Co-Planner Microstrip Anteena Feed
Co-Planner Microstrip Anteena Feed
Co-Planner Microstrip Anteena Feed
rectangular ring structure which increases the gain and enlarges
With the ever increasing demand worldwide for high-speed the bandwidth without adding extra component. Besides, it
data transmission, wideband antennas have been widely used is fed by CPW directly where the rectangular patch at the
for wireless chip-to-chip communication as well as system in- center is connected to the signal trace and the ground traces
tegration and packaging at millimeter-wave and submillimeter- are designed as a part of the patch antenna. Apart from being
wave frequencies. However, not all types of antennas are used for wireless chip-to-chip communication, the proposed
suitable since the chips at such high frequencies mainly wideband patch antenna can also be implemented as a rectan-
rely on planar structures due to their fabrication processes. gular waveguide-to-CPW transition for system integration and
The designs and implementations of wideband antennas are packaging. The waveguide package not only provides isolation
normally subjected to several concerns including the size, and protection to the chip but also serves as the standardized
substrate, radiation characteristics, and operating bandwidth. interface for connecting with other components and systems.
The challenge is to achieve a high gain and at the same time In this work, a wideband patch antenna for D-band
a large bandwidth within a limited occupation area. Besides, applications is designed and analyzed by using High Frequency
the designed antenna should be compatible with the planar Structural Simulator (HFSS). In order to validate the concept,
transmission lines used for the circuits, otherwise coplanar an antenna prototype based on quartz substrate is implemented
transitions might have to be added which introduce extra which can be reconfigured for other substrates such as gallium
discontinuities and losses. As is reported in [1], a bandwidth arsenide (GaAs) or indium phosphide (InP). In Section II,
of 29 GHz is achieved by the proposed Yagi antenna at W- the design of wideband patch antenna for wireless chip-to-
band (75–110 GHz) which corresponds to 31.4% bandwidth chip communication is described. Besides, the simulated return
while the gain is around 0.4 dBi at 94 GHz. In [2], by loss and the far-field radiation characteristics are explained. In
placing the stacked dielectric resonators on the top of the Section III, the optimization of the wideband patch antenna
proposed meander slot antenna, a measured gain of 4.7 dBi and the design of rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition
is achieved at 130 GHz with 11% bandwidth. The directivity in a back-to-back configuration are demonstrated. In Section
of the wideband antenna can be further increased by adding IV, the fabricated rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition in
a hemisphere silicon lens on the top of the substrate or using a back-to-back configuration is shown and the measurement
an array with feeding networks while either extra chip-level results are compared with the simulation results.
assembly or large occupation area is required [3]–[5].
Fig. 1 shows the envisaged structure of the proposed II. W IDEBAND PATCH A NTENNA FOR W IRELESS
wideband patch antenna when it is integrated on a chip. Con- C HIP - TO -C HIP C OMMUNICATION
ventional patch antenna has a certain dimension related to the
operating frequency and simple planar structure which can be The wideband patch antenna shown in Fig. 2 is designed for
easily connected to different planar transmission lines. Being wireless chip-to-chip communication. In the communication
improved, the proposed patch antenna shown in Fig. 1 has a link, the transceiver chips are aligned towards each other in the
Fig. 3. Simulated return loss at D-band and far-field radiation patterns of the
wideband patch antenna at 140 GHz.
Fig. 4. Rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition in a back-to-back config-
S-parameters (dB)
The designs of wideband patch antennas at D-band
used for wireless chip-to-chip communication and rectangular
waveguide-to-CPW transition have been presented. For wire-
Fig. 7. Fabricated rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition in a back-to-back less chip-to-chip communication, the proposed wideband patch
configuration. antenna shows a simulated gain of 7.4 dBi with 36% bandwidth
centered at 140 GHz which corresponds to a bandwidth
of 50.3 GHz ranging from 115.3 GHz to 165.6 GHz. For
The proposed transition in a back-to-back configura- system integration and packaging, a rectangular waveguide-
tion was fabricated at Danchip (National Center for Micro- to-CPW transition in a back-to-back configuration has been
and Nanofabrication in Denmark). The quartz substrate was designed, fabricated, and measured. The assembly structure
cleaned by sputtering at the beginning. After that a titanium has been illustrated in which the aluminium package was
layer with a thickness of 30 nm and a gold layer with divided into three parts. Besides, for accuracy improvement,
a thickness of 400 nm were deposited on the top where TRL calibration has been applied to the measurement by
the titanium layer was used to improve the adhesion of the using a waveguide calibration kit. The measured return loss
gold layer. The wideband patch antennas and the CPW were is better than 10 dB from 118.8 GHz to 161 GHz which
patterned on the quartz substrate by laser ablation which uses corresponds to a bandwidth of 42.2 GHz at D-band. Each
a picosecond laser with a wavelength of 355 nm focused down fabricated rectangular waveguide-to-CPW transition introduces
to a spot size of approximate 10 µm. For dicing process, the less than 2 dB insertion loss.
patterned quartz substrate was sticked on a silicon wafer in
order to overcome the stress. Besides, silver conductive glue R EFERENCES
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