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Volume 5, No. 3, March-April 2014
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
Available Online at www.ijarcs.info

A Comparative Analysis of Decision Tree Methods to Predict Kidney Transplant

Yamuna N R Venkatesan P
Department of Mathematics, Department of Statistics,
SRM University, Tuberculosis Research Centre (ICMR),
Chennai, India Chennai-600 031, India

Abstract: The decision tree is one of the recent developments of sophisticated techniques for exploring high dimensional databases. In data
mining, a decision tree is a predictive model which can be used to represent both classification and regression. The aim of this study is to classify
kidney transplant patient’s response based on the set of predictor variables using ensemble methods. This paper also compares the performance
of decision tree algorithms (ID3, C4.5 and CART), and ensemble methods such as Random forest, Boosting and Bagging with C4.5 and CART
as a base classifier. The result shows that CART with Boosting shows the better result than other methods.

Keywords: CART; C4.5; ID3; Boosting; Bagging; Random forest.

Kidney transplantation is the organ transplant of a

I. INTRODUCTION kidney into a patient with end-stage renal disease. The
prevalence rate for end-stage renal disease is increasing day-
Data mining is an integral part of knowledge discovery by-day. In comparison to dialysis, kidney transplant is a
in databases, which is used to find interesting patterns, better treatment method due to a healthier survival rate of
trends, statistical models, relationships in databases [1]. the patient. However, the success rate of kidney transplant
Decision tree is the most popular classification algorithm in depends on several factors. Hemodialysis treatment is an
data mining, which can be used for both classification as effective treatment means for renal failure patients.
well as regression. The outcome of decision tree is a flow Predicting the outcome of kidney transplant is not an easy
chart like structure model where each internal node denotes problem in Medical research. The purpose of this paper is to
a test on an attribute, each branch represents the outcome of compare performances of classification techniques to
the test, and the bottom nodes of the decision tree is called classify the kidney transplant patient’s response based on
leaf or terminal node which denotes a class prediction. At the set of predictor variables.
each node, the decision tree algorithm always selects the The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2,
best attribute to split the data into individual classes. Once describes the well-known decision tree algorithms (ID3,
the decision rules have been determined, it is possible to use CART and C4.5) and ensemble methods (Boosting, Bagging
the rules to predict new node values based on unseen data. and Random forest). Section 3 presents the statistical
Decision tree consists of variety of algorithms such as measure used to evaluate the classification performance for
Iterative Dichotomizer 3 (ID3) [2, 3], C4.5 [4], Chi-square all the methods and the experimental results. Finally,
automatic interaction detection (CHAID) [5], Classification conclusions and discussions are in section 4.
and regression trees (CART) [6], C5.0 [7], etc. The most
commonly used decision tree algorithm is C4.5 and CART II. DECISION TREES AND ENSEMBLE METHODS
which recently had been ranked best algorithm in the “Top
10 algorithms in data mining” [8]. Many researchers have A. Iterative dichotomizer 3 (ID3) Algorithm:
investigated the technique of combining the predictions of ID3 decision tree algorithm is based on the concept
several classifiers to generate a single classifier [9]. Since learning system. The construction of decision tree algorithm
decision tree is an unstable method, ensemble method is starts with the whole data set and it picks the best attribute
used to improve the performance of the base learning as the root node. After the best attribute selection, it splits
algorithms. Boosting [10], Bagging [11] and Random Forest that node into two subgroups with the same feature value. If
[12] are most popular ensemble methods. In boosting, all objects in a subgroup have the same classification, then
AdaBoost [13] is a powerful algorithm to improve weak the process stops for that branch, and the algorithm returns a
classifier. In 1999, Opitz and Maclin compared the terminal node with that classification. If the subgroup
ensemble methods such as Bagging, AdaBoost and Arcing. contains multiple classifications, and there are no more
Empirical study on these ensemble methods for features to test, the algorithm returns a leaf node with the
decision tree has shown that Boosting and Random forests most frequent classification. This algorithm use information
are the best ensemble methods for decision tree in situation gain to find the best feature to split the dataset. Information
without noise [14, 15]. The major difference between gain measures the reduction in impurity for a specific
Boosting and Bagging are: Boosting uses a function of the attribute. The partition with the maximum information gain
performance of a classifier as a weight for voting, while is chosen as the decision for this node. The information gain
Bagging uses equal weight voting. Boosting algorithms are measure is based on the entropy function from information
stronger than Bagging on noise-free data [16]. theory.

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Yamuna N R et al, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, 5 (3), March- April, 2014, 225-229

If the response variable takes on n different values, then procedure develops a group of trees using different values of
the entropy of S is defined as, complexity parameter, giving different sizes of tree.
n According to Breiman et al. (1984) among a group of trees
Entropy (S ) = ∑− p j log 2 p j (1) of different sizes, for a value of α, only one tree of smaller
j =1 size has high accuracy.
Where pj is the frequency of the value j in S. The The optimal tree is one that has the smallest prediction
information gain, Gain (S, A) of an attribute A, relative to a error for new samples. Prediction error is measured using
collection of examples S is defined as, either independent test set or cross validation (CV). When
n the data set is not large enough to split the data into training
Entropy (S v ) (2)
| Sv |
Gain (S, A) = Entropy (S) – ∑ |S|
v =1
and testing data, V-fold cross validation is used. Cross
validation is repeated V times, considering each time
where Sv is the subset of S for which attribute A has value v. different sub sets of training and test data, and thus
developing V number of varied trees. Among the V different
trees, the simplest tree that has the lowest cross validation
B. Classification and Regression Tree (CART): error rate (CV error) is selected as the optimal tree.
CART algorithm based on statistical methodology C. C4.5:
developed for classification with categorical outcomes and The construction of this algorithm is similar to ID3
regression with continuous outcomes [6]. It is a data-mining algorithm. Over –fitting problem is the main issue in ID3
tool based on binary recursive partitioning. The construction decision tree algorithm. The C4.5 decision tree algorithm
of CART algorithm is similar to that with ID3, with the addresses this using tree pruning techniques to prune the tree
exception of the information gain measure. In classification generated by ID3. At each point of the decision tree, the
tree, the impurity measure i(t) is computed using Gini attribute showing the largest gain ratio is selected to divide
criterion which is used to find the best split. The goodness the decision tree. Gain ratio for attribute A is defined as
of a split can be defined as the reduction in impurity
∆i (t) = i(t) – p(tl) i(tl)– p(tr)i(tr) (3) Gain Ratio (S, A) = Gain (S, A) / Split Info (S, A) (7)

i (t ) =1 − ∑ p j
2 n
Entropy (S v )
| Sv |
Split Info(S, A) = - ∑ |S|
v =1
Where i(t) denote the impurity of the node t and p(tl) C4.5 algorithm removes the biasness of information
and p(tr) are the probability that the object falls into the left gain when there are many outcome values of an attribute.
and right daughter node of node t. pj is the proportion of Moreover it uses pessimistic pruning to remove unnecessary
cases in category j. i(tL) and i(tR) are the impurities of the branches in the decision tree to improve the accuracy of
left and right nodes respectively. Select the predictor classification.
variable and split point with the highest reduction in
impurity and perform the split of the parent node into two D. Boosting:
nodes based on the selected split point. Repeat the process Boosting method has proved to be an effective method
using each node as a new parent node until the tree has the to improve the performance of base classifiers, both
maximum size. After generating the maximal tree CART theoretically and empirically. It is used to adaptively change
uses the pruning technique to select the optimal tree. the distribution of training examples. Boosting assigns a
The pruning procedure develops a sequence of smaller weight to each training example and may adaptively change
trees and computes cost-complexity for each tree. Based on the weight at the end of each boosting round. A sample is
the cost-complexity parameter, the pruning procedure drawn according to the sampling distribution of the training
determines the optimal tree with high accuracy. Complexity examples to obtain a new training set. Next a classifier is
is given by the following equation: induced from the training set and used to classify all the

Rα = R(T ) + α | T |
~ examples in the original data. The weights of the training
examples are updated at the end of each boosting round,
examples that are classified incorrectly will have their
weights increased, while those that are classified correctly
Where R (T) is the resubstitution estimated error,
~ will have their weights decreased. This forces the classifier
| T | is the number of terminal nodes of the tree, which to focus on examples that are not easy to classify in
determines the complexity of the tree, and α is the cost- subsequent iterations. The final ensemble is obtained by
complexity associated with the tree. R (T) is given by the aggregating the base classifiers obtained from each boosting
misclassification error is computed by the following round.
equation: E. Bootstrap Aggregation (Bagging):
1 N
R(T ) = ∑ X (d (xn ) ≠ jn )
Boostrap aggregation technique repeatedly selects the
(6) samples from a dataset according to a uniform probability
N i=1 distribution. Each bootstrap sample has the same size as the
Where X is the indicator function, which is equal to 1 if original data. Because the sampling is done with
the statement X(d(xn ) ≠ j n is true and 0 if it is false and d(x) replacement, some instances may appear several times in the
is the classifier. The value of the complexity parameter in same training set, while others may be omitted from the
the pruning usually lies between 0 and 1. The pruning

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Yamuna N R et al, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, 5 (3), March- April, 2014, 225-229

training set. The basic procedure for bagging is summarized Table 1: Accuracy comparison of different data mining algorithms
as follows: Algorithms All Selected Sensitivit Specificity
Algorithm: Bagging variable variable y (%) (%)
(%) (%)
ID3 62.8 63.1 55.9 69.8
a. Let v be the number of bootstrap samples
Pruned 72.4 73.5 71.7 74.4
b. For i=1 to v do C4.5 Unpruned 69.5 72.9 67.7 76.2
c. Create a bootstrap sample of size N, Di
d. Train a base classifier Ci on the bootstrap CART Pruned 71.22 72.2 65.5 77.3
sample Di.
e. End for The selected variables alone were used to find
f. C ( x ) = arg max ∑ δ (C i (x ) = y )
* sensitivity and specificity of the data mining algorithms.
When nine factors are used, classification accuracy turns to
be 62.8%, 72.4% and 71.2% for ID3, C4.5 and CART
{δ(.) =1 if its argument is true and otherwise} respectively. In C4.5 pruned decision tree, the accuracy rate
After training the v classifiers, a test instance is is higher than the unpruned decision tree.
assigned to the class that receives the highest number of When six factors are used, classification accuracy turns
votes. Bagging improves generalization error by reducing
to be 63.1%, 73.5% and 72.2% for ID3, C4.5 and CART
the variance of the base classifiers. The performance of
respectively. Since classification accuracy for all variables is
bagging depends on the stability of the base classifier.
lower than that of six variables, we did not carry on further
F. Random Forest: analysis. C4.5 had the highest sensitivity and CART had the
A random forest is a collection of unpruned decision highest specificity. ID3 had the worst accuracy, sensitivity
trees [12]. It combines many tree predictors, where each and specificity compared to other methods. C4.5’s correct
tree depends on the values of a random vector sampled classification rate is 73.5%.
independently. Moreover, all trees in the forest have the Table 2 shows the accuracy, sensitivity and specificity
same distribution. In order to construct a tree, assume that m comparison of decision tree and ensemble methods. For the
is the number of training observations and “a” is the number dialysis dataset, we found that the decision tree CART with
of attributes in a training set. In order to determine the boosting achieved a classification accuracy of 76.74% with
decision node at a tree, choose m<<a as the number of a sensitivity of 82.6% and a specificity of 70.0%. Next to
variables to be selected. Select a bootstrap sample from the CART with boosting, C4.5 with bagging model achieved a
m observations in the training set and use the rest of the classification accuracy of 75.2% with a sensitivity of 75.6%
observations to estimate the error of the tree in the testing and a specificity of 75.0%. The CART with bagging
phase. Randomly choose m variables as a decision at a achieved a classification accuracy of 74.42% with a
certain node in the tree and calculate the best split based on sensitivity of 82.6% and a specificity of 65.0%.
the m variables in the training set. Trees are always grown Table 2: Accuracy comparison of different ensemble methods
and never pruned compared to other tree algorithms. Ensemble methods Percentage success Sensitivit Specifi
All Selected y (%) city
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION variable variable (%)
(%) (%)
The dataset used in this paper was obtained from a Random Forest 73.01 74.04 72.2 75.5
kidney transplant database [17]. Data set consists of 469 CART with 74.42 76.74 82.6 70.0
cases and ten attributes including the response variable such
CART with 81.3 74.42 82.6 65.0
as age, sex, duration of hemodialysis prior to transplant Bagging
(Dialy), diabetes (DBT), number of prior transplants (PTX), C4.5 with Boosting 71.04 72.0 68.0 74.3
amount of blood transfusion (blood), mismatch score (MIS), C4.5 with Bagging 74.02 75.2 75.6 75.0
use of ALG-an immune suppression drug (ALG), duration
time starting from transplant (MONTH) and status of the The Random forest achieved a classification accuracy
new kidney (FAIL). Status of the new kidney was used as of 74% with a sensitivity of 72.2% and a specificity of
the response variable for fitting CART, C4.5 and ID3 75.5%. C4.5 with boosting performance was worst
classification to multiple explanatory variables. The compared to the other technique in selected variables.
response variable was classified into two categories – new Bagging using CART as a base learner may decrease the
kidney failed (40.9%) and new kidney functioning (59%). misclassification rate in prediction with respect to using a
The top six ranked attributes are age, dialy, blood, MIS, single CART.
ALG and MONTH are considered for building the The produced decision tree by C4.5 algorithm is given
classification model. in Figure 1. Prepruning involves deciding when to stop
In this study we used gini impurity measure for developing subtrees during the tree building process. The
categorical target attributes. 10-fold cross validation was minimum number of observations in a leaf can determine
carried out for each algorithm. Table 1 shows the accuracy the size of the tree. After a tree is constructed, the C4.5 rule
comparison of different data mining algorithms. When all induction program can be used to produce a set of
the nine factors were considered to find accuracy of data equivalent rules. Pruning produces fewer, more easily
mining algorithm, it was found that CART model showed interpreted results. More importantly, pruning can be used
the highest specificity of 77.3%. as a tool to correct for potential overfitting. In C4.5 decision
tree, the number of leaves is 6 and size of tree is 11.

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Yamuna N R et al, International Journal of Advanced Research In Computer Science, 5 (3), March- April, 2014, 225-229

result in an increased predictive performance, and hence,

they have become very popular.
Decision trees tend to perform better when dealing with
categorical features. Many researchers have found that
decision tree learning such as ID3, C4.5 and CART perform
well in data classification. Quinlan (1996) conducted
experiments to compare the performance of bagging,
boosting and C4.5 and concluded that both bagging and
boosting can substantially improve the performance of C4.5
whereas boosting shows greater benefits [18]. Many authors
have reported that the method with the best classification
performance may differ from one data to another. Endo et
al. (2008) compared the seven important algorithms to
predict breast cancer survival [19]. In that study, logistic
regression model showed the highest accuracy compared to
Figure 1: C4.5 decision tree
other algorithm. But decision tree model showed high
sensitivity. Finally he concluded that the optimal algorithm
For evaluation of the fitted classification model, might be different by the predicted objects and dataset.
classification accuracy and ROC chart are used. ROC chart In this paper we have studied the data mining
displays the sensitivity against 1-specificity of a classifier algorithms to classify kidney transplant dataset using ID3,
for a range of cutoffs. The cutoff choice represents a trade- CART, C4.5, Boosting, Bagging and Random forest.
off between sensitivity and specificity. Ideally one would Compared to ID3 and CART, C4.5 classifier methods obtain
like to have high values for both sensitivity and specificity, a good result. CART with boosting obtains higher results
so that the model can accurately classify an outcome of than C4.5 with bagging, CART with bagging and also
events. Random forest shows good results but C4.5 with boosting
did not perform well to classify the experimental dataset
ROC curve compare to other methods. Adaboost can perform poorly
0.9 when the training data is noisy. CART with ensemble
0.8 methods shows the high sensitivity and random forest shows
True Positive Rate

0.7 the high specificity. The experimental results show that

0.6 boosting with CART algorithm as base classifiers and also
0.5 C4.5 with bagging is the best algorithm for classification of
0.4 this medical data. The result suggested that decision tree
0.3 CART with ensemble method could derive a better
0.2 prognosis model in practice. Further studies are needed to
0.1 confirm the findings.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
False Positive Rate
Bagging Boosting C4.5 ID3 Random forest This research has been supported by a grant from the
University Grants Commission. We wish to thank Director,
Figure 2: ROC curve for the Boosting, Bagging, Random forest, C4.5 and Tuberculosis Research Centre (ICMR) Chennai for
permitting us to use randomized clinical trial data.
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Corresponding author: Dr. P.Venkatesan
Bari, Italy.
E.mail: [email protected]
Tel. No: 9444057487
[14]. Dietterich, T. G. (2000). “An experimental comparison of
three methods for constructing ensembles of decision trees: Author: N.R.Yamuna
bagging, boosting and randomization”. Machine learning, E.mail: [email protected]
40: 139-157. Tel.No: 9789848284

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