ANNUAL EXAMINATION Grade 3 (2021-22) Set-1
ANNUAL EXAMINATION Grade 3 (2021-22) Set-1
ANNUAL EXAMINATION Grade 3 (2021-22) Set-1
I. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (6X1=6)
Florence Nightingale was popularly known as the Lady with the Lamp. She was sent to
Crimea. Britain and France were fighting against Russia. She was called to take over the
Barrack Hospital, which was in a very bad shape. Though the task was difficult. Florence happily
accepted it as the will of God.
She collected thirty-eight nurses and started for Scutary. She found the conditions at the
hospital horrible. Florence worked day and night. She would visit the patients with an old Italian
lamp in her hand. Patients loved her a lot. They kissed her shadow on the wall.
When the war ended, Florence came back to England. The people of England had been eagerly
waiting for this great angel. However, she never liked crowds and grand receptions. Although
she was exhausted after the war, she continued her efforts to develop the profession of nurses.
She established a school for nursing. Queen Victoria honoured her. She grew weaker and
weaker and on August 13, 1910, she left this world for ever.
6. Write the synonyms of the words from the above given passage:
a. tough - ____________________
II. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (6X1=6)
London is the largest city in Europe. It has held this title for over four hundred years. Over seven
million people call London, the capital of the United Kingdom, home. One in ten people, who live
in the United Kingdom, live in London. Three hundred fifty thousand people travel each day into
London to work. Due to London's location, it is very dry all year. Although it is dry, London is often
very cloudy. On average it rains mildly just about every other day. More than a hundred of the
world's major companies have their headquarters in London, making the city a major world
influence. Most people from London work in a job that involves printing or publishing.
Section – B
Section – C
Grammar -20
1. correct ________________________________
2. reply ________________________________
3. danger ________________________________
4. noisy ________________________________
IV. Circle the adverb and underline the verb it qualifies. (4x1/2=2)
1. haven’t _______________________________________
2. they’d _______________________________________
______ man from California was spending _____ month in Britain. One day he booked
_____ hotel in Cheltenham, old town in _____ West of England. Then he went out to
look around ______ place. But _____ man didn’t return to ______ hotel. He
disappeared, leaving ______ suitcase full of clothes behind.
VII. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the adjectives given in the
brackets. (4x1=4)
3. I think that King Kong was the __________ (bad) film I have ever seen.
VIII. Fill in the blanks by choosing suitable interjections from the options.
Section – D
Textual - 30
4. “Up in the sky, There’s plenty of room and its _____________ and
II. State whether the following statements are true or false. (4x1/2=2)
2. Janie and Bill entered the forest and sat on a branch. _________________
III. Answer the following questions by choosing from the options. (6x1=6)
b. She went away to make her own snowman after Jack refused her help.
a. Bill and Janie decided to gift their mother some pretty flowers.
c. Bill and Janie decided to gift their mother a beautiful flower pot.
a. Apart from Jack’s mother Rip was watching Jack build his snowman.
b. Apart from Jack’s mother rabbit was watching Jack build his snowman.
c. Apart from Jack’s mother Naoko was watching Jack build his snowman.
2. What advice did Mr. Wise Old Owl give to the children? Do you like the advice? Why?
3. Why did the people hurry aside when they saw the table and the chair come their
4. What terrible thing happened to Jack’s snowman? Was he able to solve the problem
on his own? How did he solve his problem?
1. Why were the people strangely dressed when Rip came to town after his adventure?
VII. Make sentences of your own using the given word. (2x1=2)
1. decorate
2. cheerful
Section – E
Spelling (6)
2. b __ a __ g __ n ___ (boasting)
3. t __ i __ k __ t (bushy area)
4. h __ s __ e __ e __ (hurried)
Handwriting - 2
The Flamingo is one of the most striking birds you can ever see. It is about four feet tall.
The body is white while the wings are a beautiful rosy pink, edged with black. The legs are
also rosy pink. The neck resembles that of a swan. A flamingo’s bill is quite unusual. It is
curved in the middle. This helps it to collect mud. It is bright pink on top and black