Novel Bone Adhesives in Fracture Fixation & Its Possible Significance in Midfacial Surgery - A Review
Novel Bone Adhesives in Fracture Fixation & Its Possible Significance in Midfacial Surgery - A Review
Novel Bone Adhesives in Fracture Fixation & Its Possible Significance in Midfacial Surgery - A Review
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- One of the most frequent medical conditions Through a complex interplay between the facial skeleton and
requiring inpatient hospitalization is fractures. In order to its soft tissue envelope, the surgical treatment of cranio-
maximize the possibility of the fracture surfaces to join and maxillofacial injuries entails the restoration of both form and
fuse, surgical treatment of fractures typically begins with function. [5] Management is done by following the sequence:
a reduction of the fracture, which places the bone Reduction, fixation/immobilization, and preventing infection.
fragments in their original location and close proximity to Widely used method of fixation for managing maxillofacial
one another. Then, they are either externally cast- fractures is internal fixation which involves fixation of bone
stabilized or implanted with screws, plates, and wires, fragments in their anatomical location with the help of plated
among other implants. Medical and surgical management and associated screws until bone healing is accomplished. [6]
techniques have advanced significantly as a result of the Though it is the conventional technique followed, it still has
incredible improvement in technology. Recently, the use of disadvantages like plate fractures, patient discomfort and is also
bone adhesives/bone glue in the treatment of fractures has technique sensitive. With the tremendous technological
been suggested. The idea behind "bone adhesives" is to fix advancement, medical and surgical management strategies has
simple and comminuted fractures as well as secure been greatly evolved. The use of bone adhesives has been
orthopedic implants and devices like plates and screws. In proposed for last few years in management of fractures. In
this article, we will give an overview on existing bone terms of not having produced adhesives that meet the various
adhesive and its types, conventional internal fixation, its requirements of a successful product, this is still in its relatively
disadvantages and how bone adhesives can possibly early phases. Although there are many bone cements and bone
overcome the drawbacks of other fixation techniques. void fillers available, none of them make the claim to have
adhesive characteristics. PMMA bone cement is likely the most
Keywords:- Fracture, Bone Adhesives, Bone Glue, Internal popular of these items. [7]
The aim of this article is to review on the current state of
I. INTRODUCTION the art of bone adhesives in order to understand how close to
surgical fixation of facial fractures, bone adhesive might be and
This Any injury to the face or jaw brought on by physical in comparison with the conventional technique.
force, foreign objects, animal or human bites, or burns is
referred to as maxillofacial trauma. [1] It is classified into II. WHAT IS INTERNAL FIXATION ?
injuries involving the lower, middle and upper thirds of the
face. Motor vehicle collisions, interpersonal violence, falls, and Internal fixation is the most crucial form of treatment for
sports-related incidents are the most frequent causes of face maxillofacial fractures in order to regain form and function.
fractures. Their relative frequency varies geographically. The The basic principles for internal fixation is formulated by AO
most significant mechanism on a global scale is motor vehicle in 1958. [6]
collision. [2] The most prevalent fractures are nasal, followed
by dentoalveolar, mandibular, midface, and orbital floor Anatomic reduction: Reduction and fixation of fracture to
fractures, and finally frontal sinus fractures. [3] regain normal anatomy
Management of such injuries, which can range from Stable fixation: Depending on the type of Fracture fixation
simple fracture to severe facial communition, can be quite with relative or absolute stability may be necessary.
difficult. The presence of the upper airway and the close
proximity to the cranial and cervical structures that may be Preservation of blood supply: By careful reduction, handling
concurrently implicated aggravate injuries to this highly and preservation of vascularity of the bone and soft tissues
vascular zone. It can be life threatening and cause long term
complications including damage to vital sensory structures. [4]
Pajari-Palmer [30] and colleagues described a "Novel Fibrin glue (FG), also known as fibrin sealant, has been
Class Injectable Bioceramics" made similarly to TetraniteTM utilised in a variety of orthopaedic procedures to promote
in association with the phosphoserine-based technique. osteogenesis in human maxillary and mandibular bone, to fix
However, α-Tricalciumphosphate and phosphoserine were osteochondral fractures, to fix osteochondral fragments, and to
used in place of tetracalciumphosphate, and they were able to fix bone chips during spinal surgery. [42] Heiss et al. [44]
cure in moist environments and demonstrated bond strengths described a recently created alkylene bis (dilactoyl)-
that were up to 40 times stronger than those of commercial methacrylate as a bone adhesive with some similarities to
cyanoacrylates (0.1 MPa) and 100 times stronger than surgical polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which has been widely
fibrin adhesives (0.04 MPa). A brand-new mussel adhesive has utilised in dentistry [43] and orthopaedic surgery for anchoring
been created. Using an enzyme from Methanocaldococcus prosthesis. PMMA is the most affordable, widely available, and
jannaschii, pre-modified intestinal bacteria were used to create biocompatible of these polymers, enabling instant fixation to
this. [31] Malkoch [32] and his group's work on allyl, cancellous bone (which is not usually the case for the other
methacrylamide, and thiol groups is another example of bio- materials). PMMA cement added to screws results in improved
inspired methods. About 0.3 MPa was the shear strength of the primary stability. [45, 46]
created adhesive.
• Biobased adhesives: In rabbits, a proteinogenic, However not enough data is available for its application
autologous fibrin adhesive was effectively evaluated as a K- in the maxillofacial region. Endres, Kira et al. [47] described
wire substitute. [33] In addition to proteinogenic adhesives, an innovative method using bone adhesive to attach thin
sugar-based ingredients can also be used to make bone cortical bone pieces to osteosynthesis plates. The plate is
adhesives. Studies on two-component chitosan and dextran secured to thick cortical bone structures with standard screws,
bone adhesive hydrogels provided evidence to support this. [34, and adjacent or delicate bone pieces are connected to the plate
35] Another instance of biobased approaches is the with bone cement through the screw holes in the plate.
incorporation of calcium carbonate and hydroxyapatite in
biocomposites that will be utilized as chitosan-based bone For the clinical application of adhesively fixing
adhesives. [36] The most promising results were seen in a osteosynthesis plates in midfacial surgery, a modified PMMA
formulation with 4% calcium carbonate and hydroxyapatite, bone cement was developed by adding a photoinitiator to the
2% chitosan, with strong adherence to the bone surface (0.27 PMMA powder component, which can be light-cured. Unlike
MPa) and cohesion failure, that is, failure in the adhesive typical PMMA bone cements, which can take up to 15 minutes
substance rather than at the surface-adhesive interface. [36] to polymerize, it enables a surgeon to control the precise
moment at which the polymerization starts. This saves the
VI. BONE ADHESIVES IN MIDFACIAL SURGERY surgeon and his team valuable time when adhesively fixing an
osteosynthesis plate during midfacial surgery. [47]
Use of adhesive systems for internal fixation were
advocated in various in vitro and in vivo studies in last few VII. BONE BONDING AGENT
years and concluded that they can be useful for bone bonding.
[37, 38, 39, 40, 41] Bone bonding agents, which are comparable in
composition to dentin bonding agents that have been in clinical
P Maurer et al [37] performed a study Using two distinct use for many years, may have the ability to resolve the problem
adhesive methods (Clearfil New Bond and Histoacryl) and of the bonding partners' incompatible wetting qualities. [41, 48,
compared the tensile bond strengths reached between 49, 50] According to various investigations, using dentin
composite and bone and between bone and bone. adhesives proved to create a stronger bond strength to bone
than that produced with the cyanoacrylate glue because the
Amanrante et al. [38] investigated the viability of dentin bonding agents are amphiphilic in nature and can bond
obtaining bone fixation of the upper face skeleton with n-butyl- with both hydrophilic dentin and hydrophobic composites.
2-cyanoacrylate and contrasted the fixation achieved with this [37,38,39,40]
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