Attack of The Jelly Monster Instructions

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English Version
A big thank you to Gaspard Fontanille and Clément Cadinot for their precious help and support since the beginning. Thank you
to the “Le Clétopard” association for all the playtests. To Roméo for his patience when proofreading the rules. Thank you to Max,
Arthur, Rodrig, as well as Tapimoket and Linomoket. Last but not least, thank you to all my family for accompanying me on my projects
— Antonin Boccara
List of Libellud playtesters :
Adrien BAUDET, Alexis CHAPEAU, Annalisa LETTIERI, Barbara MARAIS, Cédric BERNARD, Cléo JAGUENAUD, Elisabeth MARIN, Elsa GROLLEAU,
Emmanuel BIRE, Guillaume PENIN, Lauranne SCHOUWEY , Maïwenn LE MARTRET, Paul FERRET, Remi LOUVEL, Sarah PIERDON, Stico, Théo

is wreaking havoc in our city!

Take cover! A gigantic gelatinous alien
own hands: a drone is slowly
The army is taking the matter into their
sucking up the monster to send it back into
space. However, the government
needs to collect as many samples
wants to study the alien creature and
your positions! Deploy your squad
as possible before it disappears. Hold 35 Dice
jelly and watch your back… The
to the different districts to collect the (7 of each color)
competition is fierce!

1 10-second
Sand Timer
5 Player Screens

8 District Boards

7 Target 1 City Center Board 80 Jelly Tokens (45 1-point 1 Drone (the round 30 Jelly-pod
Markers (3 pieces, to assemble) tokens, 25 5-point tokens, tracker) and 1 Tokens
and 10 10-point tokens) Round Marker
District Layout

For the sake of simplicity, the rules use the following game terms:

1 D
 istrict Entrance: This is where players place their dice. Each district entrance is located
5 above its district, across the yellow and black outer wall.

 2 Zones: Each district has 3 zones, each showing a different reward.

 3 First Zone: The first zone is always the zone that is the closest to the district entrance.

4 T
 arget Reward: This is the reward shown in the zone that is next to the district’s
2 Target marker 4b. In this example, the target reward is worth 7 Jelly.

5 C
 ontrolling Player: The player with the highest dice total in a district is the controlling
4b player. In this example, players have the following dice totals:
Gina 7 – Sam 4 – Charlie 3.
4 Gina is the controlling player of the district.


Attach a District board (with either side up)

to each connector of the city center.
Connect the city center pieces Place the Drone between
based on the number of players any two districts, with
and place the assembled city its arrow pointing to the
Note :
center in the center of the table. If this is your first game, we recommend district on its right.
using only districts with green lights on
the outer wall.

5 Players 4 Players 3 Players

Place the Round marker
on space “1” of the Drone.

Place a Target marker next to

the first zone of each district.

Create a stack of facedown

Jelly-pods on the city center and
place the sand timer next to it.

Each player chooses a color

and takes the player screen
and the seven dice of that

Sort the Jelly tokens by value

(1, 5, and 10 points) and
place them near the board to
Each player takes two
create the supply.
1-point Jelly tokens.

Object of the Game
Each round, players simultaneously deploy their squads to the different districts—by rolling and placing their dice—to collect jelly. At the end of each
round, players determine who gains jelly by comparing dice total for each district. At the end of the fourth round, the player with the most jelly wins.


Score : 6-5 Score : 11-5-5

Reward : Reward :

Blue player, take control of the district by having a But be careful, your opponents are playing at the same time
higher dice total than your opponents! as you!

Score : 5-6-5 Score : 9-6-5

Reward : Reward :

At any time, place a “1” or a “2” to remove a die from the

… and place a “3” or a “4” to change the district’s reward.

Score : 4-12 Score : 9-6-5

Reward : Reward :

Spread your dice over multiple districts to gain more rewards or After placing all your dice, lock down a district and flip the sand
ruin an opponent’s strategy with a single action. timer — 10 seconds left until the end of the round!
Playing a Round
Each round, players act simultaneously, in no specific turn order.
Each player grabs their seven dice. When players are ready, the oldest player starts counting down out loud to announce the start of the round.
When the round starts, each player acts as follows:

1 Roll and Place Dice

Repeat this step until you have placed all your dice: Tips:
- The inside of your player screen - Feel free to lift your player screen
shows a summary of die effects. to more easily grab the dice.
Make sure it is always facing you.

Roll all your available Either:

dice inside your player • Place one of your dice
screen. on a district entrance.
Then, use the die’s
effect (optional).
• Do not place a die.

2 Placing Your Last Die

After placing your last die, you MAY lock down a district by placing
your player screen around the dice placed on that district entrance.
Until next round, players cannot place dice on THIS district entrance.

Note: Once placed, you cannot remove your player screen from
that district.

After a player has placed all their dice, they MAY flip the sand timer.
If they do, the remaining players have 10 seconds to roll and place their
dice. (The sand timer may be flipped only once per round.)

3 Running Out of Time

When the sand timer runs out, all players must immediately stop rolling
and placing dice. All dice that players did not place are not taken into
account for the rest of the round.

Players then score the round.

Placing a Die
When you place a die, place it on a district entrance of your choice. Then, you MAY use the
effect matching the die’s value.

Using a die effect is optional but, when using a die effect, you must resolve it immediately
after placing the die, not later during the round. Once placed, you cannot retrieve or
move your die to another district entrance.

Reminder: You cannot place a die on a district entrance if that district is locked down by a player’s screen.

Tip: When scoring a district, dice of the same color showing the same value cancel each other. Place your dice carefully!

Die Effects:

or or or
You MAY remove any other die You MAY move THIS district’s These dice have no
already placed on THIS district Target marker to an adjacent zone. effect.
entrance. Place the removed die on Note: Even if they do not have
the city center. an effect, these die values are

Example: Example:

Sam places a “1” on the district entrance. Gina places a “4” on the district
He chooses to use its effect: he takes entrance. She chooses to use its effect:
Gina’s “5” from this district and places it she moves the Target marker to the
on the city center. adjacent zone.

Scoring a Round
After the sand timer runs out, return any player screen placed on the
district entrances to their players. Then, score each district and the city
center as follows:

District Scoring

Starting with the district indicated by the Drone and proceeding clockwise, Example:
score each district as follows:

1  Canceled Dice: If multiple dice of the same color show the same value, they
cancel each other out: return those dice to the corresponding player and place
them inside their player screen. Those dice are not taken into account for
the rest of the round.

2 Reward: The controlling player immediately gains the target reward. Charlie placed two “6” on the district. He removes these
In case of a tie, each tied player gains the reward. two dice and places them inside his player screen.
See “District Rewards” on page 8 for more information about rewards. Then, players compare their dice totals:
Sam 4 – Charlie 3 – Gina 1
Note: Be careful! Certain rewards have negative effects for the controlling player. Sam is the controlling player: he gains the target reward
and takes 6 Jelly.
City Center Scoring

The player with the most dice on the city center takes the top Jelly-pod Example:
from the stack, secretly looks at it, and places it facedown in front of them.
Gina has three dice on the
city center and Charlie has
In case of a tie, each tied player takes a Jelly-pod from the stack. two.. Gina takes the top
Jelly-pod from the stack,
Important: When scoring the city center, look at the number of dice, not the looks at it secretly, and
dice values (unlike scoring districts). places it facedown in front
of herself.

Prepare the Next Round End of Game

If it is the end of the fourth round, the game ends. Otherwise, proceed with At the end of the fourth round, the game ends. Each player
the following steps: calculates their final score by adding the total value of their
Jelly-pods to their Jelly tokens.
Return the 7 dice to each player.
: At the end of the game, roll a die for each you have to
Rotate the city center and the Drone 90° so that each player is facing a determine its value. The die result is the number of Jelly contained
different district.
in that Jelly-pod.
Place each Target marker back next to the first zone of each district.
The player with the most Jelly wins.
In case of a tie, the tied players share the victory.
Advance the Round marker one space.
District Rewards

This is a summary of the icons representing the rewards of the different zones. Some rewards show multiple icons, in which case, resolve them one at a
time, from left to right.

Take the indicated number of Jelly from the supply.

Each player gives you 1 or 2 Jelly.
Note: = 0 Jelly.
In case of a tie, the tied controlling players do not
give Jelly to each other.
Take the top Jelly-pod from the stack. Secretly
look at it, and place it facedown in front of you.
Note: If there are not enough Jelly-pods for all tied
players, none of them takes a Jelly-pod.
Give 1 Jelly to each other player.
In case of a tie, the tied controlling players do not
Choose one of your Jelly-pods and return it to the box. give Jelly to each other.

Note: If you do not have enough Jelly to give to the other players,
choose who you give your Jelly to.
Take 2 Jelly from the supply for each
Jelly-pod you have.
This reward changes depending on the number
of dice placed by the controlling player.

Gain the target reward from the adjacent C In example C , if the controlling player placed
district. Score the district following the normal 1 or 2 dice, they take 7 Jelly. If they placed 3 or
rules. The arrow indicates which adjacent more dice, they take a Jelly-pod.
district you gain the reward from ( or )
or if you choose the adjacent district .

A Podium Rewards
Example :
Gina is the controlling player in The following rewards can be gained by more than just the
district A , She gains the controlling player(s) based on their ranking.
target reward from the Examples :
adjacent district B . Each player with the highest dice total gains .
as indicated by the
arrow: she takes B Each player with second highest dice total gains
6 Jelly. (regardless of the number of players with the
highest dice total).

Each player with the highest dice total gains .

Each other player with at least one die on this district
Note: In case of a tie for the reward, the tied controlling players entrance gains (regardless of their dice total).
choose together which district to gain the target reward from. If they
cannot agree, the reward is treated as .

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