Find Someone Who Was
Find Someone Who Was
Find Someone Who Was
Prepositions of place: in, Go through the items on the worksheet and have the students
on, at form a Were you...? question for each one.
When all the items have been reviewed, students go around the
Aim class asking the questions to one another, e.g. 'Were you asleep
at 6 o'clock this morning?'
To practice asking
and answering yes/no When a student finds someone who answers 'Yes, I was', they
questions with was and write down that person's name in the corresponding column next
were. to the item.
The student then asks a follow-up question and notes down the
Preparation answer in the last column, e.g. 'What time did you wake up?'
Make one copy of the
It is important to tell the students that they can only have the
worksheet for each
same name once (or twice). This is to encourage the students to
speak to as many different partners as possible.
Level When everyone has finished, get feedback by asking the students
questions with Who...?, e.g. 'Who was asleep at 6 o'clock this
Elementary (A1-A2) morning?'
...happy yesterday.