Level I P Block Elemnts 15,16,17,18 Groups

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TOPIC 1: Nitrogen Family

1. Which one of the following halide does not hydrolyse?

1) SbCl3 2) AsCl3 3) PCl3 4) NF3
2. The three important oxidation states of phosphorus are
1) –3, +3 and +5 2) –3, +3 and –5 3) –3, +3 and +2 4) –3, +3 and +4
3. If phosphorous acid is allowed to react with sufficientquantity of KOH, the product obtained is
1) K3PO3 2) KH2PO3 3) K2HPO3 4) KHPO3
4. Which one of the following pairs is obtained on heatingammonium dichromate?
1) N2and H2O 2) N2O and H2O 3) NO and H2O 4) NO and NO2
5. Liquid ammonia bottles are opened after cooling them in icefor some time. It is because liquid NH 3
1) Brings tears to the eyes 2) Has a high vapour pressure
3) Is a corrosive liquid 4) Is a mild explosive
6. Which of the following compound has a P–P bond ?
1) H4P2O5 2) (HPO3)3 3) H4P2O6 4) H4P2O7
7. Which oxide of nitrogen is obtained on heating ammoniumnitrate at 250ºC ?
1) Nitric oxide 2) Nitrous oxide 3) Nitrogen dioxide 4) Dinitrogen tetraoxide
8. Which of the following can be used as an anaesthesia ?
1) N2O 2) NO 3) NCl3 4) NO2
9. Phosphine is not evolved when
1) white phosphorus is boiled with a strong solution ofBa(OH) 2
2) phosphorus acid is heated
3) calcium hypophosphite is heated 4) metaphosphoric acid is heated.
10. When orthophosphoric acid is heated to 600 °C, the productformed is
1) PH3 2) P2O5 3) H3PO3 4) HPO3
11. PCl3reacts with water to form
1) PH3 2) H3PO4and HCl 3) POCl3 4) H3PO4
12. Nitrogen is relatively inactive element because
1) its atom has a stable electronic configuration. 2) it has low atomic radius.
3) its electronegativity is fairly high. 4) dissociation energy of its molecule is fairly high.
13. Nitrogen dioxide cannot be obtained by heating :
1) KNO3 2) Pb(NO3)2 3) Cu(NO3)2 4) AgNO3
14. The number of hydrogen atom(s) attached to phosphorusatom in hypophosphorous acid is
1) three 2) one 3) two 4) zero
15. Which of the following statements is not correct fornitrogen?
1) Its electronegativity is very high 2)d-orbitals are available for bonding
3) It is a typical non-metal 4) Its molecular size is small
16. Collectively the elements of group 15 are called –
1) pnicogens 2) pnicopens 3) nicopen 4) None of these
17. Chlorine upon reaction with NaOH in cold yields:
1)NaCl,NaClO,H2O 2) NaCl,NaClO3,H2O 3) NaClO,NaClO3,H2O 4) NaCl,H2O
18. NH3gas is dried over :
1)CaO 2) HNO3 3) P2O5 4) CuSO4
19. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen is a colouredgas?
1) N2O 2) NO 3) N2O5 4) NO2
20. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess ofammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of
2 2 2
1) Cu 2  2) Cu  NH3 4  3) Cu  NH3 6  4) Cu  NH3 2 
21. Blue solid which is obtained on reacting equimolar amountsof two gases at 245K is
1) N2O 2) N2O3 3) N2O4 4) N2O5
22. Which of the following oxides is neutral ?
1) N2O3 2) N2O4 3) N2O5 4) N2O
23. Ammonia on reaction with hypochlorite anion can form :
1) NO 2) N2H4 3) NH4Cl 4) Both 2) and 3)
24. How many bonding electron pairs are there in whitephosphorus ?
1) 2 2) 4 3) 3 4) 6
25. Producer gas is a mixture of :
1) CO and N2 2) CO2and H2 3) N2and O2 4) CH4and N2
26. One mole of magnesium nitride on reaction with an excessof water gives
1) one mole of NH3 2) two moles of NH3 3) one mole of HNO34) two moles of HNO3
27. One mole of calcium phosphide on reaction with excesswater gives
1) one mole of phosphine. 2) two moles of phosphoric acid.
3) two moles of phosphine. 4) one mole of phosphorus pentoxide.
28. Which is the most thermodynamically stable allotropic formof phosphorus?
1) Red 2) White 3) Black 4) Yellow
29. The product formed in the reaction of SOCl2with whitephosphorous is
1) PCl3 2) SO2Cl2 3) SCl2 4) POCl3

TOPIC 2: Oxygen Family

30. In case of hydride of oxygen family, which of the following physical property change regularly on
moving down thegroup?
1) Melting point 2) Thermal stability
3) Boiling point 4) Critical temperature
31. Which of the following statements is correct:
1) Ozone is a resonance hybrid of oxygen. 2) Ozone is an isomer of oxygen.
3) Ozone has no relationship with oxygen. 4) Ozone is an allotropic modification of oxygen.
32. Which is the best oxidising agent among the following?
1) S 2) O 3) Se 4) Te
33. Which of the following form of the sulphur shows paramagnetic behaviour?
1) S8 2) S6 3) S2 4) All of these
34. Oleum is
1) castor Oil 2) oil of vitriol 3) fuming H2SO4 4) none of them
35. By passing H2S gas in acidified KMnO4solution, we get
1) S 2) K2S 3) MnO2 4) K2SO3
36. Oxidation of thiosulphate by iodine gives
1) tetrathionate ion 2) sulphide ion 3) sulphate ion 4) sulphite ion
37. When PbO2reacts with conc. HNO3, the gas evolved is
1) NO2 2) O2 3) N2 4) N2O
38. The compound which gives off oxygen on moderate heatingis :
1) cupric oxide 2) mercuric oxide 3) zinc oxide 4) aluminium oxide
39. Oxidation state exhibited by sulphur is
1) + 6 2) + 4 3) 0 4) All of the above
40. On electrolysis of dilute sulphuric acid using platinumelectrodes, the product obtained at the anode will
1) hydrogen 2) oxygen 3) hydrogen sulphide 4) sulphur dioxide
41. A gas that cannot be collected over water is :
1) N2 2) O2 3) SO2 4) PH3
42. Sodium thiosulphate is prepared by
1) reducing Na2SO4solution with H2S.
2) boiling Na2SO3solution with S in alkaline medium.
3) neutralising H2S2O3solution with NaOH.
4) boiling Na2SO3solution with S in acidic medium.

43. Which of the following is not oxidized by O3 ?

1) KI 2) FeSO4 3) KMnO4 4) K2MnO4
44. The correct statement(s) about O3is(are)
(i) O—O bond lengths are equal
(ii) Thermal decomposition of O3 is endothermic
(iii) O3 is diamagnetic in nature
(iv) O3has a bent structure
1) (i) and (iii) 2) (ii) and (iii) 3) (i), (ii) and (iv) 4) (i) and (iv)
45. Sulphur trioxide can be obtained by which of the followingReaction
1) CaSO4  C  
 2) Fe2 SO4 3  
 3) S  H 2SO4  
 4) H 2SO4  PCl5 

46. It is possible to obtain oxygen from air by fractionaldistillation because
1) oxygen is in a different group of the periodic table fromnitrogen
2) oxygen is more reactive than nitrogen
3) oxygen has higher b.p. than nitrogen
4) oxygen has a lower density than nitrogen.
47. Electronegativity of oxygen is more than sulphur yet H2S isacidic while water is neutral. This is because
1) water is highly associated compound 2) molecular mass of H2S is more than H2O
3) H2S is gas while H2O is a liquid 4) H–S bond is weaker than H–O bond

TOPIC 3: Halogen Family

48. Electron gain enthalpy with negative sign of fluorine is lessthan that of chlorine due to :
1) High ionization enthalpy of fluorine 2) Smaller size of chlorine atom
3) Smaller size of fluorine atom 4) Bigger size of 2p orbital of fluorine
49. In the case of alkali metals, the covalent character decreasesin the order:
1) MF > MCl > MBr > MI 2) MF > MCl > MI > MBr
3) MI > MBr > MCl > MF 4) MCl > MI > MBr > MF
50. Potassium chlorate on heating with conc H2SO4gives
1) chlorine dioxide 2) HClO4 3) KHSO4 4) All of these
51. In the manufacture of bromine from sea water, the motherliquor containing bromides is treated with
1) carbon dioxide 2) chlorine 3) iodine 4) sulphur dioxide
52. Bleaching powder on standing forms mixture of :
1)CaO+ Cl2 2)CaO+CaCl2 3)HOCl+Cl2 4) CaCl2+Ca(ClO3)2
53. Which one is the correct order of the size of iodine species?
1) I > I+> I– 2) I > I–> I+ 3) I+> I–> I 4) I–> I > I+
54. A one litre flask is full of brown bromine vapours. Theintensity of brown colour of vapours will not
decreaseappreciably on adding to the flask some
1) pieces of marble 2) animal charcoal powder
3) carbon tetrachloride 4) carbon disulphide
55. Which of the following is observed when Cl2reacts withhot and concentrated NaOH?
1)NaCl ,NaOCl 2) NaCl , NaClO2 3) NaCl , NaClO3 4)NaOCl , NaClO3
56. Conc. HNO3reacts with I2to form :
1) HI 2) HOI 3) HIO2 4) HIO3
57. For a given alcohol the order of reactivity of halogen acidsis:
1) HI > HBr > HCl 2) HCl > HBr < HI 3) HI < HBr < HCl 4) HCl < HI < HBr
58. Iodine is a :
1) electrovalent solid 2) atomic solid 3) molecular solid 4) covalent solid
59. What is X and Y in the given reactions ?
2X2(g) + 2H2O (l)  4H+(aq) + 4X–(aq) + O2(g)
Y2(g) + H2O (l)  HY(aq) + HOY(aq)
1) X = Cl , Y = F 2) X = Cl , Y = Br 3) X = F , Y = Cl 4) X = I , Y = F

TOPIC 4 : Noble Gases

60. Which compound is prepared by the following reaction?

1) XeF2 2) XeF6 3) XeF4 4) XeOF2

61. Liquid flow from a higher to a lower level. Which of thefollowing liquids can climb up the wall of the
glass vesselin which it is placed?
1) Alcohol 2) Liquid He 3) Liquid N2 4) Water
62. In the clathrates of xenon with water, the nature of bondingbetween xenon and water molecule is
1) covalent 2) hydrogen bonding 3) coordinate 4) dipole-induced dipole
63. Which is a planar molecule ?
1) XeO4 2) XeF4 3) XeOF4 4) XeO2F2
64. Total number of lone pair of electrons in XeOF4 is
1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3
65. Which of the following is the life saving mixture for anasthma patient ?
1) Mixture of helium and oxygen 2) Mixture of neon and oxygen
3) Mixture of xenon and nitrogen 4) Mixture of argon and oxygen
66. Which of the following is least polarisable ?
1) Ne 2) He 3) Xe 4) Kr
67. For advertisement, the coloured discharge tubes contain :
1) He 2) Ne 3)Ar 4) Kr
68. Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) Natural abundance of noble gases is ~ 1% by volumeof which Ar is the major constituent.
(ii) Noble gases have high positive values of electrongain enthalpy.
(iii) Preparation of XeF2requires F2in excess amount.
(iv) Complete hydrolysis of all three XeF2, XeF4and XeF6gives Xe as one of product.
1) (i) and (iii) 2) (ii) and (iv) 3) (i) and (ii) 4) (ii) and (iii)
69. What are the products formed in the reaction of xenonhexafluoride with silicon dioxide ?
1) XeSiO4+ HF 2) XeF2+ SiF4 3) XeOF4+ SiF4 4) XeO3+ SiF2
70. XeF4on partial hydrolysis produces
1) XeF4 2) XeOF2 3) XeOF4 4) XeO3

1) 4 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4
11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 4 20) 2
21) 2 22) 4 23) 4 24) 4 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 2
31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 1 36) 1 37) 2 38) 2 39) 4 40) 2
41) 3 42) 2 43) 3 44) 3 45) 2 46) 3 47) 4 48) 3 49) 3 50) 4
51) 2 52) 4 53) 4 54) 1 55) 3 56) 4 57) 1 58) 3 59) 3 60) 3
61) 2 62) 4 63) 2 64) 2 65) 1 66) 2 67) 2 68) 3 69) 3 70) 2

Hints and Solutions

1. 4) Due to high N—F bond strength, NF3 is highly stable and hence inert towards hydrolysis.
2. 1) –3, +3, +5
3. 3) H3PO3  2KOH  K 2 HPO3  2H2O
4. 1)  NH4 2 Cr2O7 

 N2  4H2O  Cr2O3
5. (2) Liquid ammonia has high vapour pressure which is lowered down by cooling, otherwise the liquid
will bump.
6. 3)

7. 2)
8. 1) N 2O is used as anaesthetic
9. 4)PH3is not obtained when metaphosphoric acid is heated.
4) 2H3PO4   2HPO3
600 c
10. 2H2o
11. 2) PCl3  H2O  POCl3  2HCl ; POCl3  3H2O  H3PO4  3HCl
12. 4) N 2 molecule contains triple bond between N atomshaving very high dissociation energy (946 kJ mol–
)due to which it is relatively inactive.
13. (1) Only nitrates of heavy metals and lithium decomposeon heating to produce NO2

14. (3) Structure of hypophosphorous acid

15. 2) In case of nitrogen, d-orbitals are not available.
16. (1) Collectively these elements are called pnicogens and their compound pniconides.
17. 1) 2NaOH  Cl2  cold
NaCl  NaClO  H2O
Sod. Hypochlorite
18. 1) HNO3and CuSO4are not drying agents, while P2O5 (a drying agent) reacts with NH3. The moisture
present in NH3is removed by passing it through a tower packed with quick lime (CaO).
19. (4)NO2is reddish brown coloured gas. Rest of the oxides are colourless.
20. 2) CuSO 4  4NH3  Cu  NH 3 4  SO 4
Blue complex due to Cu  NH3 4 
21. 2) 2NO  N 2O 4 
 2N 2O3
22. 4) N2O3 , N2O4 and N2O5 are acidic oxides, only N 2O is neutral oxide
23. 4) N2H4 and NH4Cl are obtained by reaction of ammonia with hypochlorite anion.
3NH3  NaOCl  N2 H4  NH4Cl  NaOH
24. 4) 6 bonding electron pairs
25. 1)
26. 2)

27. 3) Ca 2 P2  6H2O  3Ca  OH 2  2PH3 ; i.e 2 moles ofphosphine are produced from one mole of
28. (3)The ignition temperature of black phosphorus ishighest among all its allotropes, hence is most stable.
29. 1) P4  8SOCl2  4PCl3  4SO2  2S2Cl2
white phosphorus
30. 2) Order of M.P. or B.P. or critical temperature :
H2O > H2Te > H2Se > H2S
31. (4) Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen.
32. (2) Oxygen being more electronegative
33. (3) S2is paramagnetic. It contains two unpaired electrons in the antibonding  * orbital
34. (3) Oleum is H0S2O7(Conc. H2SO4+ SO3) which isobtained by dissolving SO3 in conc. H2SO4and is
called fuming sulphuric acid.
35. 1) 2KMnO4  5H2S  3H2SO4  K2SO4  2MnSO4  5S  8H2O
Thus in this reaction S2- is oxidised to S.

36. 1)
37. 2) PbO2 is a powerful oxidizing agent and liberate O2whentreated with acids.
2PbO2  4HNO3  2Pb  NO3 2  2H2O  O2 
38. 2) Oxygen can be prepared by heating oxides of Hg, Pb,Ag, Mn and Ba.

2HgO   2Hg  O2
39. 4)The valence shell configuration of S is 3s2, 3p4, so itshows + 2, + 4 and + 6 oxidation states. Further,
likeother elements, sulphur also shows 0 oxidation statein its elemental state, i.e. S8.
40. 2)At anode : 2OH  H 2  O2
41. 3) SO2 is highly soluble in water and therefore cannot be collected over water.
42. 2) Na 2SO3  S 
In alkaline
 Na 2S2O3
43. 3) In KMnO4, manganese is already present in its highest possible oxidation state i.e. +7.So no further
oxidationis possible for KMnO4
44. 3)

Ozone is diamagnetic in nature (due to presence of paired electron) and both the O – O bond length are
equal. It has a bent structure.
45. 2) Fe2 SO4 3 heat
Fe2O3  3SO3
46. 3)Air is liquified by making use of the joule-Thompsoneffect (cooling by expansion of the gas) Water
vapourand CO2are removed by solidification. The remainingmajor constituents of liquid air i.e., liquid
oxygen andliquid nitrogen are separated by means of fractionaldistillation (b.p. of O 2= –183°C : b. P. of
N2= – 195.8°C)
47. 4) SH–bond is weaker than, O–H bond. Hence H2S will furnish more H+ ions
48. (3) The electron gain enthalpy order for halogens is Cl > F > Br > I
Due to small size of fluorine the extra electron to be added feels more electron-electron repulsion.
Therefore fluorine has less value for electron affinity than chlorine.
49. (3) MI > MBr > MCl > MF. As the size of the anion decreases covalency decreases.
50. 4) 3KClO3  3H2SO4  3KHSO4  HClO4  2ClO2  H2O
51. 2)Bromide in the mother liquor is oxidised to Br2 by Cl2 which is a stronger oxidising agent.
2Br   Cl2  Br2  2Cl
52. 4) 6CaOCl2  Ca  ClO3 2  5CaCl2
It is auto oxidation
53. 4) We know that positive ion is always smaller and negative ion is always larger than the corresponding
atom. Therefore the correct order of the size is I  I  I
54. 1) Due to absence of reaction between marble and bromine.
55. 3) 6NaOH  3Cl2  5NaCl  NaClO3  3H 2O
(hot and conc.)
56. 4)
57. 1) Longer bond length means weaker bond energy i.e. less bond dissociation energy or more reactivity.
Larger the size of anion more will be bond length thus the order of reactivity is HI > HBr > HCl.
58. (3) Iodine is a molecular solid as weak van der Waal’sforces are present between its molecules.
59. 3)

60. 3)
61. 2)
62. 4) Clathrate formation involves dipole–induced dipole interaction.
63. 2) XeF4 is planar
64. 2) In XeOF4 , xenon is sp3d 2 hybridised and has one lone pair of electrons.

65. 1)Mixture of  He  O2  is used for asthma patient

66. (2) Polarizibility of noble gases increases down the groupbecause of increase of distance of electrons
fromnucleus. Thus He (first member of group) is leastpolarized.
67. (2)
68. (3) For statement (iii) preparation of XeF2requires Xe inexcess amount

69. 3) 2XeF6  SiO2  SiF4  2XeOF4

70. 2) XeF4  H2O  2HF  XeOF2

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