Ichep2020 819
Ichep2020 819
Ichep2020 819
Franco Bedeschi𝑎,∗
𝑎 INFN, Sezione di Pisa,
Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, Pisa, Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
Future circular e+ e− colliders pose very specific requirements on the detectors. In several cases
they differ from those adopted in recent years for the linear colliders ILC and CLIC. In the
paper these differences are examined and a proposal for a detector optimized for circular e+ e−
accelerators is presented. Ongoing R&D efforts on the required technologies are also discussed.
∗ Speaker
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A detector concept proposal for a circular e+ e− collider Franco Bedeschi
1. Detector requirements
A very large amount of work has been done over the past couple of decades to optimize detector
configurations for the proposed future linear colliders ILC [1] and CLIC [2]. While some of those
detector performance requirements can be extended from linear to circular e+ e− colliders, such as
FCC-ee [3] and CEPC [4], there are significant differences between these two classes of accelerators
that imply different detector optimizations.
A key difference is the maximum acceptable detector solenoid magnetic field, that is very
constrained in the planned circular machines. An optimal field of 2 Tesla is normally assumed
to preserve the beam emittance and therefore the luminosity, especially at the lower energy. An
increase of the field to 3 Tesla would decrease the luminosity by approximately a factor of two
when running on the Z pole. Having a small solenoid field, a larger tracking radius is required for a
good tracking resolution. An even larger tracking radius is achievable if the detector solenoid can
be made sufficiently thin and light to allow the calorimeter to be placed behind the magnet.
Another notable difference is the time structure of the beam. Linear collider beams are char-
acterized by bursts of bunches followed by long time gaps with no beam. These gaps allow pulsing
of the power to the detectors, thus significantly reducing their cooling requirements. This is not
possible in circular machines, where the bunch spacing is approximately constant and comparable
to that of hadron colliders (20 nsec for 𝐸𝐶 𝑀 = 90 GeV ), and poses major cooling issues for vertex
detectors and high granularity calorimeters. The use of time projection chambers is also made less
favorable due space charge buildup and ion back-flow.
A comparison of the expected luminosity per interaction point for linear and circular machines
is shown in fig. 1. Two features are clearly indicated by this plot: 1) linear colliders can reach much
10− 1 3
102 10
s GeV
higher energies and their luminosity grows with energy; 2) circular colliders provide much higher
luminosity at low energy, about three orders of magnitude higher at the Z pole, and it decreases with
energy, reaching a performance similar to linear machines around the top quark pair production
threshold. These features have implications on the detector optimization, in particular on the
A detector concept proposal for a circular e+ e− collider Franco Bedeschi
tracking systems, since at low energy the multiple scattering contribution to the track parameter
resolution becomes important, while at high energies the asymptotic terms are more relevant.
The extreme luminosity at the Z pole achievable in circular machines generates a physics
event rate of ∼100 kHz, thus a fast detector that can resolve events a few 𝜇sec apart is preferable.
The resulting very large Z boson statistics allows high accuracy measurements of electro-weak
parameters limited primarily by systematic errors, in particular the uncertainty in the acceptance
determination, that is a challenge for the detectors. It also opens the possibility to compete with
the super B factory [6] and the LHCb upgrade [7] on heavy flavor physics. A good particle ID
capability and EM calorimetry is needed order to make the best use of this potential.
2. The IDEA detector concept
Figure 2: 3D view of the IDEA detector concept. Figure 3: IDEA detector longitudinal section.
A detector concept optimized for circular e+ e− colliders is shown in figure 2 and 3. It’s called
IDEA, that stands for Innovative Detector for Electron-positron Accelerator.
The innermost detector, surrounding a 1.5 cm radius beam pipe, consists of a five layer vertex
detector based on active pixels of 20 𝜇m size that can provide a space point resolution of 3 𝜇m in
both directions delivering an asymptotic track impact parameter resolution of 2 𝜇m. Outside the
vertex detector a 4 m long cylindrical drift chamber is found. It starts from a radius of 35 cm and
extends until 2 m. The chamber can be made extremely light, with low mass wires and operation
on 90% helium gas; less than 1% X0 is considered feasible for 90◦ tracks. Additional features of
this chamber are a good spatial resolution, <100 𝜇m, dE/dx resolution at the 2% level using cluster
counting and a maximum drift time of ∼400 nsec. It is worth noting that the design of this chamber
is the evolution of work done over many years on two existing chambers installed in the KLOE [8]
and the MEG-II [9] experiments.
A double layer of silicon micro-strips surrounds the chamber in the barrel and end-cap regions
to improve momentum resolution and acceptance determination.
A solenoidal magnet surrounds the tracking system. Presently planned dimensions are 5 m
of length and 4.2 m inner diameter. The rather low two Tesla field and the small dimensions have
A detector concept proposal for a circular e+ e− collider Franco Bedeschi
important implications on the overall magnet package thickness, that can be kept at the 30 cm level,
and on the size of the flux return yoke, which scales linearly with the field and the square of the
coil diameter. Given these dimensions a yoke thickness of less than 100 cm of iron is sufficient
to completely contain the magnetic flux and provide adequate filtering and support for the muon
chambers. Engineering studies indicate that a magnet mass equivalent to less than 0.76 X0 at 90◦
is achievable.
A pre-shower is located just behind the magnet. This detector is based on 𝜇-Rwell cham-
bers [10] and is primarily designed to enhance the accuracy in the determination of the acceptance
for photons. The same chamber technology with a different optimization for the spatial resolution
is used for three layers of muon chambers embedded in the magnet yoke.
A dual readout fiber calorimeter [11] is located behind the pre-shower. A total calorimeter
depth of 2 m is assumed, corresponding to approximately eight pion interaction lengths. This
calorimeter provides an excellent hadronic jet resolution and at the same time an electromagnetic
resolution of ∼11%/ 𝐸. The intrinsic high transverse granularity provides a good matching of
showers to tracks and pre-shower signals. The option of adding a thin crystal EM calorimeter inside
the coil is currently under study to reach an extreme EM energy resolution of less that 5%/ 𝐸. This
calorimeter would need to provide a dual readout to allow combining its data with the external fiber
calorimeter without spoiling the jet energy measurement performance.
2.1 Performance
A few performance benchmarks of the proposed detector concept are now discussed.
Figure 4: Recoil mass distribution: (black) per- Figure 5: Higgs invariant mass: (blue) IDEA,
fect detector, (blue) IDEA, (red) CLD. (red) CLD.
A key measurement of the e+ e− Higgs factories is the total cross section of ZH production.
This is done measuring the Z momentum and analyzing the recoil mass while using the collision
energy as a constraint. In the case of circular colliders the beam energy spread is very small,
Δ𝐸/𝐸 ∼10−3 , thus spoiling it with poor detector resolution should be avoided. In figure 4 the recoil
mass distribution expected with a perfect knowledge of the Z momentum is shown and compared to
expectations with the IDEA and CLD [12] tracking systems, when the Z decays to two muons. The
tracker performance in measuring the Higgs invariant mass in its two muon decay mode is shown
in figure 5.
An important benchmark for the calorimeter is the identification of W, Z and H through their
decays to hadronic jets. The expected separation with the IDEA dual readout calorimeter has been
A detector concept proposal for a circular e+ e− collider Franco Bedeschi
Figure 6: Jet-jet invariant mass spectrum for W Figure 7: IDEA dual readout calorimeter EM
(green), Z (blue) and Higgs (red). resolution for cherenkov (blue) and scintillator
(green) components, and the combination of the
two (red).
studied with a GEANT4 simulation [13] and the results are shown in figure 6. In addition to a good
jet energy resolution this calorimeter must also provide adequate EM resolution. In figure 7 we
show the result of a full simulation study [13] resulting in Δ𝐸/𝐸 = 11%/ 𝐸 ⊕ 0.8%.
3. R&D in progress
Many R&D efforts are currently in progress to fully develop the IDEA detector concept.
Silicon pixel sensors for the vertex detector have been studied extensively. In our case low
power, high speed CMOS DMAPS with stitching capability are preferred. A very significant work
in this area is being pursued in the context of the ARCADIA project [14, 15].
The long wires of the drift chamber require the development of special wires, in particular
metal coating of carbon fiber filaments is being studied. The identification of ionization clusters
requires on-detector feature extraction from the signal waveform. Dedicated electronics and the
associated firmware is being developed [16].
The dual readout calorimeter still requires extensive R&D in several areas [17]: a scalable
mechanical structure needs to be optimized, a compact coupling of SiPM to fibers is being developed
and, most of all, a reasonably priced front end and readout electronics needs to be finalized. Several
options are currently under study and new prototypes are being built for tests with beam during
Extensive work is also in progress to transfer to industry the 𝜇-Rwell chamber technology in
order to allow for future mass production at a convenient cost.
4. Conclusions
The IDEA detector concept has been studied and appears to deliver all needed features for the
future e+ e− circular colliders. Several R&D efforts are currently in progress to further optimize the
detector and resolve all pending technical issues.
A detector concept proposal for a circular e+ e− collider Franco Bedeschi
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