1ST Term S2 Biology
1ST Term S2 Biology
1ST Term S2 Biology
1. Aquatic Habitat
2. Terrestrial Habitat
3. Food Production and Storage
4. Nutrient Cycling in Nature
5. Nutrient Cycling in Nature (Cont’d)
6. Pollution
7. Conservation of Natural Resources
8. Ecological Management and Tolerance
9. Adaptation
10. Adaptation (Cont’d)
Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by S.T. Ramalingam
Essential Biology by M.C Michael
New School Biology by H. Stone and Cozen
SSCE Past Questions and Answers
New System Biology by Lam and Kwan
College Biology by Idodo Umeh
UTME and Cambridge Past Questions and Answers
Biology Practical Textbook
Characteristics of marine habitats are as follow:
1. The marine habitats constitute the largest habitat in the biosphere (70% of the earth’s
2. They do not undergo sudden or rapid changes in physical factors such as temperature, PH
and specific gravity. Hence they show the greatest stability of all habitats.
3. Chemical composition :- marine water consists of many kinds of dissolved ions including
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Pb43-, I-, NO3- e. t. c.
4. Hydrogen (H+) concentration (PH): - salt water is alkaline in nature with PH of about 8.0 –
9.0 near the surface.
5. Salinity (salt concentration of water). The seawater has a high salinity. The average salinity
of seawater is 35 parts per thousand.
6. Density of marine water is high. It is about 1.028 while that of fresh water is 1.0. This
allows many organisms to float in it.
7. The temperature of the sea changes less quickly than that of the land. However, the
temperature falls with increase in the depth of the sea.
8. Oxygen concentration is highest at the surface where the atmospheric oxygen dissolved in
water. The concentration of oxygen decreases with depth.
9. Waves are temporary movement of surface water of the sea which occurs in any direction.
They are caused by wind blowing against the surface of water. They also bring about the
mixing of seawater. Waves can also beat against the shore and sometime caused it to be
10. Tides are alternate rise and fall of the surface of the sea at least twice daily. Tides are
caused by water distribution resulting from the combined gravitational pull of the earth by
the sun and moon.
1. What is a habitat?
2. With two examples each, state the three kinds of aquatic habitats.
Based on light penetration or depth, the marine habitat can be zoned into three ;
1. Euphotic zone is the area in direct contact with sun shine. Hence, there is enough light
penetration for photosynthesis. Therefore producers, consumers and decomposer are all
2. Disphotic zone is a region of dim light. Light penetrate the water with low too intensity for
photosynthesis to take place. Consumers and decomposers are found in this zone.
3. Aphotic zone is the bottom or bed of the seas and oceans. It is characterized by cold dark
water without light penetration and very few living organisms.
1. State the major zones of marine habitat
2. Differentiate between splash and hadal zones
1. Mention two organisms in the following zones: i. Splash, ii. Neritic, iii. Littoral, iv. Benthic
2. Using 3 plants and 2 animals, explain adaptation in marine habitats.
1. The salinity fluctuates.
2. The specific gravity is less than that of the sea.
3. They have high turbidity due to frequent disturbances. Hence rate of photosynthesis and
respiration by organisms reduces.
4. The water is shallow.
5. They have low diversity of species compared to marine habitat.
6. They have high level of nutrients
7. They have low oxygen content, hence anaerobic activities are common.
1. What is estuarine?
2. List five characteristics of estuarines
1. Give two examples of food chain in marine habitats
2. How do organisms adapt to life in estuary?
3. What is a fresh water habitat?
4. Differentiate between lotic and lentic fresh water habitats
5. Differentiate between waves and tides.
6. According to light penetration, zone marine habitat.
1. Buoyancy in salt water is ensured by the following except A. divided leaves B. chlorophyll C.
floating devices D. air bladder
2. The mucilaginous cover in sea weed and spirogyra is mainly for A. protection B.
osmoregulation C. avoiding desiccation D. feeding
3. Which of the following is not a fresh water habitat? A. puddle B. swamp C. stream D.
1. In a tabular form, state five differences between fresh water and a marine habitat
2. State three adaptive features each of plants and animals to fresh water habitat
College Biology, chapter 23, page 499 – 513
Organisms of the land are called terrestrial organisms. They include plants and animals that are
found living on the ground and under the ground.
Basically, terrestrial habitat is subdivided into four main parts, namely;
i. marsh
ii. forest
iii. grassland/ savanna
iv. arid land/ desert
1. What are terrestrial organisms?
2. List four types of terrestrial habitats
Marsh is a low land, flooded in rainy season and usually waterlogged because of poor drainage. The
vegetation is predominantly of grasses and shrubs. When trees grow in a marsh, it is called a
swamp. Marsh is a transition between the aquatic habitat and terrestrial habitat.
Marshes develop as a result of water overflowing its banks to accumulate on the adjoining coastal or
low land area such as flood plains of rivers. This can be enhanced with extensive rainfall.
When ponds and lakes are filled up with soil and organic debris of plants, marshes can also be
formed. Marshes formation is therefore a gradual process. Marshes can either be fresh water or salt
water marshes.
1. A marsh is lowland.
2. It is always flooded, wet and waterlogged.
3. It sometimes has pool of standing water.
4. It has a high relative humidity
5. Its water sometimes contain much decaying organisms
6. The water has a foul smell
Plants of fresh water marsh have other adaptive features similar to those of fresh water habitat.
Likewise the plants of salt water marsh.
1. How is a marsh formed
2. State four characteristics of a marsh
3. List four plants and animals found in the marsh
A forest is a community of plants in which trees species are dominant. There are different kinds of
forest whose distribution is determined mainly by climatic factors such as temperature, rainfall and
at times by soil elevation and man’s activities such as farming, lumbering, bush burning,
construction of roads and building.
The major type of forest in Nigeria is the rain forest
1. The forest is rich in epiphytes and climbers
2. The interior of the forest has high humidity, low light intensity and damp floor.
3. Presence of tall trees with canopies and existing in layers (stratified).
4. Trees are mesophytes with broad leaves.
5. The trees have buttress roots to support their heavy weight and height.
6. The trees have thin barks for gaseous exchange and transpiration.
1. Describe a forest habitat using its characteristics
2. Give two examples of food chain in a forest
This is a plant community in which grass species are dominant, but trees and shrubs may be
1. Temperature is usually high and sunshine is intense.
2. The relative humidity is low and rainfall scanty (60 – 150cm annual rainfall).
3. Abundant grassland with few short trees sparsely distributed
4. Bush fire is frequent and trees are fire resistant
5. Deciduous plants (plants that shed their leaves in dry seasons) are present.
6. Plants possess underground stems and deep roots to search out for water
7. Trees have modified leaves for adaptation to the environment
Basically, there are four major types of savanna in Nigeria, namely;
a. Southern guinea savanna
b. Northern guinea savanna
c. Sudan savanna
d. Sahel savanna
Southern guinea savanna is the largest biome in Nigeria
1. Describe a grassland
2. State four characteristics of a grassland
3. List 4 plants and 4 animals of the grassland and explain how each adapt to this habitat
1. Water is very scarce
2. Temperature is very high by the day and very low by the night
3. Vegetation is very scanty
4. The soils are sandy or rocky
5. Strong winds occur frequently and sunshine very intense
6. Presence of drought resistance plants (xerophytes)
1. Describe the desert
2. State four characteristics of tropical arid land
1. List the two types of arid land with examples.
1. Marsh is a ……… flooded and waterlogged (a) highland (b) lowland (c) island (d)
2. Marsh is described as a ……… when trees grow there (a) swamp (b) forest
(c) puddle (d) desert
3. Dominant plants in the forest are (a) grasses (b) shrubs (c) trees (d) vegetables
4. An examples of forest plants’ parasite is (a) orchid (b) mosses (c) liverwort
(d) mistletoe
5. The plants of the forests are described as (a) hydrophytes (b) mesophytes
(c) xerophytes (d) neophytes
1. What is a marsh? State two types of a marsh
2. State five unique features of a forest
College Biology, chapter 23, page 507 – 523
Food production depends on the following
1. Role of government in agricultural production
2. Environmental factors required for food production
3. 3Ways of improving crop production
Abiotic factors include: I. Rainfall II. Temperature III. Wind IV. Sunlight V. Relative humidity
VI. Solar radiation VII. Edaphic factor; soil pH, soil texture, and soil structure.
Biotic factors affecting food production include I. Soil organisms II. Pests III. Parasites
IV. Diseases V. Weeds VI. Predators
1. What are the effects of food shortage on population size?
2. Define cannibalism.
Salting: This involves coating of the food with table salt or common salt (NaCl).
Principle: The salt on the surface of the food dehydrates it i.e. it removes water from the food.
This form a highly concentrated solution which has osmotic pressure than the cytoplasm of the
micro organisms that cause decay. The salts inhibit the growth of the microbe or kill them. This
method can be used for fresh meat, fish etc.
Drying: Food such as vegetables, maize, cassava, fish, meat etc. can be preserved by drying under
the sun.
Principle: Drying reduces water content of the food thus making it unsuitable for the growth of
spoilage micro organisms due to increased osmotic concentration of food.
Smoking: Involves placing the food over naked fire to dry it. Food preserved this way includes
meat, fish, groundnut, plantain etc.
Principle: The smoke creates an oxygen deficient environment that kills micro organisms. The smoke
also contains chemicals that are poisonous to the organisms.
1. List three methods of preserving food.
2. What are the principles of the methods mentioned above?
2. Pasteurization: This is the heating of some food product to a very high temperature (72 OC) for
about 10 minutes and its immediate cooling for the purpose of storage. The high temperature
destroys the spoilage microbes. Milk, cheese, beef can be preserved this way. Pasteurization usually
precedes canning or bottling method of food preservation.
3. Canning/Bottling: This is the storage or sealing of processed and consumable food in cans or
bottle under special conditions for future consumption. This is used for food like fruit, meat, fish,
4. Irradiation: This is the subjection of some food e.g. Milk, Canned food, tubers, fruit juices etc,
to a high radiation such as ultraviolet rays. The irradiation kills the microbes in the food and also
prevents the entrance of new ones.
5. Chemicals: This is the addition of harmless chemicals to food e.g. soft drink, vegetables etc.
Principle: The chemical choke spoilage organisms in the food. It also dehydrates or toxicate the
1. How is pasteurization related to canning or bottling method of preservation?
2. Food storage reduces the effect of natural disaster, explain.
2. Maintenance of stable price: During harvest, food is cheap. However food storage ensure the
availability of food through out the year. This helps in the maintenance of stable price.
3. Reduce the effect of natural disaster, flood, earthquake, pest attack and even war cause farm
crop failure or destroy entrance farm activities. Food already stored etc. harvest will save people
from starvation in the period of scarcity.
4. Food storage provides employment for workers especially in food processing company.
1. What are the effects of food storage on population?
2. Highlight ways of improving food production.
3. Mention four abiotic factors that affect food production.
4. List the edaphic factors that affect food production.
5. What is pasteurization?
College Biology by Idodo Umeh. Chapter 20, page 448
1. The following except one results from food shortage (a) Competition (b) Reduced mortality
rate (c) Emigration (d) Increased mortality rate.
2. Food shortage makes the population size
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) stabilize (d) fluctuate
3. Food storage results in
(a) stability of price (b) Natural disaster (c) high natality rate (d) overpopulation
4. These are methods of storing and preserving food except
(a) Silos (b) barns (c) refrigeration (d) Marketing.
5. The biggest factor that affects food production in Africa is (a) improper food storage (b)
drought (c) low utilization of land (d) static farming technology.
1. a. List three methods of preserving food.
b. Explain the principle involved in the method listed above
2. State five ways of improving crop yield.
Nutrient cycling refers to the movement of certain nutrients like nitrogen, carbon, water, oxygen and
other elements from the environment into various organisms and back into the environment. The
path along which the atoms or elements pass is called a cycle. The popular well known nutrients
cycles are nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle and decomposition in nature.
Carbon Cycle
Carbon Cycle is the cycle of carbon usage by which energy flows through Earth’s ecosystem. The
basic cycle begins when photosynthesizing plants use carbon dioxide (CO 2) found in the atmosphere
or dissolved in water.
The atmosphere gains carbon dioxide through:
1. Combustion of organic materials such as coal, wood and petroleum
2. The action of volcanoes which releases carbon dioxide
3. The respiration by plant and animals
4. The death, decay and putrefaction of plants and animals
5. Diffusion of carbon dioxide from seas and other bodies of water acting as reservoir of carbon
1. Define carbon cycle.
2. Mention three ways atmosphere gain carbon dioxide.
1. What is the importance of carbon?
2. Explain carbon-oxygen balance.
Water Cycle
Definition: Water cycle is the continuous movement of water from the earth to the atmosphere by
evaporation, transpiration and perspiration and back from the atmosphere to the earth by
1. Define water cycle.
2. State the major processes that bring about water cycle.
Importance of Water to plants
Water is very important to living organisms, both plants and animals, in number of ways:
Water provides the medium for absorption of dissolved mineral salts by plants.
Water is an essential raw material in the process of photosynthesis.
It acts as a medium of transport for plants nutrients.
General Evaluation
1. Mention three processes that involve carbon.
2. Mention three importance of water to animals.
3. Explain the following terms: Hypertonic, Hypotonic and Isotonic solution.
4. Outline the process of water cycle in nature.
5. List the constituents of air in nature.
Reading Assignment
College Biology by Idodo Umeh. Chapter 23, page 553-555
1. Which of the following processes removes water from the water cycle? (a) Condensation (b)
Perspiration (c) Photosynthesis (d) Transpiration.
2. What type of energy causes water to evaporate from the hydrosphere (a) mechanical energy (b)
chemical energy (c) solar energy (d) hydro-electric power.
3. Water is returned to the atmosphere from animals through the following processes except (a)
excretion (b) respiration (c) condensation (d) perspiration.
4. When organisms die, water returns to the atmosphere by (a) decay (b) sweating (c) respiration
(d) condensation.
5. Atmosphere gains carbon through the following processes except (a) Photosynthesis (b) Decay
(c) Respiration (d) Volcano
1. Water is essential for living organism, discuss.
2. Describe the process of carbon cycling in nature.
Nitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen is an abundant element in the atmosphere. It is an essential constituent of proteins, a
group of substances found in all living cells. About 78% of air is composed of gaseous nitrogen.
Plants cannot incorporate nitrogen gas into organic compound and therefore depend on various
types of bacteria to make nitrogen available for them in a global cycle called the nitrogen cycle. In
nature, nitrogen is constantly being removed from the soil and returned to it via the nitrogen cycle.
Putrefaction: Plants are the food producers in nature; animals feed on plants and convert plant
proteins; to animal proteins. When these animals are eaten by carnivorous animals, more animal
proteins are formed. Proteins are decomposed through amino acids to ammonia when an organism
dies. The nitrogen that is trapped in the bodies of all these living organisms re-enter the nitrogen
cycle through putrefaction or decay. When living organisms die, they decay and the excretory
product also decays.
Ammonification: The putrefying bacteria and fungi are responsible for decay. These saprophytic
organisms convert plant and animal materials into simple substances like carbon dioxide, water, and
ammonia. This breakdown of protein into ammonia is known ammonification.
Nitrification: Animal wastes and excreta are decomposed and the chemosynthetic bacteria then
oxidize ammonia to nitrites and the nitrites are converted to nitrates by nitrifying bacteria. This
process is called nitrification.
Denitrification: Denitrifying bacteria in the soil convert nitrates into gaseous nitrogen which
escapes into the atmosphere. This reduces the nitrogen content and fertility of the soil.
1. What is nitrification?
2. Explain denitrification.
Decomposition in Nature
Decomposition is the process by which organisms, mainly bacteria and saprophytes break down
dead organic materials which could be of plant or animal origin.
Types of Decomposers
1. Micro decomposers: These are small or microscopic organisms that can cause decay e.g.
certain bacteria and fungi.
2. Macro decomposers: These are bigger organisms that can cause decay of dead organic
materials e.g. earthworms, termites, snails, mushroom, toad stools, etc.
Role of Decomposers
1. They enrich the soil with nutrients required for plant growth.
3. They contribute to environmental pollution.
4. Decomposition is useful in the making of cheese and yoghurt.
5. They allow the ecosystem to function by enabling the recycling of nutrients.
6. They also prevent an unsightly accumulation of remains and wastes of living organisms on
earth surface.
General Evaluation
1. Write on the two types of decomposers.
2. State the roles of decomposers.
3. What is autotrophic nutrition?
4. List the two modes of autotrophic nutrition.
5. Differentiate between the two modes listed above.
Reading Assignment
College Biology by idodo Umeh. Chapter 23, page 556-558
1. Legumes incorporate nitrogen gas into their proteins because (a). of the presence of
Azotobacter in their roots (b) they posses root nodules containing Rhizobium (c) they have a
well developed root system (d) they are autotrophic.
2. Thunderstorm can be beneficial to plants because (a) it kills the pest that attacks crops (b) it
destroys some of the major crops (c) it adds nitrate to the soil (d) it makes rain water
available to plants.
3. Which of the following is responsible for the conversion of nitrites to nitrates?(a) Denitrifying
bacteria (b) Nitrifying bacteria (c) Lightening (d) Fungi.
4. Which of the folloowing is a nitrifying bacterium? (a) Nitrobacter (b) Rhizobium (c)
Azotobacter (d) Nitrosomonas.
5. Bacteria inhabiting legume root nodules and which add atmospheric nitrogen to the soil are
referred to as (a) denitrifying bacteria (b) nitrifying bacteria (c) nitrogen-fixing bacteria (d)
nitrogen putrefying bacteria.
1. Explain the types of nitrogen fixing mechanisms.
2. Explain the following a. Nitrification b. Ammonification.
Definition of Pollution
Air Pollution
Noise Pollution
Land Pollution
Water Pollution
Definition: Pollution is defined as the release of toxic or harmful substances into the environment
by their natural forces or man and other animals to an extent that causes biological damage to man
and his resources. In other words, pollution is the release of harmful substances into the
environment, i.e., water, air and land in quantities or to the level that are harmful to man, animals
and plants.
The harmful substances that cause pollution in the environment are called pollutants.
There are four main types of pollution. These are
(a)Air pollution
(b)Noise pollution
(c) Land pollution
(d) Water pollution
The major air pollutants, their sources, harmful effects and their control
Sulphur dioxide Burning from vehicle's exhaust, It causes impaired health such as the
coal mining and cement factory irritation of eyes, lungs and other respiratory tract
diseases. It can cause acid rain.
Electrical discharge in air and It forms nitric acid with water in air form acid rain
Nitrogen oxides Industrial processes which corrodes metallic objects. It irritates the skin
and respiratory system.
Burning of substances from industries, Particles can damage lungs and cause discomfort.
Smoke and soots machines and coal into the air. Soot can cover the leaves of plant thereby reducing
photosynthesis. Smoke reduces visibility. It makes
buildings black.
Noise pollution
Noise Sources include
Factory or industrial noise.
Airplane or aviation noise.
Rail way engine noise.
Car horns and sirens.
High pitched musical sound from loud speakers.
Noise from heavy guns or cannon shots.
Thunder noise.
Noise from generators.
1. Mention five common land pollutants.
General Evaluation
1. Define the term pollution.
2. State four types of pollution.
3. Mention three air and noise pollution.
4. State the effect of air and land pollution.
5. What is sewage?
Weekend Assignment
Need for Conservation
Natural Resources that Needs to be Conserved
Methods of Conserving Natural Resources
Importance of Conservation of Natural Resources
Ways of Ensuring the Conservation of Natural Resources
1. What is conservation of natural resources?
2. State five needs for conservation.
1. State five methods of conserving forest.
2. Suggest five ways of preventing depletion of soil.
1. State three benefits of conserving soil.
2. Mention two benefits of conserving petroleum in Nigeria.
(2) Establishment of Game Reserves or National Parks: The game reserves or national parks
serve for the protection of wildlife, rare or endangered species and for recreational purposes as well
as scientific purposes.
Some game reserves in Nigeria include:
(i) Yankari game reserve in Bauchi.
(ii) Borgu game reserve in Niger State.
(iii) Shasha river forest in Ogun State.
(iv) Olomu forest reserve in Kwara State.
(v) Mamu river forest reserve in Anambra State.
(vi) Zamfara forest reserve in Zamfara State.
(3) Making of conservation laws, edicts or decrees: These laws, edicts or decrees are made by
government to regulate the felling of trees, hunting or exploitation of endangered species or
indiscriminate exploitation of mineral resources. These laws must be obeyed.
(4) Conservation education: Conservation education serves to inform the populace about the
need to conserve natural resources and the consequences of extermination or exhaustion of such
resources like trees, wildlife and minerals.
Weekend Assignment
1. The planned use of natural resources to ensure the continuous availability is A. Preservation B.
Conservation C. Storage D. Exploitation.
2. These are examples of renewable natural resources except A. Rain B. Petroleum C. Plants D. Soil
3. The following are agencies for conservation except A. FEPA B. RBDA C. Ministry of Agriculture D.
4. Borgu game reserve can be found in A. Abia B. Benue C. Niger D. Anambra
5. The following farm practices lead to depletion of soil nutrients except A. Bush fallowing B. Shifting
cultivation C. Continuous cropping D. Crop rotation
1. (a) Define the term "Conservation".
(b) State three reasons for conservation.
2. List two methods of conserving each of the following (a) Water (b) wildlife (c) forest
Reading Assignment
College Biology by idodo Umeh. Chapter 25, page 573-576
Biological Association
Tolerance Range
Geographic Range
Biological Association
In a community, there exist different kinds of biological associations between organisms of different
species. Some of these biological associations are beneficial, some are neutral while others are
Types of Associations
Definition: This is a close association between two organisms in which one or both of them benefit
from each other. Symbiosis is a beneficial association and each member is called a symbiont. This
association can be further divided into 1. Mutualism 2. Commensalism
Mutualism is the association between two organisms in which both of them benefit from each other.
1. Mention five different types of biological associations.
2. What is mutualism?
Commensalism is a relationship between two organisms of different species, in which one
(comensal) benefits while the other (host) neither gains nor loses.
Examples of Commensalism
Remora fish and the shark, oyster and crab, man and intestinal bacteria
Parasitism is a close association between two organisms in which one, known as the parasite, lives
in or on the body of another; the host, deriving benefits from and causing harm to it while the host
loses in the process. The parasite benefits from the association while the host usually suffers harm
or may die.
Examples of Parasitism
Man and the tapeworm: Mistletoe and flowering plant:
Competition involves the interactions among two organisms of the same or different species in
which one outgrows the other and survives.
Competition is often based on limited environmental resources which can be in short supply such as
food, water, nutrients, gases, light and space. During competition, one organism controls one or
more of these resources which enable it to grow and survive while the other neither grow nor
survive leading to its elimination.
When the competition is between members of the same species, it is called intra-specific
competition while it is called inter-specific competition if it is between members of different
Examples of Competitive Associations the (a) Flowering plants and grasses: flowering plants due to
its size and numerous branches and leaves are capable of eliminating the grasses by depriving the
grasses of nutrients, space and sunlight. The grasses may eventually be eliminated
Predation is a type of association between two organisms in which the predator kills the other,
called the prey and directly feeds on it. The predator which is usually larger in size and always
stronger than the prey benefits by deriving its food while the prey is completely eliminated.
Examples of Predation
The hawk and chicks of domestic fowls, the leopard and antelope, the lion and gazelle
1. What is commensalism?
2. Differentiate between parasitism and symbiosis.
Tolerance Range
Tolerance range is the range between the minimum and maximum limits to which organisms can
tolerate certain changes in their environment so as to survive. Organisms can only live within certain
minimum and maximum limits for each abiotic factors. The range between the upper and lower
limits is known as the tolerance range for the factors. For example, for most animals, the minimum
temperature limit is 0c while the maximum limit is 42cDeath occurs beyond this range.
Geographic Range
It refers to the areas where a species of organism can only be found within the minimum and
maximum limits of its tolerance. For example, the geographic range of the tropical rainforest is
within the equator as a result of high rainfall and temperatures, whereas tropical rainforest cannot
be found at the Northern and Southern poles because of low rainfall and temperature.
General Evaluation
1. Define tolerance.
2. Differentiate between a parasite and a commensal.
3. State the two forms of parasitism.
4. What is tolerance range?
5. Explain Geographic Range.
Weekend Assignment
1. Lichen are made up of two organisms, they are A. algae and fungi B. algae and bacteria C.
fungi and bacteria D. protozoa and algae.
2. Bacteria in the rumen of ruminants is an association called A. symbiosis B. parasitism C. predation
D. competition.
3. The minimum temperature limit for most animals is A. 0oC B. -10oC C. 5oC D. -10oC.
4. The following abiotic factors are responsible for geographical boundaries except A. Light intensity
B. Rainfall C. Temperature D. Competition.
5. An example of a plant parasite is A. venus B. mistletoe C. cactus D. xerophite
1. Define a) mutualism b) commensalism c) predation
2. Give example each of the following above.
Reading Assignment: College Biology by idodo Umeh. Chapter 23, page 556-558
Definition of Adaptation
Adaptation of animals
Adaptation of plants
Adaptation is defined as the ability of an organism to live successfully in a particular habitat as a
result of its structure, appearance and behaviour. It is expected that every organism must adapt to
its environment in order to survive. Plants and animals possess certain features which enable them
to adapt to either aquatic or terrestrial habitats.
Animal Adaptation
(1) Adaptation of Animals to Aquatic Habitat
(i) Possession of streamlined body for easy movement in water, e.g. Tilapia fish and toad.
(ii) Possession of fins for movement as in the case of fish and webbed toes as in toad
(iii) Possession of gills for gaseous exchange in fish and tadpoles.
(iv) Possession of swim bladder for the purpose of buoyancy in water, e.g. Tilapia fish.
(v) Possession of tail for swimming, e.g. tadpoles.
(vi) Possession of sticky undersurface for attachment to surfaces of objects, e.g. snails and
(vii) Possession of suckers or hairs for attachment to vegetation so as to avoid being swept away by
water current,
e.g. leeches.
1. What is evaluation?
2. Describe how tilapia adapts to water.
Plants Adaptation
Adaptation of Plants to Aquatic Habitat
(i) Possession of waxy cuticles on leaves to prevent wetting, e.g. water lettuce
(ii) Possession of long stem and flower stalk to expose the flowers and leaves e.g. water lily.
(iii) Possession of adventitious roots, e.g. water lettuce.
(iv) Possession of air floats in the leaves and stems for buoyancy, e.g. water hyacinth.
(v) Possession of breathing roots for gaseous exchange, e.g. white mangrove
1. Mention the features that adapt hydrophytes to water.
2. Mention five adaptive features of arboreal.
For Food
(i) It possesses special olfactory organ in the head for smelling/perceiving the odour of its food.
(ii) It has the ability to draw eyes in so that they make bulges in the root of the mouth which help to
prevent their prey from escaping and help in swallowing.
(iii)The tongue is attached at the front of the mouth which can be rapidly extended to capture/trap
(iv)The tongue is long and sticky to hold prey.
(v) The tongue which is long helps in catching prey.
For Protection
(i) The skin is slimy with mucous gland which makes the animal difficult to be caught by predators.
(ii) Slimy fluid keeps the skin moist and prevents the skin from drying up.
(ii)Toad has poison glands on the skin which is poisonous and distasteful to the predators.
(iii) Brownish colour or cryptic colouration helps to blend with the colour of the surroundings and
this prevents them from being noticed by predators.
(iv) Ability to alter colour to blend with the background
1. Highlight the adaptation of birds for flight.
2. Mention the features of toad and their uses
Animal Adaptation
1. What is a fresh water habitat?
2. Mention five animals dwelling in estuary.
Animal Adaptation
Animals of fresh water habitats include protozoa, duck, pondskatters, hydra, fishes e.t.c. Their
adaptive features include
a. Protozoa have contractile vacuole for osmoregulation in water.
b. Duck has webbed feet for locomotion and serrated beak for sieving food in water into its
c. Hydra has slippery surface, hooks and suckers for attachment to water particles.
d. Pondskatters has long legs for skating on water surface.
e. Fishes have swim bladders for buoyancy and gills for respiration.
General Evaluation
1. Using three plants and two animals, explain adaptation in marine habitats.
2. Give two examples of food chain in marine habitats.
3. Define an estuary.
4. State four characteristics of an estuary.
5. How do organisms adapt to life in estuary?
Weekend Assignment
1. Buoyancy in salt water is ensured by the following except A. divided leaves B. chlorophyll
C. floating devices D. air bladder.
2. The mucillagenous cover in sea weed and spirogyra is mainly for A. protection B.
osmoregulation C. avoiding dessication D. feeding.
3. Which of the following is not a fresh water habitat? A. puddle B. swamp C. stream D. sea.
4. Which of these is not an adaptive feature in a marine habitat? A. bladder for floating B.
hold fast for attachment C. fur to prevent water loss D. rhizoid for attachment to rocks.
5. The following are characteristics of fresh water habitats except A. low salt content B. high
salinity C. shallow water D. can be stagnant or running water.
1. List five characteristics of an estuary.
2. State five adaptive features of animals in a fresh water habitat and their functions.
Reading Assignment
College Biology by idodo Umeh. Chapter 23, page 558-560