Real Life Upper Intermediate Teachers Handbook Compress (1) 1
Real Life Upper Intermediate Teachers Handbook Compress (1) 1
Real Life Upper Intermediate Teachers Handbook Compress (1) 1
Answers: 2 campaigns 3 slogan 4 brand 5 target Students underline the reported versions of the speakers'
6 aimed 7 jingle 8 logos words in the text.
Answers: 2 I t o l d her that it was the best book I'd ever read.
Lesson 2
3 She asked me w h o the author was . . . 4 . . . I said I w o u l d
promote t h e m . 5 I . . . asked a shop assistant if they stocked
t h e m . 6 He said that they d i d n ' t . . .
5b Grammar I
If there has been a gap between the previous lesson and this
one, elicit or give different reasons to buy a product, e.g.: Do an example with the class. Elicit the form of the t w o verbs:
/ like the advert. It's the best book I've ever read, (present simple, present perfect)
My favourite celebrity advertises it. I told her that it was the best book I'd ever read, (past simple,
A friend recommended it. past perfect)
It's a famous international brand.
It's got a memorable slogan. Students do the same with the other sentences and then read
Grammar2know to check their answers.
Ask students to rank the reasons in the order that would make
them want to buy a product. Find out from different students Answers: 1 you're the best/I'm the best 3 Who^s the
which reason they put first and discuss the importance of a author?/who the author was 4 'II promote/would promote
friend's recommendation. 5 Do you stock/if they stocked 6 we don't/they didn't
BP 81 81
Workbook Listening 2 2 exhaustion 3 ability 4 happiness
5 importance б partnership
Answer Key
3 1 c 2a 3c 4c 5a
7 brotherhood 8 boredom
4 1 32 years old 2 99 percent
3 Because he doesn't want to wait. 3 2 advertisement 3 movement
u n i t 1 - g o i n g to extremes 4 motivation 5 competition
4 five 5 50 percent
Vocabulary - Success and 6 preparation 8 creativity 9 kindness
achievements Reading 10 politeness 11 confidence
1 2 satisfaction 3 achievement 12 freedom
5 2
4 respect 5 competition б pressure 4 2 child 3 star
7 sacrifice 8 motivation 9 dedication
6 а З с б d 4 e5 f - g2
5 2 achievement 3 satisfaction
11 discipline 12 challenge 7 1 X 2? 3 / 4 / 5? 6X
4 happiness 5 development
2 2 pressure 3 motivation 6 motivation 7 self-confidence
Writing - A narrative
4 satisfaction, respect 5 sacrifices 8 competition 9 education
б achievement 7 competition 1 1 Because she was standing on it
10 inspiration
and her foot was near its head 2 by
Grammar - Present tenses helicopter
unit 2 - living together
3 2 am taking, live 3 am doing 2 1 Little did I know (that disaster Vocabulary - Flat sharing
4 are passing 5 have been training was about to strike). 2 but then my
1 2c 3f 4b 5a 6e
б have done problems started 3 All of a sudden
4 to my horror/terrified 5 in pain, sick 2 2 share 3 household 4 have
4 2 At the moment 3 for the last t w o
and exhausted 6 Thankfully 5 issues б treat
years 4 already 5 almost every day
б more and more 3 (Answers 4-5, 7-9 and 11-13 can Grammar - Present perfect simple
come in any order.) and continuous
5 2d 3a 4e 5b
2 thankfully 4 unfortunately
6 2 take 3 has been learning 3 2've been waiting 3've bought/'ve
5 to my horror 7 eventually
4 has already learned 5 are beginning been arguing 4's decided 5've you
8 gradually 9 suddenly
6 are preparing 7 doesn't understand been living б have you avoided
11 amazingly 12 strangely
8 wants 4 2've written, 's been writing 3've
4 Possible answers:
7 2 have been reading, have read been painting, 've painted 4's been
b Unfortunately, the blow to her head
3 don't do, am doing 4 plays, has been dancing, 've danced
knocked her unconscious.
playing 5 I am thinking, think c Suddenly, we heard a terrible noise - 5 2b 3a 4e 5f 6c
Jane's canoe had hit a rock in the river! 6 2's been writing, 's written
Vocabulary - Extreme adjectives and d Fortunately, there was a rescue station 3's been cooking, 's cooked 4've been
intensifies close by, so we carried Jane there. cleaning, 've cleaned 5's been trying,
1 2 starving 3 outstanding e Jane disappeared under the water, but 's tried
4 freezing 5 terrifying б huge she appeared again eventually.
7 2 have you been doing haven't seen,
7 exhausted f We managed to pull Jane out of the
've been 3 Have you heard, 've been
2 2 boiling 3 soaked 4 brilliant water. Fortunately, she was still breathing.
going out, have you been 4've been
5 terrible б furious 7 desperate 5 2 a 3e 4f 5b 6d sharing, Have you tried
6 Students' own answers
Grammar - Past tenses Vocabulary - Behaviour and
7 1 information 2 list 3 organise
3 1 has only won 2 watched 3 was relationships
working/offered 4 was preparing/ 4 improve 5 punctuation
1 2e 3c 4a 5d
had put on 5 had been dating б had
8 Students'own answers 2 2 keeps 3 takes 4 leaving
5 interrupting б make
4 2f 3e 4a 5c 6b real time 1
1 2 have in с о т н ю . " ч seem Grammar - Present and past habits
5 2 went 3'd put on/put on 4
4 look like 5 makes me
arrived 5 was standing б was asking 3 2e 3a 4f 5c 6b
7 paid 8'd waited 9 walked 10 2
4 2 Did you use to 3 used not to
introduced 11 got 12 won 2 The way I see it is that you're not really
4 used to spend 5 did you use to live
successful if you're unhappy.
6 didn't use to nag
Grammar Plus: Question tags 3 If you ask me, a good relationship w i t h
6 2 have you? 3 don't they? 4 aren't your family is most important. 5 2 are constantly blocking 3 keep
there? 5 will you? 6 shall we? 7 4 Don't forget that they are the people leaving 4 is constantly getting into
aren't I? w h o can support you the most. 5 used to phone б would come
5 In my opinion, a good education is 7 were always gossiping 8 kept telling
Vocabulary - Reaching the top more important.
6 2 a b c 3abc 4bc 5abc
6 You have to bear in mind that it's
1 2 support 3 skills 4 self- ба b
difficult to get a good j o b w i t h o u t a
confidence 5 luck б determination
7 social network
good education. Grammar Plus: be/get used to
7 2 wasn't used to 3 got used to
2 2 determination 3 determined exam trainer 1
4 lucky 5 talent б support 4 didn't used to 5 used to driving
1 2 adjective 3 verb 4 adverb
7 supportive 8 exception 6 getting used to
5 noun б noun
9 networking 10 successful
flat redecorated. 6 M y neighbour gets 1 The Last Station is the inspirational film 2 2 tender 3 protein 4 flavour
his grass cut every t w o weeks. about the life of the Russian writer Leo 5 mashed б pickled 7 exotic
Vocabulary - Music and entertainment 2 It is the moving, true-life story of Grammar - Rel ative cl auses
1 2f 3e 4a 5c 6b Tolstoy's relationship w i t h his wife in the 3 2 which 3 who .4 where 5 who
days leading up to his death. 6 when
2 2 posting 3 hits 4 talent 5 gig
3 The plot isn't gripping; but it's
б signed 7 label 8 album 9 released 4 2 when 3 whose 4 that/which
beautifully filmed and the actors give
10 single 11 tour 5 that/which б who
great performances.
4 For me, the best t h i n g about the film 5 2 that contains the best pasta recipes
Grammar - More compl ex question
is Christopher Plummer's portrayal of I know. 3 where they serve Bulgarian
Tolstoy. food. 4 whose cooking you admired.
3 2 sort 3 frequently 4 advice 5 when the course begins, б w h o you
5 The film is well w o r t h seeing.
5 director б long wanted to see.
6 2 logical 3 ending 4 expressions
4 2c 3e 4b 5a 6 2 a, b 3b 4a 5 a, b 6b 7b
7 Students'own answers
5 2 What did you look at? 3 Who did 8b
you get it from? 4 What did you pay real time 5
£50 for? 5 Who did you talk to? Grammar Pl us: reduced rel ative clauses
1 2 a tiny 3 five percent 4 majority
6 What did you talk about? 7 1 which is 2 w h o have been 3 that
5 thirteen б minority 7 least 8 most
is 4 which was 5 w h o is б which
6 2 where you lost 3 how long it
2 ( 1 - 3 and 4 - 6 are in any order) were
takes 4 it's difficult to succeed 5 what
1 increase (increase (n)) 2 go up
you think б if they gave out
3 double 4 decrease (decrease (n)) Vocabulary - Travel
7 2 How 3 for 4 is 5 What 6 if 5 fall (fall (n)) б halve (half(n)) 1 Types of holiday: hiking holiday, five
3 2 sharply 3 halved 4 up 5 stayed star city break
'Vocabulary - Writers and writing
pretty much the same б increased Activities/things to do: sunbathing, eat
1 2 publishing deal 3 research out, go sightseeing, take a guided tour,
7 a little 8 risen 9 slightly
4 feedback 5 worldwide б original chilling out
10 doubled
angle 7 point of view 8 plots People: tour guide, travel rep, the locals
9 budgets 10 location exam trainer 7 Places to stay: beach resort, self-catering
1 2 tells 3 speak 4 talked apartment
5 discussed 2 2 room service 3 full board
2 & 3 Correct order: 7, 4, 5, 2, 3 , 1 , 8, б
2 1 interval 2 break 3 pause 4 nightlife 5 hitchhike 6 beaten track
4 1 c He was eighteen. 2 b Science 7 set off 8 landmark
4 place 5 seat б chair 7 viewers
fiction and fantasy stories. 3 d Britain
8 audience 9 spectators
and America. 4 a Eragon. 5 f Have a Reading
holiday. 6 e In 2006. 3 1 tells 2 place 3 plays 4 acting
3 2a 3c
5 scene б says
5 1 / 2Л З / 4X 5? б / 7X 4 1 writer 2 Ireland 3 herself
5 2a 3b 4b 5c ба 7c
4 France/India 5 bicycle
5 1 goat's meat 2 lentils 3 thyme
6 2 That Was Then, This Is Now
Vocabulary - Food and tastes 4 chicken stew
3 Rumble Fish 4 Tex 5 Taming the Star
Runner б Big David, Little David 7 The 1 2 f chicken drumstick/meat 3e 6 1c 2a 3g 4e 5b 6d 7f
Puppy Sister 8 Hawkes Harbor 9 Some watermelon/fruit 4 a muffin/sweet
7 1 / 2? З / 4X 5/ 6/ 7/
of Tim's Stories things 5 b prawn/fish б c aubergine/
vegetable/fruit real time 6
7 2 14 million 3 boyfriend 4 Four
5 location 6 1975 2 2 powder 3 liver 4 garlic 5 tuna 1 2 sorry, but I'm afraid there's nothing
б prawns 1 can do. 3 exchange anything without
8 Id 2c 3b 4 d 5c
3 Tea - a little very little a bit of a receipt. Is that right? 4 it help if I
Writing - A fil m review Biscuits - a few a large number a showed you the police report? 5 sorry,
couple of very few but I don't think that's fair. 6 I make
1 & 2 1 M 2 B 3 B 4 E
a suggestion? Why don't you ask your
3 1 It is over-sentimental and simplistic 4 2 very little 3 a little 4 quite a lot
and the sports scenes are disappointing. 5 a great deal
2 2e 3a 4d 5c
2 John Lee Hancock 3 M ichael Oher, 5 2 a lot of 3 quite a lot of 4 a great
Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy deal of 5 a couple of 6 a few 7 a 3 2 an eloquent presenter
4 M ichael Lewis 5 It relies on the few 8 quite a lot of 9 plenty of 3 informative 4 an annual conference
portrayal of the relationship between 5 various films б fascinating
6 2d 3a 4e 5c
the main characters to keep the viewers
engaged. 6 It could be more political 7 2a little 3 a large number 4 little exam trainer 8
and more dramatic. 5 hardly any б a few 7 few 1 2 clever 3 warm 4 spicy 5 soft
6 affectionate
4 1 a 2b 3a 4a 5a 6b 7b
Vocabulary - Food and tastes
2 2 cool, mild 3 processed, stale
5 Possibl e answers: 1 2c 3e 4a 5d
4 weak/delicate