Connective Tissue Quick Reference
Connective Tissue Quick Reference
Connective Tissue Quick Reference
Our bodies are made up of a disparate set of systems, with our bones, organs,
blood vessels of other components all working together. Connective tissue
is the sheet of fibers that help to connect everything in our body together.
Fascia is connective tissue which wraps around the entire body, with the
etymology of fascia coming from the Latin word for ‘band’ or ‘bandage.’
Fascia unites surface layers to muscles, organs and bones across three
Deep fascia: Lies below superficial fascia and is embedded within muscular
Subserous Facia: Lies below deep fascia and protects the linings of cavities
Collagen is the most abundant protein within connective tissue and will
tissue that has more elastin such as fascia will be more elastic than tissue with
more collagen such as a tendon or ligament.
Scar Tissue
Scar tissue is a coat of collagen which grows at the location of an injury.
and structure within our bodies. It also provides a physical and chemical
Ground Substance
Ground substance is a gel-like material comprised of protein, H20 and
glycosaminoglycan (GAG) found in the extracellular matrix. It provides
for neighboring tissues in the body. Cartilage can be found at the ends of
long bones, the rib cage, intervertebral discs and the ear or nose.
this can be found on the outer ear, where you can feel a little more
Hyaline Cartilage The most common cartilage in our bodies often found on
the surfaces of joints. This cartilage covering the ends of a bone is called
articular cartilage and is smoother in order to allow movement at the joint.
There are a number of different ways yoga can impact our connective
tissue. Connective tissue provides support for the body but will also aid in
movement so the physical aspect of yoga will impact these areas.
Our bodies are wrapped in a sheet of fascia which is plays a delicate role
extended period of time, it will begin to lose mobility and flexibility. For
example, if somebody is spending hours each day sitting down the hips
flexible since their role is primarily meant for support. They do however
into the meridians and nadis of the energetic body. The meridians or nadis
The joints are where this flow of communication will most often encounter