English Teachers' Readiness To Teach Online During The COVID-19 Outbreak
English Teachers' Readiness To Teach Online During The COVID-19 Outbreak
English Teachers' Readiness To Teach Online During The COVID-19 Outbreak
Khairunnisa Yusoff
SK Padang Kala, Malaysia
To cite this article (APA): Mohd Radzuan, S. N., Ghazali, F. H., Yusoff, K., & Islami Hakim, M. L.
(2021). English teachers’ readiness to teach online during the COVID-19 outbreak. AJELP: Asian
Journal of English Language and Pedagogy, 9(1), 16-27. https://doi.org/10.37134/ajelp.vol9.1.2.2021
Abstract: The study aimed at investigating Malaysian English teachers’ readiness to teach
online during the recent COVID-19 outbreak and the problems they faced while conducting
online lessons. Data for the study were randomly obtained online from 103 respondents, using
a questionnaire. Findings showed a positive indication of English teachers’ readiness for online
teaching yet there were a few problems that need to be addressed, especially pertaining to the
equitable network coverage and facilities, implying the needs for the authorities to provide
ample support and innovations to assist both teachers and learners in achieving meaningful
online learning.
Keywords: e-learning, online teaching, online learning, digital learning, remote learning,
teachers’ readiness, COVID-19
English Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Online During the COVID-19 Outbreak
The 21st century revolution has brought major changes in the world of education especially with
the integration of information and communications technology (ICT) to better facilitate and
support the teaching and learning process. As part of the effort to improve education quality as
well as bridge the global gap, it is important to have global education reforms that will enable
learners to develop useful and productive knowledge, skills, and qualities. Therefore, the goals
of education are no longer bound to simply providing basic literacy skills but high demand for
a system that could provide higher-order thinking skills and competencies for all learners
(Anagün, 2018).
To realize these goals, many countries have started to integrate 21st century skills related
to the current economic and social developments, which include collaboration, communication,
digital literacy, citizenship, problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and productivity
(Voogt et al., 2013) into their curriculum and education systems, as an effort to transform the
teaching and learning process into meaningful and progressive experiences for the learners. In
connection with the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the whole world suddenly has to switch to
online learning as a solution to provide continuous learning (Doghonadze et al., 2020) for pupils
when they are prohibited from going to schools. This phenomenon has received mixed feelings
and responses from pupils, teachers, parents, as well as stakeholders. Despite being there for
years, online learning still provides an unversed and awkward transition for certain people,
especially when it has to be fully implemented in the education system.
This could be seen in a recent study of the same issue and phenomenon by Doghonadze et
al. (2020) which shows that many countries are still rather far from ready for online learning to
be implemented although the samples are not representing the situation as a whole. They have
also identified that some teachers, especially the ones teaching in schools that are not
accustomed to online learning are not technically well-equipped. As a consequence, more time
is needed to only prepare and adapt suitable materials, but also to familiarize themselves with
the use of technology as well (Doghonadze et al., 2020; Martin et al., 2019).
AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy
ISSN 2289-8689 / e-ISSN 2289-8697, Vol 9 No.1(2021),16-27
The Malaysian government has also implemented a similar confinement measure namely
the Restriction of Movement Order (Prime Minister’s Office of Malaysia, 2020) or also known
as the Movement Control Order (MCO) under the Prevention and Control of Infectious
Diseases Act 1988 and the Police Act 196. The order that began on the 18th of March 2020 and
is expected to end on the 31st of August 2020 is implemented in 3 stages, starting with the
Movement Control Order, Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), and Recovery
Movement Control Order (RMCO).
Similarly, during the MCO, government and private schools, as well as public and private
higher education institutions were to remain closed, causing a long break in the formal
traditional teaching and learning process conducted in classrooms. Children were also asked to
study at home assisted by their parents, which could be challenging as there are a few issues
that need to be addressed such as educational resources at home, parental level education, and
parents' fluency in the language of school instruction, as pointed by the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
As a solution, many teachers opted for remote learning where no traditional classroom
existed. Instead, teaching and learning processes were conducted using technology and online
learning began to serve as a means of communication between teachers and learners. In
Malaysia, the use of ICT in education has been introduced long before through the
implementation of Malaysia Education Blueprint (Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia)
2013-2025, which aspires to bridge the education gap across the nation producing a more
technologically literate workforce that is relevant to the 21st century knowledge and skills;
improving the quality of education to be on a par with the ones in developed countries. At the
school level (in both primary and secondary schools), the Ministry of Education has come up
with many online learning platforms as a medium for ICT integration such as the previous Frog
VLE (Virtual Learning Environments) and the current learning management system (LMS) that
is Google Classroom; both as the mediums for teachers to digitize their teaching.
These changes have resulted in changes in our education in which more considerations
should be made for online teaching and learning. Learning has shifted from teacher-centered to
be more student-centered, and learners have more opportunities to be autonomous and
responsible for their own learning experience. These changes require more openings for both
teachers and learners to utilize ICT; technologies with no boundary to knowledge and
information, thus making knowledge and skills of using these technologies more of a basic
necessity rather than an additional skill to acquire. Despite being widely known to be supportive
in autonomous learning, cheaper than traditional education, and flexible in terms of time and
place to conduct, teachers, schools, as well as other education institutions are having different
views and readiness pertaining to its implementation (Doghonadze et al., 2020). In fact,
teachers especially are still struggling to juggle between the traditional teaching method and
the online method. However, the unexpected outbreak of the COVID-19 hence the sudden
implementation of online teaching and learning caused little to no time for teachers to adapt to
the method (TUAC Secretariat Briefing, 2019). Therefore, it is important to ascertain our
teachers' readiness to conduct online teaching during the COVID-19 outbreak so that further
assistance and facilitation could be provided to them.
English Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Online During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Online learning is no longer a new phenomenon in the education system. In fact, the growth of
technology in our everyday life has urged for a critical need for digital learning and digital
classroom. Quite a number of studies pertaining to teachers’ readiness to conduct online lessons
(Cheok et al., 2017; Kumar et al., 2020; Norazlin, 2018; Thi et al., 2017) found a significant
result showing positive feedback and acceptance from the teachers. Despite having to face
barriers like lacking of time, facilities, and skills, teachers perceived online learning as
beneficial in creating great interest among students and helping in making their teaching job
easier (Cheok et al., 2017). With properly adequate training, assistance, and support from the
authority, they are prepared to implement online learning in their classrooms.
Froelich (2009) argues that designing lessons that focus on students’ activities can arouse
their interest to engage and participate in the lessons, yet sometimes teachers overlook this
matter and design the flow based on what they want or will do (teachers-centred). Therefore,
for an effective online lesson to take place, teachers must be ready to design lessons that fulfill
those criteria while making sure that the instructional materials are organized and taught
according to the guidelines (Martin, et al., 2019), which is the yearly scheme of work for
Malaysian context. Other than that, it is important to provide ample opportunity for pupils to
communicate during online lessons. As facilitators, teachers must be able to initiate meaningful
communication with the learners and give timely adequate information and feedback. In terms
of time management, teachers should be able to complete the processes governing online
teaching, starting from the lesson planning until the assessment and reflection within the time
However, the platform like Google classroom, Frog VLE, and other online classes studied
in those researches are only used recurrently, as a regular lesson still takes the form of a formal
face-to-face interaction in a physical classroom (Cheok et al., 2017). Moreover, not all teachers
really practise online teaching as it is not made compulsory to them, especially in relation to
Malaysian classrooms. Teachers were also struggling to juggle between the traditional teaching
method and the new proposed online teaching. Despite the so-called digitized teaching, teachers
are still required to document their lesson notes, reports, and assessments in hard copies, which
doubles their workload. Consequently, having to effectively infuse technology into their
pedagogical practice demotivates the teachers as the ongoing transitions from face to face to
online settings tend to tire them out. As a result, teachers begin to perceive that online learning
requires extensive time and this perception has become the key obstacle to online teaching
which demotivates them to implement this innovation (Cheok et al., 2017). Online lesson
designing and planning could be time-consuming especially for a first-timer (Martin et al., 2019)
or those who have difficulties managing ICT tools, yet it is a crucial aspect to be addressed to
ensure the smooth sailing of online lessons.
As for English teachers, not only they have to cope with technical competency in the use
of ICT, there is a need for them to put the extra translating effort into teaching English as a
second language. Until the recent COVID-19 outbreak finally paves a way for online lessons
to be fully conducted, now this study will fill in the contextual gap in which previously recurrent
online lessons could not shed light on the reality behind English teachers’ readiness to teach
AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy
ISSN 2289-8689 / e-ISSN 2289-8697, Vol 9 No.1(2021),16-27
online. Therefore, the goal of this study is to identify teachers’ readiness, specifically English
teachers’, if they were given full opportunity to explore, master, and consequently conduct the
lessons online, as an alternative to teaching and learning process just as what they have been
experiencing since the first day of the confinement during the COVID 19 outbreak. It will also
allow school administrations and respective authorities to identify problems that need to be
solved regarding the implementation of online learning. Their readiness is assessed in terms of
lesson planning, lesson communication, time management, and technical competence.
These four areas were chosen with reference to the instrument adapted from Martin et al.
(2019). These four areas were chosen with reference to the instrument adapted from Martin et
al. (2019) as they are aligned to the seven principles of effective pedagogical practices for
online teaching as synthesized by Bailey & Card (2009) and eight roles of an effective online
teacher proposed by Goodyear et al. (2001), as described in Table 1.
Table 1: Teachers’ Readiness to Conduct Online Lessons During the COVID-19 Outbreak
English Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Online During the COVID-19 Outbreak
By having this research, it is hoped that we can identify the true scenario of to what extent
our teachers are ready to conduct full online lessons when it is essentially mandatory for them,
and whether or not they will be able to cope with the distant learning, should school remain to
be closed due to the pandemic. This research will also allow school administrations and
respective authorities to identify problems that need to be solved regarding the implementation
of online learning.
This study employed a quantitative research design in which a cross-sectional survey was done
to collect data and information from a small sample that has been drawn from a population of
English teachers across Malaysia. To avoid problems such as inability or unwillingness to
answer among the respondents, a self-administered questionnaire was used as the survey
instrument to elicit information about English teachers’ readiness to teach online during the
COVID 19 outbreak. The questionnaire was adapted from a readiness instrument to assess
faculty readiness to teach online (Martin et al., 2019) and divided into six sections named
alphabetically from A to F. Section A contains items that elicit demographic details about the
respondents. Sections B to E were prepared as sets of statements to be rated using a five-point
Likert scale that allows the respondents to express their level of agreement, which ranges from
Strongly Disagree (1) to Strongly Agree (5).
The choice made by the respondents would describe their readiness for different aspects in
conducting online lessons (lesson planning, lesson communication, time management, and
technical competence). The final section (F) was meant for further investigating problems that
the respondents faced while conducting the online lessons to see whether there was any
similarity or difference in problems faced by them. Therefore, a simple attitude scaling
(Yes/No) was given and the respondents only had to further elaborate their answer if they
choose “Yes”. A total of 103 valid samples were used for analysis out of 107 questionnaires
The data on English teachers’ readiness to conduct online lessons during the COVID-19
outbreak was gathered using a questionnaire. The scales for all the items in the questionnaire
were divided into three categories of different levels of readiness. Since there were 22 items in
total, the minimum score would be 5 whereas the maximum score would be 110. Scores that
ranged from 5 to 50 were labeled as not ready, 51 to 80 as neutral or not sure, and 81 to 110
were considered to be ready.
AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy
ISSN 2289-8689 / e-ISSN 2289-8697, Vol 9 No.1(2021),16-27
Table 2: Teachers’ Readiness to Conduct Online Lessons During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Based on the analysis made, it could be seen that the majority of the respondents (71.8%)
took a positive view about themselves and their ability to prepare, plan, conduct, and assess
online lessons, as illustrated in the questionnaire. It shows that they are ready to conduct online
lessons, especially in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. This result is aligned with the
significant findings made by Kumar et al. (2020), Cheok et al. (2017), Norazlin (2018), and
Phan and Dang (2017) who found positive feedback and acceptance from the teachers regarding
the implementation of digital learning. There were 26.2% of them who had neutral feelings and
a small percentage of 1.9% who were not ready to teach online. Despite the small number, they
are equally important groups to reflect upon for a successful implementation of digital learning
throughout the nation, as well as worldwide. To understand these differences, the respondents’
readiness was further analyzed according to different aspects in online teaching as in the
following Table 3.
1.2 2.7 19.4 46.4 30.3
2.7 4.1 25.4 46.6 21.2
2.5 3.5 17.9 42.3 33.8
Based on the data above, there were still a number of the respondents who were not sure
and not ready for the shift to teach online, especially in terms of lesson planning (24.7% + 7.4%
+ 3.2%), and time management (25.4% + 4.1% + 2.7%). This finding corresponds to teachers’
view on lack of time and struggles to plan online lessons as barriers to digital learning as
mentioned by Cheok et al. (2017). They found it a bit challenging to organize instructional
materials, create instructional videos and use a variety of teaching methods in the online
environment as highlighted in the aspect of online lesson planning. They also disagreed that
English Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Online During the COVID-19 Outbreak
they had ample time to mark their students’ homework or exercises given and received online,
besides did not manage to allocate time to learn about new strategies or tools to use during
online teaching.
To further analyze their readiness, another question was posed to identify problems that the
respondents faced while conducting online teaching and learning. 51.5% of the respondents
pointed out several problems that could be categorized into four main aspects; lacking in pupils’
participation, network and technical problems faced by both the teachers and the learners, as
well as poor time management among the learners.
For lacking of pupils’ participation, the respondents listed out problems like passive
learners, avoidance to teachers’ questions, difficulties to get pupils’ participation, pupils were
not fully ready or prepared and pupils failed to comply with the time table given. Some of the
network and technical problems faced included the absence of electronic and digital devices
especially among lower socio-economic background, some pupils need to share or take turn to
use the device with their siblings, limited data, poor network coverage in rural areas, and pupils’
inability to concentrate during online lessons. Other problems included the longer time needed
by pupils to understand the lesson, which resulted in the exceeding of the duration of a lesson.
Total 53 100
Basically, the problems faced by teachers while conducting online lessons were caused by
the shortcomings from the pupils’ side (43.4% + 47.2% + 1.95) which makes up a total of
92.5%. In other words, if problems faced by pupils were solved, teachers would not be having
any crucial problem to implement online learning except for the poor network coverage and
technical issues (7.5%), which were beyond their control.
AJELP: The Asian Journal of English Language & Pedagogy
ISSN 2289-8689 / e-ISSN 2289-8697, Vol 9 No.1(2021),16-27
It could be even more challenging for young learners who need more guidance and
assistance to perform online tasks. However, since the results pointed out that the problems that
occurred were caused by shortcomings in pupils’ participation and technical equipment, further
effort could be made to ensure these problems are curbed before such online learning could be
implemented. We could also make use of this information to carry out the same readiness
investigation for pupils to confirm whether or not they are having problems learning online, as
revealed by teachers in this study.
Another crucial aspect of a successful teaching and learning process is lesson planning and
preparation. Compared to the traditional classroom, online learning requires totally different
materials and mediums of instruction. Teachers are required to adapt to a new environment and
teaching method thus it is important to properly sequence the online teaching and learning
process to ensure meaningful outcomes. According to Prozesky (2000), learning can be either
superficial or deep, depending on how it is conducted. Superficial learning, whereby knowledge
is only memorized is easily forgotten and does not have a significant impact on a learner.
However, good learning in which the learner is directed to use the knowledge actively will
result in deep and meaningful learning, and this is what is desired with the implementation of
online learning.
In light of the present development and needs in education, one of the pedagogical
implications that could be drawn from the findings is that there is an urgency to curb this
problem first, before making any online learning further implemented and enforced in the
education system as digital learning in Malaysia still has a long way to go due to poorly unequal
network coverage and facilities. If these problems continue to persist, there is no way to achieve
the aspirations to improve access to education, raising standards (quality), closing achievement
gaps (equity), fostering unity amongst students, and maximising system efficiency as proposed
in the National Education Blueprint (2013-2025). Therefore, ample support and innovations
should be made to assist both teachers and learners in achieving meaningful online learning.
To ensure equal readiness and competency among teachers, it is vital to have continuous
training and monitoring by the authorities.
English Teachers’ Readiness to Teach Online During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Teachers, on the other hand, should also portray exemplary roles as facilitators and
initiators thus they should always be ready with changes and shifts in education. They should
initiate their own learning and start experimenting and experiencing digital learning themselves
(Cheok et al., 2017). As the world is moving rapidly towards advancement in this digital age,
any information can be retrieved with just a click hence all parties must have the urgency to
improve and progress on their own, without waiting to be told or taught to.
To conclude, it is hoped that this study will trigger more researches exploring the readiness
for online teaching and learning in the Malaysian education system so we could identify the
real problems that hinder the successful implementation of online learning. Further studies
concerning pupils’ readiness or possible factors affecting the readiness levels such as genders,
teaching experience, subjects, or skills could also be made to further understand the course of
online teaching and learning in Malaysia. These would help the schools, teachers, and
community to work for improvement to optimize the outcomes from online learning in the
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