Projects of Mohammad Bin Tughluq
Projects of Mohammad Bin Tughluq
Projects of Mohammad Bin Tughluq
(1) By now the territory of Delhi had increased much and it was
not possible to control the entire region from Delhi. Since
Daulatabad was situated in the middle of the Sultanate, the issue of
transfer was taken up by the sultan. Barani remarks that Daulatabad
held a central situation. Farishta also writes, “The king was so
much pleased with the situation and strength of Deogiri and
considered it so much central them Delhi that he determined to
make it his capital.”
(2) The tributary rulers of the Deccan were rebellious and they
often not only revolted against the Delhi Sultanate but also refused
to pay annual tributes, hence the question of transfer of capital to
Deccan arose in the mind of the Sultan.
(3) Ibn Batuta mentions that the people of Delhi used to write
condemnatory letters to the Sultan for which the Sultan left much
offended and in order to penalize them he ordered for the transfer
of the capital.
(4) Yahya-bin-Ahmad feels that the people of Doab had turned
rebellious due to increase of revenue and the sultan being annoyed
with them asked for exodus.
(5) Professor Habibullah and Dr. Mehdi Husain remark that the
Sultan wanted to make Daulatabad a prosperous town and a centre
of Muslim culture, hence he took decision to make it the capital.
(6) Dr. K.A. Nizami’s view that he wanted to make two capitals is
not accepted by most of the historians.
(7) Dr. A.L. Srivastava writes that the incessant invasions of the
Mongols had paralyzed the life and administration of Delhi and in
order to safeguard the capital from future attacks of the Mongols,
he shifted it to Deogiri.
But all the reasons referred to above are not justified for there seemed
no possibility of writing the letters and throwing them into the palace
of Delhi. At the same time if the Sultan had become unpopular in
Delhi how could he be friendly with the people of the south?
Moreover, the current of Mongol invasion had slowed down by them
and there was no fear of their invasion. Dr. Srivastava in response to
all these reasons of transfer of capital remarks, “The stories are
nothing more than Bazar gossips. The fact is that the scheme of
transfer of capital was well thought a plan of Muhammad-bin-
Nature of Transfer
Having decided for the transfer of capital, the Sultan ordered all the
people to migrate to Daulatabad. The distance between the old and
new capital was about 950 kilometers. The Sultan repaired and
constructed rest-house on both sides of the road, every two or three
miles. The Sultan spent a lot of money in the execution of this plan.
The imperial court and establishment was shifted to Daulatabad along
with the nobles, scholars and saints, so that Muslim culture could
flourish there. Barani writes, “The Sultan was bounteous in his
liberalities and favours to the emigrants both on their journey and on
their arrival.”
But in spite of all the facilities provided by the Sultan, the people of
Delhi had so much attachment with the capital that they did not want
to leave Delhi, hence the Sultan has to treat them harshly as he
wanted to execute his scheme fully. Barani remarks about the
condition of Delhi after the exodus, “All was destroyed. So complete
was the ruin that not a cat or a dog was left in the buildings of the
city, in places or in its suburbs.” bn Batuta remarks, “A search was
made and a blind man and a cripple were found. The cripple was put
to death while the blind man was dragged to Daulatabad where only
his one leg reached.” He adds, In the night the Sultan mounted the
roof of his palace and looked around Delhi. When, neither a light nor
even the smoke or a lamp came into sight he remarked, “Now my
heart is pleased and my soul is at rest.”
The long journey from Delhi to Daulatabad proved very painful and a
large number of people died during the journey. Barani writes,
“Many, from the toil of long journey, perished on the road and those
who arrived at Deogiri, cold not endure the pain of exile. In
despondency, they pained away to death. All along Deogiri, which is
an infidel land, there sprang up graveyards of Musalmans.”
2. The people of Delhi had to suffer untold miseries and they
sustained lots of inconveniences as a result of this scheme. Many
perished during the long journey.
Muhammad Tughlaq orders his brass coins to pass for silver, 1330 C
Cause of Issue of Token Currency
(3) The sultan needed extra wealth for the execution of his other
projects and for suppressing the revolts in future, hence, it became
inevitable for him to issue token currency.
(4) Haji Uddabir thinks that the Sultan wanted to confiscate the
costly metals and issue of token currency was one of his tricks to
collect the costly metals, i.e. gold and silver but this opinion does not
hold against the fact that the Sultan later changed all the copper coins
into silver ones from the royal treasury.
(5) Ishwar Topa and others are of the opinion that the shortage of
silver was the root cause of the issue of token currency.
It was an original and new scheme ever planned by a Sultan. Its aim
was not to befool the people but to add to the prosperity of the
kingdom and to ensure the public welfare. The utility of issuing
bronze coins was not doubtful but unfortunately the people of the
fourteenth century failed to understand its significance and his ideal
scheme ended in smoke. Wrong implementation of the scheme was
the main cause of its failure but he is praised by scholars of history for
this scheme. Dr. A.L. Srivastava has written, “The reign of
Muhammad Tughluq is an important landmark in the history of
Indian coinage.” Dr. Ishari Prasad also observes in this respect, “He
wanted to found coins which might facilitate exchange and from
convenient circulating media.” To sum up, we may say that the
scheme of token currency was started with all the good intentions, but
it failed as the Sultan could not foresee the forgery and fabrication in
the making of coins.