VSTECS - Whistle Blowing Policy
VSTECS - Whistle Blowing Policy
VSTECS - Whistle Blowing Policy
1.1 Purpose
This policy is intended to address VSTECS Berhad (“VSTECS”) and all subsidiary companies within the
VSTECS Group, hereinafter refer to as the Group.
All employees of the Group play an important part in maintaining the highest level of corporate ethics within
the Group, and have a professional responsibility to disclose any known malpractices or wrongdoings
including bribery and corruption (hereon referred to as “Concerns”). The structure adopted by the Group
establishes a clear line of communication and reporting of concerns for employees at all levels, and provides
alternative lines of communication depending on the person(s) who is/are the subject of such concerns.
a) Provide an avenue for all employees and member of the public to disclose any improper conduct or any
action that is or could be harmful to the Group and/or compromise the interest of stakeholders;
b) Provide proper internal reporting channel to disclose any improper or unlawful conduct in accordance with
the procedures as provided for under this policy;
d) Provide protection for the whistle blower from reprisal as a direct consequence of making a disclosure and
to safeguard such person’s confidentiality; and
e) Treat both the whistle blower and the alleged wrongdoer fairly.
Whistle blowing is an act of voluntary disclosure/reporting to the Management of VSTECS for further action of
any improper conduct committed or about to be committed by an employee, officer or management of
This policy shall also similarly apply to any vendors, partners, associates or any individuals, including the
general public, in the performance of their assignment or conducting the business for or on behalf of the Group.
1. A person or entity making a protected disclosure is commonly referred to as a whistle blower. Whistle
blowers provide initial information related to a reasonable belief that an improper activity has occurred.
The motivation of a whistle blower is irrelevant to the consideration of the validity of the allegations.
2. The whistle blower’s role is as a reporting party. They are not investigators or finders of fact, nor do they
determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be warranted.
3. They do not have a right to participate in any investigative activities other than as requested by
4. The whistle blower must only whistle blow in good faith to enable protection from reprisal or retaliation.
Mala fide reporting may result in punitive actions as it may be tantamount to misconduct.
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[Registration No. 199501021835 (351038-H)]
Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures
1.2 Safeguards
1. In order for the whistle blower to be protected under the policy; the whistle blower must disclose his/her
name, NRIC number and contact details. The disclosure must at least have details of person(s) involved,
nature of allegation, when and where the incident took place as well as supporting evidence, if any.
2. Whistle blowers are protected against being dismissed or penalised by the Group, and VSTECS will
consider mitigating circumstances if the whistle blower him / herself is involved in the activity that he / she
3. A whistle blower’s right to protection from retaliation does not extend immunity for any complicity in the
matters that are the subject of the allegations or an ensuing investigation.
1. Harassment or victimization for reporting concerns under this policy will not be tolerated.
2. Complete protection will be given to whistle blower against any unfair practice not limited to retaliation,
threat or intimidation of termination/suspension of service, disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, refusal
of promotion, or including any direct or indirect use of authority to obstruct the whistle blower’s rights to
continue to perform his/her duties including making further disclosure.
1.4 Confidentiality
1. Every effort will be made to treat the whistle blower’s identity with appropriate regard for confidentiality.
The identity of a subject should be maintained in confidence to the extent possible given the legitimate
needs of law and the investigation.
2. The Group gives the assurance that it will not reveal the identity of the whistle blower to any third party
not involved in the investigation or prosecution of the matter. The whistle blower making the allegation will
retain anonymity to all other employees and public unless he or she agrees otherwise. Where concerns
cannot be resolved without revealing the identity of the employee raising the concern (i.e. if the evidence
is required in court), a dialogue will be carried out with the employee concerned as to whether and how
the matter can be proceeded.
3. The only exception to this assurance relates to an overriding legal obligation to breach confidentiality. The
Group is obligated to reveal confidential information relating to a whistle blowing report if ordered to do so
by a court of law.
4. The Group’s assurance of confidentiality can only be completely effective if the whistle blower likewise
maintains confidentiality.
1. This policy encourages employees to put their names to allegations because appropriate follow-up
questions and investigation may not be possible unless the source of the information is identified.
Concerns expressed anonymously will be explored appropriately, but consideration will be given to:
1.6 Procedures
I) Impropriety
1. It is important to note that in determining whether to report impropriety conduct, harm is not only
measured in terms of monetary value lost, or damage to a particular business or project, but
harm may also be done to the integrity and reputation of the Group itself.
d) Unlawful activities not limiting to such as corruption, bribery, blackmail and money
f) Deliberately or accidentally steal, damage, or misuse the data stored within the Group’s
computer systems and throughout the organization;
h) Breach of confidentiality;
i) Miscarriage of justice;
j) Breach of the Group’s Code of Ethics or Conduct; or non-compliance with Group policies
and procedures;
m) Dangers to health and safety of employees or the public or the environment; and
II) Reporting
1. Managers, officers and employees in supervisory roles shall report to the reporting person
stated below any allegations of suspected improper activities — whether received as a
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Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures
1.1. The matter is the result of a significant internal control or policy deficiency that is likely
to exist at other units within the Group or across the internal control system;
1.3. The matter involves the misuse of the Company’s resources or creates exposure to a
liability in potentially significant amounts;
1.4. The matter involves allegations or events that have a significant possibility of being
the result of a criminal act (e.g., committing bribery and corruption, disappearance of
cash or asset);
1.5. The matter involves a significant threat to the health and safety of employees and/or
the public; or
2. Such disclosures, including those relating to financial reporting, unethical or illegal conduct,
may be reported directly to:
3.2. CEO
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[Registration No. 199501021835 (351038-H)]
Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures
III) Evidence
The whistle blower is not expected to prove the truth of an allegation, however his/her
written testimony will be required as evidence.
The action taken by the Group in response to a report of concern under this policy will
depend on the nature of the concern. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors shall
receive information on each report of concern and follow-up information on actions taken.
1.6.2 Investigator
1. The Chief Financial Officer supported by the investigation committee shall be the named Investigator
unless otherwise assigned by the Audit Committee based on reasons stated below.
2. An investigation committee comprising of 3 HODs must be/appear impartial and independent to all
parties concerned, have a duty of fairness, objectivity, thoroughness, ethical behaviour, and
observance of legal and professional standards.
3. Investigations should be launched only after preliminary consideration by the investigation committee
lead by CFO to establish that:
3.3. The allegation has or directly points to corroborating evidence that can be pursued. Such
evidence may be testamentary or documentary.
4. The Investigator is required to report all concerns raised, the status of all pending and on-going
investigations, and any action taken or to be taken as a result of the investigations to the Audit
1. A subject is a person who is the focus of investigative fact finding either by virtue of an allegation
made or evidence gathered during the course of an investigation. The decision to conduct an
investigation is not an accusation; it is to be treated as a neutral fact finding process. The outcome of
the investigation may or may not support a conclusion that an improper act was committed and, if so,
by whom.
2. The identity of a subject should be maintained in confidence to the extent possible given the legitimate
needs of law and the investigation.
3. Subjects have a duty to cooperate with investigators to the extent that their cooperation will not
compromise self-incrimination protections under state or federal law. Subjects have a right to consult
with a person or persons of their choice. This may involve representation, including legal
1Matters that do not meet this standard may be worthy of management review, but should not be undertaken as an investigation
of an improper conduct or malpractice.
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[Registration No. 199501021835 (351038-H)]
Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures
Initial inquiries will be made to determine whether an investigation is appropriate, and the form that it
should take. Some concerns may be resolved without the need for investigation.
1. The amount of contact between the whistle blower and the Investigator will depend on the nature of
the issue and the clarity of information provided.
2. Further information may be sought from or provided to the person reporting the concern.
3. If an investigation leads the Investigator to conclude that a crime has probably been committed, the
results of the investigation shall be reported to the Police or other appropriate law enforcement agency.
4. If an investigation leads the Investigator to conclude that the suspect has engaged in conduct that
may be a violation of the Group’s Code of Ethics or Conduct, the results of the investigation shall be
reported to the CEO or Head of Human Resources in accordance with the applicable procedures for
company conduct and the administration of discipline. Any charges of misconduct brought as a result
of an investigation under this policy shall comply with established disciplinary procedures.
5. Consultation with the Audit Committee is required before negotiating or entering into any restitution
agreement resulting from the findings of an investigation.
1. The Audit Committee is committed to investigate and address all cases of reported misconduct. The Audit
Committee shall:
2. The Audit Committee Chairman shall determine the channel for investigation and follow-up action. In order
to ensure independence to the inquiry, the Audit Committee shall assign the Chief Financial Officer as the
investigator, unless for reasons of conflict of interest, inadequate competence, or enhancing corporate
governance, may form an Investigation Committee if deemed necessary.
3. The Investigation committee shall determine the resources including appointment of external expertise as
the case required to complete the investigation within a time set.
4. The Audit Committee shall delegate the authority to the Investigator on unrestricted access to the Group’s
records and premises, whether owned or rented, without prior knowledge or consent of any person who
have custody of any such records when it is within the scope of the investigation.
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[Registration No. 199501021835 (351038-H)]
Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedures
5. The whistle blower may seek follow-up information about an investigation of a report or any consequent
action taken. Subject to legal limitation, the whistle blower will be kept informed of the final outcome of the
investigation upon completion of the investigation.
1. The Audit Committee is responsible for the interpretation and supervision of the enforcement of this Policy.
2. The Group will diligently monitor these procedures to ensure that they meet the objectives of relevant
legislations and remain effective for the Group, and, if necessary, implement changes subject to the
approval of the Group’s Board of Directors.
3. This policy will be reviewed by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors every two years to assess
its effectiveness.
* Updated on 16 June 2020 subsequent to the appointment of Encik Abdul Aziz bin Zainal Abidin as Chairman of
the Audit Committee (“AC”) and re-designation of Mr Wong Heng Chong from Chairman of AC to Member of AC
with effect from 16 June 2020.
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