Checklist ISO TS
Checklist ISO TS
Checklist ISO TS
Section is
Audited Site: Processname: Audited supporting
Audited activities:
Did the organization's stop management * Who is the person in charge of this
appoint a member of management who, responsability?
irrespective of other responsabilities, shall * Evidence of activities performed including
have responsability and authority that empowerment for all applicable system
includes elements including design, sales, manufacturing,
a) ensuring that processes needed for the delivery, etc. * Management
quality management system are established, review minutes.
implemented and maintained?
b) reporting to top management on the
performace of the quality management
system and any need for improvement?
c) ensuring the promotion of awareness of
customer requirements throughout the
organization? (5.5.2) Customer representative
* Quality function representative in project
Did the organization's stop management
teams. *
design individual(s) to represent the needs of
Quality function participation in milestones
the customer to address quality requirements,
decision points (production realese, engineering,
5.5.6 such as selection of special characteristics,
release,…). *
setting quality objectives and related training,
Responsabilities and job description of the
corrective and preventive actions, product
customer representative (ex Quality function).
design and development? (
Is the organization's planning of product * Product realization output format & content.
7.1.4 realiization output in a from suitable for the
organzation's method of operations? (7.1)
7.1.1 Planning of product realization - supplemental
Are the customer requirements and * Quality plans.
references to its technical specifications * Customer specifications. *
included in the planning of product realization Technical specifications.
as a quality plan? (7.1.1)
7.1.2 Acceptance criteria
Did the organization define acceptance * Test specification. *
criteria for the product beig developed and Product validation test plan with defined
where required, approved by the customer? acceptance criteria.
* Acceptance criteria in test plan ans test
Is the organization's acceptance criteria for
7.1.7 specifications.
atribute data sampling zero defects? (7.1.2)
7.1.3 Confidentiality
Does the organization ensure the * Information acces security.
confidentiality of customer contracted * Security for product development.
products and projects under development,
and related product information? (7.1.3)
7.1.4 Change Control
Does the organization have a process to * Engineering change request process.
control and react to changes that impact * Change records.
product realization including those initiated by
the supplier? (7.14)
Does organization assess the effects of * Impact study including proprietary design. *
changes? (7.1.4) Change management process.
Has the organization defined the verification * Test specification. *
and validation activities for changes, to Product validation test plan with defined
ensure compliance with customer acceptance criteria.
requirements? (7.1.4)
Does the organization validate changes before * Evidence of design and production validation
7.1.12 tests conducted for products changes.
implementation? (7.1.4)
Does the organizaton review proprietary * Impact study including proprietary design. *
designs, impact on form, fit, function, Change management process.
7.1.13 (inclunding performace, and/or durability)
with the customer so that all effects can be
properly evaluated (7.1.4)
* Design and production validation rest report.
Does the organization meet additional
verification/identification requirements such
as those required for new product itroduction
when required by the customer? (7.1.4)
Does the organization review and update * Matching between product/rocess changes,
control plans when any change occurs instability/ non-capability process results, and
affecting product, manufacturing process, control plans updating.
measurement, logistics, supply sources or
FMEA (see 7.1.4 of ISO/TS 16949:2002 (E))?
( Work instructions
Has the organization prepare documented * Availability of job instructions at the
work instructions for all employees having workstation.
resposibilities for the operation of processes?
Are the organization's work instructions * Availability of job instructions at the
7.5.6 accesible for use at the workstation? ( workstation.
Are the organization's work instructions * Link between job instructions and source
derived from sources susch as the quality documents, e.g Control Plan, Design record,
plan and the product realization process? FMEA.
( Verification of job set-ups
7.5.8 Does the organization verify job set-ups * Job set-up records and approval.
whenever performed? (
7.5.9 Are the organization's work instructions * Set-up instructions.
available for set-ups personnel? (
Does the organization use stastical methods * Job set-up records.
7.5.10 of verification of job set-ups where
applicable? ( Preventive and predictive maintenance
Does the organization identify key process * Existence of preventive maintenance.
equpment and provide resources for
7.5.11 machine/equipment maintenance and develop
an effective planned total preventive
maintenance system? (
Does the organization's preventive * System effectiveness demostrated by specifics
maintenance system minimally include the measurement indicator. *
following: Key equipment list.
- planned maintenance activities? * Maintenance record
- packaging and preservation of * Predictive maintenance examples.
7.5.12 equipment, tooling and gauging? * Plant tour.
- availability of replacement
parts for jey manufacturing equipment?
- documenting, evaluating and
improving maintenance objectives? (
Does the organization utilize predictive * Predictive maintenance examples.
maintenance methods to continually improve
the effectiveness of its preventive system?
( Tooling management
Does the organization provide resources for * Tool/gage design staffing and qualification.
7.5.14 tool and gauge design, fabrication and
verification activities? (
Does the organization establish and * Tool management process.
implement a system for tooling management
- maintenance and repair facilities and
- storage and recovery?
- set-up?
7.5.15 - tool-change programmes for perishable
- tool design modification documentation,
including engineering change level?
- tool modification and revision to
- tooling identification defining the
status? (
Does the organization report to the customer * Damage to customer supplier products
an maintain records for customer property reports. *
7.5.28 that is lost, damaged or otherwise foud to be What happend to customer owned returnable
unsuitable for use? (7.5.4) packging? Hos wat is accounted for?
Does the organization asses and record the * Records of re-inspected product.
validity of the previous measuring results
when te equipment is found not to conform to
requirements? (7.6)
Does the organization take appropriate action * Actions taken on the equipment that are found
on the equipment that is found not not conforming to requirements and any
conforming to requirements and any product products that was affected by it.
affected it?(7.6)
Does the organization maintain records of the * Gage stdies records.
results of calibration and verification (see
element 4.2.4 of ISO/TS 16949:2002)? (7.6)
Is the organization's lab scope included in the * Organization's quality manua ISO/TS
quality management system and comply with 16949:2002 (E).
technical requirements including:
- adequiacy of the laboratory
procesdures? - qualifications of the
laboratory personnel cnsucting tests?
7.6.14 - testing of the
commodity? - performing
these tests correctly, traceable to the relevan
process standard? - review of the
related quality records? (
Are the organization's corrective action plans * Corrective action approval process.
8.2.31 reviewed with and approved by the customer * Corrective action reports.
when so required? (
Does the organization maintain records of * Records of process change dates.
8.2.32 effective dates of process changes? (
Does the organization define the controls and * Procedure address in quality manual.
related responsibilities and authorities for
dealing with conoconforming product a
documented procesdure? (8.3)
Does the organization deal with * Follow one or more non-conforming case and
nonconforming product by one or more of the verify the visual indentification and segregation
followinf ways: area.
a) by taking action to eliminate the detected * Records of concession.
8.3.3 b) by authorizing its use, release or
acceptance under concession by a relevant
authority and, where applicable, by the
c) by taking action to preclude its original
intended use or application? (8.2.3)
Does the organization maintain records of the * Records.
nature of nonconformities and any
8.3.4 subsequent actions taken, including
concessions obtained (see element 4.2.4 of
ISO/ISO/TS 16949:2002:2002 (E))? (8.2.3)
When nonconforming product is corrected, * Intruction for re-qualifying coreected
does the organization re-verify to demostrate nonconforming product.
conformity to the requirements? (8.2.3)
When nonconforming product is detected * Follow one or more nonconforming case and
after delivery or use has started, does verify the flow (identification, segregation, etc).
8.3.6 organization take action appropriate to the
effects, or potential effects, of the
noncoformity? (8.2.3)
8.3.1 Control of nonconforming product -supplemental
Does the organization classify unidentifie or * Follow one or more nonconforming case and
suspect status produc as nonconforming verify the flow (identification, segregation, etc).
product (see element 7.5.3 of ISO/ISO/TS
16949:2002:2002)? (8.3.1)
8.3.2 Control of reworked product
Are the organization's instructions for rework, * Rework instructions.
including re-inspection requirements
accessible and utilized by the appropriate
personnel? (8.3.2)
8.3.3 Customer information
Does the organization inform the customers * Follow one or more nonconforming case and
promptly in the event that nonconforming verify the flow (identification, segregation, etc).
product has been shipped? (8.3.3) *
Procedure stated in quality manual.
8.3.4 Customer waiver
Does the organization obtain customer * Follow one or more nonconforming case and
concession or deviation permit prior to further verify the flow (identification, segregation, etc).
8.3.10 processing whenever the product or
manufacturing process is different from that
which is currently approved? (8.3.4)
Does the organization maintain a record of * Record of concession with expiration date.
the expiration date or quantity authorized by
customer concession or deviation permit?
Does the organization ensure compliance with * Inspection results.
the original or superseding specifications and
requirements when the authorization for
deviation expires? ( 8.3.4)
Does the organization propely identify on * Proper label/identification for material shipped
8.3.13 each shipping container material shipped on on authorization.
an authorization? (8.3.4)
Does the organization apply the customer *Process define in quality manual.
waiver requirements dor production product
to purchased product as well? (8.3.4)
Does the organization agree with any product * Process define in quality manual.
8.3.15 concession equests fromo suppliers before
submission to the customer? (8.3.4)
8.4 Analysis of data
Does the organization determine, collect and * Internal performance data such as:
analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the -Poor quality cost indicators,
suitability and effectiveness of the quality - Effectiveness and efficiency of
management system and to evaluate where production processes,
continual improvement of the effectivenes of - Test results,
the quality management system can be - Process capability data,
8.4.1 made? (8.4) - Quality audits,
- Results of product
inspections, - Internal and
external quality data, -
Subcontractor rating, -
Customer reports, -
Employee's information.
Does the organization's data analysis include * Data analysis report.
data generated as a result of monitoring and
measurement and from other relevant
sources? (8.4)
Does the organization's analysis of data * Data analysis report.
provide information relating to: a) customer
satisfaction (see element 8.2.1 of ISO/ISO/TS
16949:2002:2002)? b)
conformance to product requirements (see
8.4.3 element 7.2.1 of ISO/ISO/TS
c) characteristics and trends of processes and
products including opportunities for
preventive action?
d) Suppliers?
8.4.1 Analysis and use of data
Does the organization compare trends in * Customer problem resolution.
quality and operationa performance compared * Comparison of trends to objectives (goals). *
with progress toward objectives and lead to Specific actions to trend analysis.
action to support the following: * Prioritization of action.
- development of priorities
dor prompt solutions to customer-related
8.4.4 problems? - determination of key
customer related trends and correlation to
support status review, decision makin and
longer term planning?
- an information system or
the timely reporting of product information
arising from usage?(8.4.1)
8.5 Improvement
8.5.1 Continual improvement
Does the organization continually improve the * Examples of continuos projects intiated from
effectiveness of the quality management quality policy, quality objectives, audit results,
system through the use of the quality policy, analysis of data, corrective and preventive
8.5.1 quality objectives, audit results, analysis of actions and management review.
data, corrective and preventive actions and
management review? (8.5.1)