Edukondalu 9 Years EXP IN UI-angular-platform-Engineer
Edukondalu 9 Years EXP IN UI-angular-platform-Engineer
Edukondalu 9 Years EXP IN UI-angular-platform-Engineer
▪ Solutions focused, Meticulous and result oriented MCA professional offering 9 years of successful career in IT Web
Application Development, Change Request (CRQ) & Platform Engineer distinguished by commended performance and
proven results
▪ Proven track record of excellence in tackling the issues of IT arena (Application Development) and other related lines;
Broad experience in HTML (4/5), CSS (2/3), TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular (2/4/10), jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, JSON,
My-sql, Ms-Access, Facebook, Twitter Api’s, Android Apps JSON Web Services & Git Hub and GitLab’s code merge
info, Bitbucket , Ansible jobs, celestial Configs, CI-CD activities in Jenkins for DevOps.
▪ Eminent leadership expertise with exemplary record in driving teams for • Planning & Analysis
successful execution of projects
• Web Application
▪ Change agent & problem solver with a passion for technology; skilled in grasping
the big picture, conceptualizing, developing, implementing solutions & partnering Development
closely with business leaders & senior level executives • Team Management
▪ Adept at working in high pressure environments with strict deadlines and multiple • System Analysis & Design
deliverables to implement best practices that consistently deliver outstanding • Projects Handling
results. Excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills with • Database Technologies
proven abilities in team management and planning.
• Relationship Management
▪ Experience in Developing User Interface (UI) Rich Web Applications, and Web
Service Applications using Front End/User Interface (UI) Technologies like Object Oriented JavaScript, Type Script,
Angular 2.x, 1.x, Bootstrap 3.x/4.x, Media Queries, CSS Frameworks. Expertise in using Angular JS directives,
Controllers, Filters, Services, Templets, Events and Injectors. Experience in working with Angular 2.x modules, services,
templates, directives, services and dependency injection to create a SPA.
▪ Utilize Jasmine, Karma, Gulp, Grunt and NPM to build and test applications. Extensively used the repositories like GIT
and SVN.
▪ Extensive experience working under Agile methodologies environment (scrum, Kanban).Involved in agile software
methodologies using TEST DRIVEN DEVELOPMENT. Used JIRA to keep track of bugs to reduce downtime, increase
productivity, and Communication. Having good understanding of SDLC.
▪ MTech Cse from Amrita Sai Institute of Science and technologies 2014-16 with 79%
▪ MCA from Amrita Sai Institute of Science & Technology in 2008-2011 with 78%
▪ B.Sc (Computers) from SRI ABR Govt Degree College in 2005-2008 with 71%
(Bank Application Development)
Technologies: Angular-2.x, Angular-4.0, Angular-9.x, Html5, Css3, jQuery 3.0, JavaScript, Jasmin, Karma, SonarQube
Duration: June 2017 – Present
Role: Team Leader (Application Developer)
Description: Bank app is a web-based solution specially designed for Banking industry. This software consists of
different modules- Find customer, Application registration for Account opening, Listing, Agents/Retailer
and Admin in full Central Interface, retrieve and repurposing information will handle to services of each
customer/user information.
Key Deliverables:
▪ Responsibility for E-Doc, Consent buic Design screens and Integrated to Angular 2.x UI screens.
▪ As an Application Developer Involved Analysis, Design, Coding and deployment stages.
▪ Interaction to the team to track the agile operations, Code reviews ,Sonar Cube Scans, Code Coverage
▪ Handling Build, Deployment, CI/CD, Jenkins Automation, Ansible Deployment & Agile sprint Activities.
▪ Worked Extensively with Angular CLI for creating components, Services, pipes, Directives.
▪ Enhanced legacy application by building new components in Angular 2 and typescript.
▪ Designed and developed the application using Angular 2 framework along with HTML5, CSS3, Type Script, Java Script,
Bootstrap, NPM.
▪ Moved existing AngularJS controllers and services to Angular 2 components for more responsive and less dependency
▪ Leading with team managing and handle with client calls
▪ Responsibility for E-Doc buic Design screens and Integrated to Angular 2.x UI screens.
▪ Involved Analysis, Design, Coding and Involved in Build, Deployment, Agile sprint Activities & Code reviews
▪ Worked Extensively with Angular CLI for creating controllers, Services, pipes, Directives.
▪ Designed and developed the application using Angular 1.x framework along with HTML5, CSS3, Type Script, Java Script,
Bootstrap, NPM.
▪ Leading with team managing and handles client calls
Technologies: Laravel 5.1, Mysql
Duration: Feb-16 – Dec ‘16
Role: Team Leader (Application Developer)
Description: Fintelligent is a web-based solution specially designed for Business/Finance industry. This software
consists of different modules- Users, Finance, Firm users and Admin in full Central Interface, retrieve
and repurposing all information will handles to services of each customer.
Key Deliverables:
▪ As an Application Developer involved in Coding & bug fixing
▪ Involved in Admin User Interface Design, Coding & Unit Testing
GO2 (
Technologies: Laravel 5.1, Mysql
Duration: Sep ‘15 – Feb ‘16
Role: Team Leader (Application Developer)
Description: GO2 is a web-based solution specially designed for Bussiness/Finance industry. This software consists of
different modules- Users, Connections, Mentor/Mentee and Admin in full Central Interface, retrieve and
repurposing all information will handles to services of each customer.
Key Deliverables:
▪ As an Application Developer involved in Coding & bug fixing
▪ Involved in Admin User Interface Design, Coding & Unit Testing
Hungri (
Technologies: Yii 2.0, MySQL, Angular js
Duration: Jan ‘15 – May 15
Role: Product Developer
Description: Hungri is a web-based solution specially designed for Restaurant industry. This software consists of
different modules- Retailer, Discount, Admin in full Central Interface, retrieve and repurposing
Angular js will handles to services of each module and it handles to IOS & Android web services also
Key Deliverables:
▪ As an Application Developer involved in Coding & bug fixing
▪ Involved in Admin User Interface Design, Coding & Unit Testing
MonitorIQ (
Technologies: Laravel 4.2, Linux, MySQL
Duration: Sep ‘14 - Present
Role: Application Programmer
Description: Monitor IQ is a web-based solution specially designed for media industry. This software consists of
different modules- Hd and SD in full resolutions, retrieve and repurposing and tracking
Key Deliverables:
▪ As an Application Developer involved in Coding & bug fixing
▪ Involved in User Interface Design, Coding & Unit Testing
Ecommerce (
Lafforquench (
Technologies: Joomla2.5, MY-SQL
Duration: Mar ‘13 - Jun '13
Role: Application Programmer
Description: Sritcs is a Web application and involves developing is a web-based management system designed as a
primary tool performing the main tasks (Services , Products, Competency etc.) for Sritcs
Key Deliverables:
▪ Involved in Coding and Business logic; Involved in user interface design, coding & unit testing
Knowledgebeans (
▪ MTech Cse from Amrita Sai Institute of Science and technologies 2014-16 with 79%
▪ MCA from Amrita Sai Institute of Science & Technology in 2008-2011 with 78%
▪ B.Sc (Computers) from SRI ABR Govt Degree College in 2005-2008 with 71%
Operating Systems: Windows 95/98/NT/2000, Office XP
PHP Technologies: Jscript, JQuery, Ajax, Angularjs, Angular2.x , OOPS, PHP 5.5, (Codeigniter 2.2.3, Cakephp, Core
php, Zend Framework 1.1.2), Laravel 5.1, Face book, Twitter
API’s Integrating, IOS & Android Json Web Services
AUTOMATION TECH INFO CI/CD, Jenkins, Ansible, Celestial, Bitbucket, GIT, GIT Labs
Languages: C, C++ and C#
RDBMS: MS SQLSERVER 2005/2008, MySQL, My-Access
Scripting Languages: Html5, CSS3, Angular js & Java Script, JQuery
Services Rest Api Creation with Json Web services for IOS & Android
Web server: IIS 6.0, Xampp, Wamp
Date of Birth: 16th August, 1988
Languages Known: English & Telugu
Mailing Address: Hyderabad
Location Preference: Hyderabad
References: Will be pleased to furnish upon request