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October 11, 2018 22:22 WSPC Proceedings - 9.75in x 6.

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Geons as wormholes of modified gravity

Gonzalo J. Olmo
Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica and IFIC, Centro Mixto Universidad de Valencia - CSIC.
Universidad de Valencia,
Burjassot-46100, Valencia, Spain
Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidade Federal da Paraı́ba,
58051-900 João Pessoa, Paraı́ba, Brazil
E-mail: [email protected]
arXiv:1601.00156v1 [gr-qc] 2 Jan 2016

Diego Rubiera-Garcia
Instituto de Astrofı́sica e Ciências do Espaço, Universidade de Lisboa,
Faculdade de Ciências, Campo Grande, PT1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal
E-mail: [email protected]

Wormholes may arise as solutions of extensions of General Relativity without violation

of the energy conditions. Working in a Palatini approach we consider classical geometries
supporting such wormholes. It is shown that the resulting space-times represent explicit
realizations of the concept of geon introduced by Wheeler, interpreted as self-consistent
bodies generated by an electromagnetic field without sources.

Keywords: Modified gravity; Geons; Wormholes; Palatini formalism

1. Introduction
For a long time wormholes have been regarded as exotic solutions of General Rel-
ativity (GR), more suitable for science fiction than representing true situations
happening in Nature. However, a number of developments and findings in the last
few decades, including the seminal paper by Morris and Thorne 1 , the supernova
data 2 suggesting the potential existence of exotic forms of energy driving the accel-
erated expansion of the universe, and the different approaches to a quantum theory
of gravity where topologically non-trivial structures could play a relevant role, have
put these once bizarre objects under a new light. Following Visser 3 , a (traversable)
time-independent, spherically symmetric wormhole space-time can be generically
written as

ds2 = −e2φ(x) dt2 + dx2 + r2 (x)(dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 ) (1)

where x is the proper time. Wormholes are characterized by a number of properties,

of which we underline the following:

• The coordinate x covers the whole space-time (−∞, +∞).

• The asymptotic flatness of the two regions connected by the wormhole
requires the limits limx→±∞ φ(x) = φ± to be both finite.
• At the asymptotically flat regions, x → ±∞, one has limx→±∞ r(x) = x.
• The throat of the wormhole satisfies r0 = min{r(x)}.
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Loosely speaking, wormhole are hypothetical tunnels connecting two asymptotically

flat portions of the same universe, or two asymptotically flat universes. Historically,
the first example was given by the Einstein-Rosen bridge 4 , which was later shown
to be just two copies of the exterior region of a Schwarzschild space-time joined
at their event horizons. But with the new insights given by Morris and Thorne in
their celebrated 1988 paper 1 the interest on this field boosted. It is worth pointing
out that, within the context of GR, wormholes violate all the pointwise energy
conditions, and face the problematic issue of topology change. Because of this, in the
past they have been largely regarded as mere theoretical tools for the understanding
and teaching of GR.
The related concept of geon - gravitational electromagnetic entities - was in-
troduced by J. A. Wheeler 5 as hypothetical objects mirroring the idea of body
within gravitational physics. Wheeler’s original proposal consisted in balls of light,
an electric beam with so high an intensity that would be held together by its own
self-interaction. With the seasoning of non-trivial topology, Misner and Wheeler 6
were able to give an interpretation of both charge and mass as properties resulting
from lines of electric flux trapped in the non-trivial topology of a wormhole. In their
picture, geons would represent self-gravitating objects resulting from the Einstein-
Maxwell equations without sources with the ambitious goal of explaining all particle
properties in terms of non-trivial topologies and fields. The geon program failed,
partially due to the lack of explicit, physically motivated, and analytically tractable
Starting from a slightly different perspective, in a series of papers 7–13 we have
implemented a systematic analysis of classical effective geometries supported by
modified theories of gravity. As opposed to the standard procedure in the litera-
ture, where a wormhole space-time is given a priori and then the Einstein equations
are driven back to find the matter sources generating such a geometry, in our ap-
proach we derive them from gravitational actions including additional contractions
of the Ricci tensor with the metric, and assuming independent metric and affine
structures (Palatini approach). This is in sharp contrast with the more standard
metric approach, where the connection is given a priori by the Christoffel symbols
of the metric (see e.g. 14 for a review on modified gravity). In the last few years
we have studied in detail such gravitational actions with electromagnetic fields and
found that the black hole point-like singularity of GR is generically replaced by
a wormhole structure. Because of their properties, the resulting objects represent
explicit implementations of Wheeler’s geon within the context of modified gravity.

2. Wormholes in Palatini gravity

In Palatini gravity, the field equations admit a GR-like representation of the form
1 f ν
Rµ ν (q) = p δµ + κ2 T µ ν (2)
det Σ̂ 2
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This representation is valid for f (R) theories 7 , f (R, Rµν Rµν ) theories 8 , Born-Infeld
gravity 9 and in higher-dimensional 13 and braneworld scenarios 15 . The matrix Σµ ν
represents the transformation between the effective metric qµν and the physical
metric gµν as qµν = Σµ α gαν and, though is model-dependent, can be shown to
depend only on the matter stress-energy tensor Tµ ν , and the same applies to the
gravity function f . The independent connection Γλµν is compatible with the metric
√ √
qµν , namely, ∇µ ( −qq αβ ) = 0 (but not with gµν , ∇µ ( −gg αβ ) 6= 0), so it is given
by the Christoffel symbols of qµν . The field equations (2) thus represent a system of
second-order field equations, where all the terms on the right-hand-side only depend
on the matter. As gµν is algebraically related to qµν via the matter sources, the
field equations for gµν are second-order as well. In vacuum, Tµ ν = 0, the equations
(2) yield those of GR, which implies the absence of ghost-like degrees of freedom.
In static, spherically symmetric space-times, we take the matter sector to be that
of an electromagnetic field. By solving the field equations in different gravitational
backgrounds [see Refs. 7–13 for full details] one finds a line element that can be
written under the generic (Eddington-Filkenstein) form

1 1 + δ1 G(z) dvdx
ds2 = 1− dv 2 + 2 + r2 (x)dΩ2 (3)
Ω+ (z) δ2 zΩ− (z)1/2 Ω+
where z = r/rc is a re-scaled radial coordinate through rc , which typically contains
the charge q and some length scale lǫ2 encoding the deviations with respect to GR.
The constants δ1 and δ2 parameterize the solutions in terms of mass, charge and
length scale lǫ2 . The explicit form of the objects Ω± (z) depends on the particular
theory of gravity chosen, and the matter-dependent function G(z) typically recov-
ers the GR behaviour, G(z) ≃ −1/z, at large distances (provided an asymptotic
Coulombian behaviour), but undergoes drastic modifications around z ≃ 1.
The space-times (3) above satisfy a number of properties:

• Asymptotic flatness is obtained provided that the matter fields satisfy usual
energy conditions. Slight modifications of (3) also allow for asymptotically
(Anti-)de Sitter solution 16 .
• For large distances, r(x) ≃ x and the role of x as the standard radial
coordinate of the Reissner-Nordström space-time is restored.
• The radial coordinate r(x) reaches a minimum r = rc at x = 0 and bounces
off [see Fig.1]. On this region, large departures from the GR behaviour are
• The existence or not of horizons depends on the combination of parameters
δ1 and δ2 , namely, on the charge-to-mass ratio.

This is in agreement with Visser’s requirements introduced discussed above and,

therefore, the space-times (3) represent a generalization of the Reissner-Nordström
solution where the point-like singularity is replaced by a finite-size wormhole struc-
ture, with the surface r = rc representing its throat.
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-3 -2 -1 1 2 3

Fig. 1. Behaviour of the radial function r(x) for Born-Infeld gravity coupled to an electromagnetic
field in the case lǫ2 < 0 (see Ref. 11 for details) in D = 4 (solid), 6 (dashed) and 10 (dotted) space-
2(D−2) 1/2
time dimensions,
√ as given by the expression r 2 (x) = (|x|D−2 +(|x|2(D−2) +4rc ) )/2, where
rc = κqlǫ with κ = 8πG and q the electric charge. For r ≫ 1 one has r ∼ x2 and the standard

GR behaviour. A bounce occurs at r = rc , setting the location of the wormhole throat.

In Wheeler’s approach 5,6 geons are self-gravitating structures where the non-
trivial topology of the geon allows to generate both its charge and mass without
sources. In our case:

• The non-trivial topology of the wormhole allows to define the electric charge
as the flux of electric lines through a S 2 surface enclosing the wormhole
∗F = ±4πq (4)

where ∗F is Hodge dual of the electromagnetic field and the sign ± comes
from which side of the wormhole this computation is done. Note that no
point-like sources are needed, which is consistent with the sourceless elec-
tromagnetic field of the matter sector. A local observer on one of the sides
of the wormhole would measure a positive (or negative) charge, though no
charges are present in the system and the net global flux is zero, which rep-
resents a explicit implementation of the charge-without-charge mechanism.
• Evaluation of the total action (gravitational + electromagnetic)R for these
geonic solutions produce the generic result ST = 2M0 δ1 /δc c2 dt [with δc
some constant], where M0 is the total mass of space-time (as given by the
mass seen by an asymptotic observer) and the factor 2 comes from the
need of integrating on both sides of the wormhole. This is just the action
of a point particle of mass 2M0 δ1 /δc . The new gravitational effects are
essential for this result, which can be seen as an implementation of the
mass-without-mass mechanism.
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In order for these wormholes to be traversable one first requires the absence of
horizons which, according to the discussion above, depends on the values of δ1 and δ2
for each model. Moreover, one must guarantee its safeness, namely, that a physical
observer crossing the wormhole throat is not destroyed on its transit. However,
in the wormhole geometries above curvature divergences generically arise at the
throat, r = rc , though in some scenarios they can be completely removed for a given
mass-to-charge ratio 8 . We point out that both the existence of the bounce in the
wormhole radial function, and some physical properties associated to the geon (like
the energy density), are insensitive to the existence or not of curvature divergences
[these are generically much milder than their GR counterparts]. Indeed, a three-
fold strategy - geodesic completeness, congruence of geodesics, and scattering of
waves off the wormhole - has revealed that, in the case of quadratic and Born-Infeld
gravity in four dimensions, curvature divergences seem to have little impact (if any)
on physical observers, who find a geodesically complete space-time no matter the
behaviour of curvature invariants and where no loss of causality occurs among the
constituents making up the observer 17 . One thus concludes that physical observers
are not affected by any absolutely destructive effect as they cross the wormhole
throat and thus these space-times constitute explicit examples where curvature
divergences do not entail space-time singularities.
Let us point out that, as opposed to what happens in the GR case, the fact that
we are using a standard electromagnetic field means that the energy conditions are
satisfied. The generation of the wormhole structure is a genuine non-perturbative
gravitational effect, since only as one gets close to the center of the solutions the
wormhole modification of the point-like singularity of GR becomes manifest. The
wormhole structure is robust, in the sense that it arises in different gravitational
backgrounds and coupled to several kinds of matter, but disappears when the the-
ories are formulated in the standard metric approach. In addition, these wormhole
geometries might be generated in dynamical scenarios sourced by high-intensity
fluxes of particles carrying mass and charge 18 or even by large magnetic fields in
the early universe 19 , which could shed new light on the issues of topology change
and the geometry of entanglement 20 .

3. Conclusions
In summary, in Palatini theories of gravity, which are supported by the physics of
crystalline structures with defects 21 , self-gravitating, particle-like, non-singular so-
lutions of sourceless equations generated by an electromagnetic field can be found.
These classical effective geometries are able to generate a wormhole structure with-
out any need of violation of the energy conditions, and without resorting to the
standard thin-shell formalism or engineering constructions. Implications of such
geonic solutions regarding our understanding of particles and fields are still to be
seen. Since we have dealt with a simplified scenario with spherical symmetry and
an electromagnetic field it is thus important to investigate if other particle prop-
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erties (like color charges or spin) can be reproduced by adding other free gauge
fields. In this way, geons might potentially yield an interesting phenomenology for
gravitational and high-energy physics.

Work supported by the (Spanish) projects: Ramon y Cajal, FIS2014-57387-C3-1-P,
FIS2011-29813-C02-02, i-LINK0780, i-COOPB20105, and the Consolider Program
CPANPHY-1205388; the (Portuguese) FCT grants No. SFRH/BPD/102958/2014
and UID/FIS/04434/2013; and the (Brazilian) CNPq project No.301137/2014-5.

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