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The 9 Ryu of Ninjutsu

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The 9 Ryu of Ninjutsu

1.Togakure Ryu Ninpo

The ninjutsu ryu of the Togakure family was not formalised until three generations after
Daisuke Togakure began to develop it. Allied with a clan that was defeated in a series of
battles against superior forces, Daisuke lost all, including his samurai status, and escaped
to the mountain wilderness south east of Kyoto. Wandering among the pine forests and
marshes of the Ku Peninsula in A.D. 1162, he met the warrior monk Kain Doshi, who
had fled to Japan from the political and military upheaval in China. There in the mountain
caves of Iga Province (within present day Mie Prefecture), Daisuke studied with this
mystic, learning new concepts of warfare and personal accomplishment based on Chinese
and Tibetan ideas about the order of the universe. Daisuke was taught the practical
applications of the balance of the elements in diet, in combat, in thought and emotion,
and in utilising the forces and cycles of nature to his advantage. Thus, away from the
limiting conventions of samurai conduct that he had never thought to question, He
discovered a completely new way of working his will. It was Daisuke's descendants that
developed and refined these notions into the Togakure ryu of ninjutsu, and came to be
called by the name ninja.

The Togakure-ryu's secret was the shuko, a spiked iron band worn around the hand,
enabling the ninja to stop sword blades or climb trees and walls like a cat. Another
device utilised by the Tokakure ninja was the tetsubishi, a small spiked weapon used to
slow pursuers or protect doorways. Made with spikes sticking out in all directions, the
tetsubishi were scattered on the ground to be stepped on by the unsuspecting.

They also used and kept secret the use of the senban shuriken or four pointed throwing
star, originally made from a metal building washer, it looked so innocuous as to be
ignored by samurai soldiers. Most important to our training today is the Togakure ryu
ninpo taijutsu, or unarmed methods of moving the body with subtle rather than forceful
movements which controls the actions of the attacker and allows the ninja to win whilst
expending minimum energy and exposure to the least amount of danger.

2. Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu

Said to be the oldest fighting system used by ninja, the Gyokko Ryu is developed from an
older fighting system brought over from China and integrated with the Japanese systems
of the time. Legend tells of its founder Yo Gyokko using this koshijutsu (the attacking of
nerve centres with pinching or striking finger drives) system to defeat several tens of
warrior monks lead by an old man of strange appearance who wanted Yo dead because of
his reputation in defeating challengers. He killed over fourteen monks and defeated the
old man even after being struck on the head by a sword which bounced off, as his head
was so hard. Later after killing a lion with one one fist he became known as Koto-ou (lion
battling king).

3. Koto Ryu Koppo Jutsu

Translated as the Chinese Hand skill of Tiger attack this ryu teaches us the koppojutsu
or bone breaking methods employed in ninjutsu.

The Kuden (oral tradition) at Koto Ryu say that a monk named Chan Busho travelled
from Korea to Japan bringing with him the concept of Koppojutsu - the study of bone
breaking and weak points. The system was passed from master to student until it passed
to Momochi Sandayu. It stayed in his family until 1624 when it passed to the Toda
family, Toda Shinryuken passed it to Takamatsu Toshitsugu his grandson. Takamatsu
passed it on to Hatsumi Masaaki which brings us to the present day.

Momochi Sandayu's famous student Ishitrawa Goemon became known as a Japanese

Robinhood. He also attempted to kill the famed leader Hideyoshi, but with no success.

4. Kukishinden Ryu Happo Hiken

As the 26th Grandmaster of Kuki Shinden ryu Happo Hiken (secret weapon
arts)Takakage Matsutaro Ishitani taught Toshitsugu Takamatsu the eight part Happo
method which included: Taijutsu (unarmed combat), Hichojutsu (leaping), Mawanage
(rope throwing), Koppojutsu (bone smashing technique), Jutaijutsu (grappling), Yarijutsu
(spear technique), Naginatajutsu (halberd skills), Bojutsu (long staff fighting), Jojutsu
(cane technique), Hanbojutsu (stick fighting), Seban Nage (shuriken throwing),
Tokenjutsu (blade throwing), Kojutsu (fire and explosives), Suikutsu (water techniques),
Chiku Jo Gunryaku Heiho (military tactics and fortress design and penetration),
Onshinjutsu (art of invisibility), and Hensojutso (disguise).

He then taught the Hiken or secret sword methods of the ryu. All of these methods are
said to have been developed in the mountains of Kumano by shugenja warrior monks
who first of all developed the use of their shakujo ringed staff to defend themselves.

5. Kumogakure Ryu Ninjutsu

With its own unique Taijutsu methods this ryu teaches us many leaping tactics and also
the use of the kamayari or hooked spear said to have been used by pirates on the Japanese
inland sea, specialising in field craft and espionage.
6. Gikan Ryu Koppo Jutsu

Founded by Uryu Hangan Gikanbo in 1558, this ryu was based on the Chinese style of
Cho Gyoko. It contains many special kicks, punches and throws. One of the original
teachings is "Ni Sente Nashi" (From this side there is not the first strike). During the
battle of Tenchi Gumi No Ran August 17th 1863, the tenth grandmaster who was also
named Yryu Gikanbo was shot and although he continued to fight with only one arm had
eventually to retire after been cut many times. He was found by Matsutaro Ishitani, who
was himself on the way to the battle. Ishitani helped Gikanbo recover in the mountains of
Iga. In return for this act he was trained in the secrets of Gikan Ryu.

7. Shinden Fudo Ryu Dakentaijutsu

As the grandmaster of this ryu Shinryuken Masamitsu Toda taught the arts of striking
and kicking to his grandson Toshitsugu Takamatsu. This ryu teaches the art of defeating a
strong person by feigning weakness.

8. Gyokishin Ryu Ninpo

This ryu teaches many of the secret philosophies and tactics of our art.

9. Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu

Said to have been founded by a monk named Un-Ryu (Cloud Dragon) this ryu has close
links with Kuki Shinden ryu after a contest between the two schools took place in 1672.
It was realised that the Kukishinden Ryu was superior in the stick fighting arts, but that
the unarmed combat techniques of the Takagi Toshin Ryu was in its own turn superior.
So the schools adopted techniques from each other to improve the quality for future
generations. Takakage Matsutaro Ishitani was also a soke of this ryu and it is through
Takamatsu Sensei and Hatsumi Sensei that many of the throwing and locking tactics are
handed down.

Most of the other remaining ninjutsu schools were wiped out by Oda Nobunaaga in 1591
when the men, women and children of the Iga mountains were slaughtered by a force out
numbering them 10 to one. Of those few families to survive all forgot or put aside their
training in the many years of peace that followed. Leaving Masaaki Hatsumi as the only
surviving grandmaster. The only person acknowledged as an authentic soke in ninjutsu
by the Japanese authorities.

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