Level I P Block Elemnts 15,16,17,18 Groups
Level I P Block Elemnts 15,16,17,18 Groups
Level I P Block Elemnts 15,16,17,18 Groups
1) 4 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1 5) 2 6) 3 7) 2 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4
11) 2 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 4 20) 2
21) 2 22) 4 23) 4 24) 4 25) 1 26) 2 27) 3 28) 3 29) 1 30) 2
31) 4 32) 2 33) 3 34) 3 35) 1 36) 1 37) 2 38) 2 39) 4 40) 2
41) 3 42) 2 43) 3 44) 3 45) 2 46) 3 47) 4 48) 3 49) 3 50) 4
51) 2 52) 4 53) 4 54) 1 55) 3 56) 4 57) 1 58) 3 59) 3 60) 3
61) 2 62) 4 63) 2 64) 2 65) 1 66) 2 67) 2 68) 3 69) 3 70) 2
7. 2)
8. 1) N 2O is used as anaesthetic
9. 4)PH3is not obtained when metaphosphoric acid is heated.
4) 2H3PO4 2HPO3
600 c
10. 2H2o
11. 2) PCl3 H2O POCl3 2HCl ; POCl3 3H2O H3PO4 3HCl
12. 4) N 2 molecule contains triple bond between N atomshaving very high dissociation energy (946 kJ mol–
)due to which it is relatively inactive.
13. (1) Only nitrates of heavy metals and lithium decomposeon heating to produce NO2
27. 3) Ca 2 P2 6H2O 3Ca OH 2 2PH3 ; i.e 2 moles ofphosphine are produced from one mole of
28. (3)The ignition temperature of black phosphorus ishighest among all its allotropes, hence is most stable.
29. 1) P4 8SOCl2 4PCl3 4SO2 2S2Cl2
white phosphorus
30. 2) Order of M.P. or B.P. or critical temperature :
H2O > H2Te > H2Se > H2S
31. (4) Ozone is an allotrope of oxygen.
32. (2) Oxygen being more electronegative
33. (3) S2is paramagnetic. It contains two unpaired electrons in the antibonding * orbital
34. (3) Oleum is H0S2O7(Conc. H2SO4+ SO3) which isobtained by dissolving SO3 in conc. H2SO4and is
called fuming sulphuric acid.
35. 1) 2KMnO4 5H2S 3H2SO4 K2SO4 2MnSO4 5S 8H2O
Thus in this reaction S2- is oxidised to S.
36. 1)
37. 2) PbO2 is a powerful oxidizing agent and liberate O2whentreated with acids.
2PbO2 4HNO3 2Pb NO3 2 2H2O O2
38. 2) Oxygen can be prepared by heating oxides of Hg, Pb,Ag, Mn and Ba.
2HgO 2Hg O2
39. 4)The valence shell configuration of S is 3s2, 3p4, so itshows + 2, + 4 and + 6 oxidation states. Further,
likeother elements, sulphur also shows 0 oxidation statein its elemental state, i.e. S8.
40. 2)At anode : 2OH H 2 O2
41. 3) SO2 is highly soluble in water and therefore cannot be collected over water.
42. 2) Na 2SO3 S
In alkaline
Na 2S2O3
43. 3) In KMnO4, manganese is already present in its highest possible oxidation state i.e. +7.So no further
oxidationis possible for KMnO4
44. 3)
Ozone is diamagnetic in nature (due to presence of paired electron) and both the O – O bond length are
equal. It has a bent structure.
45. 2) Fe2 SO4 3 heat
Fe2O3 3SO3
46. 3)Air is liquified by making use of the joule-Thompsoneffect (cooling by expansion of the gas) Water
vapourand CO2are removed by solidification. The remainingmajor constituents of liquid air i.e., liquid
oxygen andliquid nitrogen are separated by means of fractionaldistillation (b.p. of O 2= –183°C : b. P. of
N2= – 195.8°C)
47. 4) SH–bond is weaker than, O–H bond. Hence H2S will furnish more H+ ions
48. (3) The electron gain enthalpy order for halogens is Cl > F > Br > I
Due to small size of fluorine the extra electron to be added feels more electron-electron repulsion.
Therefore fluorine has less value for electron affinity than chlorine.
49. (3) MI > MBr > MCl > MF. As the size of the anion decreases covalency decreases.
50. 4) 3KClO3 3H2SO4 3KHSO4 HClO4 2ClO2 H2O
51. 2)Bromide in the mother liquor is oxidised to Br2 by Cl2 which is a stronger oxidising agent.
2Br Cl2 Br2 2Cl
52. 4) 6CaOCl2 Ca ClO3 2 5CaCl2
It is auto oxidation
53. 4) We know that positive ion is always smaller and negative ion is always larger than the corresponding
atom. Therefore the correct order of the size is I I I
54. 1) Due to absence of reaction between marble and bromine.
55. 3) 6NaOH 3Cl2 5NaCl NaClO3 3H 2O
(hot and conc.)
56. 4)
57. 1) Longer bond length means weaker bond energy i.e. less bond dissociation energy or more reactivity.
Larger the size of anion more will be bond length thus the order of reactivity is HI > HBr > HCl.
58. (3) Iodine is a molecular solid as weak van der Waal’sforces are present between its molecules.
59. 3)
60. 3)
61. 2)
62. 4) Clathrate formation involves dipole–induced dipole interaction.
63. 2) XeF4 is planar
64. 2) In XeOF4 , xenon is sp3d 2 hybridised and has one lone pair of electrons.