Practical Research 1 Fidp
Practical Research 1 Fidp
Practical Research 1 Fidp
Pre-requisite: None
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
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What to teach? Why teach? How to assess? How to teach?
Highest thinking skills to assess Highest enabling strategy to use in developing the
highest thinking skill to assess
Timeline Content Content standards Most essential topic Performance Complete KUD Most essential learning KUD RBT level Flexible assessment Enabling general Flexible learning strategies
The learners standards classification competencies classification activities strategy
demonstrate an Performance checks
understanding of:
Nature of 1. the use appropriate 1.shares research 1.shares research K
importance of kinds of research in experiences and experiences and Open-ended Questions Interactive discussion
Inquiry Through Oral Recitation
and research in daily making decisions. knowledge knowledge
2.explains the 2.explains the
2. the importance of importance of research Concept Map Journal writing
characteristics , research in daily life in daily life
processes, and
ethics of 3.describes 3.describes
research characteristics, characteristics,
processes, and ethics processes, and ethics of
3. quantitative of research research
and qualitative
research 4.differentiates 4.differentiates
quantitative from quantitative from Venn Diagram
4. the kinds of qualitative research qualitative research Spotting Differences
research across
fields 5.provide examples of 5.provide examples of
research in areas of research in areas of
interest interest
provide examples of
research in areas of
interest (arts,
humanities, sports,
science, business,
Performance Task:
agriculture and Research Title and
fisheries, information Questions
and communication
technology, and social
Week Identifyin 1. the range of formulate clearly 1.designs a research 1.provides the Writing Justifications Discussion /
3 &4 research topics statement of project related to daily justifications/reasons Intensive Reading
g the
Inquiry in the area of research problem life for conducting the
inquiry research
2. writes a research
2. the value of title 2. states research Research Question-Making
the research in the Paraphrasing/summarizing
Problem area of interest 3. describes the 3.question indicates /Free writing
Scope and Delimitation-
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justifications/reasons scope and delimitation Writing
3. the specificity for conducting the of research Intensive Reading /Outlining
Text Mapping
and feasibility research
of the problem 4. states research 4. cites benefits and Writing the Significance of Intensive Reading /Outlining
posed questions beneficiaries of the Study Text Mapping
5. indicates scope and
delimitation of
research 5.presents written
statement of the Performance Task:
6.cites benefits and problem Revisions of research title
beneficiaries of and questions
7. presents written
statement of the
Week Learning 1. the criteria in 1. select, cite, and 1.selects relevant 1.selects relevant
5 &6 selecting, citing, synthesize properly literature literature Discussion
Others and related literature
synthesizing 2.cites related 2.cites related literature
and Graphic Organizer/Activity Filling out graphic organizer
related 2. use sources literature using using standard style sheet form
literature according to standard style (APA,
the ethical standards MLA or Chicago 3.synthesizes
Literature 2. ethical Manual of Style) information from
standards in 3. present written relevant literature Synthesizing Activity Critical Analysis
writing related review of related 3. synthesizes
literature literature information from 4.writes coherent
relevant literature review of literature
Drafting of RRL Researching
4. writes coherent
review of literature
Week Learning 1. the criteria in 4. select, cite, and 5.follows ethical 1.follows ethical
7&8 selecting, citing, synthesize properly standards in writing standards in writing RRL Revisions Discussion
from Elaboration and evaluation
Others and related literature related literature related literature
related 5. use sources 5. presents written 5. presents written RRL Making
literature according to review of literature review of literature
the ethical standards
Literature 2. ethical Performance Task:
standards in 6. present written Writing a Review of Related
writing related review of related
literature literature
Week Understand 1. qualitative 1. describe 1. chooses 1. chooses appropriate Choosing a Research
1&2 Design Discussion
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ing research qualitative appropriate qualitative research
Data and designs research qualitative research design
Ways to 2. the designs, sample, design
Writing a Research Manuscript Pre- checking
Systematic description of and data collection 2. describes sampling 2. describes sampling Methodology
ally sample and analysis procedure procedure and sample
Collect 3. data procedures and sample
Data collection and 3. plans data collection,
analysis data
procedures 3. plans data gathering instrument,
Elaboration and Evaluation
such collection and and
as survey, analysis procedures analysis procedures
interview, and 4. presents written 4. presents written
observation research research
4. the methodology methodology
application of 5. utilizes materials
creative design and Performance Task:
MAKING: Writing a
principles techniques to produce
Research Methodology
for execution creative
Week Finding 1. observation gather relevant 1. collects data 1. collects data through Data Gathering Filling out graphic organizer
3&4 Answers and interview information with through observation and
through procedures and intellectual observation and interviews
Data skills honesty interviews
Week Analyzing 2. drawing out analyze and draw 1. infers and explain 1. infers and explain Thematic Analysis Discussion
5&6 the patterns and out patterns and patterns patterns
Sorting information
Meaning of themes from themes with and themes from data and themes from data
the Data data intellectual
and honesty 2. relates the findings 2. relates the findings
Drawing with with
Conclusion pertinent literature pertinent literature Performance Task:
Writing a Results and Discussion
Week Reporting 1. guidelines in 1. form logical 1. draws conclusions 1. draws conclusions Writing a Conclusion
7&8 and making conclusions from from
Sharing the conclusions and patterns and themes patterns and themes
Findings recommendatio 2. make Manuscript Pre- checking
ns recommendations 2. formulates 2. formulates
based on recommendations recommendations Writing a Recommendation
2. conclusions based on conclusions based on Elaboration and Evaluation
techniques in conclusions
listing 3. lists references
references 3. lists references Making a list of references
4. presents a written Defense
report Research Defense
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Performance Task
A. Goal
B. Role
C. Audience
D. Situation
Instructor SHS Academic Coordinator SHS Program Coordinator School Principal
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