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Alternating Current (AC) : - Aashik Jha IOM

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Alternating Current (AC)

Current Average Peak RMS Angular
I1 = I0 sin wt 0 I0 I0 ω
I0 0 I0 I0 2ω
I2 = I0sin wt cos wt = sin 2wt
2 2√2

I3 = I0 sin wt + I0 coswt 0 √2I0 I0 ω

Capacitive reactance(Xc) =
Inductive reactance (XL) = 𝝎 L
Pav = Vrms Irms cosf
XL or

In a Capacitive circuit Current L V0 I0
(I) leads voltage(V) by 90 and = cosf
√𝟐 √𝟐
• Voltage(V) leads Current (I) by
90 in an inductive circuit (L)

I or VR or R

XC or

At resonance, XL = XC
Resonance frequency, f =

Quality Factor (Q)

X𝑳 𝒐𝒓 𝑿𝒄
Q.In Nepal the AC voltage is 220V . The peak voltage is : [ MOE 2010]
a. 311V b. 220V
C. 110V d. 350V

Q.An AC having an angular frequency of 1000 rad/ sec is passed through a capacitor of 1mF Capacitance then its
capacitive reactance is [KU 2008]
a. 100 Ω c.200 Ω
b. 500 Ω d. 1000 Ω

For high frequency, capacitor offers

(a) more resistance (b) less resistance
(c) zero resistance (d) None of these
Q.In LCR circuit, the capacitance is changed from C to 4C. For the same resonant
frequency, the inductance should be changed from L to
(a) 2L (c) L/2
(b) L/4 (d) 4L

Q. In a LCR circuit if L= 8H , C= 0.5μF and R= 100 Ω are connected in series then

find the resonant frequency.
A. 200 radian b. 300 radian
c. 400 radian d. 500 radian
Q.If the power factor changes from 1/2 to 1/4, then what is the increase
in impedance in AC?
(a) 20% (b) 50% (c) 25% (d) 100%

Q.The power dissipated in an AC circuit is zero, if the circuit is

a) purely resistive
(b) purely inductive only
(c) either purely inductive or purely capacitive
(d) purely capacitive only
Practice questions

39.The peak value of AC voltage on a 220 V mains is

(a) 240 2V (b) 230 2V 46. In
 a series LCR circuit, the frequency of a 10 V ac voltage
(c) 220 2V (d) 200 2V source is adjusted in such a fashion that the reactance
40 .The time taken by an alternating current of 50 Hz in of the inductor measures 15Ω and that of the capacitor
11 Ω . If R = 3Ω , the potential difference across the series
reaching from zero to its maximum value will be
combination of L and C will be
(a) 0.5 s (b) 0.005 s
(c) 0.05 s (d) 5 s (1) 8 V (2) 10 V
(3) 22 V (4) 52 V
41. The power factor of series L-C -R circuit when at
resonance is 47. In series LR circuit X L = 3R . Now a capacitor with X C = R
(a) zero is added in series. Ratio of new to old power factor is
(b) 0.5 (1) 1 (2) 2
(c) 1.0 1
(3) (4) 2
(d) depends on values of L , C and R 2
8. In
 a circuit L ,C and R are connected in series with an
alternating voltage source of frequency f. The current
4  alternating voltage given by V = 300 2 sin(50t) (in
2. An
leads the voltage by 45°. The value of C is
volts) is connected across a 1 μF capacitor through an ac
ammeter. The reading of the ammeter will be 1 1
(1) (2)
(1) 10 mA (2) 40 mA 2π f ( 2π fL + R ) π f ( 2π fL + R )
(3) 100 mA (4) 15 mA 1 1
(3) (4)
2π f ( 2π fL − R ) π f ( 2π fL − R )
43. The power factor of the circuit shown in the figure is
R = 20 Ω XL = 100 W 49. For
 the series LCR circuit shown in the figure, what is the
resonance frequency and the amplitude of the current at
XC = 20 W the resonating frequency?
40 Ω 8 mH

220 V 20 µF
220 V, 50 Hz
(1) 0.4 (2) 0.2 44 Ω
(3) 0.8 (4) 0.6 -1
(1) 2500 rad s and 5 2 A.
44. In an RLC series circuit shown here, the readings of
voltmeters V1 and V2 are 100 V and 120 V, respectively. (2) 2500 rad s -1 and 5 A.
If source voltage is 130 V, then 5
(3) 2500 rad s -1 and A.
(4) None of these.
50. I  n the circuit shown here, what will be the readings of the
V1 voltmeter and ammeter?

V 100 Ω

(1) voltage across resistor is 50 V. V

(2) voltage across inductor is 86.6 V. 300 V 300 V
(3) voltage across capacitor is 206.6 V.
220 V, 50 Hz
(4) all of these.
(1) 800 V, 2A (2) 300 V, 2A
45. A
 circuit consists of a capacitor and a resistor having
(3) 220 V, 2.2 A (4) 100 V, 2A
resistance R = 220 Ω connected in series. When an
alternating emf of peak voltage V0 = 220 2 V is applied 51. A
 telephone wire of length 200 km has a capacitance of
to the circuit, the peak current in steady state is observed 0.014 μF per km. If it carries an ac of frequency 5 kHz, what
to be I0 = 1 A. The phase difference between the current should be the value of an inductor required to be connected
and the voltage is in series so that the impedance of the circuit is minimum
(1) 30° (2) 45° (1) 0.35 mH (2) 35 mH
(3) 60° (4) 90° (3) 3.5 mH (4) Zero

Chapter 20.indd 842 04/07/20 1:10 PM

2. The natural frequency of an LC circuit is equal to 0. The resonance point in X L - f and X C - f curves is
1 1 XL
(1) LC (2)

α α

2π LC
1 L 1 C
(3) (4) Q f
2π 2π
α α

3. In LCR circuit, the capacitance is changed from C to 4C. XC
For the same resonant frequency, the inductance should (1) P (2) Q
be changed from L to (3) R (4) S
(1) 2L (2) L/2
71. The i–f curve for anti-resonant circuit is
(3) L/4 (4) 4L i
(1) i (2)
64. L, C and R represent physical quantities inductance,
capacitance and resistance, respectively. The
combination representing dimension of frequency is
(1) LC (2) ( LC )-1/2
f f
 L C
(3) i (4) i
(3)   (4)
C L
5. A 10 Ω resistance, 5 mH coil and 10 μF capacitor are joined
in series. When a suitable frequency alternating current
source is joined to this combination, the circuit resonates.
If the resistance is halved, the resonance frequency f f

(1) is halved. (2) is doubled. 7

2. The square root of the product of inductance and
(3) remains unchanged. (4) in quadrupled. capacitance has the dimensions of
(1) length. (2) mass.
66. In the non-resonant LCR series circuit, what will be the
(3) time. (4) no dimensions.
nature of the circuit for frequencies higher than the
resonant frequency? Level 2
(1) Resistive (2) Capacitive
(3) Inductive (4) None of these 7
3. Reactance
 of a capacitor of capacitance C µF for ac α

67. Power factor is maximum in an LCR series circuit when frequency Hz is 25 Ω . The value C is
α α

(1) X L = X C (2) R = 0
(1) 50 μF (2) 25 μF
(3) X L = 0 (4) X C = 0
(3) 100 μF (4) 75 μF
68. An inductor L and a capacitor C are connected in the
circuit as shown in the figure. The frequency of the 74. The
 power factor of an ac circuit having resistance (R)
power supply is equal to the resonant frequency of the and inductance (L) connected in series and an angular
circuit. Which ammeter will read zero ampere? velocity ω is α

L (1) R / ω L α

A1 (2) R /( R 2 + ω 2 L2 )1/2 α

C (3) ω L / R α

(4) R /( R − ω 2 L2 )1/2

A2 7
5. In
 the adjoining ac circuit, the voltmeter whose reading
E = E0 sint
will be zero at resonance is
(1) A1 (2) A 2
(3) A 3 (4) None of these V1 V2 V3

69. The quality factor of LCR circuit having resistance (R) and
inductance (L) at resonance frequency (ω ) is given by α
V5 C
ωL R
(1) (2)
α α

 ωL 
 ωL 
2 (1) V1 (2) V2
(3)   α (4)   α
(3) V3 (4) V4
 R   R 

Chapter 20.indd 844 04/07/20 1:11 PM


R 2 + X C2 = 220 × 220 × 2
39 (c) Here, rms voltage, Vrms = 220 V
X C2 =  2 × ( 220)2  - [ 220]

Using the relation,

Peak voltage VP X C = 220
Vrms = =
2 2 X C 220
tan φ = = = 1 ⇒ φ = 45°
∴ Peak value of AC voltage, R 220
VP = 220 2 V
46. (1) The net voltage of the LCR circuit is
40 (b) I 10 = I (15 -11)2 + 32 ⇒I=2A
T/2 T Then VL - VC = I ( X L - X C ) = 2 (15 − 11) = 8 V
O T/4 ωt
47. (4) Power Factor of the circuit is given by R/Z; power
factor for series LR circuit is
An alternating current is one whose
magnitude changes continuously with R
cosφ 1 = = 10 ,
time between zero and a maximum 9R 2 + R 2
value and whose direction reverses When capacitor is added in series, new power
periodically. The relation between
frequency ( f ) and time (T ) is factor is
1 1 R
T = = = 0.02 s cosφ2 = = 5
R + ( 3R − R )
f 50 2

It is clear from the figure, time taken to

On solving, we get ratio of new to old power factor as

reach the maximum value is

T 0.02 cosφ2 1 10
= = 0.005 s = . = 2
4 4 cosφ1 5 1
41 (c) At resonance, voltage and current
are in phase. Average power of circuit
is given by 48. (1) tan φ =
P = Erms × I rms × cos φ R

where, Erms and I rms are root mean  1 

  − 2π fL
square value of voltage and current and 2π fC 
⇒ tan 45° = 
cos φ is power factor. R
In a series L- C-R circuit at resonance, 1
voltage and current being in same ⇒C=
phase, therefore φ = 0. 2π f ( 2π fL + R )
Hence, power factor = cos φ = cos 0° = 1. 49. (2) Resonance frequency is

Vrms V0 1 1
42. (4) I rms = = × ωC = 15 mA ω= = = 2500 rad s−1
−3 −6
XC 2 LC 8 × 10 × 20 × 10

43. (4) Power factor is Resonance current IS

R 20 + 40 60 V 220
= = = 0.6 = =5 A
Z 100 R 44
60 + (100 - 20)
2 2

(Req = 20 + 40 = 60 W)
50. (3) V 2 = VR2 +(VL - VC )2 ⇒ VR = V = 220 V
44. (4) VR = V - V2 = 130 - 120 = 50 V
2 2 2 2
Also, i = = 2.2 A
VL = V12 - VR 2 = 1002 - 502 = 86.6 V 100

VC = V2 + VL = 206.6 V 51. (4) Z = ( R )2 + ( X L - X C )2 ;

45. (2) We have R = 10 Ω;
220 2 X L = ω L = 2000 × 5 × 10−3 = 10 Ω
R 2 + X C2 1 1
XC = = = 10 Ω
ωC 2000 × 50 ×10−6

That is, Z = 10 Ω

Chapter 20.indd 851 04/07/20 1:11 PM

62. (2) At resonance, XL= XC, thus, ω L = ωC .

1 1 L
63. (3) ω = = ⇒ L2 = 1
L1C1 L2C 2 4

64. (2) Frequency = . Therefore, the combination
2π LC
which represents dimension of frequency is

= ( LC )-1/2
5. (3) Resonant frequency =
6 , which does not
depend on resistance. 2π LC

66. (3) In non-resonant circuits, the impedance is

 1 
R2 + ω C - 
 ωL 

with rise in frequency Z increases, that is, current
decreases, so the circuit behaves as an inductive circuit.

67. (1) An LCR series circuit at resonance ( X L = X C ) behaves

as resistive circuit.

 a resistive circuit, power factor is always


68. (3) In LC parallel circuit at resonance iL = iC; so, the net

current from source is given by |iL – iC| and thus the
net current is zero.

69. (1) Quality factor is given by (Q), which is the ratio of

voltage across inductor or capacitor to resistor at
resonance in LCR series circuit.

70. (3) At resonance: X L = X C .

71. (2) For anti-resonant circuit, the current is minimum

at resonant frequency and at frequencies other than
resonant frequency, the current rises with frequency.

72. (3) Time period of LC circuit oscillations is T = 2π LC

⇒ dimensions of LC is Time.

73. (2) cosφ = = 2
Z ( R + ω L2 )1/2

1 1 1
74. (1) X C = ⇒C = = = 50 μF
2π fC 2π fX C 2 × π × 400 × 25
75. (4) At resonance, net voltage across L and C is zero.

Chapter 20.indd 853 04/07/20 1:11 PM

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