What are the essential information you're thankful of learning and understanding?
I am truly thankful for this subject, which is that globe of ideas it's to understand more on global religion
that it's important to keep in mind a variety of subtopics including the world conflict to grasp his
historical story-behind over the decades and social-scientific study of that focuses his run through all
the link of globalization and religion to consider giving us some information something all of us would
like to lecture ourselves.
2.)As a student, how will you apply your leanings from the topics “Global Media Culture” and
“Globalization of Religion”?
As a student, I'd like to put the subject "Global Media Culture" into practice by having different how we
interact with each other and share awareness about global media culture. Global media cultures, across
the other hand, needs of a wide range to indigenous cultures, helping to bring them into contact with
and on a level with the social realities of modernity that has become globalized. Global media, in my
point of view, has numerous advantages. However, it also possesses there are several downsides. Global
media has become a nightmare for several people, including social bullying, hacking of personal
information, privacy and cyber crime. Global media may have a major impact on people in developing
countries occasionally countries in improvement.
3.)If you're visiting share a very important idea you have got learned, to whom you may share it? Why
I like to share with you what I've learned from this generation and what I believe that learning from the
next generation in the future, they'll bypass the most important concept and lesson from the subject I
learned. Which is all about Global Media. Television is a significantly effective tool for reaching large
audiences and it includes individuals of all ages, genders, economic levels, and intellectual abilities. All of
this was delivered to you by global media. We face a wide range of problems it impacts for children's
schooling and young teens are really insane those who were so distracted by the dramas which they
could not really specialize in their academics, and it also changed their conduct.