Ijet V7i3p7
Ijet V7i3p7
Ijet V7i3p7
Abstract - Infusion of the wind power into an electric grid Power Quality is characterized as power that makes equipment to
influences the power quality. The exhibition of the wind turbine in work appropriately. A power quality issue can be characterized as
this way power quality are resolved based on guidelines and the any deviation of magnitude, frequency, or purity from the ideal
standards followed by the rule indicated in International Electro- sinusoidal voltage waveform. Great power quality is advantage to
technical Commission standard, IEC-61400. The impact of the the activity of electrical gear; however poor power quality will
wind turbine in the grid connected wind energy generation system create extraordinary damage to the power system. In any case, the
are the active power, reactive power, voltage variations, harmonic created power from wind energy conversion system is continually
distortion, flicker. The paper study exhibits the power quality fluctuating because of the fluctuation nature of the wind.
issues due to establishment of wind turbine with the grid. In this Consequently infusion of the wind power into an electric grid
proposed paper, STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) is influences the power quality. The significant components to be
connected at point of common coupling (PCC) with a battery considered in power quality estimation are the active power,
energy storage system (BESS) to reduce the power quality issues. reactive power, voltage variation, flicker, harmonics, and electrical
The STATCOM control scheme for the grid associated wind conduct of switching operation.
energy generation system for power quality improvement is
simulated utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK. The viability of the STATCOM-based control technique for power quality change in
proposed control scheme reduces reactive power from the load and network is related with wind generation system and with the non-
induction generator. The advancement of the grid coordination rule linear load. The power quality issues on the sender-end and electric
and the plan for development in power quality standards as per utility are presented in this paper. Along these lines the proposed
IEC-standard on the grid has been introduced. scheme in the network related system fulfills the power quality
principles according to the IEC standard 61400-2l. The FACTS
INDEX TERMS- Power Quality, Renewable Energy, PCC (Power device based control technique for power quality change in system
of Common Coupling), STATCOM (Static Synchronous is related wind generating system and with non-linear load.
Compensator), BESS (Battery Energy Storage System). The compensator is expected to inject reactive power to beat
control quality issues and besides for better grid operations. The
connection of STATCOM into the system backings to keep up the
dynamic power, responsive power and terminal voltage are steady.
In this proposed scheme Static Synchronous Compensator
Since the past decade, there has been an immense concern between (STATCOM) is connected at a Point of Common Coupling with a
certain countries on the sustainable power source for control time. Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to relieve the power
The market progression and government's forces have also revived quality issues. Consequently, STATCOM gives Reactive Power
the sustainable power source segment advancement. As of late, backing to wind generator and load. The battery energy storage
wind energy has gotten quite possibly the most significant and system is connected to support the real power source under
promising sources of renewable energy, which requests extra fluctuating wind power. The STATCOM control scheme for the
transmission limit and better methods for looking after system grid connected wind energy generation system for power quality
reliability. To have practical development and social advancement, improvement is simulated utilizing MATLAB/SIMULINK.
it is important to meet the energy need by using the renewable
energy assets like wind. The need to integrate the renewable In this paper there will be the analysis of elements which are liable
energy like wind energy into power system is to make it for the power quality issues in the wind energy transformation
conceivable to limit the ecological effects. Wind energy conversion system and execution of the proposed control scheme for power
systems are the quickest developing renewable source of electrical quality improvement in the wind energy generation system
energy having huge natural, social, and financial advantages. connected to the grid. The paper is coordinated as follows. The
The data sheet with electrical characteristics provides the base for
the utility assessment regarding a grid connection with electrical
Voltage variations are a power quality problem caused due to wind
velocity and to generator torque. The voltage variation is E. IMPACT OF POWER QUALITY ISSUES
distinguished under the following categories –
● Voltage sag Power quality can be basically characterized as represented in the
● Voltage Swell exhibited graph in figure (3).
● Long Time
● Voltage Interruptions Figure 3. Impact of Power Quality Issues
● Voltage spike
● Voltage Transients
The voltage flicker problem is caused by wind generators within
the network. So the power fluctuation from wind turbine causes
problems during the entire process throughout. Grid strength,
phase angle and resistance in a network define the magnitude of
fluctuations. Employment of ineffective methods of reactive power
management causes voltage swells/ voltage sag. Voltage transients
are caused due to fault in the power system network or sometimes
due to capacitor switching. STATCOM responds well to voltage
transients. Power disturbances can be classified as following
shown in figure (1)
Figure 1. Power Disturbances
IEC-61400-21 defines the rules for grid coordination in a wind Where In is the nth harmonic current and is the
generator system at the grid connected electrical network. The fundamental frequency (50) Hz.
customer and the utility grid expects grid quality limits and
characteristics for references. The operator of the transmission grid
is responsible for the organization and for interconnected systems
as per Energy- Economic Law.
1. Voltage dips (d): As the wind turbine starts, there are voltage The Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) could be a
dips and it causes reduction of voltage suddenly. Switching shunt device of the adaptable AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)
operation of wind turbine causes relative % voltage change. The family utilizing power gadgets to control power flow and improve
voltage changes nominally decreases as given in the equation (1) transient stability on power grids as displayed in figure 4. The
STATCOM is directing voltage at its terminal by controlling the
D= Ku . Sn/ Sk (1) measure of reactive power infused into or ingested from the power
system. When system voltage is low, the STATCOM produces
Where d is relative voltage change, Sn is rated apparent power, Sk reactive power (STATCOM capacitive). Once system voltage is
is short circuit apparent power, and Ku sudden voltage reduction high, it retains reactive power (STATCOM inductive). In
factor. synchronization with the interest to balance out the voltage of the
facility network.
2. Voltage rise (u): At the point of common coupling, there is a
voltage rise. It can be calculated as a function of maximum Typically a STATCOM is introduced to help electrical networks
apparent power Smax of the turbine, the grid impedances R and X that have a poor power issue and at times poor voltage guideline.
at the point of common coupling and the phase angle ɸ. It’s given The most widely recognized utilization of this device is for voltage
in the equation (2). stability. Basically it is a voltage source converter (VSC) based
device, with the voltage source behind a reactor. The voltage
Δu= Smax ( R cosɸ- Xsinɸ ) (2) source is framed from a DC capacitor and consequently the device
has minimal active power capability. Notwithstanding, its active
Where U is the nominal voltage of grid, Δu-voltage rise, Smax – power capability might be expanded if a reasonable energy storage
maximum apparent power, ɸ- phase difference. device is associated across the DC capacitor.
5. Harmonics
At PCC (Point of Common Coupling), the harmonic
distortion is assessed for variable speed turbine with an Fig (4). single line diagram of the STATCOM
electronic power converter.
The total harmonic voltage distortion is given as in (4):
VTHD = (4)
The STATCOM interfaced with capacitance at DC side regulates
Where Vn is the nth harmonic voltage and V1 is the as a three phase voltage source inverter (VSC). The basic principle
of operation of STATCOM located in power system is to generate
fundamental frequency (50) Hz. controllable ac voltage source by a Voltage Source Inverter
connected to dc capacitor. Here the paralleled connected
THD of current is given as in (5) STATCOM is operated in current control manner and is connected
with non-linear load and wind turbine induction generator at the
The three phase injected current into the grid from STATCOM will
counterbalance the distortion brought about by the non-linear load
and wind generator. The IGBT based three-phase inverter is
coupled with grid through the transformer. The Generation of
switching signals from reference current is simulated inside
hysteresis band of 0.08. The decision of thin hysteresis band
switching in the system improves the current quality and control
signal of switching frequency inside its operating band.
Figure 9. Load currents and Source Currents Figure 13. Total Harmonics Distortion without STATCOM