Bob Books Set 4
Bob Books Set 4
Bob Books Set 4
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ISBN 0-439-17573-9
Copyright@ 1987 by Bobb'/ Lynn Maslen. All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
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the e-nd of the f at1d.
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ISBN 0-439-17574-7
Copynght C 1987 by Bobby Lynn Maslen. All nghts reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
Bob Books® Publications. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and'or registered trademarks of
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS Is a registered trademark of Bob Books Pubhcahons. Sunny jumped.
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ISBN 0-439-17575-5
Copyright@ 1987 by Bobby Lynn Maslen. All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
Bob Books® Publications. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS is a registered trademark of Bob Books Publications.
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Tilly IS 0 ki++y cat.
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The cat can si+. The. cG1+ can skip. She con nip. She can snap.
A mouse is in his house. Tilly sat by +he mouse house..
The mouse ran ou+ of his house.. The ca+ wen+ slam, slap, snap/
I / /
The mouse ran fas+. "Help/ He.Ip/ Stop +ho+ ca+!"
Short vowel:
0 o as in octopus
sn snap
th that
st stop
Ip help
ck back
Vowel Combination:
ou mouse
The Swimmers
y y
Bob Books®Pals! BOOK 4/9
Level B, Set 2 4
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·s+op/ Stop/Galled Pop. The. "H e.lp , Pop·: ca/ led Jim.
!09 spun. "He.Ip us s+op� Pop:cQlle.d s+an.
Fbp wanfed fu help Jim and Stan.
fbp jumped onto the log, but ln+o +he. p<=?nd wen+ Pop.
the lo9 was a +rap. Pop go+ we+.
''Sit in the sun, Jm _. s;t i"n" wc:rrm spot,
Pop~ Stan, and Jim 90+ out Stan·: said Pop. ··s,+ in the warm sun,
of the pend. Pop," called Stan and J;m.
The +hree swimmers wen+ +o
a sunny spc>+. The we+ swimmers
:3a+ happily on a warm spo+
1n +ne. sun.
Book 4 adds:
sw swim
sp spun
tr trap
rm warm
Long Vowel:
ee three
by Bobby Lynn Maslen
pictures by John R. Maslen
Scholastic Inc.
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Available Bob Books~:
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ISBN 0-439·175n-1
Copyright C 1987 by Bobby Lynn Maslen. All rights reserved . Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
Bob Books ii Pubhcallons SCHOLASTIC and aSSOCJated logos are trademarks and/or regtStered trademarks or
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS is a registered trademark of Bob Books Pubhcallons.
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The sun se+.
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"Good n;9h+, Som :
said PQpQ.
·sleep ti9h-l-1 SC\mantha." '-1(\
The sun came. up.~,
sa;d Mama.
"Woof I Woof!
said Roofus, +he pup,
''Get up: said MQma. Sti\11 bu+ Sartian+ha d;d no+ 9e.+ up.
Somoritha d;d no+ sit up.
-- '
- /
sm - smell rn - morn(ing)
wh - whiff ck - lick
rk - bark gh - night
Long Vowel:
oa - toast
Vowel Combinations:
oo - good
ai said
Willy's Wish
0 0
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permission of the publisher For information regarding permission, write to Scholaslie Inc.. AtlentJOn: Perm1ssJOns
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ISBN 0-439-17578 X
Copyright C 1987 by Bobby Lynn Masten All rights reserved Pubhshed by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
Bob Books f> Pubhcabons SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
Mama, Papa,and Willy wen+ +o
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS as a registe<ed trademark of Bob Books Publications.
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2 3 4 5/0 a wishin9 we.II.
The wish grew stronger and
He sn;f fe.d and sniffed. s+ron9e.r and s+ron ger.
Hi� mal'Y'l a \ooke.d.
At lasf
Willy scii d," I wish ,1 wish:' as he
licked his lips,'!for~ bi9,bi9 dish
of Fl SH and CH JPS!''
Book 6 adds:
wh - what lk silk
ch chin rd card
sh wish It felt
Silent E:
a - e baseball
o - e nose
Vowel Combination:
ea - head
Jumper and the Cl wn
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permission of the publisher. For information regarding permission write to Scholastic Inc., Attention Permissions
Department, 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012.
ISBN 0-439-17579-8
CopynghtC 1987 by Bobby Lynn Maslen. Alt rights reserved Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement wrth
Bob Booksl!D Publieations. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos are trademar1(s and/or registered trademarks of
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS Is a registered trademark of Bob Books Publicat1ons
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5
Printed In the U.S.A 10
1234510 A clown came +o +own!
The clown had red pan+s
wi+h pink dots. Her top was green and yellow.
She had
Her hQ+ had spo+s of a round red nose and a
blue and orange. bi.9 9,..;.,_ Her- hair was purple.
Wi+h the. clown wa 5 a Ii++le
brown and black pu P· The pup was called Jumper.
I f'I
The clown grinned a bi9 9r;n, Then +he c.lown put a li++le. 9old
She 9ave +he pup a happy pa+. crown on +he j\Ampin9 pup.
As +he bds clapped orid cheered,
+he down Qr,d +he pup went on +heir
way +o play in cmofher- +own on
another- dG1y.
Book 7 adds:
cl clown
gr gnn
wn - down
Id gold
green red blue
pink orange purple
yellow brown black
Max and the Tom
orrg.notly publl~Md os Bob Books
SCHOLASTIC INC. ISBN 0-439-17580-1
Max and the Tom Cats
Ask for Bob Books at your local bookstore, visit, or call: 1-800-733-5572.
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permiSslon of the publisher. For Information regarding permissiOn, write to Scholastic Inc., Attention: Permissions
Department, 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
ISBN 0-439-17580-1
Copyrlght C 1987 by Bobby Lynn Maslen. All rights reserved Published by Scholastic Inc. by arrangement with
Bob Books 9 Pubhcabons. SCHOLASTIC and associated logos ara trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
Scholastic. Inc. BOB BOOKS Is a registered trademark of Bob Books Publications.
Si>< +om ca-l-s s;+ on +he -h pt"op
12 11 10 9 8 7 6
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2 3 4 5/0 of a bi9 wall.
ti E-ow ,e-ow,e-ow,II
Then, as Ma)( 5qf !oobn~ a+ +he The man in +he moon saw si~
big whi+e moon, he suddenly saw ca+.s and Max."Wha+ a wonderftAl
a man looking back a+ him. s;9hf fo11i9hf ,' said he.
Soon +he br;9h+ 1;9h-l- of +he The.n the si>< +om ca+s di cl
mooti sa+ over +he..Y'fl all. begin +o call Qnd call cmd cGl!I.
Me-ow, r-e-ow,bre-ow:---- M~)( was glad
"they san9 to Ma>C he was in +he. +ree +o see +he
ond +o the. man ;n +he moon. moonli9hf- and "to hear +he soh9-
Buta+ las+. the moon man
wen+ out of sigh+. The. son.9
was over un+i"f ano+her ni9ht. Go· +o bed . Ma)(.
Good nigh+. Ma,c
:; , Moon Ij gh+.
Book 8 adds:
x six
sq squall
Silent E:
i- e white