The document provides an overview of an 8 week online program about Nonviolent Communication (NVC). It discusses NVC in the context of spirituality, trauma, and neuroscience. It outlines the topics that will be covered each week, including observation, understanding trauma, needs, and soul expression. Exercises are also described.
The document provides an overview of an 8 week online program about Nonviolent Communication (NVC). It discusses NVC in the context of spirituality, trauma, and neuroscience. It outlines the topics that will be covered each week, including observation, understanding trauma, needs, and soul expression. Exercises are also described.
The document provides an overview of an 8 week online program about Nonviolent Communication (NVC). It discusses NVC in the context of spirituality, trauma, and neuroscience. It outlines the topics that will be covered each week, including observation, understanding trauma, needs, and soul expression. Exercises are also described.
The document provides an overview of an 8 week online program about Nonviolent Communication (NVC). It discusses NVC in the context of spirituality, trauma, and neuroscience. It outlines the topics that will be covered each week, including observation, understanding trauma, needs, and soul expression. Exercises are also described.
1 NVC understanding today NVC is to be seen in the context of • your own spirituality • trauma – it is important to be trauma informed • neuroscientific research of recent years
2 «... Spirituality is at the base of Nonviolent Communication... it’s more than a communication process ... It’s really a spiritual practice that I am trying to show as a way of life.» Marshall B. Rosenberg
4 «There is no such thing as NVC. As soon as we call it a thing, we lose sight what it is about. We create distance to the connection to the divine beloved energy.» Marshall B. Rosenberg
5 « name for God is “Beloved Divine Energy” ... I know Beloved Divine Energy by connecting with human beings in a certain way. Then God is very alive for me.» Marshall B. Rosenberg
8 The Spiritual Awakening: • Spiritual Crisis: We all carry trauma (wounding) – Healing from Trauma is growing into Who We Are as Souls in this human experience • Observing -> Love • Feeling -> To heal is to feel • Needs -> Soul qualities: Who am I • Request -> Self-expression: not what to get but how to manifest
9 Weeks 1/2: Observation "When you are able to look at yourself as you are [not "what you should be" or "what you must be" or "what you were"], without judgment, then all fear ceases. The result is an extraordinary sense of love."
16 Exercise • Part II: 15 min • You are with the same person • Both of you need the timer ready when you start. Person B does the timing first and takes time for 2 minutes. • Person A is closing her/his eyes and Person B is looking at A through the Eyes of Love. With an open heart. Curious who is that person in front of me. For 2 minutes. • Person A – with closed eyes – is observing, sensing into her/his own body, watching what happens inside when she/he knows that she is seen/looked at through the Eyes of Love. What happens inside? • After 2 minutes both take a deep breath and a moment of silence and when you are ready you switch. Now A does the timing and takes 2 minutes. • B closes her/his eyes und A is looking at B through the Eyes of Love. With an open heart. Curious who is that person in front of me. For 2 minutes. • Person B – with closed eyes – is observing, sensing into her/his body, watching what happens inside when she/he knows that she is seen/looked at through the Eyes of Love. What happens inside? • After 2 minutes you take a deep breath and a moment of silence and then • Exchange: take the rest of the time to exchange before we bring you back into the big group.
17 Your practice for week 1 • Be as often as possible in a state of wondering (Exercise: Aimless Wondering) • Connect with your soul buddy for the week • Relisten to the meditation (in the class room) • Enjoy your week!
18 Aimless Wondering „If you are capable of looking at yourself as you are without any evaluation, then there is the cessation of fear, and out of that comes an extraordinary sense of love.“ J. Krishnamurti See the world with new eyes. See the things that you encounter with an open mind as if you’d see them for the first time. Don’t try to name them. Watch how your body is responding. Imagine that you just landed from outer space on this planet Earth for the first time. All is completely new. You have never seen it before. Walk aimlessly through your garden, in nature for at least 10 minutes a week. You might want to walk barefooted. Sense and listen with your whole body. Take your time to capture your impressions (drawing, writing, dancing etc.). Enjoy !