Internship Proposal
Internship Proposal
Internship Proposal
Date of Submission:
1. Introduction: Grameenphone Limited is the leading cellular service provider in Bangladesh operating nationwide. Over the past few years the use of cell phone brought about tangible changes in the lifestyle of the people of Bangladesh. Today, a cellular phone is a mere necessity. From a small retail trader at Kawran Bazaar to a remote villager uses cell phone. Six companies are operating in the mobile phone sector in Bangladesh which are Grameenphone, Citycell, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel and Teletalk. Among them the services of Grameenphone appear to be comparatively better in terms of nationwide networking, customer handling, trouble shooting, billing system etc. Grameenphone (GP) has been established to provide high quality GSM cellular service at affordable prices. In addition to providing prepaid and postpaid cellular phone services, the company also assists in a Village Phone service by being the sole provider of telecommunications services to the Village Phone operators. Where this facilities are backed by well organized fund management system. 1.1 Title of the Report This report will be titled as An Overview of the Fund Management and Collections Department (Post-paid) of Grameenphone Ltd.. The report will consist of two-fold purpose. First, an Overview of Grameenphone Ltd. and then discuss about the activities of the Fund Management and Collections Department (Post-paid) of Grameenphone Ltd. 1.2 Significance of the Study The Finance Division is a vital part for any organization. Fund management and Collection is an important department of Finance Division of Grameenphone Limited. As an Undergraduate student of Business Administration, it is necessary for me to have depth knowledge regarding the whole procedure of revenue collections (Post-paid bill) of mobile phone operators. This study would prove to be helpful in some aspects, namely It is very important to have an effective and sound management system in revenue collections process. It also helps us to know how revenues collection process is going on by the help of the third party like Bank or other financial institution.
It will encourage further study in this area and will provide useful guidelines for this type of research.
2. Limitation of the Study: According to my opinion, the major limitation of the study right now is the limited time. An internship period of three-month is not adequate enough to acquire all essential knowledge and prepare a report concerning such a big topic like overall functions of Fund Management and Collections Department (Post-paid). In addition to that some hypothetical data would be use instead of actual data to maintain the secrecy of the companys sensitive information.
3. Objective of the study: In this report, I will try to endow all sorts of practical dealings that are conducted in case of handling various types of activities in Fund Management and Collections Department (Postpaid) under Finance Division, the theoretical aspects, that is what should be the procedures and requirements maintained for managing the different bill collection channels of Grameenphone Limited. Therefore, the purpose and objective of this report can be summarized as follows: Broad: To depict of the Finance Divisions operations in respect of collecting revenue (Postpaid bill) of country wide speared subscribers of Grameenphone post-paid service. As it is an overall study of Fund Management and Collections Department regarding revenue collection (post-paid bill). So I am going to analyze the related factors of post-paid bill collection procedure by fulfilling the following objectives: Specific: . To emphasize on the Brief description of Finance Division . To know deeply about post paid bill collection channels . To examine different channels performance in post paid-bill collection process . To know how they minimize revenue leakage . To focus on some other activities of finance department
4. Methodology of the study: This project will take help from primary as well as secondary data. In order to construct the theoretical part, a number of books and online resources will be consulted and referenced from. As for the analysis part, primary data will be collected through some personal interviews. Most of the data will be collected from the observation of the Fund Management and Collection Departments activities. Other information will be collected through conversation with the official of the Finance Division, Grameenphone Ltd. head office located at Bashundhara Dhaka. 5. Schedule of Activities: Since I have already gathered a lot of necessary information, it will take 45 more days to complete the whole report. All the cost relating to the research will be covered personally as this research is an individual research work of BUS 498 (Internship) which is a degree requirement of North South University. Sincerely,