Updated - Candidate - Bulletin NAVLE

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Congratulations on taking the first step on your North American
Veterinary Licensing Examination® (NAVLE®) journey. Administered by the ICVA®
since 2000, the NAVLE is a requirement for licensure to practice veterinary
medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in the U.S. and Canada. The NAVLE consists
of 360 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions and is available during a
predetermined testing window in November–December and April.

This NAVLE bulletin for candidates contains important information, including

procedural and policy details. The application and approval process are explained,
in addition to tips on preparing for the exam and making sense of score reports.
Please keep this bulletin for reference throughout your application, testing,
licensure, and score transfer process.

For the latest updates, sign up for NAVLE email notifications. LINK

The policies, procedures, requirements and other information in this bulletin pertain For general inquiries contact:
to applications for the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination® (NAVLE®®) for
the testing windows specified on the front cover. This bulletin contains important
information. Please keep it for reference throughout your application, testing, licensure,
and score transfer process. ®

PO Box 1356
Bismarck, ND 58502
Phone: 701.224.0332
Copyright© 2022 by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA ®). All rights
® ® Fax: 701.224.0435
reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without permission from the ICVA. E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.icva.net


General Information 1
Purpose and Mission of NAVLE 1
Primary Objectives of the NAVLE 1
Computer-Based Testing (CBT) 1
Description of the Examination 2


Assistance for NAVLE Candidates 3
Eligibility Requirements 3
Candidates Requesting Test Accommodations 3
Candidates With Pre-Existing Medical Conditions 4
Examinees Who Require Additional Break Time 4
Personal Item Exceptions 4
NAVLE Application Process for Licensure in Canada 4
NAVLE Application Process for Licensure in the U.S. & U.S. Territories 4
Application Procedures 5
Application Fees 5
Application Deadlines 5
Change of Name or Contact Information 6
Retake Policy 6

Prometric Test Centers for Computer-Based Testing (CBT) 7
Scheduling and Admission Permits 7
Scheduling a Test Date 7
Changing Testing Appointment or Location 8


Test Question Format 9
Sample Questions 9
Practice Examination and Tutorial 9
Self-Assessments 9

Testing Conditions 10
Rules of Conduct 11
Irregular Behavior 11

Check-in Procedures 13
Security Procedures 13
Break Time 14
Starting and Completing the Test 15
Scoring, Analysis, and Standard Setting 16
Scoring Process and Score Reports 16
Examination Scores 17
School Score Reports by Candidate Consent 17
Research 17
Grievances 17
NAVLE Score Transfers 18


Examination Development 19
Examination Content 19


United States 21
Canada 25


n Officially enrolled in, or graduate of, an AVMA- n If you have not graduated at the time of
accredited veterinary school; or application, for most states your expected date
n Officially enrolled in, or hold certificate issued by, of graduation must be no later than 10 months.

the ECFVG or PAVE. You must also have completed n For candidates applying through Nebraska, the
the Step 3 examination requirement before graduation requirement is no later than 8 months
applying to take the exam. from the last date of the testing window.
n For candidates applying through Washington, the
graduation requirement is no later than 6 months
from the last date of the testing window.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you may apply to take the NAVLE.
More information regarding the eligibility process. LINK



The ICVA has recommended the following set of policies to individual licensing agencies:
n Candidates cannot take the NAVLE more than five times.
n Candidates cannot sit for the examination at a date that is later than five years after their
initial attempt.
n Each of the final two attempts must be at least one year from the previous attempt.
n Candidates who successfully complete the NAVLE are not permitted to retake the exam-
ination except to comply with certain requirements as approved by the ICVA. Some boards
have adopted the policy; others have their own NAVLE retake policy.

Information regarding state-specific retake requirements. LINK


If you are applying to take the NAVLE in order to If you have a documented disability covered under
obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and require
Canada, you must contact the Canadian National test accommodations, if you require extra testing time
Examining Board (NEB) and follow their NAVLE or additional break time during the exam day or if
application procedures and requirements. you require a personal item to be in the testing
center with you during the exam day,

Contact CNEB LINK please visit this section on our website LINK


ICVA NAVLE n Complete the NAVLE application and n The ICVA office staff will assist you
Application pay the corresponding application with any questions that you have
fee. about NAVLE application and
n The NAVLE fee is $720. There is an
additional fee of $345 for international n Make sure that your name on your
testing. application matches your name
exactly as it appears on the photo ID
n The NAVLE application is due on
that you will use for admission to the
August 1 for the November-
test center.
December window and February 1
for the April window.

Apply and Pay Fee LINK


NAVLE State n Contact your chosen board (or its n The state board contact information can
Application designated processor) to request be found on the ICVA website.
their NAVLE application.
n No board application deadline will State Board Contacts LINK
be later than August 1 for the
November-December window or LINK
February 1 for the April window.

Scheduling n You will receive an e-mail notifying n Scheduling permits will be available
Your Testing you that your scheduling permit is by early September for the
available. November-December testing
window and late February for the
n Visit the Prometric website to
April testing window.
schedule your test date.
n Contact Prometric one week prior
to your scheduled testing appointment
Schedule Appointment LINK
for confirmation.
Confirm Appointment LINK


If you are applying to take the NAVLE in order to Scores will be reported to the board through which
obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine in you were approved approximately four weeks after the
Canada, you must contact the Canadian National close of the testing window. Your NAVLE score will
Examining Board (NEB) and follow their NAVLE be made directly available to you via a secure on-line
portal at the same time. If you want to have your
application procedures and requirements.
scores transferred to another licensing board, contact
the AAVSB at 877.698.8482, or via their website.
visit AAVSB site to transfer scores

n Review NAVLE Rules of Conduct prior to taking n Feel compelled to test if you are ill, under unusual
your examination. stress or feeling unprepared for the examination.
n Remember to bring your scheduling permit n Bring friends and family members to the testing
(printed or electronically) and required identification center; instead arrange to meet them after the
(see below). examination ends.
n You will not be permitted to test without both your n Bring unauthorized items to the testing room. If
permit and your ID. you have a documented medical condition that
requires you to bring personal items into the
n Arrive 30 minutes prior to your testing appointment.
testing center, you must contact the ICVA when
n Follow all instructions of test center staff before, you submit your NAVLE application for further
during, and after your examination. information. Soft foam earplugs are allowed with
n Put all personal belongings, including your cell no need for authorization.
phone and study materials, in the locker provided. n Write anything on laminated note boards prior to
n Use approved personal items only during autho- entering your Candidate Identification Number
rized breaks. (CIN) and starting your examination.
n Be sure to complete all sections of the examination.


n Passport. During your check-in you will:
n Driver’s License with photograph. n Be scanned with a handheld metal detector and/or
n National Identity Card. walk-through.
n Other forms of dated, unexpired, government- n Be asked to empty and turn your pockets inside out.
issued identification with a photo. n Have your photo ID checked.
n You will be asked to complete this process each
The name on your identification must match time you return to the testing room after a break.
the name on your permit exactly.
n Put all personal belongings, including your cell n Ask people what they saw on their examination
phone and study materials, in the locker provided. or share what you saw on yours, including on
web forums.
n Access personal belongings only during
authorized breaks. n Change any information on score reports,
transcripts, or any other NAVLE-related
n Verify you are on an authorized break screen
before leaving the examination room for a break.
n Write on your hand, tissue, or any surface other
than the laminated note board provided to you by
test center staff on your examination day.
n Apply and/or sit for an examination if you are not
a current student or a graduate of a veterinary
school, even if you are appealing your school’s
decision to withdraw or dismiss you.
n Provide examination content to test preparation
companies or other entities.


n Registering for or taking an exam when n Cancellation of your exam scores.
ineligible. n Barring you from one or more future examinations.
n Seeking/obtaining prior access to exam n Termination of examination.
n Possible legal action.
n Altering exam scores.
n Fine for damages suffered by the ICVA.
n Having unauthorized items in the testing area.
n Using a proxy to take your exam.
n Writing on anything other than the note
boards provided.
The ICVA program takes examination security
seriously. If you have information of something that
may threaten the security or integrity of the NAVLE,
please email ICVA at [email protected] or call

contact ICVA with security issues


n After testing, the examination data are delivered electronically to our testing vendor.
n Examinee responses are converted into a raw score (the sum of the points earned from
correct responses).
n The raw score is converted into a three-digit score.
n A final quality control check is performed to verify the scores and score report prior to
posting the reports to the candidates.


Your initial NAVLE score will be reported to the
Scores will be reported to you directly and to the licensing board through which you were approved
board through which you were approved approx- and to the AAVSB. The cost of the initial score
imately four weeks after the end of the testing reports are included in your NAVLE fee. All subse-
window. quent requests for NAVLE score reports must be
directed to the VAULT, operated by the AAVSB.
When your score is available, you will receive an
email providing you with instructions for accessing To transfer your scores to additional licensing
your NAVLE score report. jurisdictions, you must make your request through
the AAVSB.

Request Score Transfer LINK


More information regarding the score reporting process. LINK


This bulletin contains procedural and policy information for the North American Veterinary
Licensing Examination (NAVLE®). You should become familiar with all aspects of this
bulletin. Please note that while every attempt has been made to provide accurate and defi-
nite information, the International Council for Veterinary Assessment®® (ICVA®®) may need to
change or revise policies and procedures that affect the NAVLE program. Changes will be
posted on the ICVA’s website (www.icva.net) as soon as they are determined. You should
check this website for the most current information about ICVA policies and procedures.

All test questions used in the NAVLE are owned by the ICVA and are copyrighted. Any
reproduction by any means or distribution of NAVLE questions without the express
written authorization of the ICVA and the NBME®® is prohibited. The ICVA reserves the right
to pursue their rights and remedies to the fullest extent permitted by law without further
notice to you, including taking legal action.

Purpose and Mission of NAVLE

The NAVLE is a requirement for licensure to practice veterinary medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in
the U.S. and Canada, and is developed by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA)
working with the National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®). The ICVA supports veterinary licensing
authorities through its leadership in the development, delivery, and continual improvement of high-
quality assessments across the continuum of veterinarians’ preparation for practice.

Primary Objectives of the NAVLE

n To provide a comprehensive objective examination to state, territorial, or provincial boards charged
with the licensing of veterinarians.
n To protect the public by ensuring that veterinarians demonstrate a specified level of knowledge and
skills before entering veterinary practice.
n To assess the professional competency of veterinarians in terms of their qualifications to enter private
clinical practice.
n To provide a common standard in the evaluation of candidates that will be comparable from jurisdic-
tion to jurisdiction.
n To contribute to the veterinary profession through the development of improved definitions of the
relationship between knowledge and professional practice.
n To facilitate interstate/interprovincial licensing reciprocity for practicing veterinarians.

Computer-Based Testing (CBT)

The NAVLE is administered on computer. CBT offers enhanced security measures for the examination
process. Security of the test materials is ensured by the encryption of data prior to transmission to the
test centers. Audio and video monitoring in the test centers enhances the proctoring of the examination,
and digital cameras are used to identify NAVLE candidates.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 1


Description of the Examination

The NAVLE consists of an optional 15-minute tutorial and 360 multiple-choice questions administered
in six blocks of 60 questions each. You will have 65 minutes to complete each block, for a total of 390
minutes (or six and one-half hours) of total examination time. Forms of the examination are randomly
assigned to each examinee. All candidates will have the same number of questions and the same time
allotment. Within each block, you may answer questions in any order and review and/or change your
answers. When you exit a block, or when time expires, no further review of questions or changing of
answers within that block is possible.

The NAVLE is designed to assess your knowledge of veterinary medicine as it relates to entry-level pri-
vate clinical practice. The examination covers all animal species commonly seen by private practitioners
in North America. Approximately 15%-20% of the NAVLE questions will include graphic or pictorial infor-
mation (such as a photograph or radiograph). Pictorial information will be displayed in a viewer window
that provides zoom, contrast adjustment, and panning capabilities.

Sixty of the 360 questions will be used as pretest questions and will not be counted in scoring. Pretest
questions will occur randomly throughout each block. You will not be able to distinguish between the
scored and pretest items. You will have 45 minutes of total break time which may be used to make the
transition between blocks and for breaks. Breaks are not fixed – you will have the personal flexibility to
use this time to suit your needs. Breaks may only be taken between blocks of questions.

2 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin



The ICVA office stands ready to help answer your questions or resolve problems you may encounter
with the NAVLE application and registration process. Please do not hesitate to contact our office by
mail, telephone, or email, if you need assistance. It is better to ask for assistance than to assume that
everything is fine, only to discover too late that you are unable to take the NAVLE because of problems
with your applications or your Scheduling and Admission Permit.

To reduce the potential for misunderstandings and to ensure the privacy of candidate information, the
ICVA office will correspond only with the candidate regarding NAVLE application, request for test accom-
modations, fee payment, registration, and score reporting questions, unless the candidate specifically
authorizes the ICVA, in writing, to correspond with a third party. The ICVA may, however, correspond
with the appropriate licensing board and/or veterinary school official regarding a candidate’s status in
the NAVLE program.

Eligibility Requirements
The NAVLE is administered only to bona fide candidates for licensure to practice veterinary medicine.
This includes candidates who:
n Graduated from or are enrolled in a school or college of veterinary medicine accredited by the Council

on Education of the American Veterinary Medical Association; or

n Enrolled in, or hold certificates issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Gradu-

ates (ECFVG) or the Program for the Assessment of Veterinary Education Equivalence (PAVE). Candi-
dates who are enrolled in ECFVG or PAVE must have completed the Step 3 examination requirement
of the respective program before they may be approved by a licensing board to take the NAVLE.

In Canada and most U.S. states, if you have not graduated from veterinary school at the time of
application, you must have an expected graduation date no later than ten (10) months from the last
date of the applicable testing window. If you are applying through the Nebraska state board, there is an
eight (8) month graduation requirement, and for Washington a six (6) month graduation
requirement. If your eligibility status changes after you are approved to take the examination, you must
notify the organization that approved you for the NAVLE. Failure to do so may result in the cancellation
of your NAVLE score results.

If you are a candidate who is repeating the NAVLE, please refer to the Retake Policy information on page 6.

Candidates Requesting Test Accommodations

If you have a documented disability covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and require
test accommodations, you must contact the ICVA to obtain information regarding testing accommoda-
tions, application procedures, and documentation requirements before you apply for the NAVLE.

If your accommodation request requires that you have extended testing time for your examination, you
must take the NAVLE over a two-day period.

It takes time to review the documentation necessary to approve test accommodations. If you do not
submit the required documentation to the ICVA in time to allow them to review it, you will not be eligible
for accommodations. All supporting documentation must be provided to the ICVA prior to, or at the time
of, submission of your NAVLE application. Remember to mark on your NAVLE application that
you will be requesting accommodations.

All supporting documentation must be provided to the ICVA prior to, or at the time of,
submission of your NAVLE application. Even if documentation is on file from a previous

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 3


NAVLE attempt, you must complete a new NAVLE accommodation request form before the
application deadline for each testing window.

Candidates With Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

If you have a pre-existing medical condition that could affect your ability to take the NAVLE on your
scheduled test date, or if you have a medical condition that requires frequent use of the restroom, notify
the ICVA of your condition at the time you submit your NAVLE application.

Examinees Who Require Additional Break Time

Examinees with medical conditions, such as lactation, may apply for additional break time/standard
testing time by submitting the form available on our website along with a letter from a qualified health
care professional documenting the medical necessity of the request. Please submit the request at the
time of your NAVLE application to the ICVA office. If the medical issue develops after you have submit-
ted your application, please contact the ICVA immediately.

Personal Item Exceptions

Unauthorized possession of personal items while you are in the secure areas of the testing center is
prohibited. However, in certain limited circumstances, exceptions to this policy may be made for medical
reasons, provided that permission is granted in advance of the test day. To request approval to bring
personal items into the secure areas of the testing center for medical reasons, please submit a written
request and documentation to the ICVA at the time of your NAVLE application. If the medical issue
develops after you have submitted your application, please contact the ICVA immediately.

Some appliances and devices required for chronic or acute medical situations are already pre-approved
for test candidates to use while in the Prometric Testing Centers, including but not limited to service
animals, insulin pumps, inhalers, canes, crutches, slings, casts, wheelchairs, TENS units, and eyeglasses.
These pre-approved items may be brought to the testing center without receiving prior approval from
the ICVA. If you are unsure whether you should request an exception or not, please contact the ICVA.
All personal items brought to the examination, either with prior approval from the ICVA or without
pre-approval, are subject to inspection at the test center. If you bring a non-approved item to your exam-
ination, you may not be permitted to test, you may be required to relinquish the item, and/or you may
be investigated for irregular behavior.

Candidates are not required to obtain advance permission to consume food or take medication on
authorized breaks.

NAVLE Application Process for Licensure in Canada

If you are applying to take the NAVLE in order to obtain a license to practice veterinary medicine in
Canada, you must contact the Canadian National Examining Board (NEB) in Ottawa and follow their
NAVLE application procedures and requirements. NAVLE application and fee payment must be made
directly to the NEB (not to the ICVA) by their application deadline date. NEB and provincial licensing
board contact information can be found on page 25.

NAVLE Application Process for Licensure in the United States

and U.S. Territories
If you are applying through one of the 36 states that ICVA processes the state portion of the application,
you only need to fill out one application. If you apply through one of the other states that ICVA does not
process the state portion, you need to contact that licensing board directly, and complete their neces-
sary paperwork in addition to the NAVLE application online at www.icva.net. Check your state require-
ments here: www.icva.net/licensing-boards/.

4 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Application Procedures
ICVA NAVLE application
The ICVA NAVLE application is located on the ICVA website during application periods. Application and
payment can be submitted electronically. Refer to the NAVLE Application Information section of the
ICVA website on how to apply for the NAVLE on-line and pay the fee by Visa or MasterCard.

ICVA State or territorial application

NAVLE candidates must apply for approval to take the NAVLE through one state or territorial licensing
board. Each jurisdiction sets its own eligibility requirements for the NAVLE, and you are responsible for
obtaining the necessary NAVLE application materials from the jurisdiction in which you plan to seek
licensure (or from their designated NAVLE application processor). Because the NAVLE application re-
quirements, deadlines, and application fees vary among jurisdictions, contact your chosen board well in
advance of the NAVLE application deadline. U.S. state and territorial licensing board contact information
can be found on pages 21-25.

You can apply for NAVLE approval through one board only, and your score will be reported to that board.
You may not change your licensing board after your eligibility file has been submitted to our test vendor.
Once you pass the NAVLE, you may request score transfers to other jurisdictions through the American
Association of Veterinary State Boards. See the NAVLE Score Transfers section on page 18 for more

Application Fees
The NAVLE fee is $720, payable in U.S. funds. An additional international fee of $345 will be assessed
for candidates taking the NAVLE outside the U.S., U.S. territories, and Canada.

Licensing board NAVLE application and approval fees vary. Contact your chosen board (or its processor)
for accurate information on how to submit the application fee. You will not be permitted to take the
NAVLE unless both the ICVA NAVLE application fee and the licensing board state NAVLE application fee
have been paid.

The NAVLE has been approved by the Veterans Administration (VA) for VA education benefits. Call
1.888.442.4551 or visit www.gibill.va.gov for more information.

The NAVLE fee is nonrefundable and nontransferable. If you do not take the examination during
the testing window for which you were approved, you must submit a new application and pay the full
fee to take the NAVLE during a subsequent window. If there are extenuating circumstances that make
it impossible for you to take the NAVLE once you have submitted your application and paid your fee,
contact the ICVA office for guidance. Please note, if the payment method selected by you results in a
dishonor or a later dispute as to the validity of the payment for any NAVLE services, your NAVLE eligibil-
ity may be suspended, your scores may be withheld, and any scores that have been reported may be re-
scinded pending resolution of the dishonor or dispute and the payment of additional fees by you arising
from such dishonor or dispute.

Application Deadlines
The deadline for receipt of your applications by the licensing board and the ICVA will be no later than
August 1 for the November - December testing window and February 1 for the April testing window.
You should contact your chosen board early, because some boards have an earlier deadline. Both the
ICVA NAVLE application and fee, and the licensing board state NAVLE application and fee, must be
received by the designated offices by their respective deadlines.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 5


Change of Name or Contact Information

You must notify the ICVA and your state licensing board (or its NAVLE processor) in writing of any name,
email address, postal address, or telephone number changes. Notification of a name change must be
accompanied by an attested photocopy of a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court judgment from
a name change petition. For additional information on ID and name requirements, refer to the Security
Procedures section on pages 10-11.

Retake Policy
The ICVA has recommended to licensing boards that candidates not be approved to take the NAVLE
more than five times, and that they not be allowed to sit for the examination at a date that is later than
five years after their initial attempt. Each of the final two attempts must be at least one year from the
previous attempt. This recommendation is included in contracts with licensing boards, and took effect
beginning with the fall 2007 NAVLE administration. Any attempts by a candidate to pass the NAVLE
prior to the fall 2007 administration do not count toward the five-attempt limit. If state law permits an
applicant to take the NAVLE more than five times, or if state law restricts an applicant to fewer than five
attempts, state law will prevail. A table of licensing board policies on NAVLE retakes is available on the
ICVA website. Candidates who successfully complete the NAVLE may not retake the examination with-
out the express written permission of the ICVA and the licensing board requiring the individual to retake
the examination.

In order to implement the NAVLE Retake Policy stated above, the ICVA reserves the right to notify licens-
ing boards of all previous attempts by a candidate in any jurisdiction. This notification will not include
score information.

6 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin



The NAVLE is administered in Prometric Test Centers (PTCs). Prometric provides CBT
services for professional licensure, academic assessment, certification, and for various
other professional and academic needs.

All PTCs are set up similarly. This not only helps enhance security, but also provides the
same standards of comfort and uniformity for all candidates.

The NAVLE is administered in the United States, U.S. Territories, and Canada, and at
selected PTCs in13 international testing regions, as listed on the NAVLE application.
Locations of PTCs available for the NAVLE can be found at the Prometric
website www.prometric.com/ICVA.

Prometric test center locations are subject to change, and there is no guarantee that a
center listed on the Prometric website at the time of application will be available for a
future NAVLE administration. In the event a Prometric testing center closes, affected
candidates will be advised on making alternate testing arrangements at another site.

Scheduling and Admission Permits

A Scheduling and Admission Permit with instructions for making an appointment at a Prometric Test
Center will be issued to you after you submit your completed applications, have paid the NAVLE fees,
are deemed eligible by a licensing board, and have been processed by the NBME. The permit specifies
the eligibility period during which you must complete the examination. You will receive an email with in-
structions for accessing your permit no later than September 25th for the November-December testing
window and February 27th for the April testing window. Please review your Scheduling and Admission
Permit upon receipt to ensure that the name listed on the permit is correct and that it matches the gov-
ernment-issued identification that you plan to provide on test day. Please notify ICVA immediately if the
name listed on your scheduling permit is not correct.

Scheduling a Test Date

You must have your Scheduling and Admission Permit before contacting Prometric to schedule your
testing appointment. Your Scheduling and Admission Permit will contain a Scheduling Number. This is
the number that you will use when you schedule your testing appointment.

The testing windows are November 1 - December 16, 2022 and April 3 - 22, 2023. To obtain your
preferred test center and date, contact Prometric as soon as possible after accessing your Scheduling and
Admission Permit. If you delay scheduling an appointment, you may not receive the location or test date
you want. Try not to schedule on or near the last day of your eligibility period. If something unexpected
happens you may need the extra time remaining in the testing window to reschedule. Please note that
PTCs are closed on major holidays and some centers are open on weekend days.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 7


If you do not take the examination during the testing window for which you were approved, but wish to
take it in the future, you must reapply and pay the fees again. A new Scheduling and Admission Permit
is issued to approved candidates for each testing window.

When scheduling, Prometric will issue you a Prometric Confirmation Number. Please note that your
Confirmation Number is not the same as your Candidate Identification Number (CIN). You will need this
number to confirm, reschedule, and/or cancel your testing appointment with Prometric. The ICVA does
not have access to your Prometric Confirmation Number.

Changing Testing Appointment or Location

If you are unable to keep a testing appointment on your scheduled date or at your scheduled location,
you may change your date or location within that testing window and within your chosen testing region
using the Prometric contact information on your Scheduling and Admission Permit. You will need to
provide your Prometric Confirmation Number (issued to you by Prometric when you made your original
appointment) when you reschedule. A request to reschedule an appointment must be made by noon
local time (of the region in which you are registered to test as noted on your permit) at least two
business days before your testing appointment. When contacting Prometric by telephone, you must
speak with a representative. Leaving a voice mail message does not satisfy the requirement to provide
advance notice.

To avoid a Prometric rescheduling fee, you must reschedule your appointment by noon local time (of the
region in which you registered to test as noted on your Scheduling and Admission Permit) at least two
business days before your appointment. If you need to reschedule your appointment or change your
test center location within two (2) calendar days of your appointment, you must pay a rescheduling fee
to Prometric. If you cancel your appointment within two (2) calendar days or do not test as scheduled,
before you can schedule a new appointment, you must call Prometric Candidate Cares at the number
listed in the second paragraph of your permit and pay to reinstate your eligibility record. Having your eli-
gibility reset does not guarantee an opening will be available within the testing window. Reset fees are

If you need to change your testing region at any point after your eligibility file has been submitted to our
testing coordinator, contact the ICVA. You will receive a new Scheduling and Admission Permit con-
taining a new scheduling number. Any existing appointment will automatically be cancelled and it will
be your responsibility to schedule a new appointment. You will be required to pay additional fees. Any
changes in your testing region must be made at least 14 days prior to the start of the testing window.

8 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin



The NAVLE includes only single questions with one best answer. They consist of a state-
ment or question followed, in most cases, by five options arranged in alphabetical or
logical order (a few items may have four or six options). The response options for all ques-
tions are lettered (e.g., A, B, C, D, E). Examinees are required to select the best answer to
the question. Other options may be partially correct, but there is only ONE BEST answer.

Sample Questions
Sixty sample test questions and an answer key are available on the www.ICVA.net website.

Practice Examination and Tutorial

The ICVA website has a practice examination with 20 additional sample items, formatted as a practice
test with the same tutorial and general software interface used by Prometric to deliver the NAVLE. This
software includes, among other features, clickable icons for marking questions to be reviewed, automat-
ed review of marked and incomplete questions, and a timer panel indicating the time remaining in the
test. The tutorial does not include the calculator function available on the NAVLE. You will also be able
to practice using the zoom, contrast adjustment, and panning capabilities for pictorial information.
Although the software is simple and intuitive, it is highly recommended that you practice before your
test date, because practice at the test center will be limited to a 15-minute tutorial.

NAVLE Self-Assessments are available for purchase through the ICVA website www.ICVA.net.
There are two types of NAVLE Self-Assessments available: Regular and Expanded Feedback. Expanded
Feedback is offered for Form 2 for an additional fee of $15 to receive the correct answers to questions
that are answered incorrectly. The fees are $50 (regular) and $65 (expanded feedback) and the fee is
nonrefundable. Each type of assessment contains 200 items. English versions and French versions are
offered, and a score report is available immediately after completion of a self-assessment. There is
only one version of each exam form. The score report shows the performance on the total as-
sessment, and for each of the main topic areas. It indicates the performance of a comparison group of
candidates on the same items, and it includes a projected NAVLE score range based on the participant’s
performance on the assessment. Answers to individual questions are not provided except on Form 2
(Expanded Feedback – for an additional fee). See the NAVLE Self-Assessments page on the ICVA web-
site for more information. Please note, if the payment method selected by you results in a dishonor or
a later dispute as to the validity of the payment for any NAVLE services, your NAVLE eligibility may be
suspended, your scores may be withheld, and any scores that have been reported may be rescinded
pending resolution of the dishonor or dispute and the payment of additional fees by you arising from
such dishonor or dispute.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 9


Policies and procedures governing administration of the examination have been estab-
lished to ensure that no candidate or group of candidates receives unfair advantage on the
examination, inadvertently or otherwise.

Efforts are made to ensure that the examination is administered under standard conditions
and is consistent with the principles on which the examination is developed and scored.
However, if the integrity of the examination process appears to have been jeopardized, the
ICVA reserves the right to invalidate all or any part of an examination or to withhold scores
even if it cannot prove that you personally engaged in irregular behavior or that you
benefited from the irregular behavior of others.

Physical security of examination materials will be controlled through computerized,

electronic transmission of encrypted data. Observation of the testing sessions will be aided
by use of audio and video monitors and recording and other equipment available at test
centers. All testing sessions for the NAVLE are monitored by staff at the test center.

Candidates observed engaging in possible violation of test administration rules or other forms of irregu-
lar behavior during an examination will not necessarily be told of the observation by test center staff at
the time of the examination.

You may not bring any personal belongings into the testing room, including, but not limited to mechan-
ical or electronic devices, outerwear, brimmed hats, book bags, backpacks, purses, books, notes, study
materials, calculators, watches, recording or filming devices, radios, electronic paging devices, cellular
telephones, food, or beverages. If you bring any personal belongings to the test center, you must store
them in a designated locker outside the testing area. Upon reasonable suspicion, such personal belong-
ings and their contents may be inspected. If you have any doubt whether an item may be brought into
the testing room, it is your obligation to obtain express permission from staff at the test center before
you begin your examination.

Any materials that reasonably appear to be reproductions of any NAVLE materials will be confiscated.
Making notes of any kind during an examination, except on the materials provided by the test center for
this purpose, is not permitted.

Candidates are not permitted to communicate with, seek aid from, or provide aid to any other candidate
during the examination.

There may be test takers from other professions taking examinations during your test administration.
Their examination formats and schedules will differ from your schedule. There may be low levels of
background activity audible as they arrive, take their examinations, and depart. Candidates are allowed
to bring cordless soft-foam earplugs into the testing room. However, they must be out of the packaging
and ready for inspection by test center staff during check-in. Earplugs must be left at the workstation
during all breaks.

10 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Rules of Conduct
All NAVLE candidates will see this screen as they begin their examination.

Irregular Behavior
All NAVLE candidates must agree with the following statement before they will be able to take
the examination: “This examination contains test materials that are owned and copyrighted by the
International Council for Veterinary Assessment® (ICVA®), or jointly by the ICVA and the National Board
of Medical Examiners® (NBME®). Any reproduction of these materials or any part of them, through any
means, including, but not limited to copying or printing of electronic files, reconstruction through memori-
zation and/or dictation, and/or dissemination of these materials or any part of them is strictly prohibited.”

Irregular behavior is defined as any behavior that undermines the application, assessment, or certifica-
tion processes of the ICVA or that threatens the integrity of the NAVLE certification process. Anyone
having information or evidence that suspected irregular behavior has occurred should submit a written,
signed statement to the ICVA providing a detailed description of the incident and/or circumstances
and copies of any supporting documentation and evidence. Insofar as possible, such reports will be
handled confidentially; however, the ICVA generally will not investigate and/or act on unsigned or
verbal reports. Irregular behavior may occur prior to, during, and/or following examination application
and administration.

Specific examples of conduct that may be deemed to be irregular behavior include, but are not limited
to, the following:
n Seeking, providing, and/or obtaining unauthorized access to examination materials.
n Providing false information or making false statements on or in connection with application forms,

scheduling permits, or other NAVLE-related documents.

n Taking or attempting to take an examination for which you are not eligible.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 11


n Taking an examination for someone or engaging someone to take an examination for you seeking,
providing, or obtaining unauthorized assistance during the examination or attempting to do so.
n Making notes of any kind while in the secure areas of the test center, except on the writing materials
provided at the test center for this purpose.
n Failing to adhere to any NAVLE policy, procedure, or rule, including instructions of the test center staff.
n Verbal or physical harassment of test center staff or other examination staff, or other disruptive or
unprofessional behavior during the registration, scheduling, or examination process.
n Possessing any unauthorized materials, including, but not limited to, photographic equipment,
communication or recording devices, fitness and tracking monitors, and cell phones, in the secure
testing areas.
n Altering or misrepresenting examination scores.
n Unauthorized reproduction by any means, including, but not limited to, reconstruction through
memorization and/or dissemination of copyrighted examination materials by any means, including
the Internet.
n Communicating or attempting to communicate about specific test items, cases, and/or answers
with another examinee, potential examinee, or formal or informal test preparation group at any time
before, during, or after an examination.
n Failure to cooperate fully in any investigation of a violation of the NAVLE rules.

Any irregular behavior will be reported to the ICVA and will constitute grounds for the NAVLE
program to:
n Bar you from one or more future examinations or permanently; and/or
n Invalidate the results of your examination and any prior examinations; and/or
n Withhold your scores; and/or
n Fine you in an amount that reflects damages suffered by the NAVLE program, including its costs of

investigation and the costs of replacing any items that must be removed from the item bank; and/or
n Censure you; and/or
n Sue you for damages and civil remedies; and/or
n Pursue prosecution of you for any conduct that constitutes a criminal or civil violation; and/or
n Take any other appropriate action.

Candidates also understand and agree that the ICVA may withhold their scores and may require them to
retake the examination if the NAVLE Program is presented with evidence demonstrating to the NAVLE
Program, in its sole discretion, that the security of the examination has been compromised, notwith-
standing the absence of any evidence of their personal involvement in the compromising activities.
Candidates have an affirmative duty to cooperate in any investigation conducted by or on behalf of the
NAVLE Program, including but not limited to providing written or oral statements to the NAVLE Program
and providing copies of documents and items in their possession, custody or control. This duty to coop-
erate exists whether or not the candidate is a specific target of the investigation or is merely a potential
witness to the irregular conduct of others. Candidates further understand and agree that the examina-
tion and related materials utilized in the NAVLE are copyrighted and must not be removed from the test
area or reproduced in any way, and that reproduction of copyrighted material, in whole or in part, is a
federal offense and may subject them to the sanctions listed above.

Any irregular behavior or violation of the test administration rules may, in the sole discretion of the ICVA,
be reported to the applicable board or boards of veterinary medicine, which could jeopardize your po-
tential for licensure. In addition, if the NAVLE Program has reason to believe that a candidate may have
engaged in irregular behavior, it may notify the applicable board or boards of veterinary medicine, even if
the investigation is ongoing and no findings have been made.

If you have any questions or doubts about whether an activity might constitute irregular behavior, you
should contact the ICVA for clarification.

12 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


You should arrive at the test center 30 minutes prior to your scheduled test appointment.
If you arrive after your appointment time, you may not be admitted. If you arrive more than
30 minutes after your scheduled testing appointment, you will not be admitted and must
pay a fee to reschedule your test. Your rescheduled test date(s) must fall within your
eligibility period. Please contact the ICVA office if you must reschedule your test.

After you present the required identification, you will sign a test center log, be photographed,
and store your personal belongings in your assigned locker. You may be scanned with a
handheld metal detector and asked to empty and turn your pockets inside out before
entering the testing room to confirm that you have no prohibited items. You may be asked
to repeat this process prior to every entry into the testing room after a break.

Security Procedures
When you arrive at the test center, you must present your scheduling and admission permit and the 
required identification as described on your scheduling and admission permit. Acceptable forms of
unexpired identification include:
n Passport.
n Driver’s license with photograph.
n National Identity Card.
n Other form of dated, unexpired, government-issued identification.

Your name, as it appears on your scheduling and admission permit, must match the name on your
form(s) of identification exactly. Your identification must contain both your signature and a recent photo-
graph. If the name listed on your scheduling and admission is not correct, contact the ICVA immediately.
Please review your scheduling and admission permit for details and limited exceptions.

Name changes or corrections cannot be made within seven business days of a scheduled testing date.
If your government-issued identification form contains only a photograph, a second form of unexpired
identification with your signature is required, such as a student ID or credit card.

Remember: If you do not bring your scheduling and admission permit on paper or electronically (e.g.,
via smartphone) and acceptable identification, you WILL NOT be admitted to the test and will be required
to pay a fee to reschedule your test. Your rescheduled test date(s) must fall within your eligibility period.
Having your eligibility reset does not guarantee an opening will be available within the testing window.

Please note the following:

n You will be scanned with a handheld metal detector or a full body scanner.
n You will be asked to empty and turn your pockets inside out; you will be asked to repeat this process

prior to every entry in to the testing room after a break.

n You will be required to remove eyeglasses for visual inspection by the test center administrators.

These inspections will take a few seconds and will be done at check-in and upon return from breaks.
n Jewelry, except for wedding and engagement rings, is prohibited.
n Hair accessories are subject to inspection. You should not wear ornate clips, combs, barrettes, head-

bands, and other hair accessories. Any examinee wearing any of these items may be prohibited from
wearing them in the testing room, and asked to store such items in their locker.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 13


Before you enter the test room, test center staff will give you laminated writing surfaces (or scratch
paper) and markers to use for making notes and/or calculations during the testing session. You will be
instructed to write your name and CIN, as shown on your scheduling and admission permit, on one of
the laminated writing surfaces provided.

They should be used only at your assigned testing station, and only after you have entered your Candi-
date Identification Number (CIN) to start your test session. If you have filled the laminated writing surfac-
es and need additional space for making notes, raise your hand to ask test center staff for a replacement.
You must return laminated writing surfaces to test center staff at the end of the testing session.  Do NOT
write on anything other than the laminated writing surface (e.g., your hand, other body part, tissue, etc.).
Failure to comply may result in a finding of irregular behavior.

Test center staff will escort you to your assigned testing station and provide brief instructions on use of
the computer equipment. You must enter your CIN to start the examination. A brief tutorial is available
before each examination. It is important that you run the sound check for the audio headphones in the
tutorial so that, if a problem is detected, it can be resolved before you start the examination.

An on-screen calculator will be available for use during your examination.

There are no facilities available for family and friends to wait at the center while you test; plan to meet
them elsewhere after the examination ends.

Break Time
Your test session is scheduled for a fixed amount of time and the computer keeps track of the time
allocated for each block and for breaks. At the start of the testing session, you have a total of 45 minutes
of break time for authorized breaks and for computer transitions between blocks. Authorized breaks in-
clude any time you spend between test blocks, whether you remain at your seat or you leave the testing
room. If you complete the tutorial or other testing blocks early, the remaining time will be added to your
total break time.

Once you begin a testing block, no authorized breaks are provided during the block. During the blocks,
the block and daytime clocks continue to run even if you leave the testing room (e.g., for a personal
emergency). If you leave during the block, the test center will file a report of the incident. Additionally,
the unauthorized break screen, described in the examination tutorial, will appear on the monitor after
a defined period of inactivity. After the unauthorized break screen appears, you will need to enter your
CIN to continue with the examination. Each time you leave the testing room, you are required to sign out
and sign in when you return. You must present your identification each time you sign in.

If you take too much break time and exceed the allocated or accumulated break time, the excess will be
deducted from your total testing time. Use the time summary feature (explained in the tutorial on test
day) to keep track of your time.

14 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Starting and Completing the Test

The test session ends when you have started and exited all blocks or the total test time expires. You
will receive an end of session notice during checkout that you have appeared for the test. If your test is
scheduled for multiple days, be sure to bring a copy of your scheduling and admission permit with you
each day or you may not be permitted to test.

After you start taking your examination, you cannot cancel or reschedule your examination. If you
experience a computer issue during the test, notify test center staff immediately. The testing software is
designed to restart the test at the point that it was interrupted.

In the rare event that a technical problem occurs that does not permit you to complete your examina-
tion, please send a written description of the incident to the ICVA.  The ICVA must receive your notice
within 10 days of your testing date or it may not be possible to investigate your concerns. Your cor-
respondence should include your name, your ICVA ID number, date of administration, and a detailed
description of the difficulty experienced. Please allow at least 15 business days for your report to be
investigated and evaluated. You will receive written notification of the investigation results.

If you start the examination but do not complete it for reasons other than a technical problem or expira-
tion of time, you should promptly write to the ICVA explaining, in detail, the reasons you decided not to
finish the examination.

For more information on how to report a test administration problem, visit the ICVA website.

NOTE: The NAVLE program may prohibit an examinee from completing the exam and/or may impose
conditions on retesting if the examinee appears to represent a health or safety risk to test center staff.
Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, an examinee performing careless or hazardous acts
during the physical examination, exhibiting signs of illness (e.g., persistent coughing or sneezing) during
the examination, or showing visibly open skin lesions or active bleeding.

If you do not feel well on the day of your examination, we strongly encourage you to consider resched-
uling your examination. You must pay a fee to reschedule your test. Your rescheduled test date(s) must
fall within your eligibility period. Please contact the ICVA office if you must reschedule your test.

Every effort is made to administer an examination at the scheduled test time and location. On occasion,
however, exam administrations may be delayed or cancelled in emergencies such as severe weather, a
natural disaster that renders a Prometric Testing Center (PTC) inaccessible or unsafe, or extreme techni-
cal difficulties. If Prometric closes a testing center where you have already scheduled a testing appoint-
ment, it will reschedule the examination appointment at no additional charge.

In that event, Prometric will attempt to notify you in advance of your testing appointment to schedule a
different time and/or center. Rescheduling an appointment for a different time or center may occur at
the last minute due to limited availability of seats in a PTC. You are strongly advised to reconfirm your
appointment with Prometric and maintain flexibility in any travel arrangements you may make.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 15



After all responses are recorded, analyses are conducted to review the statistical properties and perfor-
mance for each test question. When such analysis and/or candidate comments indicate the need,
specific questions are reviewed again by one or more test committee members to ensure that the an-
swer key is correct. Any question that fails to perform acceptably may be dropped from both the current
scoring key and from the test question pool. Examinations are then scored for all candidates. Test
questions are not weighted, and additional points are not subtracted for incorrect responses.

The minimum passing score for the NAVLE is established by criterion-referenced (also known as con-
tent-based) methods. Using content-based standard setting means that an established level of proficien-
cy in the content is required in order to pass. If all candidates meet this criterion (passing standard), then
all candidates will pass; if only 50% meet the passing standard, then only 50% will pass.

Whether a candidate passes or fails is not influenced by the relative performance of others taking the
examination. Equating methods are used to maintain the same passing standard from administration to
administration, despite potential differences in ability levels of candidate groups and/or question difficul-
ty across administrations. Calculating scores in this manner facilitates both comparisons of individual
performance and comparisons of examinations from year to year. Your score report will be formatted
to meet the specific requirements of the licensing board through which you were approved to take the
NAVLE. The information that may be included on your score report is outlined in the table below.

Score reports will show a pass or fail designation and a three-digit scaled score.

Performance Explanation
Pass or Fail Decision The ICVA recommends to licensing boards that an individual
candidate’s passing status on the NAVLE be determined based on
the criterion-referenced passing score approved by the ICVA. The
NAVLE passing standard is determined by a panel of veterinarians
who are experts in the content areas assessed by the NAVLE. This
panel reviews the NAVLE and makes judgments as to the test
performance required of entry-level veterinarians. The collective
judgments of the panel members are used to establish a NAVLE
score representing the lowest acceptable passing score on the
examination. Candidates who achieve a score equal to or higher
than this criterion-referenced passing score receive a “pass”

Three-Digit Scaled This score is expressed on a numerical scale that ranges from 200
Score to 800. On this scale, a score of 425 is equivalent to the criterion-
referenced passing score established by the ICVA.

Scoring Process and Score Reports

As you take the NAVLE, your responses will be recorded and stored by the computer. After you com-
plete testing, these responses are transmitted to the National Board of Medical Examiners for scoring.
The NAVLE score report shows your score, a pass/fail designation, and a diagnostic report of your
performance on the major content areas of the NAVLE. Your score report is sent to the licensing board

16 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


through which you were approved. Score reports for all NAVLE candidates will be made available via a
secure on-line portal at that time. You will receive an email notifying you that your score report is avail-
able to access.

If you completed the NAVLE, but it is determined that you were not eligible, or that you engaged in
irregular behavior, scores for that examination will not be reported or, if previously reported, may
be rescinded.

Examination Scores
Uniform and precise procedures ensure that the score reported for each candidate to the licensing
board is an accurate reflection of the responses recorded by the computer, and the validity of scores has
been historically verified. You may confirm with the ICVA that the score reported to you by your licens-
ing board is the identical score as reported to the ICVA. There are no re-scores or appeals of NAVLE
scores once the score reports are released.

NAVLE candidates are not permitted to review their examinations.

School Score Reports by Candidate Consent

The NAVLE application includes a consent statement, authorizing the ICVA to report individual NAVLE
scores, identified by name, to the candidate’s veterinary school. This consent is only for candidates who
are senior students at AVMA-accredited veterinary schools. Scores for candidates who grant consent will
be reported to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at the candidate’s veterinary school (or his/her
designee) shortly after the release of scores to the licensing boards. In addition, the school will receive a
copy of the candidate’s diagnostic score report. A candidate’s score and diagnostic score report will not
be made part of such candidate’s academic record. Schools will be required to keep the score reports
confidential, and to use the information only for internal purposes at the veterinary school. Candidates
are under no obligation to agree to the consent statement, and scores for candidates who do not grant
consent will not be reported to their veterinary school. A candidate’s decision whether to release his or
her score will not affect the candidate’s student status at the veterinary school. Consents for Canadian
candidates will be collected by the Canadian National Examining Board as part of the NEB NAVLE appli-
cation. Candidates may change their consent status by submitting a written request to the ICVA by fax or
email at any time up to the opening of the testing window.

ICVA may, from time to time, use anonymized examination scores (coded with a research ID and uniden-
tified as to candidates) to conduct research. This could include, but is not limited to, looking at perfor-
mance metrics of the exam (i.e. how does timing impact performance), assessing performance based on
candidate characteristics, comparing scores to other performance parameters (i.e. VEA results, practice
type, practice performance), etc.

If you believe that the administration of the examination or the examination conditions adversely
affected your performance, for consideration, you must send a signed, written request to the ICVA for
an investigation. Such requests must be received by the ICVA within 10 days following your test date.
Indicate the date and location of the administration and describe the event in as much detail as possible.
In addition to notifying the ICVA, you need to file a complaint with Prometric staff.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 17


Each grievance filed with the ICVA will be evaluated. If your grievance cannot be substantiated through
analysis, or if it is determined that your performance was not adversely affected, the score as reported
will stand. However, if your complaint can be supported, appropriate corrective action will be taken.

NAVLE Score Transfers

Your initial NAVLE score will be reported to the licensing board through which you received NAVLE ap-
proval and to the American Association of Veterinary State Boards (AAVSB). These initial score reports
are included in your examination fee. All subsequent requests for NAVLE score reports must be directed
to the AAVSB. The ICVA does not process score transfers. Through an agreement with the ICVA, the
AAVSB maintains all national veterinary licensure examination results in a secure file at its national head-
quarters. NAVLE scores may be used by the ICVA for statistical purposes and may be released to third
parties provided all candidate identification has been deleted prior to release.

To transfer your scores to additional licensing jurisdictions, you must make your request through the
AAVSB’s website. The AAVSB website will provide the current fees for score transfer services. Your
scores cannot be transferred until after they have been reported to the initial licensing board.

For information regarding transferring your scores or process, please visit the AAVSB website:

18 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Test questions for the NAVLE are written by veterinarians representing all aspects of the
profession, including academicians and private practitioners, many of whom are mem-
bers of specialty boards recognized by the American Board of Veterinary Specialties.
With the assistance of staff from the NBME®®, each newly written test question is re-
viewed by a test development committee. Questions that seem problematic are revised
or discarded. All accepted questions are then reviewed and validated by at least three
experts in the field of veterinary medicine for accuracy, content relevance, importance,
and difficulty. The NAVLE is prepared in a manner to meet the testing standards of the
American Psychological Association.

Examination Content
The NAVLE is constructed according to the following examination blueprint, which was derived from
the 2017 job analysis conducted by the ICVA, previously known as the NBVME, in 2017 and approved
in 2018. There are two dimensions to the blueprint: competencies and animal species.

Competencies are tasks that veterinarians perform in practice, and are grouped into four main
categories. Weights are assigned to each category and subcategory based on its relative importance
in practice.

Animal species is the other dimension of the NAVLE blueprint. Weights are assigned based on the
relative importance of the various animal species categories to the overall practice of veterinary
medicine in North America.

The numbers listed below represent targets for the number of items for each category out of the 300
scored items on each form of the NAVLE.

For additional information on the blueprint and the NAVLE job analysis, see the ICVA’s website.

Species Target Blueprint %

Canine............................................................................................................. 25.6
Feline............................................................................................................... 24.3
Porcine............................................................................................................... 5.0
Other Small Mammals................................................................................... 3.3
Ovine/Caprine................................................................................................. 3.3
Pet Bird............................................................................................................... 2.3
Poultry................................................................................................................ 2.0
Non Species Specific..................................................................................... 2.0

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 19


NAVLE Specifications Based on Competencies

Competency Domain Target Blueprint %

Clinical Practice 70
Data Gathering and Interpretation 35
Health Maintenance and Prevention 35

Communication 8
Communication with Clients 5
Communication with Veterinary and other Professionals 3

Professionalism, Practice Management, and Wellness 7

Professional Development and Life-Long Learning 3
Veterinary Practice Management 4

Preventive Medicine and Animal Welfare 15

Environmental Health and Safety 5
Veterinary Public Health 4
Animal Welfare Issues and Concerns 6

20 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


*For the 2022-2023 testing cycle, NAVLE **For the 2022-2023 testing cycle, NAVLE
candidates applying through these jurisdictions candidates applying through Illinois will
will submit their state NAVLE applications to, and submit their state NAVLE application to, and
will be approved by, the ICVA office. Please go be approved by, the CTS office. Please go to
to www.icva.net or email ICVA for more www.continentaltesting.net or call
information. 708.354.9911 for more information.

United States
Alabama State Board of Veterinary Colorado State Board of Veterinary Medicine*
Medical Examiners 1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
8100 Seaton Place, Suite A Denver, CO 80202
Montgomery, AL 36104 303.894.7730
334.395.5112 dora.colorado.gov/pacific/dora/veterinary
Connecticut State Board of Veterinary
Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners Medicine*
PO Box 110806 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #12APP
Juneau, AK 99811-0806 PO Box 340308
907.465.1037 Hartford, CT 06134-0308
www.commerce.alaska.gov 860.509.7590 #3
Arizona State Veterinary Medical
Examining Board* Delaware Board of Veterinary Medicine
1740 W. Adams Street, Suite 4600 Cannon Building, Suite 203
Phoenix, AZ 85007 861 Silver Lake Boulevard
602.364.1738 Dover, DE 19904
vetboard.az.gov 302.744.4500
Arkansas Veterinary Medical veterinarymedicine/
Examining Board
PO Box 8505 District of Columbia Board of Veterinary
Little Rock, AR 72215 Examiners*
501.224.2836 899 North Capitol Street NE, 2nd Floor
arvetboard.statesolutions.us Washington, DC 20002
California Veterinary Medical Board*
1747 N Market Blvd, Suite 230
Sacramento, CA 95834
Florida Board of Veterinary Medicine*
2601 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 21


Georgia State Board of Veterinary Medicine* Louisiana Board of Veterinary Medicine

237 Coliseum Drive 5825 Florida Blvd
Macon, GA 31217 Baton Rouge, LA 70806
404.424.9966 225.925.6620
www.sos.ga.gov www.lsbvm.org

Hawaii Board of Veterinary Examiners* Maine State Board of Veterinary Medicine*

PO Box 3469 35 State House Station
Honolulu, HI 96801 Augusta, ME 04333
808.586.2697 207.624.8620
www.hawaii.gov/dcca/pvl/boardsveterinary www.maine.gov/pfr

Idaho Board of Veterinary Medicine* Maryland State Board of Veterinary

11351 West Chinden Blvd, Building 6 Medical Examiners*
Boise, ID 83714 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Room 102
208.488.7530 Annapolis, MD 21401
https://bovm.idaho.gov/ 410.841.5862
Illinois Veterinary Licensing and
Disciplinary Board** Massachusetts Board of Veterinary
320 West Washington Medicine
Springfield, IL 62786 1000 Washington Street, Suite 710
800.560.6420 Boston, MA 02118-6100
http://www.idfpr.com/profs/vet.asp 617.727.5899
Indiana Board of Veterinary Medical licensing
402 West Washington Street, Room W072 Michigan State Board of Veterinary Medicine*
Indianapolis, IN 46204 PO Box 30670
317.234.2054 Lansing, MI 48909
www.pla.in.gov 517.335.0918
Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine*
Wallace State Office Building Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine*
502 E. 9th Street 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 215
Des Moines, IA 50319 Saint Paul, MN 55102
515.281.8617 651.201.2844
https://iowaagriculture.gov/ www.mn.gov/boards/veterinary-medicine

Kansas Board of Veterinary Examiners Mississippi Board of Veterinary Medicine

PO Box 379 1089D Stark Road
Wamego, KS 66547-0379 Starkville, MS 39759
785.456.8781 662.324.9380
https://kbve.kansas.gov www.mississippivetboard.org

Kentucky Board of Veterinary Examiners Missouri Veterinary Medical Board

PO Box 1360 PO Box 633
Frankfort, KY 40602-1360 Jefferson City, MO 65102
502.782.0273 573.751-0031
https://www.kybve.com/ www.pr.mo.gov/veterinarian.asp

22 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Montana Board of Veterinary Medicine* North Carolina Veterinary Board*

PO Box 200513 1611 Jones Franklin Road-Suite 106
301 South Park Avenue, 4th Floor Raleigh, NC 27607
Helena, MT 59620 919.854.5601
406.841.2394 www.ncvmb.org
North Dakota Board of Veterinary
Nebraska Board of Examiners in Veterinary Medical Examiners*
Medicine & Surgery* PO Box 328
301 Centennial Mall South Lisbon, ND 58054
PO Box 94986 701.683.4705
Lincoln, NE 68509-4986 www.ndbvme.org
http://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/default.aspx Ohio Veterinary Medical Examining Board*
77 South High Street - 16th Floor
Nevada State Board of Veterinary Columbus, OH 43215-6108
Medical Examiners* 614.644.5281
4600 Kietzke Lane, Bldg. O, #265 www.ovmlb.ohio.gov
Reno, NV 89502
775.688.1788 Oklahoma State Board of Veterinary
https://nvvetboard.nv.gov Medical Examiners*
3812 N Santa Fe, Suite 300
New Hampshire Board of Oklahoma City, OK 73118
Veterinary Medicine* 405.522.8838
PO Box 2042 www.okvetboard.com
Concord, NH 03302-2042
603.271.3706 Oregon Veterinary Medical Examining Board*
800 N.E. Oregon Street, Suite 407
Portland, OR 97232
New Jersey State Board of Veterinary
Medical Examiners*
PO Box 45020
Pennsylvania State Board of
Newark, NJ 07101
Veterinary Medicine*
Box 2649
http://www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/vet Harrisburg, PA 17105-2649
New Mexico Board of Veterinary Medicine www.dos.pa.gov
7301 Jefferson Street NE, Suite H
Albuquerque, NM 87109 Puerto Rico Board of Veterinary Medical
505.553.7021 Examiners
www.nmbvm.org PO Box 10200
San Juan, PR 00908-0200
New York State Board of Veterinary 787.765.2929 x 6605
Medical Examiners* www.salud.gov.pr
NYSED-Office of Professions
89 Washington Ave
State Education Building, 2nd Fl, West Wing
Albany, NY 12234-1000
518.474.3817 ext 210

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 23


Rhode Island Board of Examiners in Virgin Islands Board of Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine* Department of Health
3 Capitol Hill, Room 205 1303 Hospital Grounds, Suite 10
Providence, RI 02908 St. Thomas, VI 00802
401.222.2837 340.774.7477 ex. 5074
http://health.ri.gov/ http://www.vifresh.com/vitnary.php

South Carolina Board of Veterinary Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine*

Medical Examiners* Perimeter Center
PO Box 11329 9960 Mayland Dr., Suite 300
Columbia, SC 29211-1329 Henrico, VA 23230
803.896.4598 804.597.4133
www.llr.state.sc.us/pol/veterinary www.dhp.virginia.gov/Boards/VetMed/

South Dakota Board of Veterinary Washington Veterinary Board of Governors

Medical Examiners* PO Box 47852
411 South Fort Street Olympia, WA 98504-7852
Pierre, SD 57501 360.236.4700
605.773.3321 www.doh.wa.gov/
West Virginia Veterinary Board
Tennessee Health Related Boards 5509 Big Tyler Road, Suite 3
665 Mainstream Drive Cross Lanes, WV 25313
Nashville, TN 37243 304.552.5071
615.532.5090 www.wvbvm.org
Wisconsin Veterinary Examining Board*
Texas Board of Veterinary Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer
Medical Examiners* Protection (DATCP)
333 Guadalupe Street, Tower III, Suite 810 PO Box 8911
Austin, TX 78701 Madison, WI 53708-8911
512.305.7555 608.224.4353
www.tbvme.state.tx.us/ https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/About_Us/
Utah Veterinary Board*
Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing Wyoming Board of Veterinary Medicine
PO Box 146741 Emerson Building, Room 105
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6741 2001 Capitol Ave.
801.530.6628 Cheyenne, WY 82002
http://www.dopl.utah.gov/ 307.777.5403
Vermont Board of Veterinary Medicine*
Office of Professional Regulation
89 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Montpelier, VT 05620-3402

24 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


Canadian National Examining Board (NEB) Northwest Territories Health &
339 Booth Street Social Services
Ottawa, ON K1R 7K1 8th Floor, Centre Square Tower
613.236.1162 ext. 116 Box 1320, Yellowknife, NWT X1A 2L9
https://www.canadianveterinarians.net/ 867.920.8058
All Canadian NAVLE candidates apply through
the NEB office.
Nova Scotia Veterinary Medical Association
Alberta Veterinary Medical Association 15 Cobequid Rd
Building #3, Elm Business Park Lower Sackville, NS B4C 2M9
Suite 104, 9452 - 51 Avenue NW 902.865.1876
Edmonton, AB T6E 5A6 www.nsvma.ca
www.abvma.ca Nunavut Department of Health and
Social Services
College of Veterinarians of British Columbia 5015 49th Street (7th Floor)
Airport Executive Park PO Box 1320
Building 7, Suite 210, 10991 Shellbridge Way Yellowknife, NT X1A 2L9
Richmond, BC V6X 3C6 867.767.9067
604.929.7090 https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/en/services/
https://www.cvbc.ca/ veterinary-licence

Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association College of Veterinarians of Ontario

1590 Inkster Blvd. 2106 Gordon Street
Winnipeg, MB R2X 2W4 Guelph, ON N1L 1G6
204.832.1276 519.824.5600 or 800.424.2856
www.mvma.ca www.cvo.org

New Brunswick Veterinary Medical Prince Edward Island Veterinary Medical

Association Association
PO Box 24063 Box 21097
Saint John, NB E2M 5R8 465 University Ave.
506.693.9994 Charlottetown, PEI C1A 9H6
http://nbvma-amvnb.ca/ 902.367.3757
Newfoundland and Labrador College of
Veterinarians L’Ordre des médecins vétérinaires du Québec
PO Box 21029 800 avenue Sainte-Anne, bureau 200
St. John’s, NL A1A 5B2 St-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 5G7
709.986.1859 450.774.1427
https://sites.google.com/site/nlvetcollege// www.omvq.qc.ca

Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association

202 - 224 Pacific Ave.
Saskatoon, SK S7K 1N9

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 25


For U.S./U.S. Territorial Licensure

n It is your responsibility to make sure both the licensing board office you are seeking approval through
(or their designated NAVLE processor) and the ICVA have all the required paperwork and fees by their
respective application receipt deadlines in order for you to be registered and approved for the NAVLE.

NAVLE Application: Apply for the NAVLE.

n Complete the ICVA NAVLE application and pay the corresponding fee by the application receipt dead-
line of August 1 for the November-December testing window and February 1 for the April testing
window. During the application periods, you can apply on-line (www.icva.net), and it needs to be
received by the deadline.
n Enter your name on the NAVLE application exactly as it appears on the non-expired, government-

issued, signed photo identification you plan on presenting at the testing center on the day of your
examination. Name changes or corrections cannot be made within seven business days of your
scheduled testing date. If the first and last names on your identification and Scheduling and
Admission Permit do not match exactly, you will not be allowed to take the NAVLE.
n The NAVLE fee is $720. There is an additional fee of $345 for international testing. For applications

submitted on-line, fees can be paid with MasterCard or Visa.

STATE NAVLE Application: Apply through one licensing board for approval to take the NAVLE.
n All NAVLE candidates must apply for NAVLE approval through one state or territorial licensing board,
and each jurisdiction sets its own eligibility requirements for the examination. You are responsible for
obtaining the necessary NAVLE application materials from the jurisdiction in which you plan to seek
licensure. Because the requirements, deadlines, and application fees vary among jurisdictions, con-
tact your chosen board (or its designated NAVLE processor) well in advance of the application dead-
line. Contact information can be found under the Veterinary Licensing Boards section on pages 21-25
of this bulletin.
n Request a NAVLE application packet from the licensing board office where you want a license to

practice veterinary medicine (or from its designated NAVLE processor). Return all required paperwork
and fees to the licensing board office (or its processor) by their deadline, so the board can approve
you to take the NAVLE. If you are applying through Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District
of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota,
Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
Oklahoma, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,
Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, or Wisconsin contact the ICVA office. The ICVA is handling the state
application on behalf of the aforementioned states.
n If you are a candidate with a documented disability wanting to test with accommodations, contact

the ICVA early to obtain information on the requirements and submit your documentation to the ICVA.
Do this before submitting the ICVA NAVLE application.
n If you are approved by a licensing board to take the NAVLE, a Scheduling and Admission Permit will

be available on-line no later than September 25 for the November-December testing window and Feb-
ruary 27 for the April testing window. If you have not received an email from the ICVA with the on-line
link by the permit availability dates, contact the ICVA office. Make your testing appointment as soon
as you access your Scheduling and Admission Permit in order to get the date and testing center you
prefer. You can find available testing center locations at www.prometric.com/ICVA.
n When scheduling your testing appointment, Prometric will provide you with a Confirmation Number.

You are strongly encouraged to print your Scheduling and Admission Permit at least several days in
advance of your testing appointment to avoid problems accessing or printing your permit on your
scheduled test date.

26 2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin


n Contact Prometric (not the ICVA) to confirm your testing appointment one week prior to your testing
date, using the Prometric Confirmation Number provided to you by Prometric at the time you sched-
uled. ICVA does not have access to confirmation numbers.
n Arrive at the test center 30 minutes prior to your appointment with your non-expired, government-

issued, signed photo ID and your Scheduling and Admission Permit. Permits cannot be printed at or
faxed to the Prometric testing center.
n Scores will be reported to the board through which you were approved approximately four weeks

after the close of the testing window. Your NAVLE score will be made directly available to you via
a secure on-line portal at that same time. If you want to have your scores transferred to another
licensing board, contact AAVSB at 877.698.8482, or www.aavsb.org.

2022 - 2023 NAVLE Candidate Bulletin 27

For general inquiries contact:

3000 North 14th Street, Suite 2A

Bismarck, ND 58503
Phone: 701.224.0332
Fax: 701.224.0435
E-Mail: [email protected]
Website: www.icva.net

The International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA), formerly the National Board of Veterinary
Medical Examiners (NBVME), is an independent not-for-profit 501(c)(3) mission-driven organization.

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