Project On Mini Flour Mill
Project On Mini Flour Mill
Project On Mini Flour Mill
Name of the unit : Mallarpur Agro Food Processing REH Industrial Cooperative Society Ltd.
Office Address : Bahina More, P.O.+ P.S. Mallarpur, Dist. Birbhum. Pin. 731216
The Cooperative was registered vide Regn. No. 117/MS&ME dated 20.02.2019 by the Director,
Micro Small & Medium Enterprises W.B. and Ex-officio Additional Registrar of Co-operative
Societies, West Bengal.
The Co-operative society was formed with members from SC/ST community for all-round
development of that backward sector.
The objective of the society is to start various production units like Fish-feed mill, Atta-mill, Oil
Mill, Rice Mill and Puffed rice Mill etc. by financial help from government departments.
Mini flour mill project
There are 812 roller flour mills in India which producesnearly 25 million tonnes, of milled cereal
products worth of Rs. 1000 crores. Flour mills should have a minimum capacity of 30TDP of raw
materials per day to maximum of 1000 TDP.The capacity suggested for mini flour mill to start
up is having 30 tonnes of raw material crushing capacity per day. The market for the branded
atta has been increased to Rs. 1500 crores as it is the essential product in daily basis.
Flour is used in making many food items such as Chapaties, Puries, Parotha and otherroasted
cereal based products. Wheat flour or Maida is a basic raw material for preparingmany bakery
items such as bread, biscuits, and cakes. Sooji or Ravva is used in many tiffin items or in
sweetmeat products.
There are no pollution problems for this unit equipment except dust from the flour,which may
damage the plant andmachinery to. It adversely affects the health of workers, for this
cyclonecan be used toseparate dust in the mill.The miller should be made aware of about the
proper selection of motors and energy requirement of the milling system.
Requirementsto establish flour mill project
These are major requirements to establish a mini flour mill project. These include-
Build up an area for the plant and machinery along with the storage bins for grains.
The machinery equipment’s includes the following things which are single bucket elevator
without belt and bucket, Reel machine, Rotoryseperator with aspiration channel, Scourer
machine with aspiration channel, Intensive dampner, Rotometer, De-Stoner without fan &
cyclone, Indent cylinder, Screw conveyour, Dust cyclone with airsealdia, L.P. Fan for Ist
Cleaning, L.P. Fan for Main Cleaning, L.P. Fan for DE stoner, L.P. Fan for final Cleaning, Magnets
6”*12”, and Silogate.
Roller Mill body, Rolls diameter 250 x 1000 mm (Indian), Roll Grooving & spindle cutting,
plansifter 8 feed /16 sec, purifier, bran – finisher, pneumatic lifts, Tripple worm 8 mt., L.P.
Fanpurifier, Dust cyclone diameter, H.P. Fan, Supper cyclone, bolting cloth lot, Misc. accessories
such as inspection, cover & joint range etc., electrical motors, electric pannel board fitted with
starter main switches, cables, cable fittings, volts and AMP meters, AC.B capacitors, Reduction
gears standard make, V-Groove, Pulleys, Couplings, V-Belts, ErrectionMaterial such as angle,
Channel, Sheet, Iron, Tools and other equipment required during Errection, Consumable items
such as Nut, Bolt, Gas, and Welding Rods, Namda, Fevicol, Weighing scale, errection and
Consultancy charges.