The Cause of Dropping Out From School
The Cause of Dropping Out From School
The Cause of Dropping Out From School
Limo, Jester
Mananghac, Ivan B.
Velos, Marivel v.
May 2022
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of Pagadian City
In fulfillment of the requirements pf the Research Project under Arts and Design
prepared and submitted by Justine Joy M. Rojo, Marivel V. Velos, Ivan B. Mananghac,
Jester Limo, Micheal Jhon T. Cagaananan and Francis Llyod Jeyo are herebly
recommended for approval.
Research Adviser
COMMITTEE Accepted and approved by the Committee on Oral Defense with the Grade of
Accepted and approved in fulfillment of the requirements for the Research Project under
I and my research team would like to thank all the participants in this
research, especially to those students who helped on our research survey. We are
very glad and thankful to all of your efforts on helping us on our research project. As
the Leader or Head of this group I am glad that this research serves as a motivation
to those students whom dropped out of school. And to my groupmates thank you for
your participation in this study.
This study is dedicated to the student who dropped out of school. This study
shows the importance of education and the help of it towards our society, and the
study pictures out the causes of why students drop out of school. Us the Arts and
Design students wanted this topic so that we can understand those students in their
chosen path they want.
The Researchers
The main focus in this study is to be aware on every student about dropping
out of school. The advantage and disadvantage by doing so, effects and
consequences after dropping out and also having less opportunity in the near future.
Having troubles in looking some descent jobs for a better living. Dropping out of
school has a lot of negative outcome especially to students. Yet there are a lot of
reasons why mostly our fellow students dropped out, one of the reasons is that lack
of financial support to continue their studies due to this Covid-19 pandemic.
Stress can be a tough process for students to cope with. Students' daily lives
can lead to information overload. Social pressure from these other students may
be harmful as well. Gaming are also a major factor in today's high school
dropouts, which many students are gamers. The majorities of students who have
become involved in this drop out or receive a GED (General Education
Development Test). Today, grades are another huge factor. There are several
visible impacts that influence not only dropouts, but society as a whole. As an
outcome, the aim of this paper is to investigate the causes and consequences of
dropping out of school, and thus why students choose to drop out and how this
decision affects their lives and society in general. (DO Dumrique · 2018)
Some students, even after graduating from high school, are unable to afford
for college tuition because they receive the minimum wage. In certain cases, a
family can only afford to send one member of the family to college. Another
reason student does not finish high school is also that they fail the test. Some
students, in general, have difficulty with certain subjects. As a result, they fail
the subject and, as a consequence, the subject itself. (By Scholarship America)
I think students who don't want to study, just want drop out from school. As
a result, they prefer to work that do not require them to worry.
Eventually, there seem to be three key reasons why students drop out of
school: money, a good job, and academic failure. Some effects can appear to be
linked in some areas, but they are caused by different factors. Students drop out
of school for a variety of reasons; for some students, dropping out is a personal
decision. Financial situation could be also; in reality, delay a student's
education; it is not always certain when they will be able to complete high
school. Living in a rural area can be difficult because there are few resources.
Certain areas have colleges, while others do not; the schools are inefficient, but
they do their job in teaching people how to read and write.( RW Rumberger ·
In addition, one of many reasons is also their friends influence. Which may
lead some students to skip school and went to Computer Cafe or just TAMBAY
outside the school campus.
This research aimed to find out the cause and effect of dropping out of school,
specifically among the every senior high school students seriously can support their
thoughts, to answer the following questions:
1. What are the causes of senior high school students of dropping out from
2. What are the effects to the students from dropping out of school?
3. What is the implication of dropping out of school towards student’s self-
Assumptions 2
In conducting the research study of the cause and effects of dropping out from
school, the researchers assume that:
1. The causes of dropping out are lack of financial needs, bullying, depression,
family problems, lazy enough to go to schools, having a negative effect from
their friends, as well as academic failure. Force to stop studying.
2. The effects the student’s education, can cause them to becoming more likely
as TAMBAY, don’t have enough money to own a house. Future difficulties in
starting a family due to a lack of financial resources.
3. Some of the disadvantages of dropping out from school is, lack of education,
less opportunity; thus, having hard time finding a proper job nor becoming
jobless and not having enough salary at work.
To determine the cause and assist the students and the community in decreasing
the probability of becoming unemployed in the future, having trouble obtaining work,
and being discriminated against with. In order to find a solution in the occurring
problems and overcome it, in every attainable way.
Significance of the Study
This study are beneficial and significant to parents, readers, children, and future
To The Students
To The Children
To The Parents
To The Readers
This study will aid future researchers in conducting more and more advanced
studies in this matter.
For clear information about certain words, below are the terms derived and
their brief definition
Drop out. This refers to s leaving high school, college, university or another group
for practical reasons, necessities, inability, or disillusionment with the system from
which the individual in question leaves.
Poverty, This refers to not having enough money to meet basic needs including
food, clothing and shelter. However, poverty is more, much more than just not having
enough money.
Social Stigma, This refers to given when a person's social, physical or mental
condition influences other people's views of them or their behaviour towards them.
Lack of Financial Support, This refers to major reason that the decrease in out of
school children
This section contains relevant academic study and explored in order to provide the
readers more information about the topic. This section also presents some
evidences to support the study.
Value of Education
The EDUCATION of the students is the most essential thing that the
parents should be provide and support. It gives individuals with personal freedom
and empowerment, and yields an important advantage to the student’s education.
Education aids in the stimulation of our minds and the development of intellectuals
into inquisitive minds. Broader the understanding of the students and pushes the
mind to new heights, allowing to have a better knowledge of the world around us. It
forms the very essence of our action. (MD CAMP · 2011)
It gives the students the awareness of the society, as well as the rules
and regulations of the community that they living in. It is when the citizen is aware
about the policies of its government that they can be able to support neither protest.
Education helps us realize your potential and qualities as a human being. VALUE
EDUCATION ( DE Campbell)
Jordan et al. (1994) explained pressures on students of push and pull dropout
factors. A student is pushed out when adverse situations within the school
environment lead to consequences, ultimately resulting in dropout. [S]tudents can be
pulled out when factors inside the student divert them from completing school. Watt
and Roessingh (1994) added a third factor called falling out of school, which occurs
when a student does not show significant academic progress in schoolwork and
becomes apathetic or even disillusioned with school completion. It is not necessarily
an active decision, but rather a “side-effect of insufficient personal and educational
Conflict with work and family commitments between home, job and study can
cause a breach in education. This scene is most common among all department of
education, community colleges, and state universities. To back up their education
students join part-time jobs. The Labor Market Outcomes of Young Dropouts
statistics proved that 1 on 3 students dropped out due to the imbalance between
work and college. Unable to maintain stress the work-study gave, they drop out.
(Mary Clotilda Suvin, 2019)
It makes it harder for them to earn for a living. Especially when planning of having a
family, as a result, they can not provide to their family nor to their future children’s
education. In addition, dropping
out from school can be the risk of the student’s future. In conclusion it is much better
to educated ourselves for a greater succeeding in our nearest future.( FL Van
Voorhis · 2013)
This chapter presents the research design, sources of data, data analysis, the
parts of the action plan and ethical considerations.
Research Design
Sources of Data
Locale and Population
The population of the study was composed of students from different strands
during the school year 2019-2020. This is in support of purposive sampling. A
purposive sampling is a non-probability sample that is selected based on
characteristics of a population and the objective study. The goal of purposive
sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of a population that are of interest,
which will best enable to answer their research questions correctly. (LA Palinkas ·
2015 ·)
Tools for Data Analysis
The collected data is subjected to analysis and interpretation. The interview
analysis was used to treat the responses or answers of the students who were
interviewed. Thematically analysis will be also used to interpret the gathered data.
Ethical Considerations
To establish and safe ethics in conducting this research us the researchers
strictly observe of intend the following;
What are the causes of senior high school students dropping out of school?
There are a lot of effects to the students who dropped out of school, mainly
poor or less opportunity on the near future. Dropping out of school can also affects
the student’s self-esteem and confidence, it may lead to depression and anxiety
because the of envy they feel when they see their other classmates or friends
pursued their dreams.
Based on our findings that mostly the effects of dropping out of school
student’s, mainly poor or less opportunity on the near future. Dropping out of school
can also affects the student’s self esteem and confidence, it may lead to depression
and anxiety because the of envy they feel when they see their other classmates or
friends pursued their dreams.
Depression has also been linked to dropping out of school. Mental health
problems can effect a student’s energy level, concentration, dependability, mental
ability, and optimism, hindering performance. (Einsenberg, D., Gollust, S.E.,
Golberstein, E. & Henfer J.L. ) (2007).
“ It may trigger my anxiety attacks if I will drop out of school.”
“ My self-esteem will web eventually low and I will have no more interest in
One of the reaction of students seeing other students being able to succed in life
is that, it can lower the self-esteem of the students who dropout of schools. Can also
create jealousy of the dropout students, such as: don’t have proper nor big salary;
can’t porches their dream house and dream car; unsecured future for their family,
especially their upcoming youngster. (N Gausel · 2020)
Here are some of the reaction of the fellow students seeing another student
being able to succeed,
“I would be happy for them but I would also realize that I am capable of having a
successful life too’’.
“When I see my fellow classmates succeed in life and I am a dropout student, I will
be disappointed and delighted. I will regret about it because I wasted the opportunity
to succeed in life, but I’m also glad for them because they succeeded and met their
goals and objectives in life”.
“I will feel ashamed and disappointed to myself because I know deep inside that I’m
not performing well on my academics, I am a left behind to my fellow classmates
which they are now successful individuals”.
Some of the students have different insights about their thoughts when they see their
fellow classmates succeed in life.
“Success academically is not equal to success in life. There's a lot of people like
Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc. Who are dropouts but is now one of
the most successful people in the world.’’
A lot of dropout students didn’t have enough courage to continue their studies,
and end up on taking ALS (Alternative Learning System).
Enable to help those students who are having a hard time about their
academics Teachers should be the first to motivate their students, instead of
disconsolate them because of their grades and performance in school. Teachers
may know or not know what is the student’s current situation. Furthermore, it should
be discussed between the teacher, students and the students’ family. Therefore,
drop out students will have a reason to finish their education in order to pursuing
their dreams, it really helps them to motivate themselves every day
This chapter presents the findings, summary, and conclusions of this overall
study of; “Cause and Effect of Dropping Out of School as Perceive by Senior High
School Students" whereabout to recommend the following Websites for the future
study. Before that, we'll summarize the topic of this research.
This research has been aimed to the viewers the disadvantage, the cause
and the results of dropping out from school, which have been the reason, why the
Philippines have the highest dropout rates among all the ASEAN countries -show
link- It show that the elementary students have 6.38% in dropout rate, while 7.82%
percent in secondary school findings (RODRIGUEZ , 2014). The 3 mainly reason is:
Financial Problem, Conflict Between the Students and the Family and Laziness of
the Student itself.
Summary of Findings
This study aimed to determine the views and perspective of the Senior High
School students of Zamboanga del Sur National High School on dropping out of
1.One of the causes of dropping out of school is financial problem. Most of the
students’ parents didn’t have enough financial need to support their students or child.
Being financially unstable is a hard time specially in this pandemic year, that some of
the parents lost their job that’s why the students are forced to dropout to help their
parents in gaining financial support, some of the students end up on looking for jobs.
2. The effects to the students from dropping out of school are, depression, anxiety,
lack of self- esteem. These are the common effects to the students who dropped out
of school, this effects can trigger or damage someone’s mental health. Bullying and
judgement is the main reasons why the students are affected when they are being
judged by other due to their dropping out of school.
3.Most of the respondents stated that bullying can also lead to school dropouts.
Bullying is one of the factors that leads to a student to dropout, some of the bullied
experiences depression, anxiety, social anxiety, and loss social esteem. These are
the effects of bullying these cases affects a lot of students some of them actually do
suicidal attempts.
1.Dropping out of school is a serious matter specially to our society. Dropped out
students must be given enough attention to continue their studies. In our current
situation in this so-called pandemic dropped out students are very common because
some students don’t have enough financial support with their studies.
2.Some of them are having trouble of understanding the lessons that’s why there is a
possibility they could be dropped out. There are a lot of matters that can cause
dropping out of school such as addiction such as early exposure to alcohol, conflict
between the students and their family and the laziness of the student itself. These
situations are the most common reason why do the students dropped out of school.
3.The effects cause by dropping out of school are having a low self-esteem, less
opportunity in the near future, depression and anxiety facing the reality, bullying, and
judgment by the society and family. There is a big impact to a student’s future in this
kind of situation, as we speak of judgement a lot of people will drag u down and feel
bad about it. Some people might cheer you up and give some advises to motivate
you up to continue your studies but some of them will look down on you and push
you down this can lead to a serious depression and loss of self-esteem. This study
shows the causes and effects on dropping out of school.
2.Students entering high school have the opportunity to make new friends,
unfortunately, many students are unprepared for the host challenges associated with
transitioning to high school.
3.Research findings indicate that entering senior high school can be one of the most
emotionally difficult, most academically challenging times in children’s lives (Reents,
2002). Students transitioning from junior high school to senior high school encounter
developmental, social, and academic challenges.
Interview Questionnaires
1. What are the common reasons in dropping out of school? ( Unsay pinaka rason
nganong maka undang mn ug skwela ang usa ka estudyante?)
2. When did the decision of Dropping out of School occur? (Kanus a man ma ingon na
mo o ni undang nag skwela ang usa ka estudyante?)
3. What are the common traits that the students who decided to drop out? (Unsay
pinaka tumong o personalidad na naa ang usa ka estudyante na ni disiyson na mo
undnag ug skwela?)
4. What are the disadvantages of dropping out of school? ( Unsay mga kalainan sa usa
ka estudyanteng ni undang ug skwela?)
5. What are the effect to the students by dropping out of school? ( Unsay mahimong
resulta sa usa ka estudyanteng ni disisyon na mo unang ug skwela?)
Direction: Please rate the validity of the formulated test using the indicators enumerated
with the following scale
4- High Validity
3- Moderate Validity
2- Poor Validity
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
APRIL 2022
Dear Ma’am/Sir,
The undersigned along with his team members, are conducting their research study
entitled, “Cause and Effects of Dropping Out of School as Perceived by Senior High School
Students’’ as an academic requirement for Practical Research II.
In line with this matter, the researchers earnestly request your generous assistance
to look into the validity of the researcher-made interview questions and questionnaire.
Certain that with your expertise and passion for quality and excellence in research, for your
assessment will contribute immeasurably to the worthiness and success of this academic
Yours respectfully.
Noted by:
April 2022
Dear Respondents,
We are the students of Grade 12 Arts and Design (AD) of Zamboanga Del Sur
National High School – Senior High School. We are currently conducting a study as an
academic requirement for Practical Research 2 under our mentor Mr. Eugene L. Imfiel.
In line with this, we are expecting for a pinch of your time to be part of our research
as every one of our respondents in our study entitled “Cause and Effect of Dropping Out of
School as Perceived by Senior High School Students’’. We are assuring you that you that
your identity and answers will remain confidential as a part as a part of our research ethics.
Your affirmation will be greatly appreciated in anticipation of your favorable response on
information data form.
Thank you very much and may God bless you and family & more power.
Yours respectfully,
Noted by:
Adviser, Practical Research II
Percentage of Respondents
2. Is it possible that lack of financial support can be also a reason of dropping out of
3. Does dropping out of school can cause a less opportunity for better future?
These are the following link of the website for furthermore studies in the future, questions
and clarification.
By Burelle, J (Nov 27, 2017) — At first glance, dropping out of school is a terrible idea. The
outlook for high school dropouts is considerably more bleak than for teens
By-Jomon (Oct.16), The reasons for school dropout vary. Some drop out of schools
voluntarily while others are forced to do so under terrible circumstances.
By Mary Clotilda Suvin (May 17, 2019) — Reason 1: Expensive tuition fee · Reason 2: Just not
prepared academically · Reason 3: Unhappy with the college · Reason 4: Discouraging
By Beth Sullivan,( Apr 4, 2022) — Some of the most probable reasons why children drop out
of school are as follows: 1. Bad Influence: Bad influence on children is the most common
by JJ Doll · 2013 · Cited by 361 — Research on school dropout extends from early 20th-
century pioneers until now, marking trends of causes and prevention
By: Cindy Long (Dec 19, 2017) — What do we really know about why students drop out? In a
new book, the authors interviewed 50 teenagers to find some answers
by Learning Liftoff (Jan 23, 2017) — Kids who drop out of high school face a difficult future.
Learn the warning signs and how to prevent students from dropping out of school.