Megastars Documentary Report
Megastars Documentary Report
Megastars Documentary Report
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MAY 5 2 hours and Aside from the team's ten Types of Major One of the tutors led an opening prayer to kick
7:55 PM 20 minutes members, there were a total Accounts off the activity. The activity was then officially
of 30 participants. 24 of The Accounting started by the team co-leader, who gave the
them attended via Facebook Equation tutees a warm welcome. Following the
Live streaming and the introductions of the team leader and all of its
other 6 were present in the members, the former presented the session's
google meet.. topics as well as the presenters on each topic.
Before the presentation proper, one of the team
members initiated an ice breaker containing
questions that covered the first session. During
the second session, there were three presenters.
Two team members were tasked with
performing technical tasks such as live
streaming and video conferencing. While the
presentation was in progress, the other five
members were tasked with responding to
questions and clarifications raised by the
audience via the chat box. There were many
questions raised during the second session
compared to the first such as “can a partnership
become a corporation?”, do we consider
employees as asset of the business?”, “what is
depreciation?”, and many others. The tutors
were also able to cater the questions and
patiently made sure that the tutees have clearly
understood the concepts. Eventually, the tutors
gave prizes to tutees to compensate their active
participation from the ice breaker down to the
whole duration of the session. Finally, the
activity concluded with a prayer.
Session link:
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MAY 16 2 hours and There were a total of 26 Book of Accounts After an opening prayer, the team leader went
1:37 PM 58 minutes attendees from both video Double Entry on with the usual flow of the session. Following
conference and Facebook Bookkeeping the presentation of topics to be discussed are the
Live streaming in addition Source of introduction to the presenters. There were three
to the ten members of the Documents presenters in the third session. Technical duties
team. 19 of them are in the Part 1 of such as live streaming and video conferencing
twelfth grade, and 7 are in Accounting Cycle were assigned to two members of the team. The
the eleventh. other five members were responsible with
responding to questions and clarifications raised
by the audience via the chat box while the
presentation was in process. The presentation
went on without much questions asked by the
tutees compared to the recent ones. Before the
presentation of accounting cycle, one of the
tutors also discussed the pre- assessment that
was posted hours prior to the third session.
Prizes were again granted to tutees that have
actively participated to the activities prepared by
the tutors and to those who have answered the
questions right. Finally, the third session
concluded with a closing prayer led by one of
the members of the team.
Session Link:
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MAY 22 1 hour and There were 28 people in Adjusting Entries One of the tutors gave an opening prayer to kick
7:39 PM 40 minutes total, including the team's off the program. The exercise was then officially
ten members. All of the 28 started by the team leader, who gave the tutees a
participants from google hearty welcome. Following the introductions of
meet and Facebook live the team leader and all of its members, the
were grade 12 students. former presented the session's subjects as well
as the presenters on each topic. During the
fourth session, there were three presenters. Two
team members were tasked with doing
technological tasks such as live streaming and
video conferencing. While the lecture was in
process, the other five members were tasked
with responding to questions and clarifications
presented by the audience via the chat box.
Adjusting entries has so much concepts and
processes that is why the members of the team
made a sudden decision to have another session
for the topic. The tutors made sure that they
check all the boxes in this topic while making it
is simpler remember and comprehend. Finally,
one of the team members gave a closing prayer
at the end of the fourth session.
Session Link:
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MAY 30 2 hours and Apart from the ten Accounting Cycle The team leader continued with the typical flow
4:14 PM 36 minutes members of the team, there for Service of the session after an opening prayer.
were a total of 22 people Accounting Cycle Following the presentation of the issues to be
who attended the session for Merchandising discussed, the presenters are introduced. The
via Facebook live streaming third session featured three speakers. Two
and Video conferencing. members of the team were given technical
They are all twelfth graders. responsibilities such as live streaming and video
conferencing. The other five members were in
charge of answering questions and clarifications
from the audience via the chat box while the
lecture was going on. In comparison to recent
ones, the lecture carried on without many
queries from the tutees. Prizes were awarded
once more to tutees who actively participated in
the program and also to those who correctly
answered the questions. Finally, one of the team
members led a closing prayer at the end of the
fifth session.
Session Link:
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MAY 31 2 hours and There were a total of 23 Partnership One of the tutors gave an opening prayer to kick
6:24 PM 52 minutes attendees from both video Formation off the program. The exercise was then officially
conference and Facebook Partnership started by the team leader, who gave the tutees a
Live streaming in addition Operation hearty welcome. Following the introductions of
to the ten members of the Partnership the team leader and all of its members, the
team. 20 of them are in the Dissolution former presented the session's subjects as well
twelfth grade, and 3 are in Partnership as the presenters on each topic. During the last
the eleventh. Liquidation session, there were four presenters. Two team
members were tasked with doing technological
tasks such as live streaming and video
conferencing. All the members were tasked with
responding to questions and clarifications
presented by the audience via the chat box.
Finally, one of the team members gave a closing
prayer at the end of the first session.
Session Link:
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