Attainment Btech Ece

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Attainment of Course Outcomes, Program Specific Outcomes and Program Outcomes

CO Attainment Session 2016-17

B.Tech. ECE. Engg. Third Semester

Grading % age of students

Course Average on scoring 3,2,1 Result of
Name of Subject Outcomes Scale of CO
(CO) 3 Achieved
3 2 1
CO1 1.8 23.46 31.57 44.73 N
HAS CO2 2.30 53 22.36 23.68 N
Mathematics -3 CO3 2.03 94
66 11.84 22.36 Y
CO4 2.49 64.
64 21.05 14.47 Y
CO1 2.84 83.56 16.44 0 Y
Electrical Engineering CO2 2.7 75.34
8 19.18 5.48 Y
Materials and EC 203C CO3 2.99 98.63 1.4 0 Y
Semiconductor Devices 2.88 87.67 12.33 0
CO1 2.68 71.83 23.94 4.23 Y
CO2 2.75 77.46 19.72 2.82 Y
Network Analysis and
EC-205C CO3 2.75 77.46 19.72 2.82 Y
CO4 2.54 60.56 32.39 7.04 Y
CO5 2.59 66.20 26.76 7.04 Y
CO1 2.81 90.28 2.78 8.33 Y
Electromechanical CO2 2.64 69.44 27.78 0.00 Y
Energy Conversion CO3 2.49 63.89 23.61 13.89 Y
CO4 2.34 48.61 38.89 13.89 N
CO1 2.80 92.24 35.01 31.08 Y
Electro Mechanical CO2 1.55 52.80 34.53 17.27 N
Measuring Instruments CO3 1.64 54.85 36.63 18.32 N
CO4 2.78 90.79 61.86 30.93 Y
CO1 2.14 35.62 42.47 21.92 N
CO2 2.48 60.27 27.39 12.33 Y
CO3 2.07 31.51 43.84 24.66 N
Analog Electronics E-211
CO4 2.66 65.75 5.48 28.77 Y
CO5 2.55 65.75 23.29 10.96 Y
C06 2.68 76.71 15.07 8.22 Y
B.Tech. ECE. Engg. Fourth Semester

Grading % age of students

Cours Average scoring 3,2,1 Result of
Name of Subject e on CO
Outco Scale of 3 2 1 Achieved
mes 3
CO1 2.35 60.56 14.08 25.23 Y
CO2 1.64 21.12 22.53 56.33 N
Signals and System EI 204C CO3 1.69 19.71 28.16 52.11 N
CO4 1.61 14.08 35.21 50.70 N
CO1 2.16 45.07 26.76 28.16 N
Computational CO2 2.53 61.97 29.57 8.45 Y
HAS 206C
Techniques CO3 2.76 78.87 2.81 18.30 Y
CO4 1.73 19.71 33.80 46.47 N
CO1 2.87 85.92 14.09 0 Y
CO2 2.85 83.09 16.91 0 Y
Digital Electronics EC208C CO3 2.15 29.58 53.52 16.71 N
CO4 2.75 76.06 19.72 4.23 Y
CO5 2.52 54.92 42.25 2.81 N
CO1 1.99 38.03 22.54 39.44 N
CO2 2 32.39 35.21 32.39 N
EC210C CO3 2 39.44 21.13 39.44 N
CO4 2.23 42.25 38.02 19.72 N
CO5 2.54 61.97 29.58 8.45 Y
CO1 2.80 64.78 23.94 11.26 Y
CO2 1.55 43.66 39.43 16.66 N
E-212C CO3 1.64 52.11 32.39 15.49 N
Field Theory
CO4 2.78 61.97 22.53 15.49 Y
CO5 1.56 54.92 25.35 19.71 N
B.Tech. ECE. Engg. Fifth Semester

Grading % age of students

Course Average scoring 3,2,1 Result of
Sub. Code
Name of Subject Outcomes on CO
(CO) Scale of 3 2 1 Achieved
CO1 2.82 82.43 17.57 0 Y
CO2 2.43 50 43.24 6.76 N
EC-301C CO3 2.71 72.98 25.67 1.35 Y
Communication System
CO4 2.41 54.05 33.78 12.17 N
CO5 2.66 68.96 28.34 2.71 Y
CO1 2.8 81.42 14.29 1.42 Y
CO2 2.74 80.00 14.29 5.71 Y
Analog Integrated Circuits EC-303C CO3 2.95 94.28 4.29 1.42 Y
CO4 2.06 28.57 48.57 22.86 N
CO5 2.73 72.86 24.29 2.86 Y
CO1 2.82 82.43 13.51 0.04 Y
Antenna and Wave CO2 2.74 74.32 20.27 0.054 Y
propagation CO3 2.77 77.02 20.27 0.054 Y
CO4 2.78 81.08 16.90 2.70 Y
CO1 2.78 78.38 21.62 0 Y
CO2 2.55 66.22 22.97 10.81 Y
Microprocessor and
EI307C CO3 2.82 86.49 12.16 4.05 Y
CO4 2.92 91.89 8.11 0 Y
CO5 2.93 94.59 4.05 1.35 Y
CO1 2.99 98.65 1.35 0 Y
CO2 2.92 91.89 8.11 0 Y
Television Engineering EC309C CO3 2.91 90.54 9.46 0 Y
CO4 2.89 89.19 10.81 0 Y
CO5 2.57 56.76 43.24 0 N
CO1 2.92 93.24 21.33 1.35 Y
CO2 1.93 22.97 47.29 29.72 N
Power Electronics EI315C CO3 1.94 21.33 50.66 27.02 N
CO4 2.18 48.64 29.72 21.62 N
CO5 1.9 18.91 52.70 28.37 N
B.Tech. ECE. Engg. Sixth Semester

Grading % age of students

Course Average scoring 3,2,1 Result of
Name of Subject Outcomes on CO
(CO) Scale of 3 2 1 Achieved
CO1 2.81 81 18.9 0 Y
CO2 2.51 56.7 37.8 5.4 N
Digital System CO3 2.34 45.9 41.8 12 N
Design E-302 CO4 2.68 68.9 29.7 1.3 Y
CO5 2.95 94.5 5.4 0 Y
CO1 2.81 83.78 10.81 5.4 Y
CO2 2.47 66.21 14.86 18.91 Y
Control System
EL304 CO3 2.51 68.91 12.16 18.91 Y
CO4 2.37 70.27 24.32 5.4 Y
CO5 2.72 87.3 2.7 10 Y
CO1 2.648 70.27 24.32 5.40 Y
CO2 2.662 74.324 17.56 8.10 Y
MOSIC Technology ECE308
CO3 2.863 86.48 10.81 2.70 Y
CO4 2.567 68.92 18.91 12.16 Y
CO1 2.80 92.24 35.01 31.08 Y
Microwave and Radar CO2 1.55 52.80 34.53 17.27 N
Engineering CO3 1.64 54.85 36.63 18.32 N
CO4 2.78 90.79 61.86 30.93 N
CO1 2.722 79.17 13.89 6.94 Y
Data CO2 2.81 84.72 12.50 2.78 Y
Structure CO3 2.71 75.00 22.22 2.78 Y
CO4 2.79 81.94 15.28 2.78 Y
CO1 2.97 97.3 2.7 0 Y
CO2 2.73 74.32 24.32 1.35 Y
Wireless CO3 2.93 93.24 6.76 0 Y
Communication CO4 2.88 89.19 9.46 1.35 Y
CO5 2.82 82.43 17.57 0 Y
CO6 2.53 54.05 44.59 1.35 N
B.Tech. ECE. Engg. Eight Semester

Grading % age of students

Course Average scoring 3,2,1 Result of
Name of Subject Outcomes on CO
(CO) Scale of 3 2 1 Achieved
CO1 2.97 97.18 2.82 0 Y
CO2 2.92 92.96 7.04 0 Y
Digital Signal
E-402 CO3 2.92 92.96 7.04 0 Y
CO4 2.87 87.32 12.68 0 Y
CO5 2.85 97.18 2.82 0 Y
CO1 2.95 95.89 4.11 0 Y
Computer CO2 2.63 65.75 31.50 2.73 Y
Network CO3 2.68 69.86 28.76 1.36 Y
CO4 2.63 68.49 26.03 5.47 Y
CO1 2.80 93.24 62.16 31.08 Y
CO2 1.55 51.80 34.53 17.27 N
Communication ECE408
CO3 1.64 54.95 36.63 18.32 N
CO4 2.78 92.79 61.86 30.93 Y
CO1 2.80 84.72 11.11 4.16 Y
CO2 2.65 69.44 25 5.55 Y
Operational Research EIC406
CO3 2.38 50 37.5 12.5 N
CO4 1.81 15.27 11 33.33 N
CO1 2.96 95.83 4.17 0 Y
Satellite CO2 2.79 83.33 12.5 4.17 Y
Communication CO3 2.94 94.44 5.56 0 Y
CO4 2.64 63.89 36.11 0 Y
Attainment of Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes

HAS 201C 65.13 43.20 21.71 54.16 21.71 21.71 21.71 54.16 54.16 21.71 21.71 21.71 43.42 43.42

EC-203C 86.30 77.92 86.30 86.30 72.79 56.96 49.73 28.48 71.75 56.96 65.34 86.30 79.20 86.30

EC-205C 70.70 70.70 70.70 70.70 70.70 70.70 47.14 47.14 23.57 23.57 23.57 33.14 47.14 70.70

EI207C 65.41 43.61 65.41 65.41 65.41 23.74 13.70 29.91 0.00 0.00 43.61 57.88 65.41 29.34

EI209C 31.01 46.47 31.01 31.01 46.55 31.01 77.48 62.01 46.47 46.47 77.48 62.01 15.54 46.55

EC211C 46.65 55.94 46.65 55.94 55.94 18.65 18.65 18.65 20.62 33.6 30.8 41.6 55.94 53.96

HAS206C 70.42 60.09 46.95 46.95 46.95 70.42 57.28 46.95 70.42 46.95 70.42 60.09 46.95 70.42

EC210C 61.97 61.97 41.31 61.97 61.97 41.31 61.97 61.97 41.31 41.3 41.3 41.3 61.97 61.97

EC212C 42.62 42.62 41.77 31.23 41.77 21.01 21.01 21.01 31.23 41.77 63.38 63.38 52.84 31.82

EI204C 40.37 40.37 40.37 40.37 40.37 20.19 20.19 40.37 40.37 20.19 20.19 20.19 40.37 40.37

EC208C 70.42 70.42 46.95 58.68 46.95 46.95 23.47 23.47 46.95 35.21 23.47 23.47 46.95 46.95

EC301C 74.79 74.79 66.68 59.02 49.86 24.92 24.92 34.08 24.92 49.9 24.9 49.9 74.79 49.86

EC303C 77.14 77.14 59.84 69.52 51.42 51.42 25.72 25.72 51.42 33.33 25.72 25.72 51.42 51.42

EC305C 78.71 52.47 52.47 52.47 46.27 26.39 26.39 26.39 26.39 52.47 52.47 52.47 78.71 52.47

EI307C 78.30 83.52 73.06 67.76 62.00 40.28 34.14 46.06 49.38 27.82 55.70 55.68 83.51 55.68

EC309C 85.46 81.67 78.88 79.52 85.46 65.38 35.06 44.46 34.61 35.06 38.84 51.04 78.88 85.46

EI315C 79.73 42.27 57.66 42.27 37.72 26.58 42.27 26.58 26.58 26.58 42.27 26.58 26.58 79.73

E-302 81.47 60.77 60.77 60.77 60.77 11.70 0.00 6.73 16.20 29.27 6.73 18.00 81.47 81.47
EL-304 63.28 63.28 56.52 63.28 49.54 42.18 21.09 21.09 42.18 21.09 21.09 21.09 42.18 42.18

ECE-308 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 50.00 55.86 36.94 48.54 61.94 61.94 75.00 75.00 75.00

ECE-312 52.47 52.47 52.47 46.27 26.39 26.39 26.39 26.39 52.47 52.47 52.47 78.71 52.47 78.71

CE-201 60.30 80.21 80.21 80.21 40.16 26.74 33.33 26.74 33.33 26.74 33.33 26.74 60.30 73.61

ECE-310 87.30 87.30 70.18 58.19 35.58 29.10 29.10 29.10 29.10 29.10 29.10 58.19 87.30 58.19

E-402 74.48 87.04 80.84 93.52 93.52 31.17 43.84 0.00 31.17 37.65 62.34 62.34 93.52 68.82

EIC-404 60.00 60.00 60.00 47.13 42.50 60.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 56.02 40.00

EIC-306 42.01 42.01 50.00 57.99 57.99 32.99 32.99 25.00 38.70 59.02 42.01 25.00 63.70 55.71

ECE-408 42.19 45.61 37.87 28.98 45.38 20.08 47.63 39.90 41.03 41.03 61.11 48.80 25.56 41.06

EIC-406 77.08 77.08 65.51 25.69 51.39 25.69 25.69 25.69 39.81 25.69 77.08 37.27 77.08 65.51

ECE-412 84.37 84.37 64.23 56.25 48.38 35.99 35.07 28.12 28.12 28.12 28.12 56.25 84.37 56.25

Average 66.38 63.46 57.98 57.47 52.77 36.19 34.89 33.21 37.96 36.72 43.33 46.20 60.30 58.38
PO has been attained on the basis of assigning the 80 % weightage to direct assessment and 20 % weightage to indirect assessment as

Method of assessment Direct Indirect

assessment assessment
PO/ attainment
PO Description Weight Weight %
PSO age Exit Alumni age
survey Survey 100
ment 80% 20%
Engineering knowledge: Apply knowledge of mathematics, science,
PO1 engineering fundamentals, and Electronics Engineering to the solution of 66.38 53.11 80 80 16 69.11
engineering Problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review literature and analyze
Electronics Engineering problems to design, conduct experiments, analyze 88.
PO2 63.46 50.77 91.00 17.90 68.67
data and interpret data. 00

Design /development of solutions: Design solution for Electronics

Engineering problems and design system component of processes that 57.98 46.38 89.
PO3 meet the desired needs with appropriate consideration for the public 87.00 17.66 64.04
health and safety, and the cultural, societal and the environmental
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, 57.47 45.97 88.
PO4 analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to 92.00 18.00 63.97
provide valid conclusions in Electronics Engineering
Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and 52.77 42.22
PO5 modeling to Electronics Engineering activities with an understanding of 81 79 16 58.22
the limitations.
The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and 36.19 28.96
PO6 the consequent responsibilities relevant to Electronics Engineering 89 91 18 46.96
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the
Electronics Engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, 34.89 27.91
PO7 55 58 11.3 39.21
and demonstrate the knowledge and need for sustainable development.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
33.21 26.57
PO8 responsibilities and norms of the Electronics Engineering practice. 55 59 11.35 37.92

Individual and team work: Function affectively as an individual, and as

a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings in 37.96 30.37
PO9 56 58 11.4 41.77
Electronics Engineering.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering committee and with society at large, such 36.72 29.38
PO10 as, being able to comprehend and write affective reports and design 55 55 11 40.38
documentation, make effective presentations in Electronics Engineering.
Project Management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge &
understanding of the Electronics Engineering principles and management 43.33 34.66
PO11 principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a 51 49 10 44.66
team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments in
Electronics Engineering.
Life- long learning: Recognize the need for, and the preparation and
46.20 36.96 93.
PO12 ability to engage in independent research and lifelong learning in the 95.00 18.80 55.76
broadest contest of technological changes in Electronics Engineering. 00

To apply the fundamental and design knowledge in the areas of analog & 60.30 48.24
PSO1 digital circuits, Instrumentation and Control Systems. 60 60 12 60.24

To pursue higher studies or get placed in Industries and Organizations. 58.38 46.70
PSO2 62 60 12.2 58.92

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