Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Prediction of Breast Cancer, Thyroid, and PCOS An Overview
Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Prediction of Breast Cancer, Thyroid, and PCOS An Overview
Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Prediction of Breast Cancer, Thyroid, and PCOS An Overview
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Because of the rapid population growth in disorder. Malignant cells evolve destructively and uncontrolled
diseases in recent years, early disease identification has way. Breast cancer symptoms include lumps in the breast, shape
become a critical problem. With massive population changes, skin dimpling, and flaky patches. Changes in eating
growth, the probability of death from breast cancer is habits, a lack of fitness, chemical substitution therapy during
increasing exponentially. Breast Cancer is the second the menopausal phase, and consistent family history are all
leading most severe of the cancers that have already been significant causes of these manifestations. According to
identified, and following this, others are Thyroid and estimates, approximately 316,120 females were diagnosed with
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) disease. An automatic various breast cancers in the USA in 2017.
disease diagnosis system assists medical personnel in disease
detection, provides dependable, effective, and immediate Thyroid:
responses, and reduces the death risk. In this paper, we Thyroid disease is one of the most common public health
study different machine learning techniques and their issues, particularly among pregnant women. It harms
utility in predicting breast cancer, thyroid and PCOS to get metabolism, mental functions, energy level, weakness, and
the best result. The performance measures such as bowel movements. Most thyroid diseases diagnosed during
accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, recall, F1 score, pregnancy are caused by a lack or excess of iodine in the diet.
and receiver operating curve are discussed to assess the Thyroid disease poses a significant challenge to pregnant
performance of machine learning algorithms. The paper women's physiology and has substantial maternal and foetal
explores the research work using machine learning implications. There is a growth in thyroxine (T4) and
algorithms done in detecting breast cancer, thyroid, and triiodothyronine (T3) generation in women with normal thyroid
PCOS. function. It hampers thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) in the
first three months of pregnancy due to an increased human
Keywords:- Breast Cancer, Thyroid, PCOS, Dataset, Machine chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) level, which enables the TSH
Learning. receptor.
PCOS is a disease in which the ovary creates a varying
Women's health varies from men's in numerous ways. amount of androgens hormone, generally present in small
Women's health is an illustration of population health, which amounts in women. During the reproductive period,
the World Health Organization defines as "a state of complete approximately 6-10% of women develop Polycystic Ovary
physical, mental, and social well-being, rather than merely the Syndrome (PCOS). It manifests as various symptoms in women
absence of disease or infirmity." While the accelerations of the of reproductive age resulting from a hormonal disorder. PCOS
foremost causes of death, cancer, cardiovascular and lung manifests itself in three ways. The first is a menstrual
diseases, are comparable in men and women, women have irregularity, followed by an increase in male hormones in
distinctive experiences. Lung cancer has surpassed all other women, and finally, an ultrasound-detected polycystic ovarian
cancers as the foremost reason for cancer death in females, structure. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is suspected in women
followed by various cancers such as breast cancer, ovarian who exhibit these symptoms, but the diagnosis is determined by
cancer, colorectal cancer, uterine cancer, and cervical cancer. examining ultrasound images and blood test results.