Predicting The Strength of Composite Laminates
Predicting The Strength of Composite Laminates
Predicting The Strength of Composite Laminates
of composite laminates
One of the vital tasks facing designers of composite components involves predicting
the strength of the laminate under two or three-dimensional loads from basic
information on the properties of the constituent layers. Peter Soden reports on the
results of a project known the ‘Failure Olympics,’ in which contributors around the
world tested the accuracy of various theories for predicting deformation and failure
strength of laminated composite structures.
ne major selling point for fibre Laminate theory can then be employed engineers have devoted much of their
reinforced polymer (FRP) com- to predict the stresses in the individual working lives to developing them.
posites is their high strength layers. From that point, some form of Practising designers will be familiar with
coupled with low weight. It is well failure criterion can then be used to com- many of the more famous theories and
known that the full benefit of the excep- pare the applied stresses with the people involved with them. The article
tionally high stiffness and strength of a strength of the layer in order to establish Composites Design in the Real World in the
unidirectional fibre reinforced composite the level of safety in the structure. September 2003 issue of Reinforced
is achieved only when loads are applied Since the introduction of composites, Plastics referred to one of these theories.
parallel to the fibre direction. For appli- numerous different failure criteria have Computer programs for analysing the
cations where the components are been proposed and some researchers and strength of composite structures some-
required to support high multiaxial loads
(which is the norm in real engineering
structures), laminate construction is
commonly used. Such laminates contain
fibres arranged in several different direc-
tions. Figure 1 is an example of a lami-
nated composite component that is sub-
ject to multiaxial stresses.
One of the vital tasks facing design-
ers of composite components is that of
predicting the strength of the laminate
under two or three-dimensional (3D)
loads from basic information on the
properties of the constituent layers. The
accuracy with which the designer can
predict the strength of the laminate
under these circumstances has a major
influence on the weight and cost of the
product and on the safety margins that
apply during its service life.
Modern computer aids such as finite
element analysis (FEA) allow the design-
er to predict the distribution of stresses Figure 1: A high-pressure composite vessel for a breathing apparatus. The low profile toroidal shaped
vessel, which fits snugly on a fireman’s back, is subjected to high biaxial stresses that vary with
in load bearing components and position around the minor circumference.
structures (see for example Figure 2).
42 REINFORCEDplastics February 2005 0034-3617/05 ©2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Predicting the strength of composite laminates
Experimental data
In addition to theoretical work and
service experience with a variety of
Figure 2: Combined finite element and laminate analysis predictions for the distribution of shear composite products, a large body of
stresses parallel to the fibres in the innermost layer of a filament wound tube supported on a flat plate
and subjected to a local load by a spherical indenter. experimental data is available on the
behaviour and strength of composites.
The basic properties of the materials are
usually derived from tests on small lab-
oratory samples subjected to simple
loading, for example uniaxial tensile
tests on specimens cut from flat sheets
of composite material. In most practical
applications, the loading conditions
will be more complex than those that
pertain in the basic laboratory tests. In
practice, components are usually sub-
jected to biaxial or triaxial stresses and
loads may vary and may be applied for
long periods of time under severe envi-
ronmental conditions. Tests that simu-
late realistic multiaxial loading situa-
tions are difficult and expensive to carry
Figure 3: Test cases used in the World Wide Failure Exercise. These include 14 laminates and types
out but some facilities do exist for this
of loading. purpose. The most successful tests to
date have been on tubular and cruci-
form specimens (see Figures 4 and 5 on
behaviour and whether or to what extent unidirectional carbon fibre and two glass page 46).
the effects of thermal stresses and fibre fibre reinforced epoxy composites. They Experimental data for use in the exer-
realignment are included. Also of impor- were asked to solve a series of 14 chal- cise was gathered from four different
tance are the way in which laminate lenging problems specified by the organ- groups in the UK, the USA and Germany.
behaviour is treated after initial failure isers (see Figure 3). The data included properties of fibres,
has taken place and the type of numeri- The problems were intended to test resins and unidirectional fibre reinforced
cal algorithm employed. the theories to the full and were selected laminae that were used as input data for
to represent a variety of practical the theories. At a later stage in the
The test problems laminate configurations including uni- programme, when the initial round of
The participants were all given the same directional, cross-ply, angle-ply (as used predictions had been published, results
input data, including properties for two in pipework) and quasi-isotropic from the tests on laminates were
provided to the participants for compari- laminate at much lower loads than those
son with their theoretical predictions. that produced final fracture, although
The majority of these test results were
A wide range of failure those predictions are often ignored in
obtained from experiments on tubes sub- stresses was predicted by practice. This highlights the need for
jected to internal or external pressure designers to pay careful attention to the
combined with axial tension or compres-
the different theories. nature of the predicted failures and
sion or torsion. Graphs of experimental whether they are significant for the par-
results were provided for all the test ticular application in hand.
problems including stress-strain curves There was often a large difference
and failure envelopes, which showed the between the loads at which initial failure
strengths of the laminates when they and final fracture occurred, up to a factor
were subjected to different types and of 50 between them in extreme cases.
combinations of loading. Information Use of the simple and familiar procedure
was also given on the types of failures for assessing laminate strength described
observed in the experiments on lami- in the introduction to this article, with
nates, including cracking, leakage and little or no allowance for progressive fail-
fracture. ure would, in many cases, predict initial
failure strengths which were more than a
Results factor of ten lower than the actual meas-
Superimposing the theoretical predict- ured final fracture strength.
ions upon the experimental results for a Figure 6 shows an example of some of
wide range of practical test cases gave a the predicted final failure strengths com-
good indication of the predictive abilities pared with the experimental results for
of the various theories, and also revealed Test Case 6, a (0°/±45°/90°) quasi-isotrop-
shortcomings in some of the experimen- ic carbon fibre/epoxy laminate that is
tal results. commonly used in aircraft construction.
A wide range of failure stresses was This illustrates the level of agreement Figure 4: A biaxial loading test using a planar
cruciform specimen. The figure shows the
predicted by the different theories and in with experimental results, which was larger of two biaxial testing machines at
most cases a sequence of different reasonably good in some cases and poor QinetiQ, Farnborough. This machine has a load
capacity of 1500 kN and is capable of applying
failures was predicted before the lami- in others. Nearly all of the theories either tensile or compressive loads on each of
the two orthogonal axes.
nates finally fractured. predicted resin cracking in this particular
Figure 5: Biaxial loading tests on a tubular test specimen. The figure shows how the basic test rig can be configured to apply any desired ratio of biaxial
stresses (SR). It can be used to explore the complete biaxial failure envelope.
Percentage score
Theory descriptor
knowledge for composite material sys- confidence to other similar systems and MMS5 IAG and some of their interests.
tems that are applicable to wider com- to other complex loading conditions. Industrial involvement is considered
mercial markets including marine, auto- Steps are being taken to make infor- vital in projects of this kind. The pro-
motive and civil engineering mation available in forms that are read- gramme aims to address the widest possi-
The programme involves consulting ily accessible and applicable by design- ble range of UK industry needs in this
material suppliers and users and survey- ers in a range of industries. The routes area. It is intended that substantial bene-
ing the wider industrial needs for multi- through which this is done include the fits will accrue to the industrial suppliers
axial data, and examining the findings of project workshops, the UK National and users who participate.
the WWFE, to determine where multi- Composite Design Tools, Design Codes, Improved understanding of the
axial data is most lacking and where it Standards and an Interactive Knowledge behaviour of industrial composites
would be of most benefit. Base (IKB) with internet access. The under multiaxial loads and the informa-
Facilities are available within the more conventional dissemination tion gained through the projects
partner organisations for multiaxial test- routes through conferences and journal described in this article should lead to
ing of planar cruciform and tubular test articles are also being used. One object- greater safety and more efficient, eco-
specimens and other forms of test are ive is to present the information in a nomic and widespread use of composite
under consideration. Test specimens are manner which will assist participating materials in an increasing variety of load
being manufactured and selected tests companies to assess which of the failure bearing applications. ■
carried out to fill gaps in existing know- prediction methods, described in the
ledge and to extend the database of WWFE, standards and elsewhere, will be
multiaxial test data to the alternative most appropriate for use in their own
If you have interests in the area of load
composite material forms requested by applications.
bearing composite components and
industrial users and suppliers.
would like these to be addressed, or if you
This test work is being carried out in Industrial involvement wish to contribute to the project or keep
conjunction with modelling activities, An Industrial Advisory Group (IAG)
up to date with its progress, please visit
the intent being to use the analysis to exists to provide industrial focus and
the website and com-
assist in the understanding of the experi- guidance to the projects and regular IAG
plete the survey at www/arpconsortium.
mental results and the extracting of meetings are held at different centres
maximum value from them. This will within the UK. Box 2 (page 47) shows
allow the data to be extrapolated with the current industrial membership of the