Sentence Outline Guide
Sentence Outline Guide
Sentence Outline Guide
Narrowed Topic:
THESIS STATEMENT - Inclusive of the TOPIC of the essay, the LANGUAGE of the method of
discourse, and the POINTS of the body paragraphs in sequence.
1 point in the TOPIC SENTENCE – Inclusive of the LANGUAGE of the method of
thesis statement discourse, the TOPIC of the essay, and the POINT of the first paragraph
2nd point in the TOPIC SENTENCE – Inclusive of the POINT of the second paragraph, the
thesis statement LANGUAGE of the method of discourse, and the TOPIC of the essay
3rd point in the TOPIC SENTENCE – Inclusive of the TOPIC of the essay, the POINT of the
thesis statement third paragraph, and the LANGUAGE of the method of discourse
The introduction will begin here. This will move from the broad contextualization, narrowing to the focus
of the essay. This context can be geographical, historical, sociological, technological or otherwise, or it can
be a combination of contextualisations. It will also present the topic of the essay. It will also discuss the
significance of the topic. Throughout the introduction, there will be some presence of the language of the
method of exposition. The introduction will end with the same thesis statement presented in the sentence
outline above.
One body paragraph will begin next starting with the relevant TOPIC SENTENCE exactly as it was presented
in the sentence outline. Then the POINT of the paragraph will be explained in further detail. This is
followed by examples of the point of the paragraph within the parameters of the topic of the essay. This
is then substantiated by evidence (quotation, statistic, data, case study, paraphrase, summary). The
evidence will be cited for academic responsibility (appropriately cited according to citation style – MLA 8th
Ed). Then the Impact or significance of the point – the part to the whole or the group to the larger class –
to the topic is explicitly presented. Throughout the paragraph there will be some presence of the language
of the method of exposition. The paragraph can then end in a summary sentence if the impact sentence
The conclusion can begin with a topic sentence that reflects the argument of the thesis statement. Avoid
introducing new information or making recommendations. Instead, bring together all the main points of
your introduction and body paragraphs and use a unifying conclusion to tie up any loose ends.
Synthesize the information you have already presented in your essay and draw a conclusion based on
what you now know. Throughout the conclusion, there will be some presence of the language of the
method of exposition.
Works Cited