the height of the barrier, and a discussion of the
2. A bridge rail system must minimize vehicle decel-
results from full-scale dynamic tests of selected barriers has erations.
been presented in Chapter Two. It has been noted that the
tenth edition of AASHO Standard Specifications for High- It is evident that traffic barriers for use on and near
way Bridges requires that a traffic railing shall be at least bridges can be designed and constructed with adequate
27 in. high. Because automobiles have been found to get strength to eliminate vehicle penetrations; or, in the words
over such barriers during certain types of collisions, Chap- of Henault and Perron:
ter Two recommends installation of barriers higher than It is always possible to obtain a barrier which is suffi-
27 in. It has been suggested (by General Motors Proving ciently strong by strengthening its components. (41,
Ground) that barrier heights up to 54 in. would be re- p.61)
quired to serve large trucks. The maximum height for a It is also clear that such strong barriers can severely
barrier is a difficult parameter to select. Lundstrom, et al., damage an errant vehicle in a collision incident. Thus, a
suggested: strong traffic barrier becomes a hazard at the edge of the
For a rough approximation, the height of the rail should traveled way.
approach the height of the center of gravity of any ve- Guardrails mounted on posts set in the ground provide a
hicle using the bride. (15, p. 179)
movable barrier because the ground yields on impact, and
Measurements ha been made on school buses and the this behavior has been proven to reduce the hazardous
height of the center of gravity has been estimated to be nature of such traffic barriers. However, barriers on bridges
greater than 3 ft (assuming all seats are occupied). Simi- do not have this movability because they are designed with
lar measurements and estimates indicate that loaded trucks strong connections at the bridge deck.
have heights of center of gravity to and greater than 6 ft, Several proven concepts for reducing the force of impact
and that of a loaded, transit-mix concrete truck may ex- are to:
ceed this height, for example, as may trucks loaded with Provide a. sloped-face configuration for barriers (e.g.,
drag lines and similar heavy equipment. New Jersey median barrier, General Motors parapet, Cali-
Barrier heights of 6 ft or more can certainly be achieved, fornia Type 20 bridge barrier).
as can strength adequate to restrain any impact force; how- Employ breakaway devices (e.g., New York strong
ever, the configuration of a barrier must be considered, as beam, weak post barrier).
well as its height and strength. Automobiles and trucks can Install collapsible materials between strong rail and
mount some barriers more readily than others, and this fact strong post (e.g., FHWA-SWRI frangible tube barrier).
has been put to good use in the design of sloped-face
barriers. Each of these concepts has been proven by full-scale
Where accident history has warranted a higher, stronger crash tests, and each has advantages as well as dis-
barrier, additional height and strength have been provided advantages.
for certain barrier installations on sharp curves on elevated HRB Circular 482 is reproduced in Figure 21. This cir-
freeways. Such installations currently appear to be the cular sets out requirements for full-scale dynamic testing
exception rather than the rule. of barriers. Many barriers have been tested at or above the
The available evidence indicates that a height of is maximum speed and angle of impact. Test results have
proving satisfactory for sloped-face concrete median in- been reported in Proceedings HRB (20) and in various
stallations and for sloped-faced concrete bridge barriers on Highway Research Records; summaries of test results on
high-speed expressways. As the vehicle population changes, guardrails and median barriers are given in NCHRP Re-
the height criterion must be continually reviewed and re- ports 36, 54, 115, and 118. A review of these reports
vised. Smaller cars and larger trucks must be accommo- reveals that until recently (16) few tests were conducted
dated, and barriers must not be constructed at heights that at the lower impact angle of 70• Thus, as was emphasized
obscure merging traffic. in NCHRP Report 86 (1), the strength of some barriers
The trend toward barriers higher than 27 in. above the to laterally restrain an errant automobile has been well
pavement is accelerating, as is the employment of sloped- documented; and many barriers have been proven to have
face medians and parapets. A recent compilation of in- inadequate strength, usually at connections.
formation on this subject has been prepared by the Federal It is clear that a method for evaluating the results of full-
Highway Administration (e.g., Notice EN-20, May 1971). scale crash tests and the behavior of existing barriers is
The test vehicle shall be of standard design, weighing 4,000 lb 200 lb, with
load, and have a center of gravity approximately 21 in. above the pavement.
Tests shall be made at a speed of 60 mph at Impact angles of 7 0 and 25°.
Specified performance shall be attained at any point within the length of
the test Installation, and shall include tests with impact at points between 15 ft
and 20 ft from each end of the installation.
It is recognized that lateral deflection of the rail is related to highway
design, and may be allowed in order to reduce lateral deceleration.
The general design of the guardrail system must be such as to recognize the
need of maintainability, adequate connections to bridge parapets, and the reaction
of vehicles striking the approach end.
By the Subcommittee on Testing ?rocedures
Edmund R. Ricker, Chairman
J. L. Beaton, A. E. Brickman
M. D. Graham, S. B. Larsen, P. C. Skeels
Figure 21. Full-scale testing procedures proposed for guardrails. Source: Ref. 11.
needed, but such an evaluation technique is not at hand. might expect that injuries to occupants of vehicles would
Additional insight toward meeting this service requirement increase as the damage to colliding vehicles increases. It is
has been presented in Chapter Three. stipulated that such a "prudent man" concept is fraught
Selecting levels of tolerable deceleration remains the with anomalies. A discussion of the evaluation technique
prerogative of individual administrators, although informa- is contained in Appendix C.
tion contained herein permits an understanding of the re-
sults of a specific selection. This report does not present DISCUSSION OF CURRENT DESIGN PROCEDURES
an optimum solution, but it does present a technique that Current design procedures vary, among the several states;
provides an estimate of the adequacy of barriers from the in general, however, bridge barriers are designed in ac-
viewpoint of safety. cordance with the AASHO Standard Specifications for
The technique is based on the idea that a prudent man Highway Bridges (as revised periodically). A flow chart
Decision Criteria:
Limiting Stress
Formulate Design Criteria
Revise Details of
Connections, Rail Strength,
Etc. New Information:
Prototypes in use, Prepare Standard
Crash Test Data, Plans,
Accidents Reports Construct
Modify No
AASHO Satisfactory
Behavior of
Specs* Installation
of the development of current design. methods is presented tion is used in selecting barrier configuration, and many
in Figure 22. The chart indicates the piecemeal nature of states prepare construction plans having alternate barriers
the information available upon which design criteria are fabricated from steel, aluminum, or concrete. Having Se-
formulated to produce standards for design of new bar- lected a barrier, the designer proceeds with computations
riers. The flow chart leads one to conclude that current and uses the AASHO specifications as the decision cri-
design methods are based on providing adequate strength to teria for limiting stress and height. Plans are prepared and
keep automobiles from going through or over bridge bar- barriers are constructed.
riers. The flow chart is presented in a systems framework Installations are observed by field personnel, supervisors
and describes a subsystem synthesis of design methods that from headquarters, federal officials, media representatives,
do not permit quantitative evaluation of barrier perform- and the public. Although feedback is time dependent, it
ance. In the procedure shown in the diagram, the inputs leads to eventual reevaluation of barriers in use. Primarily
are (1) specified AASHO loads, (2) an arbitrary height, the evaluation is aimed at the strength of the design. When
(3) cost information (usually taken from recent bid tabu- collisions occur and the vehicles are restrained, the design
lations), and, frequently, (4) reports from maintenance is usually considered satisfactory and the design procedure
and other field personnel on barrier repairs. This informa- is perpetuated. As piecemeal reports of accidents indicate
that barriers are inadequate in some fashion, the AASHO sented by Michie, et al. (43). These comparisons support
Specifications are revised and some configurations elimi- the hypothesis that peak decelerations appear to be two to
nated or changed. Designers reexamine standard designs three times larger than average decelerations estimated by
and revise drawings to conform to revised specifications; Eq. B-i (contained in Appendix B). These peak forces may
this process leads to formulation of new design criteria and be short in duration but need to be considered in designing
the cycle is repeated. a barrier.
The flow chart describes the design procedure within a It is the opinion of the authors that connections in bar-
systems framework. The over-all evaluation of the safety riers should be designed by applying a dynamic factor of
of a barrier remains a subject of conjecture, because quan- 2 to 3 to the average decelerative forces estimated by
titative criteria for evaluation of barriers remain unestab- Eq. B-i. This dynamic factor is needed at beam-to-beam
lished and will remain so until a clearer expression of the connections, beam-to-post connections, and at base con-
requirements for barrier behavior is presented. nections. Proper application of this dynamic factor should
produce adequate connections, which in turn will provide
structural continuity in post and rail systems thus reducing
Methods of estimating average impact forces were sug- the probability of the snagging and pocketing of colliding
gested in NCHRP Report 86 and have been extended in vehicles.
Appendix B of this report. Examination of data from The foregoing discussion is intended to provide guide-
crash tests clearly indicates that peak decelerative forces lines for design. However, full-scale crash testing of proto-
occur during a collision incident. An excellent discussion type barriers continues to be a necessary step in design,
and comparison of average and peak decelerations is pre- testing, and evaluation of barriers, as indicated in Figure 22.
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1951 1940
In NCHRP Report 86 a mathematical equation was de- Entry to the lower nomograph is made from the horizontal
veloped to predict the average impact force perpendicular axis (e.g., V1 = 60 mph) a vertical line (Line A) is con-
to a barrier following a collision. The equation for aver- structed to intersect a selected value of IX d (e.g., / X d
age lateral impact force is: 20) a horizontal line (Line B) may be constructed to per-
mit an estimate of the impact angle (0 = 23°). The same
WV12 sin(0) results could be obtained by using Eq. B-2. The horizontal
F12 = ( B-i)
2g{AL sin(0) - B[i - cos(0)] + D} line also crosses the parametric values of barrier displace-
Eq. B-i has been combined with an equation that predicts ment for various vehicle weights. Assuming an automobile
impact angle as a function of impact speed, coefficient of weight of 4,000 lb (dashed line), one can estimate the
friction (1) between tires and pavement, and the lateral average impact force by proceeding as follows: construct
distance (d) between a vehicle and a barrier before the a vertical line (Line C), from the intersection of Line B and
former turns into a collision course with the latter. The the dashed line representing a 4,000-lb car, extend Line C
resulting equation is: until it intersects the specified impact speed (in the exam-
fgdl ple, 60 mph), finally construct a horizontal line (Line D)
0 (B-2) and estimate the average impact force on the right as ap-
cos- 1 proximately 26 kips. The average unit impact force per-
Eq. B-2 is used to develop the nomographs shown in Fig- pendicular to the barrier is read on the left as 6.5 G (which
ures B-i through B-4. In each of the nomographs, the is also an estimate of the average vehicle deceleration
product of / and d has been taken as a parameter, thus perpendicular to the barrier). The same results could be
permitting the nomograph user to vary the value of either obtained by using Eq. B-i.
one in making estimates. For example, taking / X d = 20, The estimates of impact force obtained by this pro-
when! = 0.2, d = 100 ft; when 0.5, d = 40 It; or when
cedure are based on several assumptions, which were stated
in NCHRP Report 86. It is important to reiterate two of
Or, if the roadway width is known, the coefficient of fric-
these assumptions: (1) decelerations are constant during
tion may be varied to produce a range of values of the
parameter IX d for use in the nomographs. A study of the time interval required for the vehicle to become par-
vehicle parameters is presented in Chapter Two, and this allel to the barrier, and (2) the lateral component of
information was used to divide vehicle population into velocity is zero after the vehicle becomes parallel to the
three groups: (i) automobiles, (2) trucks, and (3) buses. barrier. The first of these assumptions disregards the effect
Automobiles of varying weights are modeled in Figure of peak decelerations, and the second implies that the
B-i, and parameter D is shown for each of three vehicle impact force is reduced to zero when the vehicle becomes
weights. Trucks of varying weights are modeled in Fig- parallel to the barrier.
ure B-2 for unyielding barriers (D = 0) and in Figure B-3 Application of the nomographs for estimating lateral
for barriers capable of displacing 1 ft (D = i) while re- impact forces will produce estimates of the average forces,
maining intact. Buses are modeled in Figure B-4. which are below peak values. It is suggested that connec-
tions may be designed by applying an appropriate dy-
USE OF NOMOGRAPHS namic factor to the forces obtained from the nomographs.
The nomographs may be entered either from the horizon- Current information suggests a dynamic impact factor for
tal axis with a specified impact speed or from the vertical peak forces between 2 and 3. Thus, in the example cited
axis with a specified impact angle. An example of the first the peak impact force on the system could be on the order
case (impact velocity specified) is shown in Figure B-i. of 52 kips to 78 kips for purposes of designing connections.
40.0 w
17' 240320
-18.0-- -24.0- - 30.0 C-)
12.0- -160— -200
—6.0-- -8.0— -10.0
0. C [.1oSIS]
.4J2! 5 - '. . - .30
4. .... -_
'td 2o
/ -
, 5,000
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure B-i. Average lateral deceleration and impact force of automobiles as a function of roadway, vehicle, and traffic railing
160- 480 0.
j-24O--32O-4OO j
120 1180244300360
/ a
80 -JI20---I60-200-j-240
-- 4
—4060 80 100 I40
VI 20mPh
-01- 0101010
//X::\ '..-.---.----.
D /20
OF T . ,-'
60.000 30.000
50.000 TRUCKS
40.000 ---- 20.000 I I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Figure B-2. A verage lateral deceleration (D = 0 It) and impact, force of trucks as a function of roadway, vehicle, and traffic rail-
ing characteristics.
4.0 80
-J 40_
2.0 Ui
40 +60+80+IOO+A40
-0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0
__/_7_•_ --
( —.
. - o'o
40000 ----- 20.000
0 10
0-1 20 30 40 50 60 70 60
Figure B-3. Average lateral deceleration (D = I It) and impact force of trucks as a function of roadway, vehicle, and traffic rail-
ing characteristics.
o 128-1-192
I- U
I C)
I Er
I 0
w 6.0
0 / 4
I C.)
x qj004,
4.0 64 -j--- 96
I w
I I-
I -J
U I w
< 2.( 32 ±48
-J II Er
EE 4>€°
/ I . 1
4tt •q0
'o'' 7 /\ '-.. 30
¼• "--..
/ -.---.-------
'd /
- - - 24.000 lbs.
"0 tO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
The finite increment of displacement, 1S1at , is computed and the results are tabulated in Table C-2. It is recognized
using Eq. 2 in Figure C-3. Dimension D1 is computed that peak values may be two to three or more times the
using AL and B measured for each vehicle and the angle 9 magnitude of the average values presented in Table C-2;
for each test. Dimension D2 is estimated from high-speed these peak values may be very significant in the design of
films obtained from a camera located parallel to the bridge barrier systems and connections. The relationship between
rail. average loads and peak loads is not resolved in this study.
The distance tS10, g.
is observed from high-speed film in Average values of impact force have been computed and
a camera placed perpendicular to the bridge rail. presented in this report and shed some light on the sig-
The average decelerations perpendicular and parallel to nificance of the relationship of the forces parallel and
the rail (average Giat and average G ioi,g ) are computed by perpendicular to a barrier as shown in Table C-2.
Eq. 3 and Eq. 4, shown in Figure C-3. The average total The 10 service requirements presented in NCHRP Re-
deceleration (average G tota i) is defined, Eq. 5, as the vec- port 86 serve as the basis for an evaluation of four barriers
tor sum of these components, as shown in Figure C-3. tested at the Texas Transportation Institute, as shown in
Table C-3.
High-speed films were examined to determine the reduc-
tion in velocity produced by a collision incident and to
estimate the average total impact force (average G totai) It was first assumed that the predicted maximum dynamic
and its components parallel (average Giong.) 'and perpen- deflection (Dr ) of the barrier varied linearly with the ratio
dicular (average Gjat ) to the barrier. A summary of the of the predicted initial kinetic energy (KE) to the ob-
method of photographic analysis is contained in Figure C-3, served initial kinetic energy (KE10 ).
0. Barrier
- -
Plan View Of Barrier Crash Test
Time, t, (Seconds)
V1 V2'= V3=
At2 At3
Figure C-2. Data plot showing critical velocities.
Where Then
(V, sin 0)2
AV=V2 —V1 Average Giat =
0)2_ V2
Average Glong = (Vi
lS1at = Di - D2
2gAS long
(5) Average Gtti = [(Ave. Giat)2 + (Avg. Gioflg)2J
- - -- -
(V1- (V1- (V2 -
TEST Vi V.. V S10,,5. V2) V3 ) V) Gi,,. G10 5. G,,t,,1
Ti-A 65.2 40.2 39.2 2.5 13.1 25.0 26.0 1.0 4.7, 2.2 5.2
Ti-B 82.7 41.3 39.1 3.5 13.0 41.4 43.6 2.2 5.4 4.7 7.2
Ti-C 85.0 61.1 58.3 5.2 15.0 23.9 26.7 2.8 3.9 2.2 4.5
Ti-D 90.1 80.4 79.7 3.3 14.5 9.7 10.4 0.7 6.8 0.2 6.8
1 Adequate lateral restraint is provided by each of these barriers; penetration and vaulting do not occur.
G =5.2 =7.2 , G,,,,,, =4.5 G,,,,,,, =6.8
Vehicle damage rating: Vehicle damage rating: Vehicle damage rating: Vehicle damage rating:
2 4.9 , 6.4 3.9 4.5
Probability of injury: Probability of injury: Probability of injury: Probability of injury:
50% 85% 30% 45%
Good redirection, Poor redirection, Good redirection. Fair redirection.
3 slight snagging. severe snagging.
4 Each barrier remained intact following the collision.
5 Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
6 Yes '-V - Yes This approach rail is Yes
compatible geometrically
and has adequate connec-
tion to bridge rail.
7 Each barrier satisfies the requirement for delineation and does not obstruct drivçr's sight distance.
8 - No curb No curb No curb . No curb
9 No repairs required Replaced W-section Replaced posts and No repairs required
Safety: 3 Safety: 4 Safety: i Safety: 2
Economics: Economics: Economics: Economics:
10 Vehicle repair: 2 Vehicle repair: 4 Vehicle repair: 1 Vehicle repair: 3
Barrier repair: 2 Barrier repair: 3 Barrier repair: 4 Barrier repair: 1
Aesthetics: 1 Aesthetics: 1 Aesthetics: 1 Aesthetics: I
Data obtained from high-speed films of collisions with bar- matical expression developed in NCHRP Report 86 (1).
riers were reduced and analyzed by the method described The results shown include values from crash tests con-
in Appendix C. The values of average lateral unit impact ducted at the Texas Transportation Institute during 1969
force (perpendicular to the barrier) obtained from the ifim through 1971, which have been added to the values re-
data are compared in Figure D-1 with the estimated aver- ported in Appendix A of NCHRP Report 86. The com-
age lateral unit impact force computed by using the mathe- parisons are very satisfactory..
I / -20%
0 2 4 6 8 10
(D U.
Z Do"
oci, or-
I _t a)<
4cs: Dw
ow iv
Oh- <Q-i
o,cE 00
Oz ..-4oco