Kartul Seftiana
Kartul Seftiana
Kartul Seftiana
C. The Aim of Research
1. To find out why the charity can bring good luck
2. To determine the primacy of charity
3. To find out what guarantees manfaat dan for people to give alms
4. To know what god will be given to people who are willing to give charity
during his lifetime
God has promised to reward (at least) ten-fold against all the gifts that
have been done and we believe in the promise of God will not be missed. As
His word in the Qur'an (QS. Luqman: 33)
ٌد َعن َولَ ِد ِهۦ َواَلG ِ ِزي َوالG ا اَّل يَ ۡجG ۡو ْا يَ ۡو ٗمG ٱخ َش ْ Gُٰيََٓأيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ ٱتَّق
ۡ وا َربَّ ُكمۡ َوG
ّ ۖٞ از َعن َوالِ ِد ِهۦ َشۡئً ۚا ِإ َّن َو ۡع َد ٱهَّلل ِ َح
ق فَاَل تَ ُغ َّرنَّ ُك ُم ۡٱل َحيَ ٰوةُ ٱل ُّد ۡنيَا ٍ َم ۡولُو ٌد هُ َو َج
٣٣ َواَل يَ ُغ َّرنَّ ُكم بِٱهَّلل ِ ۡٱل َغرُو ُر
“O mankind! Fear your Lord and fear the one day (on that day) a father can
not help his son and a child can not (also) helping his father at all. The
promise of Allah is true, then do not let the worldly life deceive you, and do
not (also) deceiver (devil) deceive you in (obey) Allah.”
Alms can also be distanced from the disaster. Imam Ibn al Jawziyya
hasyyim said "alms indeed could provide a stunning effect to resist various
kinds of disasters even if the perpetrator of the Unbelievers (sinner), injustice
or even the pagans, because Allah will eliminate a wide range of disaster with
pelantara alms".
As for wisdom for those who do:
1. Cultivating gratitude to Allah Almighty for the blessings of wealth that has
been given
2. Purify and cleanse themselves of possessions, eroding nature stingy and
despicable morals and educate in order to be open-hearted and noble, in
accordance with the word of God in the Quran at-Taubah chapter 103 that
have been put forward in front
3. Educating people to always realize that possessions not an objective in
life. But treasure for a Muslim is a surrogate (mandate) of God which
should be used as a tool to devote himself (worship) to Him, and as a tool
for people to carry out his duties.
4. Being closer (taqarrub) to Allah and to take away sins.
1. Helping those who are weak and hard to enable them to fulfill their
obligations, both to God and to our fellow human beings
2. Minimize the gap (gap) economically, between the rich and poor, so
simiskin can improve their economic conditions. Thus the sense of
fraternity and mutual aid will grow, and negative traits. Such as envy and
jealousy will erode.
3. Educating the community spirit that has a social concern, like sacrifice,
avoiding selfishness, and indifference towards fellow human beings,
especially fellow Muslims, in Islam wealth has a social function for the
public interest, the interests of religious struggle, in addition to meeting
personal needs.
4. Strengthen and cultivate the faith of the convert, that is, people whose faith
is vulnerable because it is new to Islam and at the same time can be an
attraction for those who are not Islamic.
In geography lessons have been learned, even from junior or senior high
school is known that our country belongs to the category of developing
countries, per capita income of the population is still taken in 1000 U $
dollars. Even in Indonesia, there are still people who are poor-indigent. These
communities, in view of the economic term are a person who can not meet the
primary needs appropriately. Primary needs or basic needs are human needs
that must be fulfilled so that he can live decent lives. Alms were taught Islam
is very relevant for improving standards of living, especially in Indonesia. If
implemented effectively in Indonesia, the welfare of society will increase.
Shodaqoh also can cure and prevent disease on the one hand, and on the
other hand shodaqoh was also able to extend the life, presumably these are
obvious in view of the religion. Only perhaps not so obvious is how to
understand or rationalize shodaqoh statement that it is able to prevent or cure
the disease, as well as capable of longevity.
The disease is related to age or age. Maksutnya, if indeed Allah has
ordained a human child then the child this man could have died because of
disease in misery. Any diseases when in fact are the potential to shorten life
and cause death. We do not need to call this type of AIDS, cikunguya, bird flu,
or other types of other devastating diseases that can cause death. Sign the
wind, if Allah wills, can bring death.
Diseases mental and spiritual will lead to the same thing. Do not ever
think, for example, that the disease riya 'it can not cause death. Do not ever
think that it is not arrogant disease can cause death. Moreover hunks disease,
envy, jealousy, treasonous, and so forth. Because for example you arrogant
supercharge, may God wants you in need by people who are sick and do not
like seeing your pride. Moreover, you lied or betrayed.
1. Mystery of age and disease
As a man calls for pleasure, happiness, wealth, success in life in this
world, as well as human being wanted himself to be situated away from
catastrophic disasters or calamities, there are two wills else in ingginkan
by many people, that is, in away and be cured of the disease , in extend the
lifespan. Disease is a state or condition of the body is distorted and bore
the suffering that causes the presence of certain viruses that attack the
immune system called as a disease because he bore the pain. And the pain,
everyone expects spared themselves and away from him. Thus, when
someone is suffering or illness, he hoped that he would soon be cured of
pain in misery it. All kinds of disease, whether it is physical,
psychological, or spiritual, all have pain. Against the pain of physical
illness (biological), everyone has to know and have been aware of it.
But the psychic and spiritual disease only enlightened people who
know and realize. For someone whose soul is clean, in fact it's very painful
vanity when he showed up, show, and have it. That suffering is caused by
overbearing disease was not only felt by those arrogant itself, but also
participated felt by the person to whom the vanity in the show. And
indeed, just as feeling like it when people try menjahui alone, avoid, and
be cured of the disease.
It's just that, and unfortunately people are too ber desire to abstain,
avoid and cure physical ailments biological course, so many people forget
to heal the heart, and his thoughts were also dying. Humans can indeed be
completely cured of the disease even this depends on the extent to which
he seeks to cure disease in misery. To be sure, not all diseases can be
cured, and the end of this disease is death. Fear of death is what makes
many people reason to hope that the long age. The causes of human fear of
death, including the following:
a. Afraid to leave the life of the world
b. Afraid to accept being punished in the afterlife
c. Fear of leaving people in loved
d. Fear because the image of death itself
Wants to fear or not to death, we all can not run away from it, can not
avoid it, and could not prevent it. For those of you who are afraid of death,
you will still die. Even for those of you who are not afraid to die you will
die. The Qur'an says:
“And Allah is not going to suspend (death) when someone has come the
time of his death. And Allah is most knowing of what you do.” (Qs. Al-
Munafiqun: 1)
When the hypocrites come to you they say: "We bear witness that thou
art indeed the Messenger of Allah". And God knows that thou art truly His
Apostle; and Allah knows that indeed the hypocrites are liars.
The above verse clearly states that God occasionally does not suspend
the death of one when it comes the time of his death.
The above verse clearly mentions 'time of death' (day, date, time, and
date of death of a person). Only Allah The One who hold the time of
death. No one knows the time of his death, so that the words of the time of
death it is God's will be wasted words.
Its right to say is that at the time kematiaan someone it just be the
secret of Allah Almighty, in which the secret was not given and show that
to humans. Thus, the time of death to be a part of the science of Allah, not
acts of God.
More clearly, if a person's age limit has been set by Allah SWT so-
Sekia, prayer-munajat a slave, who taught by the Prophet it did not mean
anything. In fact, useless prayers to the Prophet taught us that we pray to
Allah for extend the lifespan. And Muhammad once said that shodaqoh it
can lengthen lifespan. He also once said that silaturrahmi it could also
longevity. All animate creatures doomed to death and the certainty of
death is actually referred to as Qadha God can not change. Although you
are a devout Muslim and Salih though, you will never be able to change
the certainty of the coming of death.
without feeling worried thinking about something that has been issuing of
belief that something had given it will be doubled by Allah.
All the property or something that has been given by one person to another
will be back by the gods to reward doubled. Prophet Muhammad. Actually
rich only his life is very simple because all his wealth only for propaganda.
The Prophet Muhammad is the richest. The proof, as much as 20 red camels to
dowry marriage to Siti khodhijah.
Prophet Muhammad are smart people in the field of financial
management. Progress perdangangan city rich in Mecca, Khadija Muhammad
out of the role as manager. (Qs. Al-Baqarah [2]: 261).
How Allah is the One who is most rich and omnipotent over everything.
For every servant of the gods who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, how
manifold are given by him. The virtue and charity benefits in accordance with
the promise of Allah:
1. Charity can remove sin
God's first promise to those who diligently charity is that charity is able to
purify the menggerjakannya. The promise will be fulfilled if the charity is
accompanied by repentance of sin that has been done, even more so if
those who deliberately do such immoral corruption, devour usury, stealing,
taking the rights of orphans and others. Not applicable donate alms only if
he aims for his sins are even.
2. Got shade at the end of the day
Not only can remove sin, it turns out in practice alms also promised to get
shade on the Day of Judgment.
3. Allah multiply the reward those who give alms
God's promise to the believer subsequent industrious charity is of God will
multiply the reward for them.
4. There is the door of heaven which can only be entered by those who air
In a hadith the Prophet said:
“People give up two treasures in the way of Allah, then he shall be called
by one of the gates of heaven: O servant of Allah, come here to get
pleasure, if he came from the class of people who like to establish prayer,
he shall be called from the door of prayer , who come from the jihadists,
then he will be on the call of jihad door, if he comes from the group who
liked bershodaqoh will be on the call from the door shodaqoh.” (HR.
Bukhari and Muslim)
5. Can freed from the torment of the grave
Messenger of Allah said;
“Alms will extinguish the fire siksaa in the tomb.” (HR. Ath-Thabrani)
6. Keep away from the Fire
Indeed alms that although few, have contributed to keep us from the fires
of hell. The more charity, the farther we are from him. Messenger of Allah
“Stay away from the fires of hell, although the charity one date. If you do
not have, then it could be the sentence tayyibah.” (HR. Bukhari and
Those are some of God's promises to the people who love to give alms. But
charity can also bring disaster to the people who bershodaqoh. Shodaqoh
miracle it had no intention when, how, and the purpose of those who
bershodaqoh was not straight, not right, not good. It has become clear. What is
unclear now is possible shodaqoh that have been issued in the best way
possible and in good faith and with the best possible destination and the truth
anyway, can not bring a miracle for people who took it.
It discusses the relationship shodaqoh with disaster, could shodaqoh which
has been issued in a manner that is best and the truth and purpose as well as
possible and truthfully anyway, can not bring wonders for issuing the form to
avoid the disasters, or reinforcements. Ibn Hajar narrated from Abu Hurairah,
bahwasannya Messenger of Allah once said: "Never was a worthy man before
you called so and so its looking chicks that just hatched.”
Among the many bird nests are made in the target so and so, there are two
birds that are not willing. Because so and so has been repeatedly taking their
children. Melaporlah the two birds to God. "O our God, so and so always robs
our children. If perbuatanya it continues he did, we would not have children. "
God said to the bird, "Let my servant. If so and so it came to nest and intend to
deprive your children again, I will destroy it"
One day so and so came out of his house intending nest two birds had
earlier complained to Allah. He did know for sure, in some time, the two birds
that lay eggs and hatch again. On the way, so and so menjimpai a homeless
man was sitting on the blind side of the road as he pleaded, "I have not eaten,
sir. I have not eaten " and so on.
After seeing some time saw no one who gave him food, so and so
intrigued handed a packet of food into his lunch.
After that so and so went on a trip kesarang-nest which became
subscriptions. No exception nest two birds were reported earlier to the Lord.
As is his custom, he robs children the bird. Then the two birds to report back
to Allah. "Yes, Our Lord, You never deny thy janju. And yesterday you had
promised to destroy so and so, if he returns robs our children. But why does he
let you repeat his actions?” "O, my servant is not true you know, that I'm not
destroy someone bershodaqoh at the heart of it with the death of the despised"
Wallahu a'alam to the truth of the story above. So for that reason God does
not destroy (the disaster gave) him. Notice that God uses the word "on that
day", the day in which the sender with bershodaqoh. This means that, when
today, right now, you bershodaqoh with truth bershodaqoh, maybe today will
be saved from the inevitable disaster occurred on this day.
Characteristics of a believer is peace of mind. The soul becomes quiet
when the liver has been clean of dirt, debris, or disease. And the soul became
quiet when the heart is always in a state radar on line to always remember
Shodaqoh is issued with the right intention, in the right way, with the right
purpose, and the object to be true anyway, will be able to bring the peace of
mind. Because the love of man to God who has given birth to the
consciousness of man to bershodaqoh. The key is the sincere intention,
sincere, and heartfelt voluntary. If the heart has a genuine, sincere, and full
compliance, the mission shodaqohpun be achieved, namely to help the
hardship and suffering experienced by others, namely the poor, poor people,
orphans, and those who fought or berjihat in the way of Allah. What values
encourage the emergence of consciousness to assist or help people who were
madly in trouble or those who fought in the way of God. Moreover, if not
love, love, and affection.
Therefore, when you issue shodaqoh with truth shodaqoh, then the
intention, in the process, at the time of granting shodaqoh you do it, it contains
the power of love, compassion, and affection. This power is very powerful,
because he was included in the spiritual power. Truthfully shodaqoh,
therefore, will issue a very powerful spiritual energy, which not only affected
the people who gave it, but at the same time affect the person who was given,
the environment, and even the universe.
The energy of love, compassion, and affection born of shodaqoh you
remove it as a shield or barrier to you from all kinds of disasters, calamities,
plagues, and even disease. The strength of this energy will be more powerful
when you give people who have shodaqoh intentions, means, and the right
purpose, menganggat hands, menegagahkan hands, and pray for you as the
giver premises powerful prayers anyway. When you give from the heart,
through the laws, people that you will receive with a heart beripun. The poor,
the indigent, and orphans, and the Ibn sabil would welcome shodaqoh
wholeheartedly, by itself, when you also give them wholeheartedly anyway.
Thus was born the prayer, munajat, requests from them for your happiness, for
your safety, for your success, for your wealth, and so on, whereas we already
know based on the Qur'an and Hadith that the prayers of people like they are
prayers maqbul.
The power of love, mercy, and compassion is the power of harmony,
harmony, and soft. The power of love, compassion, and affection, is the power
of the cosmos. These forces give birth Thowaf dzihir macrocosm and
microcosm. Thus, in truth shodaqoh can actually maintain the balance and
stability of the universe tes.
At the same time, which is referred to as a disaster or calamity it is a
phenomenon that occurs as a natural meknisme in maintaining balance and
stability thowafnya. Such as, for example, erupting volcanoes: he did have
erupted because it is the only way to remove the 'burden' at birth.
Something that is in harmony with the alignment will meet any way, and
something that is not in sync 'forced' to be in sync. The analogy is very simple:
your parents are happy when they see you are diligent Koran and
bersembayang. Instead, they were not happy to see you are not the Koran and
often leave sembayang. When you do not take your lessons and leave
sembayang, it is easy to understand that parents will menugur you, motivate
you, warn you, or even angry to you.
Alampun thus: it is a disaster strikes, warnings, tests, trials, and even
punishment. Miser, griping, is a contradiction of natural keselaran. People who
do not want bershodaqoh is a miser, griping. By nature, people like this need
to be "in Jewer ears', flush with disaster, test, trials, even doom. The laws
require that the water flows from high pressure to place low pressure.
Similarly, the laws require also those who are able to help and assist people
who can not afford. So if this violated the laws, consequently easy to
understand. Sometimes, when the river overflowed due to floods, rocks or
grass at the edge of time which is normally not exposed to water will be
affected as well. But it can not say that the river water that overflowed was
done dzalim to the rocks and grass. Preferably, rocks or grass that needs to be
bathed once or twice a riya, berbasah-basahan. Sharing water with river water.
Similarly, people who bershodaqoh. You bershodaqoh with truth
shodaqoh, then you are in a car, then your car accident, then it could be
suffered minor injuries when the other passengers suffered serious injuries and
even those of you who died. Here, you state exactly such circumstances
pinggil rocks or grass at times exposed to water splashes earlier.
Thus, heartfelt sincere heart, with all willing, from which exudes a desire
to help others who were experiencing difficulties, will bring the energy of
love, compassion and affection are very powerful, which with this energy
cosmic balance to maintain alignment. People who have harmony with nature,
will certainly lots protected by nature anyway. And in fact, this person will be
able to absorb the forces of nature to maintain and increase his own power.
The strength will be increased in course, if a heart full of sincere, full-willingly
was merely hope and the blessings of Allah, expecting forgiveness, hope his
help, and expect compassion.
6. Berinfak cause sustenance to grow
7. Alms cause owners to get shade on the Day of Judgment
8. Love of God and love of man against
9. Ease of doing obedience
It's easy to find someone who actually makes the hearts and minds of
people in the given shodaqoh sad and hurt. It's easy to find someone who is
bad in his bershodaqoh. But it is very difficult to find oraang that bershodaqoh
in a way that best and most sincere because God and the person who receives
shodaqoh have hearts and feelings like flowers that bloom in the spring.
In bershodaqoh, sometimes we just make ourselves feel like and assume
that others berishodaqoh the people we felt like. We measure the preferences
of others than ourselves: if we like it, he would have liked, klau we did not
like, he would be disgusted. George Bernard Shaw said it well: “Reasonable
people will adapt to nature, people who are not sensible trying to adjust to her
nature. Therefore, all progress depends on the person who is not sensible.”
Now let us consider that it is shodaqoh not only guarantees but also
wonders who would be ours. If we give shodaqoh the right way and good
according to our religion. But the problem we now face is the problem of 'the
right way and good' in the bershodaqoh. In fact, we often prioritize the wrong
way, wrong and bad in bershodaqoh, instead of the correct way and the better
we seemed to forget, and perhaps do not realize that all the gifts we give to
others for the sake of others itself, ie, in what we give it. The effect is
something we give it will be felt and owned by others. In fact, we just hope the
effects of shodaqoh itself. This means, we can not arbitrarily treat others
because we gave him. Others not only creatures of logic, but creatures filled
with emotion. Other people are also human beings, like you and me.
It is easy to show you how good and true in bershodaqoh in the view of the
Islamic world. Namely show the wrong way. At the very least, there are seven
arts which sre nothing wrong with the way people bershodaqoh. The seven
arts are as follow:
1. Hurt
2. Show off
3. Gerutu
4. Custom
5. What is more, not good
6. Forced
7. And the origin of giving
D. What Will God Give To People Who Want To Bershodaqoh During His
Devotion of a person can feel with a real, always feel they are supervised
by Allah besides remember the dead and the hereafter are always aware that
the goodness of particles will be back by God. Basically there are three parties
who benefited during his lifetime. First, the person who issued the dole ,
second, those who receive alms, and thirdly, the people who are around people
who give alms.
Actually the biggest beneficiaries of charitable charity is not a person who
received it, but rather people who took it. People who issued alms benefited
greatly from donations, one of them during his lifetime. Among the benefits of
charity for the culprit is as follows:
1. As the perfection of faith and Islam, Islam is a religion that rahmatan
lil'alamin which means as a carrier blessing for the universe. Therefore,
Islam not only teaches with its God. However, Islam also teaches how to
have a good relationship with her family, neighbors, and community.
Empathy, social teachings of the Islamic religion is not only in the
discourses empty without application. However, a sense of social empathy
in Islam in wujutkan with concrete actions. Not just the recognition,
therefore, people who claim that was challenged by God to do the deed as
evidence keimana, Islamic, and ketaqwaannya. If the action that in the
command can be run well, then he deserved the call believers, Muslims,
and Muttaqin. In the Quran Allah (QS. Al Baqoroh: 1-2)
“Alif Lam Mim, the Book (Qur'an) is no doubt thereof; instructions for
those who fear Him.”
In the verse above mentioned that spend their sustenance included signs of
devotion. In the verse above mentioned support them sustenance is
included signs of devotion. In the above mentioned verse spend sustenance
including the characteristics of those who fear, too. Described by Allah in
the Quran chapter Ali Imron verse 133-134:
ُت َوٱَأۡل ۡرض ُ ٰ َم ٰ َوG ٱلس ُ ر ٖة ِّمن َّربِّ ُكمۡ َو َجنَّ ٍة َع ۡرG
َّ هَاG ض َ Gِار ُع ٓو ْا ِإلَ ٰى َم ۡغف
ِ G َو َس
ين ٰ
َ رَّٓا ِء َو ۡٱل َك ِظ ِمGٱلضَّ رَّٓا ِء َوGٱلس
َّ ون فِيG َ ُين يُنفِق َ ٱلَّ ِذ١٣٣ ين َ ِ َّد ۡت لِ ۡل ُمتَّقGُأ ِع
١٣٤ ين َ ِاس َوٱهَّلل ُ يُ ِحبُّ ۡٱل ُم ۡح ِسن
ِ ۗ َّين َع ِن ٱلن َ ِۡٱل َغ ۡيظَ َو ۡٱل َعاف
“And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord; and a Garden, the
extensiveness of which is (as) the heavens and the earth, it is prepared for
those who guard (against evil). Those who spend (benevolently) in ease as
well as in straitness, and those who restrain (their) anger and pardon
men; and Allah loves the doers of good (to others).”
2. Signs Husnu zhan God every human being has a tendency like
possessions. The trend mendorongkannya to look for what has not been in
have and maintain what you already have on hand. Sometimes even
beyond the limits of human sustenance so he considers it just hard work
and miserly to others, he was not sure if issued alms Allah will replace it
better. And if the prejudice to God, prejudice it would come back to him as
alms may be evidence of a servant so that the charity's best but thought it
would make a fortune reduced but will actually make her fortune increase.
3. Responsive favors God
Treasure is one of the blessings given to the human God and God do not
divide the property to all human beings with the same parts. There are
people who get the part of many, and some are getting a little part of all of
it solely to examine whether the man if he was given a treasure that many
will be grateful or not. And if he was given a little treasure whether he will
be patient or not. Gratitude or in Indonesian commonly called the thanks it
was not solely on the say with words but must be at the Setai keyakianan
and real acts. The man who claimed to be grateful but could not
megunakan favors in the way of Allah means that he is not serious about
the joy of gratitude but only sweetener mere words, Allah guarantees for
people who ingratitude gods will be given extra favors.
4. For getting the love god and love of fellow man
A generous in love close to Allah, close to man, closer to heaven and away
from hell. Stingy away from the gods, far from humans, and far from
paradise and close to hell. God god commands us to give charity is very
clear, both in the references in the Quran and Hadith qudsi. In essence,
those who give alms became vice god of love for his servants. Virtues and
merits alms already described in the Quran and Hadith as it was one
surefire steps to get love and affection gods is by loving our fellow human
beings. And one way to love your neighbor is to give charity to them.
5. Purifying the soul
Love the world is dirt in the human soul. One form of the love of the
world is loved treasure excessive griping zero is dirt stain the soul and the
impurities that must be consecrated. How mensucikannya is hold quixotry
in a way glad charity, alms diligent insaallah with impurities that form a
stingy nature will be lost. And if your heart and soul is clean, then we will
feel the spaciousness and convenience to worship the gods.
6. Bring a blessing and fertilize treasure
Alms is a blessing for people who do this treasure, treasure alms diligent
person will blessed, that means the treasure to benefit the life of this world
and the hereafter. Treasures that give a blessing will bring peace and
ketentramman inwardly owner. Treasure blessing will make the owner
diligently to worship. Conversely, people who empty of blessings would
disrupt their owners and make their owners are reluctant to worship.
7. Closing aib
Everyone has a chance to err, only a prophet and messenger who has
Ma'shum properties (preserved from all sin) and alms can close aib people
who do it in a sya'irnya Shafi'i said: “if you memiiki aib among humans
and you want it covered aib aib then close it to charity because no one is
alms in reproach. Alms not just shut aib in the world but also can close aib
humans in the afterlife. How many people were saved from the fire of hell
for alms in doing it. Even gave happen if tomorrow the apocalypse and we
have a date for sedekahkan, then we must menyedekahkan these dates.
8. Bring help Allah
Nasip man can change at any time. Sometimes the pain is sometimes
healthy, sometimes happy sometimes miserable. That game lives we live
in this world since our birth until death. Alms may be because the gods
bring relief to us. There are poor people in poverty charity and donate
because that's the treasure mlimpah mengaruniani gods. There are people
who are terminally ill by doctors to give up yet because the sick man
diligent in charity then the ailment to be cured. He became healthy.
9. Getting the auspices of the gods when Judgment Day comes humans in a
confused state
A. Conclusion
When a person in a state charity he is free to choose between issuing alms
or not, it means he is more meaningful than those who give alms when there is
no other choice but to give charity. Verily Allah omniscient and repay small
with bountifully rewarded with a road that is not human at all know.
With sincere charity and since God alone will allow us in the next street
and charity in the world is a saving for lunch later in the afterlife and is also
situated away from disaster.
People who bershodaqoh be guaranteed gods made it easy in this world
and the Hereafter but the reward of charity is lost if we hurt people we give
alms and charity we do not mean anything in the eyes of God.
The practice of almsgiving is a very noble deed in the gods and the
usefulness and benefits for those who give alms and the gods will replace the
property with the better.
B. Suggestion
Not a person in need that we will give charity to him. But we need people
so that we can give charity. The upper hand is better than the hand below. The
term is clearly a portrait of the person who gave noble more than those who
receive it. Therefore familiarize your life to charity, because it will be helpful
partner for yourself later on in this world and in the hereafter.
C. Closing
Life is more beautiful when blessings and charity