LCC DOCS 11099031 v1 HS PRO 014 Lifting Operations Procedure

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Health and Safety Procedure

1. POLICY STATEMENT .................................................................................................................3
2. PURPOSE & OBJECTIVE ...........................................................................................................3
3. SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................3
4. RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................................4
5. DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................................5
6. SAFE LIFTING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................... 7
General Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7
Lift Planning ...................................................................................................................7
Work Area Requirements ...................................................................................................... 7
Positioning of Lifting Device ........................................................................................... 7
Exclusion Zones ............................................................................................................7
Overhead Electrical Conductors .................................................................................... 8
Environmental Conditions .............................................................................................. 8
Plant and Equipment Requirements...................................................................................... 8
Register .........................................................................................................................9
Identification and Compliance ........................................................................................ 9
Inspection of Lifting Equipment ...................................................................................... 9
Unserviceable Equipment .............................................................................................. 9
Equipment for Lifting Personnel ................................................................................... 10
Safe Work Practice Requirements ...................................................................................... 10
General Requirements ................................................................................................. 10
Using Other Mobile Plant for Lifting Operations ........................................................... 10
Use of Temporary Lifting Points ................................................................................... 10
Unattended Loads ....................................................................................................... 11
7. TRAINING AND COMPETENCY REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 11
8. MONITORING AND REVIEW .................................................................................................... 12
9. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 12
10. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER REFERENCES ......................................................................... 12
11. DOCUMENT CONTROL ........................................................................................................ 13
APPENDIX 1 - Lift Classification ....................................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX 2 - Technical Standards ................................................................................................. 15
APPENDIX 3 - High Risk Licence Requirements .............................................................................. 16
APPENDIX 4 – Training and Competency Decision Flow Chart ........................................................ 17

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Health and Safety Procedure

Subject: Lifting Operations

DM #: 11099031 Version #: 1.0 27/02/2017
Review date: 27/02/2022 Status: Approved
Document Owner: Health and Safety Program Leader

Documents affected by changes to this document

Document Name DM #

Lifting Operations Checklist (HS-FRM-014) 11288846

Logan City Council (Council) values the health and safety of its employees and all others who may be
affected by our operations, buildings and facilities.


The purpose of this procedure is to eliminate or, where this is not practical, minimise the risk of incidents
or injury from hazards associated with lifting operations, and to fulfil relevant legislative requirements.
This procedure describes the hazards, risks, key controls, and requirements relating to lifting
operations within Council. The procedure is to be used as the minimum requirement complemented by
any Branch specific procedures.

The procedure applies to all persons carrying out work involving the use of mechanical devices to lift,
lower or move any item/load (including travel along roads) at any job location under the control of
This Procedure does not apply to:
• operation and maintenance requirements for plant, refer to the Plant Procedure (HS-PRO-015);
• manual lifting, refer to the Hazardous Manual Tasks Procedure (HS-PRO-023)
• The operation of Vehicle Hoists and Vehicle Jacks.

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Title Responsibilities
Managers and Program • Ensure that personnel are aware of, and comply with, this procedure.
Leaders • Ensure that staff performing work involving mechanical lifting are
adequately trained and competent to do so.
• Ensure the ongoing effectiveness of the procedure in controlling the
identified risk exposures.
• Undertake Safe Act Observations as part of the monitoring and review
Supervisors and contractors • Implement this procedure, ensuring that the potential risks associated
with mechanical lifting are assessed and appropriate controls
• Ensure personnel comply with this procedure.
• Investigate incidents arising in the application of this procedure,
implementing any necessary corrective actions following an incident or
the identification of a risk or hazard.
• Ensure personnel receive training as required.
• Ensure that appropriate tools, equipment and PPE are available.
Personnel directly involved in • Comply with the requirements of this procedure and the Mechanical
mechanical lifting activities Lifting Operations Safe Work Method Statement
• Report any incidents, risks or hazards
• Complete all necessary training
Dogger • The Dogger is accountable for:
o Ensuring there is effective communication with the lifting device
operator at all times
o Controlling the lift
o Ensuring suitable barriers are in place covering the complete area of
any lift under their control
Rigger • The Rigger of a load is accountable for:
o Ensuring rigging equipment is suitability rated for the weight of the
o Ensuring the rigging configuration allows the load to be lifted without
load rotation or movement

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Term Definition
Advanced Rigger (AR) A person who has completed the VET Course CPCCLDG3001A Licence to
Perform Dogging and CPCCLRG3001A Licence to perform rigging basic
level and CPCCLRG3002A Licence to perform rigging intermediate level and
CPCCLRG4001A Licence to perform rigging advanced level.
Basic Rigger (RB) A person who has completed the VET Course CPCCLDG3001A Licence to
Perform Dogging and CPCCLRG3001A Licence to perform rigging basic
Barricading (Bunting) Danger tape or physical barriers surrounding an area to restrict access to
approved personnel only.
Come-along A hand operated winch with a ratchet used to pull objects
Competent Person A person who has, through a combination of training, education and
experience, acquired knowledge and skills enabling that person to perform
correctly the specified task.
Complex Lift Lifting operations that meet one or more of the below criteria:
• Lifting of persons in workbox;
• Lifting within overhead power line exclusion zones;
• Lifting large pressure vessels or tanks;
• Heavy lifts where the load is 10 tonnes or more;
• Loss of the load would have a serious impact on operations;
• Tilt-up panel lifting tasks;
• Multiple crane lift; or
• A lift >80% of the cranes rated capacity (if using a mobile crane).
Crane An appliance intended for raising or lowering a load and moving it horizontally
including the supporting structure of the crane and its foundations, but does
not include any of the following:
• an industrial lift truck;
• earthmoving machinery;
• an amusement device;
• a tractor;
• an industrial robot;
• a conveyor;
• building maintenance equipment;
• a suspended scaffold;
• a lift.
Cross Hauling Where the load is dragged during lifting, removal and/or installation.
Dogger (DG) (Dogman) A person who has completed the VET Course CPCCLDG3001A Licence to
Perform Dogging
Dogging Work The application of slinging techniques, including the selection and inspection
of lifting gear, to safely sling a load; or the directing of a plant operator in the
movement of a load when the load is out of the operator’s view.
Fitness For Work Sufficiently alert and able to perform usual duties. Not impaired by drugs,
alcohol or fatigue.
Heavy Lift Lifts where the total weight of load including load and rigging is in excess of
80% of the lifting device rated capacity or is 50 tonnes or more.
High Risk Work Licence Any of the licences listed in schedule 3 of the Queensland Work Health and
Safety Regulation 2011.
Hoist An appliance intended for raising or lowering a load or people, vertically and
without slewing which includes a mast climbing work platform, personnel and
materials hoist, scaffolding hoist and serial hoist but does not include a lift,
building maintenance equipment, or a vehicle hoist.
Intermediate Rigger (RI) A person who has completed the VET Course CPCCLDG3001A Licence to
Perform Dogging and CPCCLRG3001A Licence to perform rigging basic
level and CPCCLRG3002A Licence to perform rigging intermediate level.

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Term Definition
Lift Lifting, lowering and/or supporting a load with a lifting device.
Lifting Device Any approved mechanical device used for lifting, lowering and/or supporting
a load, including mobile crane, overhead travel crane, davit, forklift, pile
driver, chain block, and any other plant (mobile or not) that is used for lifting
(e.g. excavator, backhoe etc).
Vehicle Hoists and Vehicle Jacks are excluded from this definition.
Lifting Device Operator Trained and certified (as required – see APPENDIX 2) person using the
mechanical lifting device.
Lifting Equipment Any equipment or device that is used or designed to be used directly or
indirectly to connect a load to a crane and which does not form part of the
load, e.g. wire rope slings, chain swings, man-made fibre slings, hooks and
fittings, swivels, shackles, eye bolts, rigging screws, wedge sockets, plate
clamps and lifting beams.
Lift Plan A plan of lift location showing crane and load layout in various stages of the
lift and should include elevations. Used for Complex Lifts only.
Luffing Angular movement, of a crane boom or job, in a vertical plane.
Multiple Crane Lift Where more than one lifting device is used to lift, lower and/or support a load.
Rigging Work • The use of mechanical load shifting equipment and associated gear to
move, place or secure a load using plant, equipment or members of a
structure to ensure the stability of those members; or
• The setting up or dismantling of cranes or hoists.
Safe Working Load (SWL) The force that a lifting device can safely use to lift, suspend or lower a mass
without fear of breaking.
Spotter A competent person who watches for obstructions that are out of sight of the
crane operator or crane chaser or dogger and who relays information to the
person in charge of the lifting operation.
Simple Lift All lifting operations that are not classified as complex. (Includes the basic
use of chain blocks, winches, come-along etc.)
Supervisor A person who is in control of the site during operations.
Vehicle Jack A jack specifically designed for lifting vehicles.
Vehicle Hoist A hoist specifically designed for lifting vehicles.
Vehicle Loading Crane A crane mounted on a vehicle or trailer to load and unload that vehicle or
trailer, and which may be used for other lifting purposes within its rated
capacity in accordance with the crane manufacturer’s instructions.
VET Vocational Education and Training
Workbox A personnel carrying device, designed to be suspended from a crane, to
provide a working area for a person elevated by and working from the device.
Working Load Limit (WLL) The maximum gross load that may be applied to the crane and lifting
attachments while in a particular working configuration and under a particular
condition of use.

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General Requirements
Where reasonably practicable, the requirement to perform lifting operations shall be eliminated. Where
elimination is not possible the need to perform lifting operations shall be minimised so far as reasonably
practicable. The following shall occur:
• lifting operations are classified (e.g. simple or complex) and planned;
• plant and equipment is certified fit for use;
• lifting operations are performed only by trained and competent personnel; and
• lifting operations are assessed to identify potential hazards to ensure suitable risk control
measures are implemented.

Lift Planning
Lifting operations shall be risk assessed and planned in accordance with Appendix 1 Lift Classification.
The planning of all lifting operations shall as a minimum ensure that:
• a Job Safety and Environmental Assessment (JSEA) is completed or a Safe Operating
Procedure (or equivalent) is used;
• the Lifting Operations Checklist (HS-FRM-014) Part A is completed
• all personnel involved with lifting operations are trained, verified as competent and hold valid
licences (where required);
• the location of the lift is assessed for ground conditions and overhead obstructions;
• the travel path is clear with all obstacles removed prior to lift commencement;
• barricading, signage and/or spotter/s are in place to prevent personnel from walking or standing
within the lift path or under the load;
• the lifting operation can be executed safely in relation to simultaneous operations;
• lifting equipment is suitable and will be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;
• the lay down area can accommodate the load in terms of size and weight
Additional requirements for Complex Lifts are:
• completion of a task specific JSEA
• completion of the Lifting Operations Checklist (HS-FRM-014) Part B.
• completion of a Lift Plan
• a pre-lift briefing is carried out
• applicable Safe Work Method Statements are followed (e.g. Working at Heights ≥ 2 metres,
Movement of Powered Mobile Plant)

Work Area Requirements

Positioning of Lifting Device
Lifting Devices shall be correctly positioned and installed in a clearly defined and protected operational
area. Lifting Devices shall be positioned to:
• minimise the risk of the equipment or load striking a person;
• minimise the risk of losing control of the load;
• minimise the risk of adversely affecting other plant, structures or underground services; and
• ensure all personnel have an unrestricted escape route throughout the entire lifting operation.

Exclusion Zones
Exclusion zones shall be implemented to restrict unauthorised access to any area where lifting
operations are taking place. For example, providing barricading to denote an exclusion zone around
the work area and utilising spotters to prevent access.

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Where personnel are required to enter a lifting operating area during operations, positive
communication shall be made with the operator, for example, by establishing two way voice or visual
Where lifting operations are carried out near roads the requirements of the following documents shall
be adhered to:
• Working On or Adjacent to a Road Procedure (HS-PRO-011), and
• Working On or Adjacent to a Road SWMS (HS-SWMS-011).

Overhead Electrical Conductors

Workers shall observe safe approach distances and exclusion zones for overhead powerlines and
implement controls in accordance with the following documents:
• Working on or Near Energised Electrical Installation Procedure (HS-PRO-004), and
• Working on or Near Energised Electrical Installation SWMS (HS-SWMS-004).

Environmental Conditions
The work area is to be inspected to assess ground conditions prior to the lift and addressed in the Lift
Plan where required. Where outriggers are used, weight dispersion pads may be required. Refer to the
table below for permissible ground pressures for various ground conditions. Where ground conditions
are uncertain, the ground bearing pressure shall be determined by a geotechnical engineer.
Environmental conditions shall be monitored and work is to cease immediately where there is an
immediate risk of injury or plant and equipment damage. No lifting is to occur if wind speed conditions
exceed the crane manufacturers’ recommendations.
Maximum permissible ground pressures for various ground conditions.

Source: Appendix E, MUTCD – Works on Roads (Part 2), 2014

Plant and Equipment Requirements

All Lifting Equipment shall be used, maintained, stored and inspected in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and the relevant Australian Standards, refer to Appendix 2 Technical
Standards for a list of relevant Australian Standards.
Lifting equipment should be stored in a dedicated storage area (preferably off the ground), and
protected from damage at all times.
Where lifting operations require the use of mobile plant, the requirements of the following documents
shall be adhered to:
• Plant Procedure (HS-PRO-015), and
• Movement of Powered Mobile Plant SWMS (HS-SWMS-015).

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The relevant Branch shall maintain a Lifting Equipment register that contains certification and
inspection details.

Identification and Compliance

Lifting Equipment shall be marked with:
• a unique identifier that can be used to track the testing and inspection history of the item;
• identifier within correct inspection date; and
• Working Load Limit (WLL) or Safe Working Load (SWL)

Lifting Equipment shall be certified fit for use by a competent person:
• before initial use; and
• following major repair or overhaul of load-bearing components.
Lifting Equipment shall meet all applicable legislative and Australian Standard requirements.

Inspection of Lifting Equipment

All Lifting Equipment shall be inspected, tested and certified by a competent person in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions and the relevant Australian Standard.
Refer to Appendix 2 Technical Standards for a list of relevant Australian Standards.
The inspection status of Lifting Equipment is to be controlled by a colour-coding scheme following the
RGBY convention where:
• RED represents January, February, March;
• GREEN represents April, May, June;
• BLUE represents July, August, September; and
• YELLOW represents October, November, December.
Additional inspections must be conducted if the equipment has been:
• involved in an incident; or
• modified or repaired.
The relevant Branch shall supply inspection and test documentation for all items of Lifting Equipment
prior to use, when requested.
Records of Lifting Equipment inspections shall be maintained in accordance with the Records
Management Procedure (HS-PRO-040)

Unserviceable Equipment
Lifting Equipment shall be deemed unserviceable if it:
• is damaged;
• is incorrectly tagged or coded;
• is outside the defined inspection date, or
• does not pass inspection.
For unserviceable equipment the following shall occur:
• it is to be immediately removed from use;
• it is to be tagged with an “Out of Service” tag;
• the Supervisor or equipment owner is to be notified immediately;
• it shall not be reused until it is inspected and correctly tagged; and
• damaged unrepairable items are to be permanently removed from use.

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Equipment for Lifting Personnel

Workboxes shall only be used where it is not reasonably practicable to use scaffold or other specifically
designed temporary work platforms.
Where persons are lifted in a workbox, the requirements of the following documents apply:
• Working at Heights Procedure (HS-PRO-002)
• Plant Procedure (HS-PRO-015)

Safe Work Practice Requirements

General Requirements
The following safe work practices shall be adhered to:
• never position yourself under a suspended load;
• no person is to enter the zone where a suspended load may fall;
• all lifting operations are undertaken by a competent person;
• the lifting device operator must not leave the operating controls while load is suspended;
• the load must remain within the rigger or doggers’ line of sight at all times;
• tag lines are used to prevent the pendulum motion of a load, unless their attachment presents
an additional risk;
• tag lines must be long enough to allow the person handling the load to work at a safe distance;
• tag lines must not be attached to the lifting gear or looped around the wrist;
• high visibility clothing and riggers gloves are to be worn;
• loads are carried as near to the lifting device as practicable;
• loads do not exceed defined Safe Working Load (SWL) of plant and equipment;
• lifting operations are to stop if operations are made unsafe;
• operators of lifting plant conduct a pre-start check of all plant and equipment to be used;
• a reliable and tested communication method is in place between all personnel involved in lifting
operations (operators, doggers etc); and
• for Complex Lifts, a pre-lift briefing is undertaken with all lifting team members to review the
relevant risk assessment and the lift plan, refer to Appendix 1 Lift Classification;

Using Other Mobile Plant for Lifting Operations

Mobile plant other than Cranes or Forklift Trucks shall only be used for lifting operations if:
• the equipment is designed and certified for use in lifting operations;
• mobile plant with a lifting capacity exceeding one tonne is fitted with burst protection valves;
• correct engagement of the primary retention system and safety device is verified;
• the equipment is operated in accordance with the manufacturers specifications; and
• operators hold applicable licence and VOC for the plant.
It is expected that most lifting operations using forklifts will be classified as a ‘Simple’ Lift (refer to
Appendix 2 Lift Classification) except operations involving the lifting of personnel, or when attachments
are utilised and rigging is required to be performed.
For further information on mobile plant, refer to the Plant Procedure (HS-PRO-015).

Use of Temporary Lifting Points

Temporary lifting points or devices (chain block, come along, air winch etc.) shall be assessed and
approved prior to activities using the criteria below:
• for loads under one tonne, the point or device shall be assessed by a competent person to
validate safe lifting practices and the integrity of the point or device; and
• for loads of one tonne or greater, the lifting point or device shall be load rated.

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Unattended Loads
A crane or hoist shall not be left unattended unless the following actions, where applicable, have been
• all loads have been removed from the hook;
• the hook has been raised to a position where it is safely clear of other operations, hooked back
or otherwise appropriately secured;
• all powered motions have been disabled; and
• access to the cabin / controls has been securely restricted.


Personnel operating Lifting Devices and Lifting Equipment shall be appropriately trained and have
completed a VOC for the equipment type. Refer to the Verification of Competency Guideline (HS-GUI-
Doggers, Riggers and operators of plant shall hold a current valid licence relevant to the level of work
being performed. Refer to Appendix 3 High Risk Licence Requirements.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland apply an exemption in limited circumstances where a person
without a High Risk Work (HRW) dogging (DG) licence can sling a load according to the following
A person can sling a load, without holding a dogging HRW licence (or rigging) when there
is no judgment required for slinging techniques or the suitability and the condition of lifting
gear, because the following factors have been predetermined by a licensed dogger or
rigger or an appropriately qualified engineer:
• the weight of the load or weight range to be lifted has been determined and
communicated (which may be marked on the load)
• selection of the sling and slinging techniques for the load has been made
• the inspection of lifting gear confirms it is in a safe and serviceable condition
• the lifting points have been incorporated as part of the load (e.g. lifting lugs) or are
marked on the load
• the load is to be lifted within the view of the operator at all times
• standard lifting procedures have been documented and signed-off by the dogger,
rigger or engineer
• the person has been trained and deemed competent in the documented lifting
If these factors cannot be predetermined by the licensed dogger, rigger or appropriately
qualified engineer, then a person with a high risk work dogging (DG) licence must conduct
the lift.
For Council this exemption will only apply for lifts up to one tonne and a risk assessment (e.g. JHA) will
be required to evaluate and apply the criteria of the exemption.
The Council competency requirements for lifting are:
• For lifting a load less than one tonne, where complex lifting techniques are not required, the
worker performing the lifting operation must be assessed as competent via VOC to carry out
the task and to use the specific lifting equipment or plant.
• For lifting a load less than one tonne, where complex lifting techniques are required, the
worker performing the lifting operation must hold a High Risk Work Licence as a Dogger or
Rigger and be assessed as competent via VOC to use the specific lifting equipment or plant.
• For lifting a load equal to or over one tonne the worker performing the lifting operation must
hold a High Risk Work Licence as a Dogger or Rigger and be assessed as competent via VOC
to use the specific lifting equipment or plant..
Refer to APPENDIX 4 Training & Competency Decision Flow Chart.

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To ensure compliance with this procedure formal audits shall be initiated.
The audit should be completed by a relevant Council officer and comprise an assessment of the
systems and processes for Lifting Operations and a field observation component to verify the
application of the requirements. Determination is to be made as to the work groups’ level of compliance
with the requirements of this procedure.
This procedure is to be reviewed every 5 years, or earlier if:
• there is an identified risk to business;
• a significant electrical safety event occurs;
• incident investigation or audit results show that application of the procedure fails to deliver the
required outcomes;
• there are changes in associated legislation;
• there is evidence that the procedure is not having a positive impact on safety-related
performance indicators; or
• there is a change to the Construction and High Risk Work Directive (HS-DIR-002)
Any incidents resulting from lifting operations shall be thoroughly investigated in accordance with the
Incident Management Procedure (HS-PRO-034)

• Construction and High Risk Work Directive (HS-DIR-002)
• Working at Heights Procedure (HS-PRO-002)
• Working on or Near Energised Electrical Installation Procedure (HS-PRO-004)
• Working On or Adjacent to a Road Procedure (HS-PRO-011)
• Plant Procedure (HS-PRO-015)
• Hazardous Manual Tasks Procedure (HS-PRO-023)
• Incident Management Procedure (HS-PRO-034)
• Verification of Competency Guideline (HS-GUI-002)
• Movement of Powered Mobile Plant SWMS (HS-SWMS-015)
• Working On or Adjacent to a Road SWMS (HS-SWMS-011)
• Working on or Near Energised Electrical Installation SWMS (HS-SWMS-004)
• People Managers Toolkit – Lifting Operations
Toolkits provide practical guidance, useful tools and information for people managers to effectively
manage the risks associated with staff undertaking or around Lifting Operations.


• Work Health and Safety Act 2011
• Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
• Managing the Risk of Plant in the Workplace Code of Practice 2013
• Queensland Electrical Code of Practice 2010 – Working Near Exposed Live Parts
• Queensland Mobile Crane Code of Practice 2006
• AS 1418.17:1996 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Design and construction of
• AS/NZS 1891.4:2009 Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices – Selection, use and

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Approval Date Position Name
Senior Health and Safety
Edited By: 27/02/2017 Tony Pregnell
Health and Safety Program
Document Owner: 27/02/2017 Simon Faber

Approved by: 27/02/2017 People and Culture Manager Mark Goldsworthy

Revision # Date Section(s) Changed Brief Description of Change

1.0 27/02/2017 All New document

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APPENDIX 1 - Lift Classification

Type Description Minimum Controls

Simple All lifting operations that are not classified as complex. • Risk Assessment or task
(Includes the basic use of chain blocks, winches, come- specific procedure
alongs, etc.) • Lifting Operations
Checklist Part A
Complex • Lifting of persons in workbox. Lift Planning, including:
• Lifting within overhead power line exclusion zones. • Risk Assessment (JSEA)
• Lifting large items such as storage tanks or portable • Lifting Operations
buildings. Checklist Part A and B
• Lifting items that require additional rigging to balance the • Lift Plan
load. • Pre-lift briefing
• Heavy lifts where the load is 10 tonnes or more. • Applicable Procedures
• Loss of the load would have a serious impact on public • Applicable Safe Work
infrastructure (e.g. power, water, gas, sewer, phone, etc.) Method Statement
• Tilt-up panel lifting tasks. • Training
• Multiple crane lift. • VOC
• A lift >80% of the cranes rated capacity (if using a mobile

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APPENDIX 2 - Technical Standards

Technical Standard Title
AS 1138 Thimbles for Wire Rope
AS 1380.2 Fibre-rope slings – Care and Use
AS 1353.2 Flat synthetic-webbing slings – Care and Use
AS 1418.1 Cranes, hoists and winches – General requirements
AS 1418.2 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Serial hoists and winches
AS 1418.3 Cranes, hoists and winches – Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes) and
jib cranes
AS 1418.4 Cranes, hoists and winches – Tower cranes
AS 1418.5 Cranes, hoists and winches – Mobile cranes
AS 1418.6 Cranes, hoists and winches – Guided storage and retrieving appliances
AS 1418.7 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Builders hoists and associated equipment
AS 1418.8 Cranes, hoists and winches – Special purpose appliances
AS/NZS 1418.9 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Vehicle hoists
AS 1418.10 Cranes, hoists and winches – Mobile Elevating work platforms
AS 1418.11 Cranes, hoists and winches – Vehicle-loading cranes
AS 1418.12 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Crane collector systems
AS 1418.13 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Building maintenance units
AS 1418.14 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Requirements for cranes subject to arduous
working conditions
AS 1418.15 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Concrete placing equipment
AS 1418.16 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Mast climbing work platforms
AS 1418.17 Cranes (including hoists and winches) – Design and construction of workboxes
AS 1418.18 Cranes, hoists and winches – Crane runways and monorails
AS 1418.19 Cranes, hoists and winches – Telescopic handlers
AS 1438.2 Wire coil Flat slings – care and use
AS 1666.2 Wire Rope Slings – Care and use
AS 2089 Sheave blocks for lifting purposes
AS 2317 Collared eyebolts
AS 2318 Swivels for lifting applications
AS 2319 Rigging screws and Turnbuckles
AS 2321 Short-link chains for lifting purposes
AS 2400.13 Packaging – Tensional Strapping
AS 2550 Cranes, Hoists and winches – Safe use
AS 2740 Wedge type sockets
AS 2741 Shackles
AS 2759 Steel wire rope – Use, Operations and Maintenance
AS 3569 Steel Wire Rope – Product specification
AS 3585 End fittings for synthetic flat webbing and round slings
AS 3775.1 Chain slings-Grade T – Production specification
AS 3775.2 Chain slings-Grade T – Care and use
AS 3776 Lifting components for Grade T chains
AS 3777 Shank hook and large eye hooks – Maximum 60 t
AS 4991 Lifting Devices

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Health and Safety Procedure

APPENDIX 3 - High Risk Licence Requirements

Code Licence Description
C0 C0 Slewing mobile crane – with Use of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity exceeding 100t
capacity over 100 tonnes
C1 Slewing mobile crane – with a Use of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity of 100t or less
capacity up to 100 tonnes
C6 Slewing mobile crane – with a Use of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity of 60t or less
capacity up to 60 tonnes
C2 Slewing mobile crane – with a Use of a slewing mobile crane with a capacity of 20t or less
capacity up to 20 tonnes
CB Bridge and gantry crane CB Use of a bridge crane or gantry crane that is:
· controlled from a permanent cabin or control station on the
crane; or
· remotely controlled and having more than 3 powered
operations; including the application of load estimation and
slinging techniques to move a load
CD Derrick crane Use of a derrick crane
CN Non-slewing mobile crane Use of a non-slewing mobile crane with a capacity exceeding 3t
CP Portable boom crane Use of a portal boom crane
CS Self-erecting tower crane Use of a self-erecting tower crane
CT Tower crane Use of a tower crane
CV Vehicle loading crane Use of a vehicle loading crane with a capacity of 10 metre
tonnes or more, including the application of load estimation and
slinging techniques to move a load
HM Materials hoist Use of a materials hoist
HP Personnel and materials hoist Use of a personnel and materials hoist
RS Reach stacker Operation of a reach stacker of greater than 3t capacity that
incorporates an attachment for lifting, moving and travelling with
a shipping container, but does not include a portainer crane
LF Forklift truck Use of a forklift truck other than an order-picking forklift truck
LO Order-picking forklift truck Use of an order-picking forklift truck
DG Dogger Dogging work

Lifting Operations Procedure Version 1.0 27/02/2017 DM#11099031 Page 16 of 17

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Health and Safety Procedure

APPENDIX 4 – Training and Competency Decision Flow Chart

Lifting Operations Procedure Version 1.0 27/02/2017 DM#11099031 Page 17 of 17

Uncontrolled if printed. For the latest approved version, refer to council DM.

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