Writing A Research Title

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VIII (Eastern Visayas)
Schools Division of Leyte
Tabango, Leyte

LESSON PLAN IN Practical Research 2

Name of Teacher JESAMIE B. SERIÑO Date October 3-7, 2022

I. OBJECTIVE Annotations

At the end of the session the learners: MELC-Based

 designs research useful in daily life. CS_RS12-Id-e-1 Contextualization
 writes a research title. CS_RS12-Id-e-2

KBI: Thoughtfulness, concerned individual
Subject Areas:
English- Spelling and grammar
Mathematics- titles of theorems, numerical


A. Topic:
 Writing a research topic and title Use of
B. References appropriate
 Practical Research 2 book teaching and
 MELC (PR 2) learning
C. Learning Materials including ICT, to
 Laptop, Projector, PPT, cartolina, Chalkboard address learning

III. PROCEDURE Annotations

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Checking of Attendance
2. Reminders
The teacher orients the students on the following
classroom rules:
 Arrangement of chairs
 Show respect to your teacher, classmates, and
 Raise your hand before you speak
 Strict adherence to the IATF protocol must be
followed by maintaining physical distancing and
wearing face mask properly.

B. Review In this part of the

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

Contact No.:
Email: [email protected]
4 Pics 1 Word
The teacher will show 4 pictures and the lesson, the teacher
will show four
students will guess one word that is related to pictures relating to
the 4 pictures. the previous topics
about the importance
of research across
fields and the
different type of

C. Motivation
The teacher will ask the students how important
labels or titles are in a relationship? In owning a

D. Presentation of the Lesson The teacher let

Present the learning objective the learner
clearly read the
objectives to the
class projected
through PPT
Development of the Lesson
1. ACTIVITY The teacher will
relate that the same
Name that Tune! with the tunes and
Name that Movie! movies presented
they have their own
title too same with
The students will be grouped into 5 through research.
“The boat is sinking game”.
This time the teacher
will also relate
guessing the titles to
Mechanics of the game: titles of theorems in
1. Each group must choose 1 representative in Mathematics, Title of
each round. Poems in English.
2. The teacher will play the tune of the song
and play a clip of movie, the representatives
shall raise their hand if they know the title
of the song/movie trailers or if they wanted
to answer. The first one to answer will have
the point. (5 points each)
3. The representative is given 5 seconds to

Afterwards the teacher will ask the following question:

What is it that you are trying to guess?
The teacher will ask the following questions:
 What are your basis in guessing the title?
 How are titles made based on your observations
with the songs and trailers played?

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

Contact No.:
Email: [email protected]
3. ABSTRACTION In this part of the
lesson, the teacher is
 Discussion base on the given objectives. presenting the lesson
Deepening Question: using a powerpoint
1. How would identifying problem help presentation and the
you to create your research title?” learners are
encouraged to ask
2. What are the guidelines and questions and share
characteristics of a good title? ideas regarding the
4. APPLICATION In this part of the
lesson the student
The students will be grouped (same groupings) applies their learning
and let them go outside and observe the surroundings, after 2 from the previous
minutes let them go back inside the classroom and give them 3 activity.
minutes to think of those problems or issues of the society. Let
them share that to their group and brainstorm. Afterwards let
them formulate a research title and present to the class.
The Criteria in
Annex A will be used
Other groups are given the chance to ask questions. for the rating of each
The teacher will summarize the topic and the key points.
V. EVALUATION Annotations
Write T if the statement is TRUE, and if it is FALSE write F
and change the underline word to make the statement
1. The research title must summarize the main idea of
the topic.
2. The title should not be longer than 25 substantive
3. Use an exclamation point at the end of the title.
4. The time frame of the study may be omitted in the
research title.
5. An existing problem in the society can be considered
as a research problem.
6. When typed or encoded in the title page some words in
the title should be in capital letters.
7. The title must contain the subject matter or research
8. If the title contains more than one line, it should be
written in inverted pyramid.
9. The title must be broad enough to include all aspects
of the study but should be brief and concise as
10.Choose a title that is phrase rather than a complete

VI. ASSIGNMENT Annotations

Read about background study, objective, scope and
delimitation, Research questions and significance of the
study. After reading, create the chapter 1 of your research.


Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

Contact No.:
Email: [email protected]

The title is not stuffy or dull, but they 20 pts
generally give readers some idea at the outset
of what the research paper will contain.
The subject matter or research problem is 15 pts
The setting or locale 10 pts
Respondents or participants 10 pts
Time or period when the study is conducted 5 pts
total 60 pts

Answer Key:
1. T 2. F, 15 3. F, no punctuations 4. T 5. T 6. F, All words
7. T 8. T 9. T 10. T

Prepared by:

Teacher I

School Head

Rizal St. Población, Tabango, Leyte

Contact No.:
Email: [email protected]

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